2019届高中英语一轮复习外研版必修一 Module 3My First Ride on

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2019届一轮复习外研版必修一Module 3My First Ride on a Train单元学案设计

一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)


1.helicopter n. 直升飞机 2.motorbike n. 3.tram n. 4.camel n. 5.cassette n. [第二屏听写]

6.diamond n. 钻石 7.soil n. 8.circus n. 9.stadium n. 10.eagle n. [第三屏听写]

11.kindergarten n. 幼儿园 12.cartoon n. 13.vacuum n. 14.track n. 15.souvenir n. 卡通;漫画 真空;空白 轨道 纪念品

摩托车 电车 骆驼 录音带 土壤 马戏团 运动场;体育场 鹰



1.distance n. 距离 2.abandoned adj. 3.desert n. 4.expert n. 5.product_ n. [第五屏听写]

6.scenery_ n. 风景;景色 7.shoot_ vt. (shot, shot) 射杀 8.journey n. 9.train vt. 10.seaside n. [第六屏听写]

11.frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 12.interview n. 13.interviewer n. 14.event n. 15.exhausted adj. [第七屏听写]

16.downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的

被遗弃的 沙漠 专家 产品 旅程 训练 海滨 面试;面谈 (面试时的)主考官;面谈者 事件 疲惫不堪的 17.ceremony_ n. 18.midnight n. 19.apartment n. 20.rail n.

仪式 半夜 (美)公寓;单元住宅 铁轨 [第八屏听写]

21.get_on 上(车、船等) 22.get_off 23.get_into 24.get_out_of 25.take_off [第九屏听写]

26.be_short_for 是……的缩写/简称 27.not_..._any_more 28.out_of_date 29.refer_to 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾

(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉) 记1.helicopter n. 直升飞机 单2.motorbike n. 摩托车

下(车、船等) 上(车) 下(车) (飞机)起飞 不再 过时 指的是 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英) 1.midnight n. 半夜 2.seaside n. 海滨 词3.cassette n. 录音带 写4.diamond n. 钻石 对 5.soil n. 土壤 6.stadium n. 运动场;体育场 7.kindergarten n. 幼儿园 8.cartoon n. 卡通;漫画 9.vacuum n. 真空;空白 10.track n. 轨道 11.souvenir n. 纪念品 3.apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 4.rail n. 铁轨 5.downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的 1.Many worldwide important events (事件) are often broadcast live so that people can feel the spirit of the occasion. 2.The guests invited to the opening ceremony (仪式) were mainly the famous businessmen of the local enterprises. 核心3.The experts (专家) from the university said they had done enough research on this matter. 单4.I live by the sea, so I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery 词(风景) of the sea. 练5.Some trees can survive a long time without water, such as those 通 trees growing in the desert (沙漠). 6.Many animals including dogs can be trained (训练) to help the disabled. 7.Waving goodbye to them on the platform, I wished them a safe journey (旅程). 拓[记全记牢]

[用准用活] 展1.distance n.距离→distant adj.1.This abandoned boy was 单遥远的 词2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的用→abandon vt.遗弃;抛弃 活 3.product n.产品→produce vt.生产 n.农产品→production n.生产;产量 abandoning himself to taking drugs.(abandon) 2.In the interview her fluent English leaves a deep impression on the interviewer.(interview) 3.The medicine the factory effects, which proved that the product was harmful. Therefore, the factory stopped its production.(product) 4.Mary was too frightened to tell her family the frightening scene because it frightened her thought of it, she was trembling with fright.(fright) 5.The long cycle ride exhausted my aunt. On arriving home, she was so exhausted that she went to bed and fell asleep immediately. The cycle ride was really exhausting.(exhaust) ?积 得 多?平时多输入,用时顺手出? 1.“旅行”名词大观2.别样“风景” 园


4.shoot vt.射杀→shot n.射击;produced had many side 枪声 5.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓→frightening adj.令人害怕的→frightened adj.害怕的→fright n.惊吓;害怕 6.interview n.&v.面试;面谈→interviewer n.(面试时的)主考to death. Whenever she 官;面谈者→interviewee n.参加面试者;接受采访者 7.exhausted adj.疲惫不堪的→exhausting adj.令人疲惫不堪的→exhaust vt.使疲惫不堪→exhaustion n.疲惫 ①scenery n. 风①interview n.&v.

时,必须要用复数sights view 常指从远处或高处看到的景色 选词填空(用scenery, scene, view和sight完成语段) People like to enjoy the beautiful ①scenery during the holidays. If you travel in festivals, it may be very crowded in some historic ②sights. Standing on the top of the hill, you can have a better ③view. Seeing the happy ④scene of children playing around you, you will be full of joy.

3.get on上(车、船等);进展,进行;相处;继续进行下去

get off get into get on/along (well) with get across get down to [题点全练]


①He isn't good at talking but he gets on/along well with other people.

②After getting off the train, we got into the car and headed for the airport.

③There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.

下(车、船等) 上(车);进入;陷入 进展(顺利);与……相处(得好) 讲清楚;被……理解 开始认真(做某事)(to为介词) ④It's time that I got down to thinking about my future. ⑤On getting on the bus, I found all the seats were taken. 4.refer to指的是;提到;涉及;参考;查阅

[练牢基点] 写出下列句中refer to的含义

①If you don't know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary.查阅

②Your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.参考 ③We have reached an agreement that we will not refer to the matter again.提到

④The new law does not refer to land used for farming.涉及 [系统考点]

(1)refer ... to ... refer to ... as ... (2)reference n. in/with reference to [练通重点] 单句语法填空/补全句子

⑤The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as reference (refer) books while the magazines serve as reading materials.

⑥People who work in offices are usually referred_to_as “white collar workers”.


把……提交……处理 把……称作…… 提及;参考;查阅 关于 ⑦In/With_reference_to your question about cost, the tickets for the film are 35 yuan each.


[名师指津] refer的过去式、过去分词和现在分词都要先双写“r”,再加上“-ed”或“-ing”。类似的词还有prefer。

[一言串记] refer to, look up

Don't always refer to the dictionary when coming across new words. Only if a word is very important can you look it up in your dictionary.


5.感叹句 And what_a_ride! 多么奇妙的一次乘车旅行啊! 本句是一个省略式的感叹句。其完整的形式是:And what a ride it was!感叹句一般由what和how引出,what与名词连用构成感叹句,how与形容词或副词连用构成感叹句。

(1)What+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)! (2)What+adj.+不可数名词或可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)! (3)How+adj./adv.(+主语+谓语)! (4)How+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)! 选词填空(what/how) ①What a good girl she is! ②What fine weather it is!

③What lovely wild animals we saw during our tour in Australia! ④How excited we were at the news that our national women volleyball team had won the gold medal in the Olympic Games!


⑤What a diligent student he is!(用how改写) →How_diligent_a_student_he_is! 6.Would you mind ...? Would_you_mind_showing me your ticket?/Would_you_mind_if I saw your ticket? 请出示你的票好吗? (1)Would/Do you mind+[one (宾格)/one's]+doing sth.?表示请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事 (2)Would you mind+if从句?(从句谓语常用一般过去时) Do you mind+if从句?(从句谓语常用一般现在时) 表示询问对方是否介意某人做某事 单句语法填空 ①Would you mind answering (answer) some questions on shopping habits?

②Would you mind if I used (use) your computer for a while? 一句多译


③Would/Do_you_mind_my opening the window? ④Would_you_mind_if_I opened the window?

⑤Do_you_mind_if_I open the window?

[名师指津] 回答Would/Do you mind ...?问句时,一定要特别注意前后文的一致性。

(1)表示“不介意”的答语通常有:No, of course not./Certainly not./Not at all./Go ahead./Do as you like./Not in the least.等。

(2)表示“介意”或“不同意”时则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。例如:I'm sorry but I do./Sorry, you'd better not./I'm afraid you can't./I'd rather you didn't./I'm sorry, but it's not allowed.等。

考点新组合 Last night, Li Hua, who is my companion, and I were going back home after work when we saw a an old man lying on the road?. A 1.①处应填入单词的正确形式________(frighten)? scene. We found 为frightening。 2.②句为find的复合宾语结阅读微技能 broken bike was near him. Obviously 构,此句为“find+宾语+现he was hit by a car and was abandoned there. I quickly took off my coat, put it onto him and ________? the meanwhile we dialed 120 and 110. 7.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓

在分词”,表示主动或正在进行的动作。 3.③处应填入介词in。

(1)frighten sb. into doing sth. 吓得某人做某事 frighten sb. out of doing sth. frighten sb. to death frighten ... away/off (2)frightening adj. frightened adj. be frightened of (3)fright n. with fright [多角练透] 单句语法填空

①A sudden stop can be a very frightening (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016·浙江高考单选)

②They frightened the small boy into telling (tell) them the secret.

③The mothers are frightened of the children going camping, for they may get lost in the mountain.


④The little girl was so frightening that she burst out crying.frightening→frightened 补全句子

⑤The bird came to the window, but I moved suddenly and

吓得某人不敢做某事 把某人吓得要死 吓走/跑…… 令人恐惧的;可怕的 感到害怕的;受到惊吓的 害怕…… 恐惧;害怕 害怕地 frightened_it_away/off. 那只鸟儿飞到窗前,可我的身子突然一动,把它吓走了。 [一言串记] At the sight of the frightening scene, which frightens anyone, he is almost frightened to death with fright.


8.abandoned adj.被遗弃的;被抛弃的;放纵的

(1)abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n. abandon oneself to abandon doing sth. (2)with abandon [多角练透] 单句语法填空

①However, these plans were_abandoned (abandon) because of financial problems.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)

②After careful deliberation, they agreed to abandon carrying (carry) out the project.


③After his mother died, he abandoned_himself_to grief. 他母亲死后,他悲伤不已。

④At the party, people sang and danced with_abandon,_totally forgetting the troubles in their lives.

放任;放纵 沉湎于;纵情于…… 放弃做某事 恣意地;放纵地;尽情地 聚会上,人们尽情地唱歌、跳舞,把生活中的烦恼抛到了九霄云外。

9.take off(飞机)起飞;开始成功;脱去(衣服等);匆匆离开;休假

[一词多义] 写出下列句中take off的含义

①Many businesses started up by college students have taken off thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.(2016·江苏高考单选)开始成功

②When the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.起飞 ③In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house.脱去 ④His mother was seriously ill, so he had to take a day off to look after her. 休假

⑤The six boys got into the car and took off for the drugstore. 匆匆离开


take away take back take down take in take on take up 拿走;夺走 收回;带回;使回忆起 写下,记下;拆卸 吸收;理解;欺骗;收容 具有,呈现;担任,承担;雇用 举(拿、捡、拔)起;占据;从事 take over 接管;接任;控制 用take短语完成下面语段(take in,take on,take off,take over) After ⑥taking_over the company from his father, he ⑦took_in some advanced ideas and ⑧took_on some skillful workers, which suggests that his company will ⑨take_off soon.



1.The newly-built bridge has greatly shortened the distance (distant) between the two cities.

2.I felt exhausted (exhaust) after eight hours' continuous working in the office.

3.Jenny was too frightened (frighten) to tell her family what had happened.

4.Mrs White showed her students some old maps borrowed (borrow) from the library.

5.What a nice day it is to go for a spring outing!

6.Another three passengers got on the bus, making it more crowded.

7.The plane was about to take off when there was an announcement for its cancellation.

8.When she said somebody was really foolish, I knew exactly that she was_referring (refer) to the man standing next to her. 9.Young people shouldn't abandon themselves to pleasures like drinking and playing.

10.Would you mind telling (tell) me what the climate is like in California?


1.As we all know, UN is short of the United States. of→for 2.Although the coat has been out of the date, he still keeps it in the drawer. 去掉第二个the 3.The plane is flying from east to west at the speed of 1,000 kilometres per hour. the→a 4.The old man expressed his thanks to the driver before getting on the bus. on→off 5.How fun it is to have a football match after school on Saturday afternoon! How→What 6.Lei Feng served in the army in his 1960's, when he was in his twenties. 第一个his→the 7.I've got on the habit of calling on my grandparents on my way home from school. 第一个on→into 8.The hunter shot the rabbit with his gun but missed it.shot后加at


1.考试时,不要查阅笔记或词典。(refer to)

Don't refer_to_your_notes_or_dictionary when taking a test. 2.你想要和我欣赏这个美丽地区的风景吗?(scenery)

Would you like to enjoy_the_scenery in this beautiful district with me?

3.得知我们的小儿子功课进展得很好,我们很高兴。(get on) We're glad to know that our youngest son is_getting_on_well at school.


What do_you_think_I_should_do when I meet something like this?


They had to abandon_climbing_further to the top of the mountain because of the extreme weather.


1.What a pleasant surprise it is to know that our school English paper is undergoing some reform!

→How_pleasant_a_surprise it is to know that our school English paper is undergoing some reform!

2.我听不清楚新闻,你介意我把收音机音量调大些吗? ①I






Would_you_mind_my/me_turning_up_the_radio? (Would you mind doing sth.?)







Would_you_mind_if_I_turned_up_the_radio? (Would you mind if ...?)







Do_you_mind_if_I_turn_up_the_radio? (Do you mind if ...?)





For 26 years, Tess Heidelberger's wedding dress was sitting in a dusty box in her basement next to her Christmas decorations. She felt it was __1__waste, and then thought of her plain Christmas tree skirt on the top of the Christmas decorations. So she came up __2__an idea of putting the two of __3__ (they) together, and wanted to turn part of her wedding gown (长袍) into a tree skirt.

Tess, __4__ (live) in Mauldin, purchased the wedding dress in 1989, __5__had all the features of 80s bridal style. She got married the following year. Her daughters had no interest in wearing it as they felt it was __6__ (complete) out-of-date. So Tess made a __7__ (decide) to make the dress an art project.

She got a pair of scissors and a bottle of glue (胶水) and got to work. All she needed to buy were some pretty ribbons to cover the glue, because she had already had a plain Christmas tree skirt __8__ (put) underneath the wedding dress. When everything was ready, she pinned the wedding dress skirt on the plain Christmas tree skirt until it was the way she liked. Then she __9__ (decorate) the dress skirt.

In all, Tess only spent an hour completing it. She was very pleased with the __10__ (finish) product.

语篇解读:Tess Heidelberger将自己的婚纱改成了一件圣诞树裙,她对自己的这件作品很满意。

1.a 第一次提到的名词用不定冠词a。

2.with come up with“提出”,为固定搭配。 3.them 介词of后需接宾格。

4.living live与逻辑主语Tess之间是主动关系,故用现在分词形式。

5.which 此处引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,指代物,故用which。

6.completely 修饰形容词out-of-date应用副词形式。 7.decision 根据不定冠词a可知此处应用名词形式。 8.to put 此处作目的状语,故用动词不定式。

9.decorated decorate这个动作发生在过去,需用过去式。 10.finished finish与product之间是被动关系,且动作已经完成,故用过去分词形式。


This year, our school call on us students to make good use of our time and do socially practice in the holiday. I found a job in the small restaurant. I thought it would be easy, so actually it turned out to be hard. I spent on the whole morning washing dishes and setting tables. I didn't have lunch until 2:00 pm. After lunch, I immediately set to work again, do the same things until 11:00 pm. I worked more than ten hour every day! However, after days of work, you have come to understand the value of hard work. I've also realized what difficult it is for my parents to support our family. Therefore, I am now

determined study hard to repay my parents.

答案:第一句:call→called; socially→social 第二句:the→a 第三句:so→but 第四句:去掉on 第六句:do→doing 第七句:hour→hours 第八句:you→I 第九句:what→how 第十句:determined后加to Ⅲ.书面表达



2.北京两日游的行程安排; 3.表示祝愿。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Alex,

I'm glad to learn from your letter that you're going to pay a visit to Beijing recently.

