
更新时间:2023-05-11 03:07:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. Older students were having difficulty in studying and o_________ themselves.

2. That place is dirty and s_________.

3. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b________.

4. People began to wonder how long the d_________ would last.

5. F_________ water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.

6. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was d__________.

7. The railway tracks were now u_______ pieces of steel.

8. Without _________ (电),modern life would be very difficult.

9. __________ (判断)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty.

10. Dead and ________ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.


1. right away 立刻,马上 2. burst into tears 3. think little of ... 毫不在意,不重视 4. be at an end 5. as if 仿佛;好像 6. lie/ be in ruins 7. thousands of …. 成千上万 8. blow away 9. fall down 倒塌,下落


1. too+adj./adv.to do 太……而不能….. can not /can never be too +adj.越…..

1) A.too ; that too


2. burst


B.burst out into laughing C.burst out laughter D.burst into laughter

2) Every time ____he thought of his past ,he could’t help bursting______.

A.when;out tears B.that ;into crying C.which;into crying D./;out crying

3. think little /nothing of 认为没什么 think highly of 高度评价

think of 想出;记起 think badly/ ill of 对……评价很失望

think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑

We think ____Dr. Yang because he cares for China very much.

A.highly B.high of C.well D.highly of

4. event (重要的,不同寻常的)大事件 situation 状况;形势;处境

accident 事故;意外的事 incident 附带的小事件

The most important _____ of this month is the largest storm that we have seen in the past ten years.

A.accident B.event C.incident D.situation


5. at an end 结束;终结 eg .The war was at an end.战争结束了

类似短语 in the end 最后 by the end of….. 到…….为止

at the end of….. 在…….尽头 end in 以……..告终

come to an end 结束

1) When I got there ,the meeting was _________(结束)

2) I was attracted (吸引)by books. By the end

3) Be the end of that summer, I ___ over twenty novels

A. will have read B. have read C. had read D. has read

6. in ruins 严重受损/毁坏 eg. An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.

ruin n.废墟(常用复数形式)vt. 毁灭 eg. The storm ruined the crops.

destroy ; damage ; ruin 的区别

destroy 指彻底毁坏以至难以修复 damage ruin 多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄坏了 ”

1. The village ___ after the war.

A. lay in ruins B. lay at ruins C. lay in ruin 2. A. hurt B. ruined C. damaged

7. lie (lay ; lain) 处于某种状态 lie-lay-lain-lying [lai] 躺,位于 n.谎言


8. injure vt. 损害 injured 伤害; 损害

injure, wound, hurt

injure 指(人) wound 多指外伤,如枪伤,尤其是指在战争中受伤 hurt vi. harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可 D. to injure

Smoking will ________his health.

He got _________in the fighting.

9. bury vt.埋藏,掩藏,隐藏 be burid in=bury oneself in 埋头于/专心于

John is ___in the research of the bird language.

A.devoted B.concentrated C. burid D.spared

10. as if = as though 好像… 引出方式状语从句 She spoke to me as if she knew me.

as if 后的从句可用两种语气



11. 分数的表示法

分子 基数词 分母 序数词 分子大于1时分母要用复数

三分之一 one- third 五分之三 three-fifths


More than 61% of the surface of the earth _____ covered by water.

Seventy percent of the workers in this factory _____ young.

12. to/ on/ in

1. Japan is _____ the east of China.

2. Taiwan is _____ the southeast of China.

3. Mongolia is _____ the north of China.


1.The houses across the street are _______ , A. in rows B. in ruins C. in number D. in detail

2. The boy was so careful that he ________ the street and broke his leg.

A. fell down B. fell over C. fell off D. fell onto

3. He was a warm-hearted and hard working man, 4. ---They used to be good friends, ---How ______ this ________ ?

A. does; come about B. did; come about

C. were; taken place D. were happened

5. ______ will be built here next year.

A. A great deal B. A large amount of

6. After living in Paris for 50 years, ?

, you can’t stop it _____.

right away C. Once; at once D. Until; immediately

