
更新时间:2023-09-29 07:02:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




甲方: PARTY A: 地址: ADD: 乙方: PARY B: 地址: ADD:


FAX: E-mail:


This agreement is issued under the prescripts of disposal of oil sludge and wastes, and required by the port authorities of Shanghai harbor, aiming on two–sides benefits, Party A and party B sign the following rules which to dispose the oil sludge and wastes.

1、甲方将停靠在上海港的本公司所属船舶的污油水排放全部委托乙方处理,不另行安排第三方。Party A must accredit Party B to receive and dispose the oil sludge and wastes from all vessels of Party B calling at SHANGHAI ports. Party A can’t accredit others to receive and dispose the above-mentioned.

2、甲方船舶需要排放污油水,应提前二天将船名、到港时间、排放量通知乙方,以便乙方完成必要之前置作业。The vessels of Party A should inform Party B with vessel’

s name, exact arriving time and the quantity of the oil sludge and wastes in two days before her arrival for Party B to make necessary preparations the oil sludge and wastes.

3、甲方船舶应于到港前将污油提前加温,以方便排放作业之进行。The vessels of Party A should warm the oil sludge to help the work going well.

4、乙方对甲方委托的油污水及清舱排放要求,提供免费服务,并给予船方经海事局签发之中英文接受证明。Party B offers free service for oil sludge’s disposal and show the disposal certificates from the MSA to vessels of Party A. 5、以上所处理的污油水由乙方自行处理。Party B will dispose the above-mentioned the oil sludge and wastes from the vessels of Party A by himself.

6、乙方在排污作业中,做到及时、安全、规范,不发生滴漏、污染。排污过程中,甲方船舶管子接口以下发生滴漏所引起之污染,概由乙方承担负责。In the process of whole operation, Party B should do in time, safely, standard, without leakage and pollution as well as taking the full responsibility for any damage and pollution caused by Party B’s fault.

7、如甲方船舶要求在上海港排放污油,乙方若非因特殊情况而未予处理,乙方将负担甲方船舶于下一港口的处理之费用。特殊情况如:台风、大雾、未提前通知乙方、未提前加温、船方机械故障或影响甲、乙双方作业的不可克服之客观原因。If Party B does not carry out receiving and disposing the oil sludge and wastes from Party A while calling SHANGHAI ports, Party B should pay the disposal of the oil sludge and wastes on the next ports. But except the extra agreement, the bad weather such as typhoon, heavy fog, no notice to Party B in advance, no warming the oily water in advance, mechanical trouble of the vessel or any objective reason which both sides could not overcome.

本协议一式叁份,甲乙双方各一份,海事局备案一份,自签署之日起开始生效。本协议有效期为 年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。 This

agreement (triplication,one for party A, one for party B, one for SHANGHAI MSA to put on record) will be confirmed and effective from the date that the agreement signed. This validity of this agreement is X year ,from (year/month/date )to (year/month /date).

9、本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。Both parties should discuss and make other contract with any other details which is not mentioned in this agreement.

甲方负责人: Party A: Party B:

签约日期 Sign date: Sign date:

乙方负责人: 签约日期

