Book 9_U4_Welcome to the unit
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高中英语模块9第四单元welcome to the unit部分课件
牛津高中英语(模块9 · 高三上学期)1
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Welcome to the unitBehind beliefs
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Unit 4
课件描述:本课时是对整个单元的整体导入,从 三方面入手,讨论了宗教胜地,宗教节日 和宗教文学。重点培养学生的口头表达能 力,观察分析能力和语言组织能力。还通 过各种分组形式培养小组自学能力。适当 做一些新知识的介绍,激发学生对宗教课 题的兴趣。3
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Religions—everywhereContents Religious sites Religious days Religious literatures …4
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Your class are going on a trip … Where to go? why do you choose this destination? What to see?
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During the trip, you saw …
What are they doing? Why?6
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What makes them believe that will help?
They believe someone who is powerful may control their future.—the influence of religion7
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What is religion?The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods and do activities to praise or worship them.8
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What are the most popular religions in the world? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam9
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Religions in ChinaHave you ever been to any famous religious sites in China ?
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Buddhist site
The Mogao Grottoes In Dunhuang, Gansu Province
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Buddhist site
The White Horse Temple In Louyang, Henan Province
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Tibetan Buddhist site
The Potala Palace In Lhasa, Tibet
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Symbols and god of Buddhism
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What do you know about Taoism?
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Taoism is one of the major religions in China. It was founded by Lao-tzu in about the 6th century B.C. The most important text of Taoism is Tao-te-Ching. In the 5th century AD, Taoism developed as a religious system.
Taoism—Another religion in China
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What is the belief behind Taoism?Taoism is also a system of thought. The central concept of Taoism is Tao, which refers to the ways the universe functions. Taoism believes in ‘wuwei’, which means that everything must follow its course and happen naturally.17
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Symbol of Taoism
What does the yinyang mean?
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The yinyang of Taoism has greatly influenced Chinese philosophy. Taoism believes that ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ are two fundamental forces in the universe. ‘Yin’ is the passive or negative force, while ‘yang’ represents active and positive things, such as the bright, dry and masculine aspects.19
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According to Taoism, wise people will achieve a balance between the interactions of these two forces.
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Taoist site
Taoist monks
Mount Wudang In Hubei Province
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