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Eugene Nida and His Translation TheoriesTranslation Theories and Practice Northwestern Polytechnical University June. 13 Hou Rui


Contents Introduction of Nida and his life The development history of his translation theories Toward a Science of Translation Bibliography


About Nida Nida was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 11, 1914. He became a Christian at a young age and set his mind to be a missionary. He is recognized as the developer of the dynamicequivalence and Bibletranslation theory.


Nida has great passion for language. He graduated as one of the best students from the University of California in 1936, where he majored in Greek and minored in Latin, German and Franch. In 1939,he gained his Master degree in the University of Southern California in the study of Bible in Greek. In 1943, Nida received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan, his advisors are Charles.C. Fries and Leonard Bloomfield.


Nida’s achievements are excellent in many fields. In 1943, Nida begun his career as a linguist with the American Bible Society (ABS). He was quickly promoted to Associate Secretary for Versions, then worked as Executive Secretary for Translations until his retirement. In 1970, he is appointed as the coordinator of Translation, guiding the work of Bible analysis and translation.


His idea of “common language” was applied in several major Bible translation and revision projects, including Today’s English Version (《 圣 经 ·现 代 英 语 译 本 》), which was published in 1966 and has a sell amount of 42million. To commend his achievement in translation practice, many universities have grand him honor titles, such as Honorary Doctorate of Devinity, Doctor of Arts and so on .


Nida has never been an official professor in any universities. However, he loves teaching and sharing his linguistic knowledge with other people. He had been guest lecturer in many American universities and was invited to give lectures in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.


The development history of his translation theoriesThree stages


Stage 1:Descriptive linguistics(formative years of his ideas) 1943: A Synopsis of English Syntax 1959: Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating Research focus: Syntax and Morphology Greatly influenced by structuralism; Emphasize on the collection and analyze of corpus; Descriptive attitude toward language differences; 5 years earlier than transformational generative grammar


Stage 2: communicative theory(decisive period for Nida to establish his authoritystatus in the whole Western Translation circle)

1959: Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating 1969: The Theory and Practice of Translating Other publications:Message and Mission, 1960 Bible Translating and the Science of Linguistics Toward a Science of Translating, 1964


Four points in stage 2 Translation is a sk

ill, an art and a science. Translating is a social communicative activity; language should be analyzed in context. Dynamic equivalence: the translator should translate so that the effect of the translation on the target reader is roughly the same as the effect of the source text once was on the source reader. Four steps in translating: analyze, transfer, restructuring, testing


Stage 3: social semiotics1975: Componential Analysis of Meaning 1986: From One Language to Another Main stand: Language should be viewed as a semiotic phenomenon and analyzed in the social context


Developments in stage 3 Everything in a translated text has its own meaning, therefore, elements such as form and order should be considered as well. Rhetorical characters play an important role. Functional equivalence instead of dynamic equivalence. Reclassified language meaning.


Chart of Language meaningRhetorical meaningReferential meaning Associative meaning

Grammatical meaningReferential meaning

Lexical meaningReferential meaning

Associative meaning

Associative meaning


A classic: Toward a Science of Translation Theoretical Principles The functions of translation Ways of Meaning Analyze


Theoretical Principles Emphasize on Language universals: All languages have the same capability of expression of thoughts, description of the world, and satisfying communication needs. e.g. Scientific words :rich in developed countries but less in under-developed countries

One language is better than another


The functions of translation Information is valuable only in communication, therefore translated texts should be reader centered. Stress on dynamic features of language communication, which have five components:① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Content Participants(speaker & listener; author & reader) Process of speaking or writing Actual language used in communication process Form of language expression


Meaning analysis Grammatical structure meaning: relational meaning between words, phrases, sentences. e.g. old man; tall tree; beatiful furSame grammatical structure Same grammatical meaning


The old man stared at us. Some young boys pounced on them.Grammatical structure:

det. +adj.+ N. + V. + prep + pro. his car, his failure, his arrest, his goodness Reason: surface meaning is different from deep meaning.

