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Unit 7 单元测试题

第 Ⅰ 卷 选择题 ( 共 65 分 )

Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )1. My favourite charity is ______ because it helps protect the endangered



( )2. You always spend too much ______ clothes. Why don ’t you donate some

______ charities?

A. in; to B. in; for C. on; to D. on; for ( )3. We have never seen ______ beautiful girl before.

A. so B. so a C. such D. such a ( )4. —She was encouraged to write the report, ______ she?

—Yes. We’re sure she can write an excellent one.

A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. wasn’t D. hasn’t ( )5. My brother heard ______ in the bedroom and he was very afraid.

A. strange something B. something strange C. strange anything D. anything strange ( )6. —______ will you come back?

—In an hour.

A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far

( )7. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed in Indian Ocean. None of the people

______ was found. What sad news!

A. in board B. in the board C. on the board D. on board ( )8. —Why don’t you take the coat, Linda?

—It’s $65, but I have only $40. I can’t ______ it.

A. afford B. offer C. attend D. provide

( )9. I used to belong to the Moonlight Clan (月光族). But now, I have ______ a

habit of saving one third of my money every month.

A. caused B. developed C. improved D. protected

( )10. We can help these poor students by ______ them clothes and books.

A. send B. sent C. sending D. having sent

( )11. Eddie, you need to sleep ______ if you want to ______ as the host.

A. less; choose B. less; be chosen C. fewer; choose D. fewer; be chosen

( )12. A talk on IT ______ in the school hall next week.

A. was given B. is giving C. will be given D. has been given

( )13. The books must be ______ clean and ______ to the library before next


A. keep; return B. keep; returned C. kept; return D. kept; returned

( )14. —Are you getting on well with your project?

—Well. It is hard to ______ with it. But I will never give it up. A. carry away B. carry off C. carry out D. carry on

( )15. —Don’t make any noise in the room! The patients are sleeping.


A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter C. Excuse me D. You’re welcome Ⅱ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Visiting Africa was always my dream. Finally, in 2004, I flew to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Next to me on the 1 sat an officer of the country’s government. We talked for thousands of miles, and he offered me a 2 to visit a school. When I arrived at the school, I was 3 to see that the school was really in poor conditions.

It broke my heart when I knew those children didn’t have enough food every day. So I asked the headmaster how much it would 4 to feed them.“As little as 20

cents per child per day,”he told me. I thought I could do something for them. So I 5 Kids of Kilimanjaro. Since then we’ve grown to provide hot lunches for nearly 13,000 school children in Tanzania every day. The free lunch programme has solved a(n) 6 problem.

I know a good 7 could really make a difference in these children’s lives. I paid my own way through college in Tokyo 8 teaching English. After attending university I moved to America. In 1978, I 9 my American dream when I began to run my own company. My success all started with a good education.

It’s 10 that something as simple as a hot lunch can change so many lives. Giving young people a better, healthier life can encourage them to go all the way through college and lead to a change in their country.

( )1.A. flight B. coach C. ship D. train ( )2.A. job B. chance C. right D. dream ( )3.A. proud B. excited C. nervous D. surprised ( )4.A. cost B. spend C. paid D. used ( )5.A. set on B. set up C. set out D. set off ( )6.A. easy B. interesting C. cheap D. serious ( )7.A. dream B. education C. reason D. parent ( )8.A. with B. for C. as D. by ( )9.A. realized B. reported C. received D. repeated ( )10.A. hard B. important C. amazing D. necessary Ⅲ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)



As the founder of the ASPCA (美国防止虐待动物协会), Henry Bergh is considered to be a national hero. He made America a safer place for animals.

Henry Bergh was born in a rich family in New York City in 1813. When he was about fifty years old, he was offered a government job in Russia.

While in Russia, Henry Bergh saw that animals were treated badly. Because of his high position in the government, he had the power to order them to stop. It was then that he decided to give animals a better life in the United States.

Before returning to the USA, Henry Bergh met the Earl (伯爵) of Harrow by in

London. The Earl of Harrowby supported animal rights and served as president of the RSPCA in England. After spending some time with the Earl, Henry Bergh had gained the knowledge that he needed to start his own animal protection organization and hurried home to introduce his idea to the American people.

In April 1866, Henry Bergh became successful in helping to pass the first law that made it illegal (违法的) to harm animals. A few days later, Henry Bergh started the ASPCA. He worked as the first president of the organization.

Soon, the ASPCA became popular all over the country. ( )1. Henry Bergh set up the ASPCA to protect ______.

A. women B. children C. plants D. animals

( )2. When did Henry Bergh probably go to Russia?

A. In 1853. B. In 1856. C. In 1863. D. In 1873. ( )3. Henry Bergh went to Russia to ______.

A. go sightseeing B. start his new job

C. meet the Earl of Harrowby D. learn about animal rights

( )4. Henry Bergh decided to make the USA a better place for animals after ______.

A. he saw animals were treated badly in Russia B. he worked for a long time at the RSPCA in the USA C. he got support from American people D. he met the Earl of Harrowby in England

( )5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. ASPCA: An Animal Protection Organization B. ASPCA and RSPCA: Same or Different C. Henry Bergh: The Founder of the ASPCA D. America: A Better Place for Animals


“Keep quiet!” said Jessie. The three children did not say a word. They quietly looked at the trees.

“I wonder if it's a cat,” thought Benny.

Soon something came out. But it wasn't a cat. It was a dog.

“It's all right,” said Jessie. “It's only a dog, but there is something wrong with his foot.”

The dog looked up and saw the children, and then he wagged his tail (摇尾巴). “Poor dog,” said Jessie. “Are you lost? Come over here and let me look at your foot.”

The dog came to Jessie. Jessie looked at the foot and said, “Oh, dear! You poor dog! There is a big thorn in your foot.” The dog stopped crying and looked at Jessie.

“Good dog,” said Jessie. “I can help you.”

The dog looked up at Jessie and wagged his tail again.

“Violet,” ordered Jessie, “please wet my handkerchief (手帕).”

Jessie sat down and gave him a little piece of bread. Then she began to pull out the thorn. It was a long thorn. Jessie pulled and pulled, and at last the thorn came out.

Violet had a wet handkerchief ready. Jessie put it around the dog's foot, and he looked up at her and wagged his tail a little.

“He wants to say ‘Thank You', Jessie!” cried Violet. “He is a good dog,” said Benny.

“Yes, he is,” agreed Jessie. “Now I had better hold him for a short time so that he will rest his leg.”

( )6. From Jessie's actions in this passage, we can know that she was _______.

A. afraid of cats B. kind to animals C. good at telling jokes

D. the youngest of the three children

( )7. What does the underlined word “thorn” mean in Chinese?

A. 肉 B. 花 C. 刺 D. 痣 ( )8. According to Violet, the dog wagged his tail to show _______.

A. anger B. thanks C. sadness D. agreement ( )9. Why did Jessie want to hold the dog in the end?

A. She thought the dog felt cold. B. She wanted the dog to rest his leg.

C. She was afraid the dog would run away.

D. She didn't want to share the dog with other children. ( )10. The passage may come from a _______.

A. menu B. dictionary C. guidebook D. storybook


More and more families like to keep dogs as pets. But not all dog owners think of others while they are walking their dogs. So many towns and cities around the world face a mess of left-behind feces ( 粪 便) from dogs.

In February 2014, a town in France started a new project to teach dog owners a lesson. The government sent about 20 volunteers to search the streets carefully, looking for people who wouldn’t clean up after their dogs. Once they found one, they would then move nearer to the pet owner, and start a talk in order to get the dog’s name. “With the name of the dog and its type, we can easily discover the owner from the registered database (登记的信息库) held in the town hall,” an officer explained. The volunteers would then pick up the dog feces and the package would be posted to the pet owner’s house. In the past few months, the town has seen a 70% decrease in the amount of dog feces left in public streets.

Maybe many cities in our country can follow its example. In this way there will be fewer complaints about dog owners in China in the near future. ( )11. Which country is the writer of this passage from?

A. France. B. England. C. China. D. The USA. ( )12. Which of the following is the right order?

① The dog owner told the volunteer his dog’s name.

② The dog owner registered his dog ‘s information in the town hall. ③ The dog owner received the package of his dog’s feces. ④ The dog owner wouldn’t clean up after his dog in public places. A. ①②③④ B. ②①③④ C. ④①②③ D. ②④①③

( )13. What does the underlined word “decrease” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A. 阻碍 B. 减少 C. 消失 D. 损失

( )14. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are more dog feces left in France than other countries.

B. France is a country with the most dogs in the world. C. The way used in the French town has worked well so far. D. French government has completely solved the dog feces problem.

( )15. The writer wrote this passage to ______.

A. introduce a way to solve the problem of left-behind feces from dogs B. invite people to visit the French town with good environment

C. make more people register their dogs in the database held in the town hall D. play a trick on dog owners so that they would stop keeping dogs as pets


Philippe and Abdel first met in Paris in 1993 when Philippe was looking for a nurse. Philippe was from a very rich family. Unluckily, he had a terrible car accident and lost his legs. Philippe needed help with his life.

Philippe met more than 80 people for the job of nurse, but none of them seemed right. Then he met Abdel. Abdel was just out prison (监狱) in Algeria and moved to France to look for work. Philippe got on well with Abdel quickly, and he offered him the job.

The two men didn't have much in common. Abdel loved pop music, but Philippe liked modern art. Abdel was interested in almost all kinds of sports, but Philippe didn't like any sport.

Philippe's family didn't think Abdel was the right person for the job. However, they became good friends soon. Abdel gave Philippe the help he needed. More importantly, he brought fun back into Philippe's life. Abdel helped Philippe make trips to other countries.

Abdel worked for Philippe for many years. Philippe believes that having fun with Abdel kept him alive. As for Abdel, getting to know Philippe kept him out of prison and helped him find a new way of life.

In 2003, Abdel left Philippe and went back to Algeria. Philippe and Abdel now live in different countries, but they still keep in touch with each other. Over the years they have become best friends.

( )16. Philippe lost his legs in a ____. A. fight B. competition C. fire accident D. car accident ( )17. What can we know about Abdel?

A. He didn't like sports. B. He enjoyed pop music. C. He once drew many pictures. D. He once worked in a hospital. ( )18. How long did Abdel work for Philippe?

A. Seven years. B. Eight years. C. Nine years. D. Ten years. ( )19. What did Philippe think of staying with Abdel?

A. Enjoyable. B. Boring. C. Funny. D. Quiet. ( )20. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A friend is easier lost than found. B. It's difficult to make real friends. C. Friendship can make life colourful.

D. People with the same interests can be friends.

第 Ⅱ 卷 非选择题 ( 共 55 分 )

Ⅳ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共15分) A) 根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 1. My sister works in a company as a(n) ________(秘书). 2. We will ________( 举 行 ) a sports meeting tomorrow. 3. What’s the ________(问题) with you? 4. Jack is ill and he looks ________(苍白的). 5. My best friend Jane comes from ________(印度). B) 根据语境,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. It is ________(snow) these days, so you should drive carefully. 7. Did you enjoy ________(you) at the party yesterday, Kate? 8. These old people don’t have to pay for medical ________(treat). 9. Floods in that country made thousands of people ________(home). 10. Amy expects her parents ________(visit) her next month. 11. We should do our best to help ________(able) people.

12. Chinese ________(medical) is very useful, so many foreigners come to China to study it.

13. I often help my mum do some housework, ________(most) at the weekend. 14. Do you know when your school was ________ (set) up? 15. Try and do it without ________(make) any mistakes. Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(每小题1分,共10分)

根据材料内容,用正确的信息完成表格,每空一词。 ORBIS helps me see again!

My name is Zhang Wei. When I was seven years old, I was unhappy because I could not see things clearly. The local doctors told me that they could do nothing about it because that had no ability to do the operation on my eyes. A year later, my world became dark. Blindness was very painful for me. I could still remember everything I saw before I got blind. I was not used to living without sight.

My father told me that ORBIS came to China in 2014. He hoped it would come again, and it finally did. When I was twelve, my mother took me to see the doctors in the flying eye hospital. They examined my eyes and did an operation on me. After a few days, I could see everything clearly with my right one, but I was still very happy. About half of a year, I could see the world again with my own eyes! I could go to school as other children the following year.

My parents and I are grateful (感激的) to the ORBIS doctors. These days, I’m studying hard and I’m good at all my lessons. I want to be a doctor and help the people with eye problems when I grow up.

ORBIS cured Zhang Wei’s eyes Before seven At seven At eight At twelve Zhang Wei could see things as other people. Zhang Wei couldn’t see things (1) . The local doctors said they had no (2) to help him. Zhang Wei got (3) and it was painful for him to live without sight. ORBIS doctors came. They examined his eyes and (4) on his eyes. First his (5) eye could see things. About (6) month(s) later, he could see the world with his own eyes again. At (7) At present Zhang Wei could go to school as other children. ORBIS has (8) light back to Zhang Wei’s life. Zhang Wei is doing (9) in all his lessons. He wants to be a(n) (10)

in the future.

Ⅵ. 短文填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Now, there are still many people in need around the world.

Some people are suffering from b (1)__. They can’t see anything and they are too poor to a (2)__ to see a doctor. Many patients are unable to pay for the m (3)__ treatment. Some children in poor areas can’t get e (4)__ like children in cities. It is a serious problem.

Li Ming, a middle school student in Jiangsu Province, has made up his m (5)__ to help those in need. He saves his pocket money for them. He also h (6)__ out leaflets in the street to ask people to donate money at the weekend. His parents both s (7)__ him. With their help, he s (8)__ up “Helping Hand Club” in his school last month. He believes he will raise more money to c (9)__ on with his project. His teachers and classmates are all p (10)__ of him. Many of them have joined this club. Their good deeds are just like sunshine to those in need. Ⅶ. 书面表达(20分)


提示:1. 人数:200多人

2. 活动的内容:售旧自行车、玩具、衣服;交换旧书 3. 你的参与:买了一辆旧自行车 4. 活动的意义:……(自拟内容)

要求:80词左右。短文的开头已给出,但不计入要求词数。 提示词语:交换 exchange

It was fine yesterday. Sanyi Community had a yard sale.



Ⅰ. 1—5ACDCB 6—10 BDABC 11—15 BCDDA Ⅱ. 1—5ABDAB 6—10 DBDAC

Ⅲ. 1—5 DCBAC 6—10 BCBBD 11—15 CDBCA 16—20 DBDAC Ⅳ. A) 1. secretary 2. hold 3. matter 4. pale 5. India

B) 6. snowy 7. yourself 8. treatment 9. homeless 10. to visit 11. disabled 12. medicine 13. mostly 14. set 15. making Ⅴ. 1. clearly 2. ability 3. blind 4. operated 5. right 6. six / 6 7. thirteen / 13 8. brought 9. well 10. doctor

Ⅵ. 1. blindness 2. afford 3. medical 4. education 5. mind 6. hands 7. support 8. set 9. carry 10. proud Ⅶ. One possible version:

It was fine yesterday. Sanyi Community had a yard sale. More than 200 people took part in the activity. Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys and clothes. Some sold cards made by themselves. Othersexchangedusedbooks.Iwentthereat3:00 p.m. I bought a used bike at a low price. Everyone was satisfied with what they bought and had a lot of fun.

In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make good use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.


Ⅰ. 1—5ACDCB 6—10 BDABC 11—15 BCDDA Ⅱ. 1—5ABDAB 6—10 DBDAC

Ⅲ. 1—5 DCBAC 6—10 BCBBD 11—15 CDBCA 16—20 DBDAC Ⅳ. A) 1. secretary 2. hold 3. matter 4. pale 5. India

B) 6. snowy 7. yourself 8. treatment 9. homeless 10. to visit 11. disabled 12. medicine 13. mostly 14. set 15. making Ⅴ. 1. clearly 2. ability 3. blind 4. operated 5. right 6. six / 6 7. thirteen / 13 8. brought 9. well 10. doctor

Ⅵ. 1. blindness 2. afford 3. medical 4. education 5. mind 6. hands 7. support 8. set 9. carry 10. proud Ⅶ. One possible version:

It was fine yesterday. Sanyi Community had a yard sale. More than 200 people took part in the activity. Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys and clothes. Some sold cards made by themselves. Othersexchangedusedbooks.Iwentthereat3:00 p.m. I bought a used bike at a low price. Everyone was satisfied with what they bought and had a lot of fun.

In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make good use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.

