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高考英语口语考试训练材料1 疑问句


一 疑问句的构成 一般疑问句:

Are you a student? Did you have a good time in Japan? Will you go to the supermarket? Have you read this book before? Can you give me a hand? 一般疑问句一般用“yes”或“no”来回答。 特殊疑问句:

一般结构是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句 问人物:Who will hold the party?

问时间: When is the library open? What are the business hours? How long will the meeting last? 问地点:Where can I buy some potatoes? What places will you plan to visit?

问事件: What will you do in the bookstore this afternoon? What subject do you like best? 问方式: How do you go there? 问原因: Why do you prefer to travel by air?

问价钱: How much is the shirt? How much will the trip cost? 问数量: How many students will attend the lecture? 但提问主语部分的特殊疑问句采用陈述句的词序。如: Who is reading a book at the window? 谁在窗户下念书? 提问修饰主语的定语时也采用这种结构。如:

Whose children came here yesterday? 谁的孩子昨天来这里了?

高考英语口语考试训练材料2 模拟试题一

考前准备: 耳机, 麦克风, 测试录音设备(是否清晰) 考试过程:

一 口语测试开场白

Hello, Welcome to PETS 2 speaking test! My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you! 二 询问考生个人信息

以下四个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。 1. What’s your name, please? My name is …

2. Where do you study? I study in Kunming No. 10 Middle School.

3. What projects do you study? I study Chinese, Mathematics, English , Politics, History and Geography. 4. What subject do you like best? I like… best. 三 场景一: 安排旅行计划

You are going to have a trip. And Li Ming wants to know something about it. Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show you went to a travel agency. After you watch the moving pictures, Li Ming will


ask you 5 questions. Please answer the 5 questions about your trip. 以下五个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。 旅行行程单

1目的地:西藏 ---Where do you plan to go? --- I plan to go to Tibet. 2交通工具:飞机 ---How do you go there? --- I go there by air / plane. 3出发日期:5月2日 ---When do you set off? --- I am leaving on May 2.

4所需费用:2000元左右 ---How much will the trip cost? --- The trip will cost me about 2000 yuan. 5所需行李:衣服,药品,照相机等

---What luggage do you need to take? --- I need to take clothes, medicine, camera and other things 考生接着三个回答相关问题:

1. What places have you been to already? And where do you plan to go next, Why? I have already been to … And I plan to … because …

2. How do you often go travelling? By plane or by train?

I often go travelling by train (because I can enjoy the view all the way). 3. Do you think it is a good time to travel during the Spring Festival? Yes, we have a lot of time to relax ourselves during travels. 四 场景二: 去邮局寄包裹

Li Ming wants to mail a parcel. And you want to know something about it. Now, Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show Li Ming at the post office. After you watch the moving pictures, you will ask Li Ming 5 questions.

以下五个问题由考生提问, 计算机回答。 包裹单

1. 目的地 ---What place do you want to mail the parcel to? ---I want to mail it to New York, America. 2.包裹重量 --- How much does it weigh? / Can you tell me the weight of it? ---It is about 1 kilogram. 3.邮寄方式 --- How do you want it mailed? ---I want to mail it by air.

4.包裹内容 --- What are (contained) in the parcel? ---There are some books and files. 5.付费方式 --- How do you pay for it? ---I will pay for it by credit card. 考生接着三个回答相关问题:

1. What will you do if the parcel you mail is lost or damaged? I will talk with the post office about it. 2. What do you usually do at the post office? I often post letters or cards to my friends.

3. Would you like to send letters or send emails, why? I prefer to send emails. They can sent out in a few seconds.



考前准备: 耳机, 麦克风, 测试录音设备(是否清晰) 考试过程:

一 口语测试开场白

Hello, Welcome to PETS 2 speaking test! My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you! 二 询问考生个人信息

以下四个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。 1. What’s your name, please? My name is …

2. Where do you study? I study in Kunming Guanghua Private School.

3. What projects do you study? I study Chinese, Mathematics, English, Politics, History and Geography. 4. What subject do you like best? I like… best. 三 场景一: 去书店买书

You are going to buy some English books. And Li Ming wants to know something about it. Now you will watch some moving pictures. They show you went to a bookstore. After you watch the moving pictures, Li Ming will ask you 5 questions. Please answer the 5 questions about what you saw there. 以下五个问题由计算机提问,考生回答。 1 外文书店

---Where do you usually go if you want to buy some English books? ---I will go to the foreign bookstore. 2 营业时间:平时:9:00-17:00,周末:9:00-20:00 ---What are the business hours?

---It is open from 9 a.m. to 17 p.m. during weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. on weekends. 3 各个语种的外文图书

---What books do they sell in the store? ---They sell different kinds of foreign language books. 4 和平路58号 ---Where is the foreign bookstore? --- No, 58, He Ping road. 5 5路公汽 ---How can I get there? ---You can get there by taking bus No, 5. 考生接着三个回答相关问题:

1. What kind of shop do you prefer, a large supermarket or a small shop in your neighborhood? I prefer to go to a large supermarket (because I can buy more things).

2. Do you like to buy things online, why or why not? Yes, I like it. Because things I buy are delivered very quickly. No, I don’t like it. Because the quality of things is not guaranteed. 3. Can you tell me something about your favourite shop?

My favourite shop is Wal-Mart which can offer us a wide range of goods. 四 场景二: 筹备生日聚会

Li Ming is planning a party. And you want to know something about it. Now, Now you will watch some


moving pictures. They show Li Ming has just finished some invitation cards. After you watch the moving pictures, you will ask Li Ming 5 questions. 以下五个问题由考生提问, 计算机回答。

1. 什么聚会? ---What is the party about? ---It’s my birthday party.

2.聚会时间? ---When will you hold the party? ---It will be held on Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m 3.聚会地点? ---Where will the party be held? ---The party will be held in my house. 4.聚会活动内容?

---What will you do at the party? ---We can sing songs, dance, chat with friends, play cards and play games. 5.参加者? --- Who will attend the party? ---My classmates and friends are welcome. 考生接着三个回答相关问题: 1. What do you usually do on weekends?

--- I often read books, watch TV or visit my friends. 2. How do young people enjoy themselves during holidays?

--- They enjoy themselves by going out for picnic or playing computer games. 3. Do you like being with friends or staying at home after school, why? ---I like being with friends because we can talk about everything. ---I like staying at home because I can have a good rest.

高考英语口语考试训练材料3 情景会话

一 约会(making appointments)

A. Will you be free tomorrow? Do you have time this afternoon? How about tomorrow morning?

When/ Where shall we meet? Could we meet at 4:30? Let’s make it 4:30. What time is convenient for you? I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Jones. B. ① Yes, I’ll be free then. All right. See you then.

② I’m afraid I have no time then. Sorry, I won’t be free then. But I’ll be free tomorrow. 二 就餐(Having meals)

A. Would you like something to eat/ drink? What would you like to have?

Would you like some more fish? Help yourself to some fish.

Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

B. ① Yes, I’d like a drink. I’d like rice and chicken. Just a little, please. Can I have some more soup? It’s so delicious. Thank you. I prefer noodles to rice. I like green tea.

② No, thank you. I’ve had enough. I’m full, thank you. It’s very delicious, but I can’t eat any more. 三 就医( Seeing the doctor)

A. What’s the matter? What seems to be the trouble? Do you have a fever?

How long have you felt like this? It’s nothing serious. Take this medicine there times a day. You will be all right /well soon. Give up smoking and keep on taking more exercises.


B. I have a headache/cough/fever. I feel terrible/ bad/ horrible/awful. I don’t feel well.

I’ve got a pain here. It hurts here. I don’t feel like eating. I can’t sleep well. 四.购物(Shopping)

A. Can/ May I help you? What can I do for you? How many/ much would you like? What colour/ size/ kind would you like? What about this one? Here’s your change. B. I want/I’d like a pair of shoes. How much is it/are they? May I try it on?

It’s too big/small. Sorry, it’s too expensive. Do you have any other colours/sizes/kinds?

Two and a half kilos/ pounds, please. That’s fine, I’ll take it. Just have a look. Well, I’ll think about it. 五 问路(Asking the way)

A. Excuse me. Where’s the washroom? Can you tell me how to get to the post office?

Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park? Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of china? Excuse me. Could you the way to the station, please? How can I get to No.4 Middle School? B. ① It’s over there. It’s about 400 metres from here.

Go down this street until you see the tall red building. Turn right/left at the first/ second crossing/corner. You can’t miss it. You can take bus No.103. You’d better take a taxi. ② Sorry. I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. 六 谈论天气(Talking about weather)

A. What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather in Beijing?

What a cold/ hot day today! It’s a nice/ fine/beautiful/horrible day today. B. It’s sunny/ cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy. It’s getting cool/ cold/ warm/ hot. 七.偏爱和爱好(Preference and hobbies)

I prefer tea. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? I prefer tea to coffee. I’d prefer to go by train. I like English better/ the best. My favourite subject is physics. I’d rather drink coffee than tea. Where would you rather go, London or Tokyo? 八.时间(Time)

A. Excuse me. What’s the time, please? Excuse me. What time is it? Have you got the time? When did you come to china? What time did you get up everyday?

B. It’ half past five./twenty to nine. I came to china in 1998. I get up at 6 o’clock. 频度(Frequency)

A. How often do you go to movies?

B. I go to the movie once a week. I often go to movies. 九 空间(Space) 位置(Position) A. Where is the picture?

B. It’s on/at/above/in/under/beside/near/behind the table. He sits at the back of the room.


The lab is in the center of the school. 方向(Direction)

A. Which is the way to the station? Where is the train/bus going?

Where are you going? Are you going up/down?

B. Go down this street, and turn left/right at the first crossing. The train is going to Xi’an.

The train is going to the east/west/ south/north. I’m going to the railway station. I’m leaving for Shanghai. 距离(Distance)

A. How far is your school from here?

B. It’s about 40 minutes by bike. It’s about 6 kilometers/ miles away. 十 特征(Features) 形状(shape)

A. What does it look like? What’s the shape of the clouds?

B. It looks like a camel. It’s round/long/tall/short. It’s a circle/square. It’s a U-shaped road. 颜色(colour)

A. What coulour is the bag?

B. It’s green/red/blue/yellow/black/white/orange/purple/light brown/dark blue. I like the photo in black and white. 材料(material)

A. What’s the table made of? What’s the red wine made from?

B. It’s made of wood. It’s made from grapes. I bought a woolen sweater yesterday. 价格(price)

A. How much is the dictionary? How much is it? How much are they? Is it cheap/expensive? B. The dictionary costs me 100 yuan. The dictionary is expensive/ cheap. 规格(size)

A. What size is your sweater? What sizes shoes do you wear? B. The size of my sweater is XXL. It’s too big/small/long/short for me. 年龄(age)

A. How old are you? How old is he/she?

B. I’m eighteen. He/She is six years old. Uncle Wang is an old man. 十一 计量(Measurement) 长度(length)

A. How long is the bridge? B. It’s 430 meters/feet long. 宽度(width)

A. How wide is the river? B. It’s about 200 meters wide. 高度(height)


A. How tall/high is the building?

B. It’s 130 meters tall/high. The building has 85 floors/stories. 数量(number)

A. How many students are there in your class? How much water do you drink every day? B. There are forty students in our class. I drink five glasses of water every day. 十二 工作(job)

A. What do you do? What’s your job? What are you going to be? B. I’m a student/teacher/doctor /worker /farmer/businessman/manager. I’m going to be a scientist/ computer engineer.

高考英语口语考试训练材料4 模拟训练


场景一 安排讲座(计算机问,考生回答) 场景二 去餐馆吃饭(考生问,计算机回答) 1. 时间: 3月28日(星期日)下午 1. 哪家餐馆? (四川火锅店) 2. 地点: 一楼报告厅 2. 餐馆地点? (昌宏路139号) 3. 内容: 中美文化的差异 3. 提供什么食物? (牛肉, 羊肉和米饭) 4. 演讲人: 李力教授 4. 如何到达? (乘坐158路公汽) 5. 需带东西: 钢笔, 笔记本等 5. 就餐时间? (星期六下午6点) 训练二:

场景一 商场购物(计算机问,考生回答) 场景二 去医院看病(考生问,计算机回答) 1. 商场名: 沃尔玛 1. 医院名称? (昆明第一人民医院) 2. 所处位置: 人民东路 2. 主治医师? (黄宏教授) 3. 营业时间: 每天8:00-21:00 3. 患何种病? (感冒, 头疼) 4. 付款方式: 现金支付 4. 治疗方案? (吃药, 多喝开水) 5. 所购物品: 帽子, 鞋子, 羊毛衫等 5. 复查时间? (下星期二上午9点) 训练三:

场景一 宾馆住宿(计算机问,考生回答) 场景二 去版纳旅游(考生问,计算机回答) 1. 宾馆名: 华侨宾馆 1. 旅行社名? (昆明青年旅行社) 2. 宾馆级别: 二星级 2. 目的地? (西双版纳) 3. 入住时间: 5个晚上 3. 旅游方式? (坐大巴)

4. 入住人数: 10人 4. 旅游途径地: 植物园, 野象谷 5. 入住要求: 标准间5间, 单人间5间 5. 所需物品: 照相机, 药品, 钱


