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The design and simulation of PIFA based on ADS

王伟堃(Wang Weikun)06250109




作 者:王伟堃 学 号:06250109 专 业:通信工程

班 级:06级通信工程(1)班 指导教师:侯 亮


前 言

平面倒F天线(PIFA,Planar Inverted F Antenna)主要应用在手机终端中,由于其体积小、重量轻、成本低、性能好,符合当前无线终端对天线的要求,因而得到广泛的应用,进行了许多研究工作。

先进设计系统(Advanced Design System),简称ADS,是安捷伦科技有限公司(Agilent)为适应竞争形势,为了高效的进行产品研发生产,而设计开发的一款EDA软件。软件迅速成为工业设计领域EDA软件的佼佼者,因其强大的功能、丰富的模板支持和高效准确的仿真能力(尤其在射频微波领域),而得到了广大IC设计工作者的支持。ADS可以模拟整个信号通路,完成从电路到系统的各级仿真。它把广泛的经过验证的射频、混合信号和电磁设计工具集成到一个灵活的环境中,包括从原理图到PCB 板图的各级仿真,当任何一级仿真结果不理想时,都可以回到原理图中重新进行优化,并进行再次仿真,直到仿真结果满意为止,保证了实际电路与仿真电路的一致性。




摘 要

平面倒F天线(PIFA,Planar Inverted F Antenna)是一种常用的平面天线,平面倒F天线具有体积小,重量轻,低剖面,结构简单,易于加工制作等优点,因此被广泛应用于移动电话等移动通信终端设备上。

本设计通过ADS软件对PIFA天线进行仿真设计,尝试了一种PIFA天线设计方法。在文中给出了清晰地设计的步骤,阐述了设计中微带天线参数的计算方法,结合设计方法给出了一个中心频率为2.4GHz,工作带宽不小于120MHz,增益大于1.5dB,输入阻抗接近50Ω, 方向图接近全向或半全向,具有水平和垂直极化特性的微带天线的设计及利用Hilbert分型结构小型化天线 的设计。仿真结果的分析验证了此方法的正确性和可行性。该方法利用ADS仿真软件进行微带天线的设计,可减少工作量,提高设计的准确性,降低设计成本,因而可使设计工作简单化,能够达到事半功倍的效果。 关键词:微带;PIFA;Hilbert;ADS


Planar inverted F antenna (PIFA, Planar Inverted F Antenna) is a common planar antenna. Planar inverted F antenna has the feature of small-volumed, lightweight, low-profile,and simple structure and it is easy to manufacture, etc. Therefore, it is widely used in mobile phones and other mobile communication terminal devices. The simulation design pattern to the PIFA antenna is a new way that used by the ADS software. The text shows a clear step of the design, and elaborate the caculating method to the microstrip antenna. Combined with the design method, the microstrip antenna, its center frequency is 2.4GHz, and working bandwidth is no less than 120MHz,and the gain is larger than 1.5dB, input impedance close to 50Ω. The design uses Hilbert typing small-structure antennas. Direction pattern is close to full or half-full, which also have horizontal and vertical polarization. The analysis of simulation results shows its correctness and feasibility. The method will be able to advance in reducing the workload, improving design accuracy, reducing design costs, so it can simplify the design work, and achieve a betterr effect. Keywords:microstrip; PIFA;Hilbert;Advanced Design System

目 录

第1章 绪 论 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 第2章 平面倒F天线原理............................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1微带天线简介 ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1.1微带天的结构 ................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1.2微带天线的分类 ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.3微带天线的馈电方法 .................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.4徽带天线的优缺点 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.5微带天线的应用 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2分形理论简介 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.1分形的定义 .................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2.2分形维数 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3倒F原理及结构分析 ............................................................................................................................................ 8 2.4Hilbert分形结构分析 ............................................................................................................................................. 9 第3章 ADS软件的使用 ................................................................................................................................................ 12 3.1 ADS软件简介 ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 ADS的使用 .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.1微带线计算器LineCalc ............................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.2 版图仿真工具Momentum .......................................................................................................................... 13 第4章 设计说明 ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 4.1天线结构设计与分析 .......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.2相关参数的计算 .................................................................................................................................................. 15 4.3 天线设计 ............................................................................................................................................................. 16 4.3.1绘制版图 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3.2层定义 ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 4.3.3端口的定义 ................................................................................................................................................ 21 4.3.4 S参数仿真—Mesh设置 .......................................................................................................................... 22 第5章 仿真结果及分析 ................................................................................................................................................. 24 第6章设计总结 ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 参考文献........................................................................................................................................................................... 29 英文原文........................................................................................................................................................................... 30 中文翻译........................................................................................................................................................................... 49 致 谢 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 62


图2.1 微带天线的基本结构 ................................................................................................................. 2 图2.2典型倒L和倒F形天线结构 ....................................................................................................... 9 图2.3IFS生成Hilbert分形曲线的过程 .............................................................................................. 10 图2.4Hilbert分形迭代结构 ................................................................................................................. 11 图3.1微带线计算器LineCalc ............................................................................................................ 13 图4.1基于Hilbert分形结构的倒F天线结构 ..................................................................................... 15 图4.2ADS启动界面 ........................................................................................................................... 16 图4.3创建工程对话框 ........................................................................................................................ 17 图4.4 ADS主窗口 .............................................................................................................................. 17 图4.5 新建版图设计 .......................................................................................................................... 17 图4.6 Layout Unit窗口 ...................................................................................................................... 18 图4.7选择层窗口 ............................................................................................................................... 18 图4.8天线尺寸测量 ........................................................................................................................... 19 图4.9 倒F天线在Layout中的全貌1 ............................................................................................... 19 图4.10 倒F天线在Layout中的全貌2 ............................................................................................. 19 图4.9 Substrate Layers中层的参数设置 ........................................................................................... 20 图4.10 Metallization Layer中层的参数设置 ...................................................................................... 21 图4.11 端口的设置 ............................................................................................................................ 22 图4.12 Mesh的设置 .......................................................................................................................... 23 图4.13 仿真进程状态显示窗口 .......................................................................................................... 23 图5.1经过Simulation的仿真图 ........................................................................................................ 24 图5.2天线的增益 ............................................................................................................................... 24 图5.3 0度表面电流分布图 ................................................................................................................. 25 图5.4 90度表面电流分布图 ............................................................................................................... 25 图5.5 180度表面电流分布图 ............................................................................................................. 26 图5.6 270度表面电流分布图 ............................................................................................................. 26 图5.7 E面辐射方向图 ........................................................................................................................ 26 图5.8 E Theta面辐射方向图 ........................................................................................................... 27 图5.9 E Phi面辐射方向图.................................................................................................................. 27

第1章 绪 论


现有已使用的RFID标签天线,大多数设计成单极鞭形天线,其结构简单,但所占用空间较大。现代无线通信领域常采用的天线是倒F型单极天线,它结构紧凑,带宽适中,不容易损坏,而且功耗更低。同时,分形结构的特性之一就是具有空间填充性能,即分形能够在很小的体积内充分地利用空间。而采用分形结构设计的天线,可以大大减小天线的尺寸,提高系统的稳定性。下文将设计一个中心频率为2.4GHz,工作带宽不小于120MHz,增益大于1.5dB,输入阻抗接近50Ω, 方向图接近全向或半全向,具有水平和垂直极化特性的平面倒F天线。


第2章 平面倒F天线原理



天线理论分析的基本问题就是求解天线在周围空间辐射的电磁场,求得电磁场数据后,进而计算出方向图,增益以及输入阻抗等特性参数。迄今为止已经提出了众多方法对微带天线进行理论分析,常见的方法有传输线模型理论,空腔模型理论等,这些分析方法相对比较简单,缺点是精度不够。相对比较严格的计算方法也比较复杂的是积分方程法,即全波理论,而对于复杂的微带天线结构一般都是利用数值分析的方法。 2.1.1微带天的结构


λ/2 h 微带馈线 微带辐射器

基片 地板

图2.1 微带天线的基本结构





微带贴片天线简称MPA(Microstrip PatchAntenna),是结构最简单的微带天线。常见的贴片几何形状有:正方形、矩形、圆形、三角形、五角形、环形等。微带行波天线简称MTA(Microstrip Traveling-wave Antenna),其贴片为链形周期结构或TEM波传输线结构。TEM波传输线的末端接匹配负载,当天线上维持行波时,可以从天线结构设计上使主波束位于从边射到端射的任意方向。微带缝隙天线简称MSA(Microstrip Slot Antenna)由微带馈线和开在地板上的缝隙组成。缝隙可以是矩形(根据矩形的窄或宽可分为窄缝天线和宽缝天线),圆形或环形等。

微带行波天线简称MTA(Microstrip Traveling-wave Antenna),由基片、在基片一面上的链形周期结构或普通的长TEM波传输线(也维持一个TE模)和基片另一面上的接地板组成。原则上,任何一个TEM波传输体都可以改造成一个行波天线。对徽带线前言,TEM波传输线天线分为两种:微带线终端接匹配负载的行波天线和微带线终端为开路或短路的驻波天线。通常驻波天线为边射,而行波天线的辐射则可设计成从后射直到端射之间的任一方向上。因此,当波瓣指向边射方向时,行波天线就成为驻波天线。微带行波天线一般为周期性结构,可预先计算其辐射特性。同其它行波天线一样,可以用频率来控制主辐射方向。

微带缝隙天线简称MSA(Microstrip Slot Antenna),由微带馈线和开在接地板上的缝隙组成。其概念是由带状线缝隙天线发展丽来的,更确切地说,是由三板传输线发展过来的。带状线缝隙天线的研究和应用都已比较成熟,但要注意抑制在“开槽”的接地板和外导体之间产生电位差的那些不希望的模。窄缝宽缝圆环缝MSA的优点是能产生双向或者单向方向图。在微带天线的设计中,采用贴片和缝隙的组合结构,可以额外增添一个自由度。沿着微带馈线一边排列的导带和缝隙的组合可以产生圆极化辐射场。微带缝隙天线能产生所希望获得的极化,且对制造公差的敏感度比微带贴片天线要低。 2.1.3微带天线的馈电方法

微带天线馈电方法可以分为间接馈电和直接馈电两种。间接馈电是指无需微带线连接,而是通过电磁耦合的方式进行馈电;直接馈电是指通过将馈线与金属贴片相连而进行馈电。直接馈电又分两种方式:同轴线馈电(Probe feed)和微带线馈电(Microstrip Line feed)。 2.1.4徽带天线的优缺点

微带天线具有很多的优点,如: 1.剖面薄,体积小,重量轻;

2.具有平面结构,并可制成与导弹、卫星等载体表面帽共形的结构; 3.便于获得圆极化波:


4.可以设计成多频和双极化天线; 5.不需要后面加腔体;


7.馈电网络可与天线结构一起制成,适合于用印刷电路技术大批量生产; 8.可以做得很薄,因此,不影响装载于飞行器上的空气动力学性能;


同时,微带天线也有一定的局限性,如: a.带宽较窄;

b.增益有些情况下不能满足要求(约为6dB); c.组成阵列时会有较大的阻抗损耗;

d.有导体和介质损耗,并且会激励表面波,导致辐射效率降低; e.高性能阵列天线对馈电网络有很严格的要求; f.很难得到较高的极化纯度;

g.馈线和连接部分会引入额外的辐射; h.功率容量较小,一般用于中小功率场合;

i.在高频时会出现增益和效率下降,交叉极化增加,阵列中出现较大的互耦; j.在和微波单片集成电路相结合时,往往会选择一些介电常数很大的介质,但是介电常数很大的介质会使得天线的效率下降,带宽变窄。 2.1.5微带天线的应用






同,这种几乎同样程度的不规则性和复杂性,说明海岸线在形貌上是自相似的,也就是局部形态和整体形态的相似。在没有建筑物或其他东西作为参照物时,在空中拍摄的100公里长的海岸线与放大了的10公里长海岸线的两张照片,看上去会十分相似。事实上,具有自相似性的形态广泛存在于自然界中,如:连绵的山川、飘浮的云朵、岩石的断裂口、布朗粒子运动的轨迹、树冠、花菜、大脑皮层??\曼德布罗特把这些部分与整体以某种方式相似的形体称为分形(fractal)。1975年,他创立了分形几何学(fractal geometry)。在此基础上,形成了研究分形性质及其应用的科学,称为分形理论(fractal theory)。经过二十几年的发展,它已广泛地应用到自然科学和社会科学的几乎所有领域,成为当今国际上许多学科的前沿研究课题之一。

有关分形的概念,科学史上有记载的最早是由Hausdorff于1919年引入,随后经Besicovitch于1 935年和B.B.Mandelbrot于1975年加以改进和发展。B.B.Mandelbrot曾经为分形下过两个定义:(1)满足下式条件Dim(A)>dim(A)的集合A,称为分形集。其中,Dim(A)为集合A的Hausdorff维数或分维数,dim(A)为其拓扑维数。一般说来,Dim(A)不是整数,而是分数;(2)部分与整体以某种形式相似的形态,称为分形。

然而,经过理论和应用的检验,人们发现这两个定义很难包括分形如此丰富的内容。实际上,对于什么是分形,到目前为止还没有确切的定义。正如生物学中“生命”的定义一样,人们只能列出一系列生命体所具有的特征,比如对环境的适应能力、生命能力、运动能力以及繁殖能力等等来说明。现在,人们一般采用著名分形几何学家Falconer在《分形集几何学》中对分形集合F的描述来判断某一对象是否是分形。他的观点是最好把分形看成是具有某些特性的集合,而不用去寻找一个几乎概括所有情形的精确定义。因此,Falconer列出了五条用不确定性语言描述的分形集的特性: (1)分形集都具有任意小尺度下的比例细节,


(3)分形集具有某种自相似形式,可能是近似的自相似或者统计的自相似。 (4)一般,分形集的“分形维数”,严格大于它相应的拓扑维数。 (5)分形的生成方式很简单,可以用递归迭代产生。

其中前三项说明了分形在结构上的内在规律性,第(4)项说明了分形的复杂性,第(5)项则说明了分形的生成机制。 2.2.2分形维数



位。按传统的观点,维数是确定系统状态的独立变量,只能取整数。然而,在分形理论中,对于一个分形客体,它的维数一般都不限于整数,而可取任何实数值。分形维数是定量刻画分形特性的常数,能够反映分形的基本特征,而且赋予了很多崭新的内涵,但由于侧重面不同,有多种定义和计算方法。常见的有Hausdorff维、信息维、容量维等,它们有各自不同的应用。下面介绍几种常见的分形维数定义: (1)Hausdorff维数


DH?limlnN(?) (2.2.1)




DH?lnK (2.2.2) lnL(2)信息维数Di


NDi?limi?1?PilnPiln???0 (2.2.3)

在等概率Pi?I/(?)的情况下,Di?DH,即信息维数等于Hausdorff维数。 (3)并联维数Dg


Dg?limlnC(?) (2.2.4)


N1NC(?)??H??Xi?Xj??Pi2 (2.2.5)






lnN (2.2.6)


相似维数风与Hausdorff维数DH是一致的,但在某些情况下,特别是对某些分形曲线,用相似维数似乎要更方便些。 (5)容量维数Dc


Dc?limlnN(?) (2.2.7)

c?0lnN(1/?)除上述定义的几种分形维数外,还有谱维数、模糊维数、拓扑维数、广义维数、微分维数、分配维数、质量维数、填充维数等。在分析研究中,之所以对分形维数有很多定义是因为要找到对任何事物都适用的定义并不容易。由于测定维数的对象不同,就某一分形维数的定义而言,有些对象适用,而另外一些就可能完全不适用,因而对不同定义的维数使用不同的名称把它们区分开。为了便于表示,通常把非整数值的维数统称为分形维数。 2.1.3分形结构的描述语言


?x??ab??x??e?w??y?????cd????y?????f?? (2.2.8) ????????或者等价于

w(x,y)?(ax?by?e,cx?dy?f) (2.2.9)



NW(A)?Uwn(A) (2.2.10)

n?1式中,w(A)称为H算子(Hutchinson Operator)。




A1?W(A0),A2?W(A1),A3?W(A2),A4......,Ak?1?W(Ak) (2.2.11)


A??W(A?) (2.2.12)



PIFA的典型结构包括一个平面的矩形金属片、一个大的接地平面、一个窄的短路金属板(置于矩形平面金属片长度较短边的边缘)。一方面,PIFA可以被认为是一个线性倒F型天线(IFA:Inverted.F Antenna),将IFA的金属线辐射体替换为金属板后,频宽比原来的IFA宽。另一方面,也可以将PIFA视为一个短路的矩形微带天线,这种短路的矩形微带天线其实际共振模态与矩形微带天线的共振模态是一样的,都是共振在TM10基本模态。






Lbc?Lcd?C4f?e (2.3.1)

?1/211?10h??e???r?1????r?1??1??22w?? (2.3.2)




ln[(4n?1)/(4n?1?1)]D(n)? (2.4.1) nn?1ln[(2?1)/(2?1)]Hilbert曲线的分形维数随曲线阶数的增加而增大,表征了分形曲线占据空间的利用率。由公式(2.2.1)可知,Hilbert分形曲线的分数维取值范NI为[1,2],是一种结构简单、空间占有率高的分形结构。下面利用函数迭代系统简单描述一下Hilbert分形曲线的生成过程,如图3.4所示。


?y?[0,1],x?0;?H0??x?[0,1],y?1; (2.4.2)




1?1/30???s?n (2.4.3) ?2?1?01/3???cos?r???sin???sin??? (2.4.4) ?cos??1?0?1?2/3?1?0?1?1???t1?n?,t2?2n?1??2/3??,t3?2n?1??1/3??,t4?2n?1??0?? (2.4.5) 2/32?1?????????式中,n为Hilbert分形曲线的阶数,?为Hilbert分形曲线旋转角度,


??1/30??cos??sin????????????01/3??sin?cos?????1/30??cos??sin???w1(H)???????????w(H)1??01/3??sin?cos???2??W(H)???n?w3(H)2?1??1/30??cos(??/2)?sin(??/2)??????01/3????sin(??/2)cos(??/2)???w(H)???????4???1/30??cos(?/2)?sin(?/2)???01/3????sin(?/2)cos(?/2)??????????0????2/3???????2/3????2/3?????? (2.4.6) ?0????1/3???????1????0???????



4n?1?1L(n)?n?1h (2.4.7)






第3章 ADS软件的使用

3.1 ADS软件简介

先进设计系统(Advanced Design System),简称ADS,是安捷伦科技有限公司(Agilent)为适应竞争形势,为了高效的进行产品研发生产,而设计开发的一款EDA软件。软件迅速成为工业设计领域EDA软件的佼佼者,因其强大的功能、丰富的模板支持和高效准确的仿真能力(尤其在射频微波领域),而得到了广大IC设计工作者的支持。ADS是高频设计的工业领袖。它支持系统和射频设计师开发所有类型的射频设计,从简单到最复杂,从射频微波模块到用于通信和航空航天国防的MMIC。

通过从频域和时域电路仿真到电磁场仿真的全套仿真技术,ADS让设计师全面表征和优化设计。单一的集成设计环境提供系统和电路仿真器,以及电路图捕获、布局和验证能力 —— 因此不需要在设计中停下来更换设计工具。


ADS电子设计自动化功能十分强大,包含时域电路仿真(SPICE-like Simulation)、频域电路仿真(Harmonic Balance、Linear Analysis)、三维电磁仿真 (EM Simulation)、通信系统仿真(Communication System Simulation)、数字信号处理仿真设计(DSP);ADS支持射频和系统设计工程师开发所有类型的RF设计,从简单到复杂,从离散的射频/微波模块到用于通信和航天/国防的集成MMIC,是当今国内各大学和研究所使用最多的微波/射频电路和通信系统仿真软件软件。

此外Agilent公司和多家半导体厂商合作建立ADS Design Kit及Model File供设计人员使用。使用者可以利用Design Kit及软件仿真功能进行通信系统的设计、规划与评估,及MMIC/RFIC、模拟与数字电路设计。除上述仿真设计功能外,ADS软件也提供辅助设计功能,如Design Guide是以范例及指令方式示范电路或系统的设计流程,而Simulation Wizard是以步骤式界面进行电路设计与分析。ADS还能提供与其他EDA软件,如SPICE、Mentor Graphics的ModelSim、Cadence的NC-Verilog、Mathworks的Matlab等做协仿真(Co-Simulation),加上丰富的元件应用模型Library及测量/验证仪器间的连接功能,将能增加电路与系统设计的方便性、速度与精确性。



3.2 ADS的使用


对于ADS 微带线计算器LineCalc,根据微带线的偶模和奇模阻抗,按照给定的微带线路板的参数,使用ADS中的微带线计算器LineCalc计算得到微带线的几何尺寸W、S、L。


ZE Zeven即耦合线偶模阻抗 ZO Zodd 即耦合线奇模阻抗

Z0 指耦合线端接传输线特性阻抗(一般为50欧) C_DB 用dB表示的耦合度C(dB) = 20log10 [(ZE-ZO)/(ZE+ZO)] E_eff 耦合线有效电长度,单位度,即相位延迟 Hu 指微带线上部空间高度 Mur 磁导率

计算耦合线时,只需按设计参数和板材条件设置即可,其中Z0选定后,输入ZO、ZE ,C_DB 是自动计算出的。点击上箭头,软件即会给出耦合线的物理尺寸,即W线宽、S耦合线间距、L耦合线长度。 3.2.2 版图仿真工具Momentum




把电路图导入到Layout界面注意事项:要关闭Term以及接地去掉,不可以让他们出现在原理图中。去掉的方法与关闭优化控件的方法相同,即使用叉。然后用Layout Generate/update Layout命令完成导入。

Momentum中options preference的常用设置:网格(Grid)的间距和显示,端口(port)和地(ground)在layout中的显示大小,layout窗口背景色(background color),丝印层文按钮,把这些元件打上红



第4章 设计说明


图4.1(b)为水平单元cd段(见图3.2(b))被Hilbert分形结构取代的倒F单极天线。该天线印刷在厚度为1.6 mm的FR4介质板(相对介电常数为4.4)的上表面,而底面为接地板(注意,天线所在介质板部分的底面没有地板),如图4.1(a)所示。图4.1(b)为标签天线的俯视图,从图中我们可以看到天线的短路点a直接与接地板相连,而馈电点e直接与射频模块的匹配电路输出端相连。







??r?1?r?1?0.61???ln(B?1)?0.39???,A?1.522?r?1??r?? (4.2.1)


A?Z060?r?12??r?1?0.1208???0.2258? (4.2.2) ???r?1??r??60?2Z0?rB?377?2Z0?r (4.2.3)

研究表明,当Hilbert分形单极天线的馈电点在线端时,其输入阻抗实部很小。例如,尺寸为70mmx70mm的3阶Hilbert分形天线,在谐振频点处实部值仅为2?。同时,文献[43]指出Hilbert分形天线的输出阻抗取决于馈电点到天线一个端点的距离与天线总长度的比值。对于具有同一阶数的Hilbert分形天线,无论外围尺寸和导线宽度如何变化,在馈电点位置不变的情况下,天线的输出阻抗不会改变。由于本论文所要设计的天线必须与芯片的前端电路直接连接,所以Hilbert单极天线的馈电点只能选择在线端处。为了验证文献[42]的结果,下面仅对1阶的Hilbert分形单极天线进行仿真分析。同样,天线印刷在厚度为1.6 mm的FR4介质板(相对介电常数为4.4)上。由(1)式可得,Hilbert分形单极天线的线宽w=1.5mm。根据公式(3.9),当n=1时,Hilbert分形曲线长度L=5h。由于耦合效应的存在,Hilbert天线的长度L并不等于



4.3 天线设计





点击File→New Project设置工程文件名称(本设计为biyesheji)及存储路径



图4.4 ADS主窗口


图4.5 新建版图设计




对系统设计的背景参数 进行设置。我们选择其中的Layout Unit ,设置如图4.6,选择Layout Unit为mm,Resolution填写为0.0001表示精确到小数点后四位。以确保在天线设计过程中的精度。其他子菜单设置一般选择默认。

图4.6 Layout Unit窗口



在Layout中绘制天线。由于我们设计的矩形天线,所以我们选择 ,然后在窗口





图4.9 倒F天线在Layout中的全貌1

选择:Option=>Layers,将cond的Shape Display由filled改为outlined,这样便于测量尺寸。可得下图:

图4.10 倒F天线在Layout中的全貌2




定义Alumina中的各个参数,将Alumina的名字改为RF4,因为我们用的介质板的材料叫RF4即定义Thickness为1.6mm,表示介质板的厚度为1.6mm;Real为4.4,表示介质板的相对介电常数为4.4;Loss Tangent为0.018,表示损耗正切为0.018。最后点击Apply。我们需要的天线的层结构设置如图4.9所示:

图4.9 Substrate Layers中层的参数设置

Metallization Layer层的参数设置,在Conductivity选择Sigma(Re,Im)中填电导率,Thickness中填金属厚度。其中铜的电导率为5.78E+006,厚度为0.018mm。在这些都设置结束以后点击Apply 和 OK就可以了。设置层参数图如图4.10所示。


图4.10 Metallization Layer中层的参数设置

4.3.3端口的定义 选中


Options=>Midpoint Snap,使得Port加在物体的中间位置。由Momentum => Port Editor, 再用鼠标选中端口,进行编辑。在Port Type中选择Single。点击Apply就OK了。编辑如图4.11所示。


图4.11 端口的设置

4.3.4 S参数仿真—Mesh设置

在Momentum => Mesh =>Setup中设置Mesh,Mesh的设置决定了仿真的精度。通常,Mesh Frequency和 Number of Cells Per Wavelength 越大,精度越高。但是这是以仿真时间的增加为代价的。有时不得不以精度的降低换取仿真时间的减小。在本例中,我们采用Mesh的默认值,即:Mesh Frequency为后面S仿真中的频率上限值, Number of Cells Per Wavelength 为30。

选择Momentum中的Simulation―Sparameters 出现一个对话框在Sweep Type 中可以选择Single,Adaptive,Linear。Single表示对单个频率点进行仿真,Adaptive表示根据曲线变化的幅度选择不同频率下的Sample Point,以用最少的Sample Point来描述图形,因此在对大范围的频率扫描时,推荐使用Adaptive Type;对于Linear,是选择上下频率的范围和步长,在规定频率段和规定步长下进行取点。这里选择adaptive。Start里为扫描的起始频率,Stop为扫描的结束频率。Sample Points Limt为扫描的取样个数。这里一般设置为25,设置好点击Add Frequency Plan List添加。最后点击Simulate进行仿真。


图4.12 Mesh的设置

图4.13 仿真进程状态显示窗口


第5章 仿真结果及分析








选择Current => Set Port Solution Weights,单击OK。然后,选择Current =>Plot Currents。按照相位从0?->90?->180?->270?,观察天线的表面电流分布,分布图如图5.2—5.5所示:

图5.3 0度表面电流分布图

图5.4 90度表面电流分布图


图5.5 180度表面电流分布图

图5.6 270度表面电流分布图


图5.7 E面辐射方向图


图5.8 E Theta面辐射方向图

图5.9 E Phi面辐射方向图

从上面图5.7中我们可以看出天线的E平面图接近全向,图5.8的E Theta和图5.9的E Phi可以看出天线的辐射接近半全向,符合了平面倒F天线对方向图的要求。






了解了天线的基本结构后,最重要的就是在ADS软件下对天线的设计与仿真, 在这之前我都觉得天线的设计也还是很简单的,天线的理论设计无非就是对参数的计算,而且计算得公式又都是给定的。但是到了仿真阶段,我就发现天线设计的难度远比我想象的要大,对天线参数的各个细节都要注意,天线的层的设定,层与层之间的介质材料的相对介电常数的设定,天线的馈电点以及天线参数的设定不同而天线的接地也有不同的类型。这些都是我在版图设计过程中遇到的问题,这些问题一一解决后,就开始了仿真,在仿真图形出来后,就要用到Hilbert分形结构对倒F天线的“臂”要开始小型化,倒F天线唯一的缺点就是这个F的“臂”太长,Hilbert分形正是在不改变天线的各个参数的情况下对天线的“臂”经行小型化,从而使天线实用化,但是我计算后对天线的“臂”进行改变后发现这一结构对我的天线的影响还是很大的,因此我只能在天线的版图里对天线的臂长进行逐渐优化,从而使我的天线接近要求的指标参数。





[1] 雷振亚编著,射频/微波电路导论,西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2005.8 [2] 逯贵祯等编著,射频电路的分析和设计,北京:北京广播学院出版社,2003.6

[3] Richard Chi-Hsi Li [著] ,射频电路和射频集成电路设计中的关键课题,北京:高等教育出版社,


[4] (美)Pavel Bretchko著;王子宇等译,射频电路设计:理论与应用 (美)Peinhold Ludwig,北京:电


[5] (美) W. Alan Davis, Krishna K. Agarwal著;李福乐等译,射频电路设计,北京:机械工业出版社 [6] 姚娜,分形天线在多频无线通信中的研究与应用,硕士学位论文,西安电子科技大学,2006 [7] 张钧,微带天线理论与工程[M],北京:国防工业出版社,1988


[9]周晓光,王晓华,王伟编著.射频识别(RFD)系统设计、仿真与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2008 [10]游战清,刘克胜,张义强,吴谷.无线射频识别技术(RFID)规划与实施[M].北京:电子工业出版社,


[11]游战清,李苏剑等.无线射频识别技术(RFID)理论与应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2004,10. [12]Kluas Fiknneezller(德)著,吴晓峰、陈大才译.射频识别技术[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2006.10 [13]王显政等.煤矿安全新技术[M]北京:煤炭工业出版社,2002






Chapter 1: Momentum Basics

Momentum is a part of Advanced Design System and gives you the simulation tools you need to evaluate and design modern communications systems products. Momentum is an electromagnetic simulator that computes S-parameters for general planar circuits, including microstrip, slotline, stripline, coplanar waveguide, and other topologies. Vias and airbridges connect topologies between layers, so you can simulate multilayer RF/microwave printed circuit boards, hybrids, multichip modules, and integrated circuits. Momentum gives you a complete tool set to predict the performance of high-frequency circuit boards, antennas, and ICs.

Momentum Optimization extends Momentum capability to a true design automation tool. The Momentum Optimization process varies geometry parameters automatically to help you achieve the optimal structure that meets the circuit or device performance goals. By using (parameterized) layout components you can also perform Momentum optimizations form the schematic page.

Momentum Visualization is an option that gives users a 3-dimensional perspective of simulation results, enabling you to view and animate current flow in conductors and slots, and view both 2D and 3D representations of far-field radiation patterns.

If you are unfamiliar with Advanced Design System, refer to the Quick Start in the online documentation, and to Schematic Capture and Layout. For information on the interactions between Layout and Momentum, refer to Drawing Tips.

Momentum Major Benefits

Momentum enables you to:

? ? ?

Simulate when a circuit model range is exceeded or the model does not exist Identify parasitic coupling between components

Go beyond simple analysis and verification to design automation of circuit performance


Visualize current flow and 3-dimensional displays of far-field radiation

Momentum Major Features


Key features of Momentum include:

? ? ?

An electromagnetic simulator based on the Method of Moments Adaptive frequency sampling for fast, accurate, simulation results

Optimization tools that alter geometric dimensions of a design to achieve performance specifications

? ? ?

Comprehensive data display tools for viewing results

Equation and expression capability for performing calculations on simulated data Full integration in the ADS circuit simulation environment allowing EM/Circuit co-simulation and co-optimization.

Momentum Overview

Momentum commands are available from the Layout window. The following steps describe a typical process for creating and simulating a design with Momentum:

1. Choose Momentum or Momentum RF mode. Momentum can operate in two simulation modes: microwave or RF. You can select the mode based on your design goals. Use Momentum (microwave) mode for designs requiring full-wave electromagnetic simulations that include microwave radiation effects. Use Momentum RF mode for designs that are geometrically complex, electrically small, and do not radiate. You might also choose Momentum RF mode for quick simulations on new microwave models that can ignore radiation effects, and to conserve computer resources. For more information comparing the Momentum and Momentum RF modes, see About the Simulation Modes. 2. Create a physical design. You start with the physical dimensions of a planar design, such as a patch antenna or the traces on a multilayer printed circuit board. There are three ways to enter a design into Advanced Design System:

1. Convert a schematic into a physical layout 2. Draw the design using Layout

3. Import a layout from another simulator or design system. Advanced

Design System can import files in a variety of formats.

For information on converting schematics or drawing in Layout, refer Schematic Capture and Layout. For information on importing designs, refer to the manual, Importing and Exporting Designs.


3. Define the substrate characteristics. A substrate is the media upon which the circuit resides. For example, a multilayer PC board consists of various layers of metal, insulating or dielectric material, and ground planes. Other designs may include covers, or they may be open and radiate into air. A complete substrate definition is required in order to simulate a design. The substrate definition includes the number of layers in the substrate and the composition of each layer. This is also where you position the layers of your physical design within the substrate, and specify the metal characteristics of these layers. For more information, refer to, Substrates.

4. Solve the substrate. Momentum calculates the Green's functions that characterize the substrate for a specified frequency range. These calculations are stored in a database, and used later on in the simulation process. For more information, refer to Substrates.

5. Assign port properties. Ports enable you to inject energy into a circuit, which is necessary in order to analyze the behavior of your circuit. You apply ports to a circuit when you create the circuit, and then assign port properties in Momentum. There are several different types of ports that you can use in your circuit, depending on your application. For more information, refer to Ports.

6. Add a box or a waveguide. These elements enable you to specify boundaries on substrates along the horizontal plane. Without a box or waveguide, the substrate is treated as being infinitely long in the horizontal direction. This treatment is acceptable for many designs, but there may be instances where a boundaries need to be taken into account during the simulation process. A box specifies the boundaries as four perpendicular, vertical walls that make a box around the substrate. A waveguide specifies two vertical walls that cut two sides of the substrate. For more information, refer to Boxes and Waveguides.

7. Set up and generate a circuit mesh. A mesh is a pattern of rectangles and triangles that is applied to a design in order to break down (discretize) the design into small cells. A mesh is required in order to simulate the design effectively. You can specify a variety of mesh parameters to customize the mesh to your design, or use default values and let Momentum generate an optimal mesh automatically. For more information, refer to Mesh. 8. Simulate the circuit. You set up a simulation by specifying the parameters of a frequency plan, such as the frequency range of the simulation and the sweep type. When the setup is complete, you run the simulation. The simulation process uses the Green's


functions computed for the substrate, plus the mesh pattern, and the currents in the design are calculated. S-parameters are then computed based on the currents. If the Adaptive Frequency Sample sweep type is chosen, a fast, accurate simulation is generated, based on a rational fit model. For more information, refer to Simulation.

9. Create Momentum components. Momentum components can be used in the schematic design environment in combination with all the standard ADS active and passive components to build and simulate circuits including the parasitic layout effects. The Momentum engine is automatically invoked to generate an S-parameter model for the Momentum component during the circuit simulation. For more information on the Momentum Components and EM/Circuit cosimulation feature, refer to Layout Components. 10. View the results. The data from a Momentum simulation is saved as S-parameters or as fields. Use the Data Display or Visualization to view S-parameters and far-field radiation patterns. For more information, refer to Viewing Results Using the Data Display and Momentum Visualization.

11. Optimization. Momentum Optimization, in combination with Momentum, is an effective software tool for automated electromagnetic (EM) design optimization of planar structures. Momentum Optimization automatically adjusts the layout in order to improve the circuit performance according to your design goals, and supports designs developed using the Momentum microwave or Momentum RF mode. For more information on Momentum optimization refer to Momentum Optimization.

12. Radiation patterns. Once the currents on the circuit are known, the electromagnetic fields can be computed. They can be expressed in the spherical coordinate system attached to your circuit. For more information on radiation patterns, refer to Radiation Patterns and Antenna Characteristics.

13. Momentum Visualization. Momentum visualization enables you to view and analyze, S-parameters, currents, far-fields, antenna parameters, and transmission line data. Data can be analyzed in a variety of 2D and 3D plot formats. Some types of data are displayed in tabular form.

About the Simulation Modes

With ADS 1.5, Momentum added an RF simulation mode to its existing microwave mode. The microwave mode is called Momentum; the RF mode is called Momentum RF.


Momentum RF provides accurate electromagnetic simulation performance at RF frequencies. At higher frequencies, as radiation effects increase, the accuracy of the Momentum RF models declines smoothly with increased frequency. Momentum RF addresses the need for faster, more stable simulations down to DC, while conserving computer resources. Typical RF applications include RF components and circuits on chips, modules, and boards, as well as digital and analog RF interconnects and packages.

When compared to the Momentum mode, the Momentum RF mode uses new technologies enabling it to simulate physical designs at RF frequencies with several useful benefits. The RF mode is based on quasi-static electromagnetic functions enabling faster simulation of designs. Momentum RF has the same use-model as Momentum in ADS, and works with Momentum Visualization and Optimization. Figure 1-1 shows how each mode supports Momentum product features. For a detailed comparison of the two simulation modes, see Comparing the Microwave and RF Simulation Modes.

Selecting the Correct Mode

In the Layout window, the Momentum menu label displays the current simulation mode. To select the mode, toggle the mode setting.


To switch the mode from Momentum to Momentum RF, choose Momentum > Enable RF Mode.


To switch the mode from Momentum RF to Momentum, choose Momentum RF > Disable RF Mode.

In each case, the menu label in the Layout window changes to the current mode. Deciding which mode to use depends on your application. Each mode has its advantages. In addition to specifically RF applications, Momentum RF can simulate microwave circuits. The following graph identifies which mode is best suited for various applications. As you can see, some applications can benefit from using either mode depending on your requirements. As your requirements change, you can quickly switch modes to simulate the same physical design. As an example, you may want to begin simulating microwave applications using Momentum RF for quick, initial design and optimization iterations, then switch to Momentum to include radiation effects for final design and optimization.


Figure 1-1. Choose the mode that matches the application.

Momentum RF is usually the more efficient mode when a circuit

? ? ?

is electrically small is geometrically complex does not radiate

For descriptions about electrically small and geometrically complex circuits, see Matching the Simulation Mode to Circuit Characteristics.

Note For infinite ground planes with a loss conductivity specification, the MW mode of Momentum incorporates the HF losses in ground planes, however, the RF mode of Momentum will make an abstraction of these HF losses.

Choose Momentum > Mesh > Setup to set up mesh parameters, which enable you to control the number of cells that are used to create the mesh. The more cells, the more accurate the simulation will be, but too many cells will slow down a simulation and provide little improvement in accuracy. You can choose not to set up mesh parameters, and default values will be used to create the mesh.

If you choose to define mesh parameters, you can set them for:


? ? ?

The entire circuit

The objects on a layout layer A single object

It is not necessary to specify parameters for all levels. You can, for example, specify mesh parameters for a single object, and use default values for the rest of the circuit.

For more information about how a mesh is generated, refer to About the Mesh Generator. For suggestions to consider when setting mesh parameters, refer to Guidelines for Meshing.

Procedures for setting up mesh parameters follow.

Defining Mesh Parameters for the Entire Circuit

Global mesh parameters affect the entire circuit. To set up global parameters:

1. 2. 3.

Choose Momentum > Mesh > Setup. The Global parameters are displayed.

Enter the mesh frequency in the Mesh Frequency field and select the units. The

wavelength of this frequency will be used to determine the density of the mesh. In general, set the value of the mesh frequency to the highest frequency that will be simulated. For more information, refer to Adjusting Mesh Density.


Enter the Number of Cells per Wavelength. This value will also be used to determine

the density of the mesh. The relationship between wavelength and cells per wavelength can be described by the following example:

If the circuit is 3 wavelengths long and the number of cells per wavelength is 20, the length of the circuit will be divided into 60 cells. For more information, refer to Adjusting Mesh Density.


Any curved areas in the circuit will be meshed using facets. In the Arc Facet Angle field,

enter the number of degrees that will be included in a single facet. The maximum is 45 degrees per facet. The lower the value, the better the resolution and the denser the mesh will be. The minimum value is equal to the Arc/Circle Resolution which is set when the object is drawn. For more information, refer to Processing Object Overlap.



Enable Edge Mesh to add a relatively dense mesh along the edges of objects. Since

most current flows along the edges of objects, the edge mesh can improve the accuracy and speed of a simulation.

If you want the edge mesh to be sized automatically, leave the Edge Width field blank. Otherwise, specify the edge width and select the units. For more information about the edge mesh, refer to About the Edge Mesh.

Note An edge mesh that is specified with a width larger than the cell size set by the wavelength/number of cells wavelength, will be ignored. This is because such edge meshes would be very inefficient. However, if these edge mesh values must be used, you can decrease the number of cells wavelength, which is specified in the Number of Cells per Wavelength field.

7. Enable Transmission Line Mesh to specify the number of cells along the width of a geometry. It is most useful for circuits with straight-line geometry.

Enter the number of cells that the width will be divided into in the Number of Cells Wide field. This will be the total number of cells along the width of the circuit. For more information about the transmission mesh, refer to About the Transmission Line Mesh.

8. Enable Thin layer overlap extraction in order to extract objects for the following situations:

? ?

Two objects on different layers overlap

The objects are separated with a thin substrate layer

If this is enabled, the geometry will be altered to produce a more accurate model for the overlap region. For more information, refer to Processing Object Overlap.

Note This should always be enabled when modeling thin layer capacitors.


9.Enable Mesh reduction in order to obtain an optimal mesh with fewer small cells and an improved memory usage and simulation time. For more information on Mesh Reduction, refer to Effect of mesh reduction on simulation accuracy..

10. Enable Horizontal side currents (thick conductors) to activate horizontal side currents on thick conductors. When enabled, this feature provides improved modeling of thick conductors by making use of horizontal currents on side walls. This feature:


Automatically uses edge mesh on side walls when the global mesh option is enabled (see 6.).


Provides higher accuracy for thick conductors with a width/thickness aspect ratio up to and below 1.0.


Makes substrate database recalculation unnecessary, by taking advantage of new reconstruction technology for the Green functions.

Can be visualized in post processing by selecting Momentum > Post-Processing > Visualization.

11. If you want to revert to default parameters, click Reset. 12. Click OK to accept the global mesh parameters.

Figure 6-1. Global Mesh Control dialog box.


Defining Mesh Parameters for a Layout Layer

You can define mesh parameters that affect the objects on a single layout layer. If you have global parameters set, they will not be used where mesh parameters are defined for a layout layer. To set up layout layer parameters: 1. Choose Momentum > Mesh > Setup. 2. Click the Layer tab.

3. From the Layout Layer list, select the metallization layer that you want to specify mesh parameters for.

4. Enter the Mesh Density - cells/wavelength. This value, along with the wavelength of the frequency specified in the Frequency field, will be used to determine the density of the mesh. (Recall that the frequency is a global parameter).

The relationship between wavelength and cells per wavelength is best described by example. If the portion of the circuit on this layer is 2 wavelengths long and the number of cells per wavelength is 20, the length of the circuit on this layer will be divided into 40 cells. For more information, refer to Adjusting Mesh Density.

5. Enable Edge Mesh to add a relatively dense mesh along the edges of the objects on this layer. Since most current flows along the edges of objects, the edge mesh can improve the accuracy and speed of a simulation.

If want the edge mesh to be sized automatically, leave the Edge Width field blank. Otherwise, specify the edge width and select the units. For more information about the edge mesh, refer to About the Edge Mesh.

6. Enable Transmission Line Mesh to specify the number of cells along the width of the geometry on this layer. It is most useful for circuits with straight-line geometry.

Enter the number of cells that the width will be divided into in the Number of Cells Wide field. This will be the total number of cells along the width of the circuit on this layer. For more information about the transmission mesh, refer to About the Transmission Line Mesh. 7. If you want to change the settings for the selected layer, click Reset to return to default values or Clear to erase your settings.

8. Select another layer and repeat these steps for setting the mesh parameters. 9. Click OK to accept the mesh parameters for the layers.

Defining Mesh Parameters for an Object


You can define mesh parameters that affect a single object. If you have global or layout layer parameters set, they will not be used where mesh parameters are defined for an object.

To set up object parameters:

1. Choose Momentum > Mesh > Setup. 2. Click the Primitive tab.

3. In the Layout window, select the object that you want to specify mesh parameters for. 4. Enter the Mesh Density - cells/wavelength. This value, along with the wavelength of the frequency specified in the Frequency field, will be used to determine the density of the mesh. (Recall that the frequency is a global parameter).

The relationship between wavelength and cells per wavelength is best described by example. If the object is 1/2 wavelengths long and the number of cells per wavelength is 20, the length of the object will be divided into 10 cells. For more information, refer to Adjusting Mesh Density.

5. Enable Edge Mesh to add a relatively dense mesh along the edges of the object. Since most current flows along the edges of objects, the edge mesh can improve the accuracy and speed of a simulation.

If want the edge mesh to be sized automatically, leave the Edge Width field blank. Otherwise, specify the edge width and select the units. For more information about the edge mesh, refer to About the Edge Mesh.

6. Enable Transmission Line Mesh to specify the number of cells along the width of the object. It is most useful for circuits with straight-line geometry.

Enter the number of cells that the width will be divided into in the Number of Cells Wide field. This will be the total number of cells along the width of the object. For more information about the transmission mesh, refer to About the Transmission Line Mesh. 7. If you want to change the settings for the selected object, click Reset to return to default values or Clear to erase your settings.

8. Select another object and repeat these steps for setting the mesh parameters.


Click OK to accept the mesh parameters for the objects.

Seeding an Object

For the majority of circuits, it is not necessary to seed an object, and it is not recommended because all internal mesh processes will be skipped. If an object is seeded incorrectly, an inefficient


mesh will result, affecting simulation speed and accuracy. You should have a good understanding of electromagnetics and computational geometry to be able to use this meshing feature efficiently.

Primitive seeding enables you to specify the exact number of cells to be applied to a geometry:

? ?

Horizontally, across the o,u-axis Vertically, from point V to the o,u-axis

The example below illustrates the position of the o,u-axis and the position of point V

with respect to OU on a simple shape. Regardless of the object seeding is applied to, OV must be perpendicular to OU in order to create a correct mesh. This mesh was defined to be three cells wide along the o,u-axis, and five cells high.

To seed a primitive:

1. Determine the method for entering mesh coordinates. You can:

? ?

Type coordinates directly into the Coordinate Entry dialog box Select coordinates by clicking on objects in the Layout window

If you choose select coordinates on the object, make sure that the vertex snap mode is on, and check your other snap modes to make sure that you can completely align the mesh with the structure. If snap modes are on when you select a coordinate, the system will snap to the nearest point that satisfies an enabled snap mode. This means that you may have difficulty aligning the mesh with the object if snap modes other than vertex snap are enabled. Snap modes can be found in the Layout window under the Options menu. 2. If a mesh is displayed on the layout, choose Momentum > Mesh > Clear.


3. Choose Momentum > Mesh > Setup. 4. Click the Primitive Seed tab.

5. In the Layout window, select the object that you want to seed. If necessary, zoom in. 6. Specify the o,u-axis. The axis determines the orientation of the mesh. Select the axis using one of the following two methods:


Position the mouse and click to define the origin of the o,u-axis. Move the mouse to the end of the axis and click again.


From the Layout menu bar choose Insert > Coordinate Entry and use the Coordinate Entry X and Coordinate Entry Y fields to specify the origin of the o,u-axis. Click Apply. Enter the coordinates that define the end of the axis and click Apply.

7. The Primitive Mesh Control dialog box is displayed. Enter the number of cells that you want along the o,u-axis.

8. Specify point V. The point must be positioned so that OV is perpendicular to OU. Select the point using one of the following two methods:

? ?

Position the mouse and click to define the point and click.

From the Layout menu bar choose Insert > Coordinate Entry and use the Coordinate Entry X and Coordinate Entry Y fields to specify the coordinates of point V. Click Apply.

9. The Primitive Mesh Control dialog box is displayed. Enter the number of cells that you want along the ov-line.

10. The following information will appear for the seeded object:

? ?

The number and name of the layout layer that the object is on Data describing the seeded object, including the type of object (for example, path or polygon) and its coordinates

? ?

The angle of the o,u-axis with respect to the x-axis

The length of each cell along the o,u-axis (the distance of OU divided by the number of cells)


The length of each cell along OV (the distance of OV divided by the number of cells)

An example is shown below:


11. If you want to change the settings for the selected object, click Clear to erase your settings.

12. Click OK to complete the command.

In the illustration below, the o,u-axis is positioned along the base of the polygon, and it is the length of the polygon. The number of cells along the axis is set to three. The number of cells from OU to V is set to five. The resulting mesh is displayed. Any other mesh parameters that had been specified were used in other parts of the circuit.

Mesh Connectivity

If you choose to seed an object, and you have global, layout layer, or object mesh parameters set, these other parameters will not be used on the seeded object. In addition, the mesh cells must connect in an appropriate way throughout the circuit in order to


