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Unit 2 Mistake to Success

A Famous Quote

Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. ——Winston Churchill 成功就是经历一次一次失败后,热情依旧。


TEXT A Spilt Milk

cry over spilt milk express regret for sth. that has happened and cannot be remedied 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔 New Words

spill v. (especially of liquid) to flow over the edge of the container by accident (使)洒出,泼出,溢出

respond v. to do something as a reaction to something that somebody has said or done 作出反应,响应 interview v. to ask somebody questions about their life, opinions, etc., especially on the radio or television for a newspaper or magazine (媒体)采访;访问

creative adj. involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art创造(性)的;创作的

occur v. to happen 发生;出现

remove v. to take something or somebody away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉

refrigerator n. a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh 冰箱

grip n. an act, of holding somebody/something tightly 紧握;紧抓

slippery adj. difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的;滑的抓不住(或站不稳,难以行走)的

content n. the things that are contained in something 所容纳之物;所含之物

veritable adj. a word used to emphasize that somebody/something can be compared to somebody/ something else that is more exciting, more impressive, etc. 十足的;名副其实的;不折不扣的

yell v. to shout loudly, for example, because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain 喊;大喊;吼叫

lecture n. a long angry talk that somebody gives to one person or a group of people because they have done something wrong(冗长的)教训,训斥,谴责

mess n. a dirty or untidy state 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁 rarely adv. not very often 罕有;很少;不常

puddle n. a small amount of water or other liquid, especially rain, that has collected in one place on the ground 水洼;小水坑

eventually adv. at the end of a period of time or a series of events 最后;终于

restore v. to bring somebody/something back to a former condition, place or position 使复原;使复位,使复职

sponge n. a piece of artificial or natural material that is soft and light and full of holes and can hold water easily, used for washing or cleaning 海绵块

effectively adv. in a way that produces the intended result or a successful result 有效的 tiny adj. very small in size or amount 极小的;微小的

discover v. to find out about something or information about something 了解到;认识到;查明

grasp v. to take a firm hold of somebody/ something 抓紧;抓牢

lip n. the edge of a container or a hollow place in the ground (容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿 renowned adj. famous and respected 有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的

remark v. to say or write a commend about something/somebody 谈论;评论

opportunity n. a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something 机会;时机

scientific adj. connected with science 科学(上)的;关于科学的 valuable adj. very usefu1 很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的 Phrases and Expressions

in this manner in the way which something is done or happens 用这种方式

set ?apart from to make somebody/ something different from or better than others 区别;使与众不同 重点词汇讲解

spill v. (especially of liquid) to flow over the edge of the container by accident (使)洒出,泼出,溢出

eg: The ink spilt all over the desk. 墨水洒了一桌子。

Who has spilt/spilled the milk? 谁把牛奶泼出来了? 用法:

cry over spilt milk express regret for sth. that has happened and cannot be remedied. 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔

eg: You've broken it now; it's no use crying over spilt milk! 你现在既已把它损坏了,后悔是没有用的! interview v. to ask somebody questions about their life, opinions, etc., especially on the radio or television for a newspaper or magazine (媒体)采访;访问

eg: We interviewed 20 people for the job. 为这份工作我们对20人进行了面试。 衍生:

inter- 在?之间 internet 互联网 international 国际的 interview 面试 -ee 动作的受动者

interviewee n. person who is interviewed (面试中)受审核者;被接见者;被采访者 employee 雇员,examinee 考生

-er 动作的执行者

interviewer n. person who conducts an interview 主持面试者;接见者;采访者 employer雇主,examiner 考官 re- = again = 再 rename 重命名

replace 替代

remove v. to take something or somebody away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉 用法:

~ sth./sb. (from sth.)

eg: remove the dishes (from the table) (从餐桌上)撤去碗碟

restore v. to bring somebody/something back to a former condition, place or position 使复原;使复位,使复职


~ sb./sth. to sth.

eg: restore sacked workers to their old jobs 使被解雇的工人复工

remark v. to say or write a commend about something/somebody 谈论;评论 用法:

~ on/upon sth./ sb.

eg: I couldn't help remarking on her youth. 我脱口而出说她那么年轻。 Spilt Milk P1

Have you heard of the story about spilt milk? Well, we all know there is no use crying over spilt milk. But this story is different. I would hope all parents would respond in this manner. P2

I recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs. He was interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he was so much more creative than the average person; what set him so far apart from others? P3

He responded that, in his opinion, it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchenfloor — a veritable sea of milk! P4

When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture, or punishing him, she said, \what a great wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk. Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?\


Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, \make a messlike this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge, a towel, or a mop. Which do you prefer?\He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilt milk.


His mother then said, \a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the back yard and fill the bottle withwater and, see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.\the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson! P7

The renowned scientist remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment \we usually learn something valuable from it.


Wouldn't it be great if all parents would respond the way Robert's mother responded to him? EXERCISES

I Check your comprehension

1.This is a story about a famous research scientist who ____. A)looked smarter than the average person B)was an unordinary boy when he was young C)became well-known after an interview

D)achieved great success in the medical field [答疑编号506430020201:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本题是对这则故事主人公身份事迹的考查。我们可以从课文第二段第一句中找 到答案——who had made several very important medical breakthroughs,即一个在医学领域颇有成就的著名科学家,因此答案为D.

2.Why did he get the milk spilt all over the kitchen floor? A)He failed to remove the bottle and it fell. B)He was too young to carry the heavy bottle. C)He had no confidence in taking the bottle.

D)He loosed his grip on the bottle deliberately. [答疑编号506430020202:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本题是对细节的考查。我们可以从课文第三段第二句找到答案,he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, 因为他没有抓住光滑的瓶子,瓶子掉了,因此A正确;D项前面说法正确,但是deliberately意为“故意地”,明显不合文意。答案为A.

3.How did his mother respond to his mistake?

A)She punished him by making him clean the kitchen. B)She shouted to stop him from doing anything. C)She allowed him to play in the milk first.

D)She taught him how to carry the bottle immediately. [答疑编号506430020203:针对该题提问]





4.The mother and the son went out in the back yard to ______. A)find some water to clean the bottle

B)find a way to carry the bottle effectively C)search for another bottle to hold the milk

D)see how to fill the bottle without dropping it [答疑编号506430020204:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本题着重考查细节。我们首先可以找出提问句子是在文章第六段第二句,答案 在其后面,see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it,译为“看是否能够找到一个方法来拿住它而不掉下来”,因此正确答案为B.

5.It is said in the passage that mistakes give chances to ______. A)know the truth clearly B)learn something new C)do some experiments

D)teach a child a lesson [答疑编号506430020205:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】本题是对文章主旨的考查。通过阅读文章第七段第二句可以得到答案,即he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new,译为“他认识到了这些错误正是从中学习新知识的机会”。因此B为正确答案。

III Bridging the Gap 介词用法

介词 +宾语(名词性形式)

in summer, in Beijing, in the first place

名词 +介词 +宾语形容词 +介词 +宾语动词 +介词 +宾语

eg: I teach in a university in Beijing and I am fond of my job. 动词用法

主语 +不及物动词

eg: My cellphone doesn't work.我的手机坏了。

主语 +不及物动词 +介词 +宾语

eg: Look at time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago.瞧,都什么时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了。


【答案解析】译文:当看到小丑的时候,孩子们突然爆发出咯咯的笑声。explode with是固定搭配,“爆发、突发”。答案为with.

4.He tried to use his own weight to push the attacker off but he was _____________ balance. [答疑编号506430020528:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】译文:他试图用自己的重量把进攻者推走,但是他失去平衡了。off balance是固定搭配,意思是“失去平衡”。答案为off.

5.I used to stay ___________________ late with my mom and watch movies. [答疑编号506430020529:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】译文:我曾经和我妈妈一起熬夜看电影。stay up 是固定词语搭配,意思是“熬夜”。答案为up.

6.The discovery of the new drug is________________ great significance for people. [答疑编号506430020530:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】译文:新药品的发现对人类有重大意义。be of + n.结构相当于形容词的作用,因此横线处填of,意思是“有重大意义的”。答案为of.


Section A

Directions: The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent. Improve them. 1.Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as being a great scientist. [答疑编号506430020531:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as a great


【答案解析】being 和前面的was使用重复,因此应该删去being。答案为Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as a great scientist.

2.Roger plays with rabbits but also hunts them. This is one reason why Roger likes rabbits. [答疑编号506430020532:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Roger plays with rabbits but also hunts them. This is the reason why Roger

likes rabbits.

【答案解析】why引导的从句对前面的先行词起解释作用,因此要用定冠词the。答案为Roger plays with rabbits but also hunts them. This is the reason why Roger likes rabbits.

3.Hanging by their tails from the branches, the children gazed at the monkeys. [答疑编号506430020533:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】The children gazed at the monkeys, whose tails were hung from the branches. 【答案解析】前后两个句子的主语要保持一致,很明显本题两个句子主语分别为monkeys 和 children,可换为以children为主语,以定语从句的形式引出从句。答案为:The children gazed at the monkeys, whose tails were hung from the branches.

4.Last night I had my first taste of sake(日本清酒). It is a Japanese beverage made from rice. [答疑编号506430020534:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】Last night I had my first taste of sake, which is a Japanese beverage made from rice.

【答案解析】which引导的宾语从句,修饰先行词sake,答案为:Last night I had my first taste of sake, which is a Japanese beverage made from rice.

5.John Wayne was the biggest box-office attraction of his time who appeared in over 200 movies. [答疑编号506430020535:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】John Wayne, who appeared in over 200 movies, was the biggest box-office

attraction of his time.

【答案解析】后面的定语从句修饰的先行词应为John Wayne,因此应将其调到主语之后。答案为:John Wayne, who appeared in over 200 movies, was the biggest box-office attraction of his time.

Section B

Directions: Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph.

______________________________________________. A good starting point is narrowing down the type of car you want or need. Be realistic. You may envision yourself cruising around town in a little convertible, but that won't leave much room for the kids and dogs. Once you've settled on the basic vehicle, do some research to find out which vehicles have good reliability ratings. The Internet and books can help you pick out the high maintenance turkeys. The next step is finding the model you are looking for. Used car lots will give you an idea of price, but they can be expensive and full of used car salesmen. Check your local paper, car buyers' magazines and the Internet. When you finally track down what looks good, arrange to have your mechanic inspect it. Never omit this step. After your mechanic gives the car the OK, all that's left is to haggle over the price. [答疑编号506430020536:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】There are several steps to purchase a suitable car for you.

【答案解析】本题是要求给本段补充首句。由于首句一般是主旨句,因此我们先通读全文看 下本文主要内容,本文主要是介绍了怎么买适合的车。然后从第二句a starting point,第六句的the next step,我们可以具体得出本文讲述的是买到合适的汽车的步骤。

