小学五年级英语上册期末考试题及答案 - 图文

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题号 得分 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ 总分 【第一题的出题意图:检验学生对于单词的熟识程度,着重检验学生的单词量】 Ⅰ. Look and tick.看图勾出正确单词。(9分)

fruit food drink beside behind between shoes shorts socks fork knife spoon chocolate harburger beef thin old strong 【第二题的出题意图:英语学习要与生活联系起来,本题重点在于检查学生对于生活中的一些基本动词短语的把握程度】

Ⅱ.Look and complete . 看图,不全短语。(12分)

Sit ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ do the ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ wash the﹍﹍﹍﹍

﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ a bus a pair of ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ go to the ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍ 【第三题的出题意图:通过看图补全对话来检验学生的情景观察能力,对于交际语言的应用和理解】 Ⅲ. Look ,read and complete .看图,读一读,补全句子。(15分) 1.

Li Na is ____ for class . 2. The boy often ____ ____ ____ at home . 3. I ____ from ____ .

4. Colin can’t ____ the ____ well . 5.

There is a ____ ____ near here . 【第四题的出题意图:通过不同形式的时态,人称,固定搭配等。考查学生对于英语中小的语法知识的了解程度】

Ⅳ.Read and fill in the blanks with the right forms. 读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。(15分)

1. Don’t ____ too many computer games. (play)

2. Can you ____ me some water ? (pass)

3. My favorite food ____ dumplings. (be)

4. I want some ____ of socks for my kid.(pair)

5. My teacher ____ nice in his new shirt.(look)

【第五题的出题意图:综合知识考评从全册的八个单元中选出,把学生从课文的整段模式中解放出来。通过重点句子中小知识点的测验,反应学生的综合能力】 Ⅴ.Circle the right answers . 圈出正确答案。(20分) 1. There are three ____in the house .

A. woman B. womans C.women 2. Look﹗This is a map ____ Australia . A. in B. with C.of 3. Kitty can ____Chinese well .

A. say B. speak C. talk 4. Su Nan , Wu Chen and Kevin are all my ____. A. friend B.friends C. friendly 5.Your child ____beautiful in that yellow dress . A. looks at B. looks C. sees 6. —May I go out to play ?


A. It’s seven . B. Sorry, you can C. No ,you have to do your homework now .

7.—_____________________________________ —It’s eight ten .

A.What do you on Monday ? B. What time is it ? C. What day is it day? 8.—What can you do at home ?


A. I can clean the blackboard. B. I can help my teacher . C. I can make the bed .

9.—What’s your favorite drink ?


A. Orange juice B. Hamburgers C. Apples and pears 10.—How can I eat the noodles ?


A. You can use the knife . B. Use the chopsticks, please. C. With a big spoon.


Ⅵ.Read and choose .情景选择。(12分)

( )1.你去老师办公室交作业,进门前应该这样说:

A. Would you please open the door for me ? B. What can I do for you ? C. May I come in , please ?

( ) 2.妈妈想让你帮忙她去楼下商店买酱油,你会这样回答:

A. Sure . let me try . B. Dad can help you .

C. Can you tell me the way to the shop ?

( ) 3.你在眼镜店看中一副红色眼镜,可以这样对售货员说:

A. Give this green pair of glasses to me . B. How much are the red glasses ? C. These glasses are too red for me .

( ) 4.奶奶辛苦做了一顿饺子,你会这样对她说:

A. My favorite food is beef , Grandma . B. I love Chinese food best .

C. The dumplings are delicious . Thank you . D.


Ⅶ. Look , read and complete . 看图,读一读,补全对话。(22分)

1.—What _______does Meimei _______

_______ games ?

—_______ seven in the evening .

2.—What’s your favorite _______? —I like _______ best .

3.—_______me the _______ , please .

—Sure . _________ you are .

4.—Who is the _______ beside your uncle ? —She is my _______ .


Ⅷ. Read and write T or F . 读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。(15分)

Today is a happy day for me . Early in the morning , I go to visit my grandpa . He is an English teacher , and he has a lot of knowledge (知识) . We have a talk for a long time . My grandpa tells me some stories in English . And I’m very glad to get an English book form him . I am learning English . I think this book is helpful . ( ) 1. I’m not happy today . ( ) 2. I visit my grandma . ( ) 3. My grandpa is a teacher .

( ) 4. I get many English books from my grandpa . ( ) 5. I am learning English now .

