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作者:陈敏,陈雨思,朱榆红 来源:《医学信息》2014年第19期

摘要:企业品牌的确立就是先进企业文化确立的最终结果,先进的企业文化可以使企业立于不败之地。重视医院文化建设,不仅要重视医疗业务质量、医疗服务质量,还要增强人性化服务理念,更要加强医院的文化内涵建设,同样,医院的发展壮大也必须依靠先进的医院文化来推动,医院文化是医院的灵魂,是医院生存和发展的重要战略资源和宝贵的精神财富,是提高医院整体素质和核心竞争力的重要内容,是决定医院和谐发展的精髓。而品牌策略也正是具有突出本单位特殊优势,特有风格之功效。 关键词:医院文化建设;医院品牌

Introduction about Hospital Culture and Hospital Brand CHEN Min,CHEN Yu-si,ZHU Yu-hong

(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650101,Yunnan,China)

Abstract:To establish the enterprise brand is the advanced enterprise culture to establish the final results, the advanced enterprise culture so that enterprises can remain invincible. Pay attention to the construction of hospital culture, not only should pay attention to the medical service quality, service quality, but also enhance the humanized service concept, to strengthen the construction of cultural connotation of hospital, the same hospital, the development must rely on advanced hospital culture to promote hospital, hospital culture is the soul, is an important strategic resource for the survival and development of hospital and the precious spiritual wealth, is an important part in improving the overall quality of the hospital and the core competitiveness of the essence, is the harmonious development of hospital. Brand strategy is also has the outstanding units of the special advantage, a unique style of efficacy.

Key words:Hospital culture; Hospital brand医院文化是医院的灵魂,是医院生存和发展的重要战略资源和宝贵的精神财富,是提高医院整体素质和核心竞争力的重要内容,是决定医院和谐发展的精髓[1]。因此,目前在建设现代化医院的进程中,若想将其打造成为品牌医院,就必须将先进的医院文化作为主体,全方位提高综合实力,挖掘潜力,杜绝急功近利这种不利于医院长远发展的行为发生,开发新的资产与资源,创造出更好的条件,才能满足人民群众的需要和参与激烈的医院市场竞争。


