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- oracle 分组函数推荐度:
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(一)分析函数 ?row_number
ROW_NUMBER is an analytic function. It assigns a unique number to each row to which it is applied (either each row in the partition or each row returned by the query), in the ordered sequence of rows specified in the order_by_clause, beginning with 1.
You cannot use ROW_NUMBER or any other analytic function for expr. That is, you can use other built-in function expressions for expr, but you cannot nest analytic functions.
按部门分组后根据工资排序,序号rn特征:连续、无并列 select t.*, row_number() over(partition by t.deptno order
by sal desc) rn from emp t;
RANK calculates the rank of a value in a group of values. Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. Oracle then adds the number of tied rows to the tied rank to calculate the next rank. Therefore, the ranks may not be consecutive numbers. ?
As an aggregate function, RANK calculates the rank of a hypothetical row identified by the arguments of the function with respect to a given sort specification. The arguments of the function must all evaluate to constant expressions within each aggregate group, because they identify a single row within each group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the ORDER BY clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore, the number of arguments must be the same and their types must be compatible.
As an analytic function, RANK computes the rank of each row returned from a query with respect to the other rows returned by the query, based on the values of the value_exprs in the order_by_clause.
select t.*, rank() over(partition by t.deptno order
by sal desc) rn from emp t;
DENSE_RANK computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows. The ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of unique values returned by the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event of ties. Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank.
As an aggregate function, DENSE_RANK calculates the dense rank of a hypothetical row identified by the arguments of the function with respect to a given sort specification. The arguments of the function must all evaluate to constant expressions within each aggregate group, because they identify a single row within each group. The constant argument expressions and the expressions in the order_by_clause of the aggregate match by position. Therefore, the number of arguments must be the same and types must be compatible.
As an analytic function, DENSE_RANK computes the rank of each row returned from a query with respect to the other rows, based on the values of the value_exprs in the order_by_clause.
select t.*, dense_rank() over(partition by t.deptno order
by sal desc) rn from emp t;
根据查询结果观察三者的区别,grouping sets用起来更灵活。
友情提示:grouping(expr)函数仅用于分组中,如果expr 为null 返回1
select decode(grouping(dept.dname), 1, '总计', dept.dname) dname, decode(grouping(emp.job), 1, '小计', emp.job) job, sum(sal), avg(sal) from emp, dept
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno group by rollup(dept.dname, emp.job) order by dname, job;
select decode(grouping(dept.dname), 1, '所有部门', dept.dname) dname, nvl(emp.job, '小计') job, sum(sal), avg(sal) from emp, dept
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno group by cube(dept.dname, emp.job) order by dname, job;
?grouping sets
select dept.dname, emp. job, sum(sal), avg(sal) from emp, dept
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno
group by grouping sets((dept.dname, emp.job), dept.dname, emp.job) order by dname, job;
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