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一、The SC Process .......................................................................................................................... 2 二、Grammar & Meaning ................................................................................................................ 2 三、Sentence Structure .................................................................................................................... 3 四、Modifiers ................................................................................................................................... 5 五、Parallelism ................................................................................................................................. 9 六、Comparisons ........................................................................................................................... 11 七、Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 14 八、Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 16 九、Idioms ...................................................................................................................................... 18


一、The SC Process

1、浏览一下句子,知道大概意思,看划线部分和选项 2、找到一个攻击点浏览5个选项 3、排除


5、时间控制在40s,不超过90s !!①判断划线部分长度:长>5个字符,一般会考句子结构,意思,修饰和平行; 短<5个字符,需要比较各个选选项

②划线部分的第一个单词以及该单词前面是什么:可以用来判断考什么知识点 ③比较选项之间的差别:通常来说,一个相同错误或出现在2个以上的选项中 总结常见陷阱!

二、Grammar & Meaning

★并列连词(可以连接两个独立句子):FANBOYS( for and nor but or yet so) 1、Choose your words:注意helping verbs 改变句意- may, will, must, should

2、Place your words: 注意short words改变句意- only, all;当一个词跟同一个介词表达两个意思时要注意不要将两个意思放在介词的同一侧

3、Match your words: 时态,主谓一致,比较结构,代词

4、Avoid Redundancy: 最常见的是几个词语表达了相同的意思,特别注意划线和未划线之间 5、”of” & noun-adj & “ ‘s “ : ①当表示时间,数量或者其他表示量的单词作为first word时,要使用of,不要使用noun-adj(例如Memorial Day weed错误,改为the week of Memorial day) ②当意思有歧义的时候,要加上介词(例如,Boston soldier歧义,改为the soldier from Boston)


1、No matter how much work it may require, getting MBA turns out to be a wise investment for most people.

Even though it requires much work

1对2错:no matter how much work it may require 指的是工作量大还是小都无关

2、Rising costs to raw materials may impel us to rise prices farther. Costs of raw materials may impel us to raise prices further.

1错2对:①cost to X = X has to pay/ cost of X = … pay …to buy X②rise不及物,raise及物 ③farther 指距离;further指抽象

3、She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, watering the more than 50 plants in her yard every day. Watering more than the 50 plants in her yard every day.

1,2对:1中,more than 修饰 50,指超过50;2中,more than 修饰 the 50 plants,指除了plants还有其他

4、Hector remembers San Francisco as it was when he left 10 years ago. As though he had left ten years ago

1,2对: 1中,H离开了SF;2中,H没有离开SF,as though表示的是虚拟语气

5、Students at CHS are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which stems success in college applications. Success in college applications stems

1,2对:!!from which的倒装句,可以倒装语序也可以正常语序

*相似意思的单词 1 drop = decrease 2 after = subsequently 3 possible = may 4 though = yet 5 grow = rise

6 while = then = at the same time(表达同时的意思) 7 sufficient = enough 8 ensure = must 9 can = potentially

三、Sentence Structure



2)Run-on sentences(太多主谓宾在一个句子里面,没有任何连词)


eg: Although I left home late, I still made it to the store before closing, but everything I wanted to buy was gone.

2、主谓一致原则! SUBJECT CANNOT BE (1) objects of verbs

(2) objects of prepositions (3) subordinate clause

*如果动词前面不可以做主语的成分,那么这个句子就是一个 BACKWARD CONSTRUCTION

Eg: harder than anything else on the exam were the three questions at the end


(1) mechanically--->eliminate intervening modifiers (2) context--->literal meaning

*Middleman: 在主语和谓语之间的东西。 *Warmup: 在主语前的一大串东西。

4、COMPOUND SUBJECT (有2-3个主语并列):必须要处理成一个整体,Modifier 里面不能只出现一个,要用复数

Eg: On the stage are Professor X and Professor Y, who recently won a Nobel Prize for his work in topic Z. (在这里who 应该要修饰的是Professor X and Professor Y,不能只修饰Y,因为XY是一个整体)

改为: ①On the stage with Prof Y is Prof X, who recently won a NP for his work.

②On the stage are Prof X, who recently won a NP for his work, and Prof Y.

5、哪些可以做主语 ①名词 ②代词

④一个分句: having a class is a happy thing ⑤that打头(通常会用形式It调整到后面)

⑥不定式 to do打头 (通常也会用形式it调整到后面) ⑦动名词


①分号:表示用于两个独立句子;逗号不够用的时候 ②冒号:表示解释说明,冒号前的句子需要完整;冒号之后可以添加 namely, that is 等词;冒号尽可能紧跟被解释名词;冒号后面允许加一个句子用以解释前面的句子 ③破折号:破折号替代逗号,或者用前后两个破折号来插入解释;

破折号用来解释前面的句子(eg: Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants – by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a years)


(1) 集合名词:从未划线部分找到线索

People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture 在美式英语中,以上词语都被当成单数 (2)不定代词一般都是单数: Anyone, anybody, anything No one, nobody, nothing Each, every

Someone, somebody, something

Everyone, everybody, everything Whatever, whoever

Either, neither( 就近原则 ) (3)特殊名词的单复数

①朝代名是复数: The Shang were

★SANAM: some any none all more/most 可以单数也可以复数,看内容 (3)each和every:用在名词前面都是用单数

8、除了FANBOYS,其他的连词都不能连接两个独立句子 FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO


if the ACTION is the intended object of the preposition, then this construction is incorrect. 除非介词后面宾语的主要就是一个名词,doing什么的只是修饰

!!介宾结构中强调的是介词后面的Noun,而这个Noun的修饰成分并不是重点 eg: \

这里表达的意思是 the health condition itself is causing the suffering 而不是 health condition aggravates

!! 不要用主动被动当作排除点


常见形况:①介词开头②there be ③from which句型(不倒也对)



(1)ADJ只能修饰名词和代词;ADV修饰除了名词和代词以外的所有东西 (2)在难题中,修饰词语法正确,但是逻辑意思错误 Eg: Max’s grandmother is his supposed Irish ancestor. Max’s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor. *第一句中,supposed 修饰ancestor,逻辑出现错误


①Preposition: Sue placed the cat on the couch.

②Past Participle: The cat owned by Sue is playful. ③Present Participle without commas: The cat sleeping on the rug belongs to Sue. !注意这里并没有逗号

④定语从句 “,which” / that/ whose/ when等等,只要修饰特定名词即可 ⑤ADJ


①当看到选项中同一个modifier被放到了不同的地方,要问自己,放在哪个地方modifier是closest(离修饰的名词越近越好) ②所有格里的名词不是名词:

*X’s box 里的X不能作为名词来处理 *所有格不能和of连用



Which That Who Whose Whom Where When

①who 和 whom必须!修饰people;which和that不能修饰people ②where 修饰一个noun place: area, site, country等;

不能修饰抽象地点:condition, situation, case, circumstances, arrangement,要用 in which ③when可以来修饰一个event or time: period, age, 1987 or decade. 可以和in which互换 !!限制性定语从句that之类和非限制性定语从句“,which”的区别!!!!!根据句意来判断 Eg: People, who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains, show little respect for other passengers. 错误

改: People who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains show little respect for other passengers.如果who….是非限制性的话,去掉之后,句意发生了改变

The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest that is on the border between N and T.错误

改:The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest,WHICH is on the border between N and T. 原句表达的意思是tallest mountain,定语从句表达的是位置,并没有什么联系,可以去掉,且不影响句意。

④关系代词的省略:如果关系代词(which, whom)在从句作宾语,那么可以省略



Eg: Researchers discovered that the most common RSIK FACTOR resulting in cholera epidemics is the LACK of a clean water supply.


②Prepositional Phrase: The Team Attends staff meetings on Mondays.

③Present Participle with Commas: The engineer fixed the problem, earning himself a


修饰部分的逻辑主语还是the engineer

④Past Participle with Commas: Exhilarated by the successful product launch, the team celebrated after work.


*传说中的状语从句就是属于这一类,可以用来修饰除了名词和代词之外的任何东西(包括动词,修饰成分,句子等等等)--原来although这些都是修饰性成分啊!!! !!状语从句的引导词啊!

①时间:when / while/ since/ as/ till/ until/ before/ after/ whenever ②地点: where/ wherever ③原因: because/ as / since

④条件: if / unless / so long as / in case

⑤让步: though / although/ no matter / even if ⑥方式: as/as if/ as though ⑦比较: as….as/ not so … as / ⑧结果: so….that/ such….that ⑨目的: in order that



(3) Just a NOUN(+modifiers) (4) ADJ(+modifiers) (5) Like/Unlike

!!Verbal nouns(eg:the exposure, the construction, the adoption) are impersonal. 也就是说不用主语发出

!!2种情况-ing:Gerund forms(eg:exposing, constructing, adopting) are used when the subject is directly involved.必须有主语的参与,或者强调过程

5、Which & -ING的对比(which 只能修饰Noun, “, ing”可以修饰前面整个句子) HOW TO USE \

(1) BASIC RULE: They modify the NOUN that Precedes The Comma (2) CAN MODIFY 2:

①the Noun that Immediately precedes the Comma

②the Noun that + Prep Phrase that immediately precedes the comma eg: ED's letters to SHD, which were written

此处,SHD=NOUN,LETTERS TO SHD=NOUN+PREP PHRASE,需要根据内容和从句的语法来选择 !!WHICH 单独出现,必然follow a COMMA; “prep + WHICH\ On the table is a box, which contains all my paperwork. 可以

On the table is a box which contains all my paperwork. 不可以 On the table is a box that contains all my paperwork. 可以 On the table is a box in which I keep all my paperwork. 可以 On the table is a box, in which I keep all my paperwork.可以

!遇到定语从句和ing结构,根据意思来取舍(doing一般表示的是现在时) Eg:

The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the survival of just a few languages, according to some. (不好)

The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will ultimately culminate in the survival of just a few languages, according to some. √

6、同位语修饰 (1) 由comma引出

(2)只包含一个Noun或者noun + modifier !!具体的同位语只修饰preceding noun; !!抽象的同位语可以修饰前面的一个句子,但是如果前面一个词也是抽象词的或就只修饰前面的



Eg: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin influenced and inspired a generation of comedians yet struggled publicly with drug abuse.

8、Subgroup 和独立主格

(1) Subgroup 就是用来表达主句对象的一部分怎么样:(仅有三种表述) Eg:

①this model explains all known subatomic particles, some of which were only recently discovered.

②this model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them only recently discovered. ③this model explains all known subatomic particles, some only recently discovered.

!!遇到 SANAM 或者 many each either neither half one 等代表数量的都必须用这个结构次序


①构成:a noun plus a noun modifier

②作用:作为adv modifier修饰整个句子



(1)只修饰可数名词:Many, Few, Number of, Numerous (2)只修饰不可数名词:Much, Little, Amount, Great (3)皆可:More, most, enough, all

!!注意unit nouns: dollars or gallons. 作为一个一笔钱,是不可数的

!!使用numbers 这个单词时,要用greater than(在表示数字比较的时候)

!!使用 Increase表示的是the change of one thing over time; 使用 Greater表示的是比较

9、to和for在表示目的时的区别(详细见错题修饰-4) 一般认为for doing单纯表目的,是对前面名词的补充说明。而to do会有逻辑主语的问题。


10、不定式to do结构的一些注意事项 ①词性:

名词:I love to swim. (所以to do结构可以作为主语) 形容词:The person to meet is here. 副词:Sue paused to eat lunch.

②注意,to do结构的动作发起者就是逻辑主语 1、Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother ride.

错误选项:Minivans, carrying as many as seven passengers, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, 错误选项的错误在于,noun + modifier + modifier,这样的结构容易歧义,这里的compared可以被认为修饰passengers


1、Basic Principle of Parallelism

(1) The parallel structures are indicated by PARALLEL TAGS (signal works or markers) !! not omit words that follow each tag --> must be Parallel Grammar

(2) 遇到了and 或者 or的时候,需要从right to left,因为右边的是再tag后面的,然后到前面找到平行

①三个或三个以上并立时,出现AND和COMMA的时候,COMMAS andAND are tags ②the MODIFIERS don't have to - and shouldn't - be parallel to the MAIN ACTION

③MUST BE \X,Y,and Z\这样才表示三个例举例子

eg: hand signs used by natives and appearing in local rituals!!

记住这个特例,and 前后是appearing 和 used 都是participial phrase用于adj



eg: They argue just as frequently and about the same topics as the couple living next door to them. *这里的as frequently 和 about the same topics都是作adv修饰argue

!! between X and Y 必须平行

!!not allowed to end modifiers with prepositions! eg:the restaurant we ate At 错误

the restaurant AT WHICH WE ATE 正确

(4) Ideas reference parallel---> structures to be parallel

!!什么时候要在第二个比较处补出动词(helping verb的位置可以在noun后面,也可以在noun前面,但是如果有Modifier修饰noun,动词只能在前面) (1) if they are required by 2-part parallel signals(both...and,etc) (2) to resolve AMBIGUITY

eg:I know more about Shakespeare than my brother错误

I know more about Shakespeare than my brother does正确


(1)结构成分是independent(除非they are sequence) (2)在优先级或者重要水平上相同 eg: I like apples, grapes, and bananas.

We ate dinner, saw a show, and (then) went to a club.

!! eg: A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was late to work.错误

改为因果关系: A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, making me late to work. 或者 A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was thus late to work.

2.1、as well as 的平行结构 ①和as much as的用法差不多

Eg: She doesn’t play the piano as well as you do. ②as well as 连接名词 A as well as B is

③as well as 连接动词时,动词用动名词形式 She sings as well as playing the piano

④as well as 连接简单动词形式,构成一个插入语 He works, as well as sleeps, in the room.

⑤as well as 连接(分词或不定式动词)

We are repairing the roof, as well as painting the walls.

You ought to play games, as well as study books. (有to的时候要省略to) ⑥as well as放在句首,作介词,表达“除了…以外” As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. ⑦连接形容词、副词,类似于and She is clever as well as beautiful. ⑧连接介词短语或从句

3、Linking verb (系动词) = be become

Eg: The bouquet of flowers was a gift of love.(描述 X是Y的时候, XY的结构要相同) ** TO BE Isare was were am been be being OTHERS Appearbecome feel grow look remain represent resemble seem smell sound stay taste turn !!平行结构中的成分拆开组合一定要make sense,用这个方法可以用来检验平行结构

Eg: We were dismayed to learn that our neighbors were untidy, disagreeable, and they were uninterested to make new friends.错误!

改:We were dismayed to learn that our neighbors were untidy, disagreeable, and uninterested in making new friends.


4、平行词 (1)名词

①Concrete nouns

②Action nouns, Complex gerund ③Simple gerund


①adjectives, participles

5、平行结构中的省略情况 当遇到FANBOYS时,如果平行结构中出现be or become 这样的helping words可以进行省略 Eg:these are actually BOTH correct. here are the parallel structures:

lola is 34 years old and thus is too young to compete in the Masters division. lola is 34 years old and thus too young to compete in the Masters division

The city’s streets could be cleaner, its fire code better enforced, and its crime rate reduced if the current administration improved its management practices.(省略了could be)



(1) Literal comparisons or contrasts eg: X is like Y/ X is unlike Y X does Y, as Z does

(2) Quantitative comparisons eg: Greater than, less than More than, as as, Half as much as, 30% of

(3) General situations that aren't literally comparisons, but that require comparable things eg: I mistook X for Y

The company replaced X with Y

!! parallelism should be written in GRAMMATICAL FORMS that are as Simple as possible 两个方面:语法形式/逻辑语义


2、Markers Marker Like Unlike As Than As adj. As Different from In contrast to/with



Eg:I want to coach divers Like G L歧义(又可以修饰divers又可以修饰I) 正确的一个表达方式:Some scientists contend that many species of dinosaur had a metabolism more like a warm-blooded mammal's than a cold-blooded reptile's. (2)as的进阶

①as 作为连词:表示同时,原因,像…一样;后面一般接一个完整句子 *特殊情况:As in the previous case, the judge took an early break. ②as 作为介词:表示修饰前面的那个名词(作为……)

!! I will jump up as a clown.这里不能说像小丑一样跳,而是说打扮成小丑 如果想表达像小丑一样,改为:I will jump up as a clown might/ do ③as … as的用法

基本意思是“与……一样”,其中第一个as为副词,其后通常形容词或副词(原级),第二个as可用作介词(后面接名词或代词)或连词(后接从句)。 1)在否定句中用 not so … as

2) 在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+复数名词+as”。如:

You’ve made as many mistakes as I have. I haven’t got as much money as I thought.。 其间接形容词时,有时该形容词还可修饰另一名词,但这个名词应带有不定冠词(注意词序)。如:

Sample Structure Like the cat, the dog is friendly. The cat, like the dog, is friendly. Unlike her parents, she has green eyes. In California, Unlike Florida, the humidity is moderate. David is smart, as is Abby. You have earned a better score than I have. C’s revenues are considerably higher than S’s M is as likely as Sam to win the promotion. My current job is quite Different from my last one. Canada’s housing market did not suffer many difficulties during the economic downturn, In contrast to the housing market in the US. She is as good a teacher as her mother. 她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。 也可说。如:She is a teacher as good as her mother.

但不说。如:She is as a good teacher as her mother. / They are as good teachers as us. 3)第二个as后接从句时,该as通常为连词,但有时这个as还充当其后从句的主语或宾语,此时该as实为关系代词。如:

I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。

We’ve got food for as many people as want it. 我们的食物,无论多少人吃都够了。 4)该结构根据情况可用使用以下修饰语。如:(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, three times, 30 per cent等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。如:

He doesn’t play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。 This dress is twice as expensive as that. 这件连衣裙比那件贵一倍。


We’ll get there as soon as you do [will]. 你一到,我们就到


(1) 当表示数字间的比较时,在使用compared to/with 的同时,不能使用其他比较词 Eg:\错误!! \错误!!

(2)当用来比较数据的时候,必须要两边都把数字列出来,compare to/with 后面跟一个数字 Eg: 28 percent American husbands were married to wives with more years of schooling, compared to 6 percent in 1971\正确,只能出现数字 (3) comparisons involve PARALLEL STRUCTURES

★”,compared with/to“ & “ , as compared with/to”的重要用法!!

①Compared with 直接跟在逗号后面可以修饰前面名词名词的短语的核心词

例句:In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not; in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population, compared with 20 percent in 2000.

②Compared with 也可以修饰前面整个分句,compared with 后面的名词与主语比较:


*Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

* In the United States, Fifty-two percent of high school graduates go on to college, compared with thirty-five percent in Canada and fifteen percent in Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany. *One baby in four is now born to a mother aged thirty or older, compared with just one in six in 1975.

③ as compared to/with 中 as 指代前面整句的核心含义

例句:A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average, CEO's now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio in 1980.

4、比较结构中的助动词(helping verb)

A leopard cannot catch a wildebeest that runs as fast as a cheetah. A leopard cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as it can a cheetah. A leopard cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah can.

只有当会引起歧义的时候,才会添加helping verb



①The man is five times as old as his grandson. 正确- times & as…as 结构 The man is five times older than his grandson 错误! ②The cost of ticket is 12, six times the cost ten years old

The concert was attended by 300 people, twice the previous attendance(注意同义词的转化) (2)表达相对数量多少的常用方法 ① I am ten years older than you.正确 I am ten years as old as you. 错误!!

② more 的用法(less也类似)---不表示比较的时候也可以单用

*名词或者代词:I own more than I should (或者 more of … less of….) *形容词: I own more shirts than I should *副词: I sleep more than I should *仅仅是程度副词(即有More不一定有than)

Eg:Gone are the sharp edges and jutting planes of styles from former eras; instead, designers of everything from cars to computer monitors have adopted a cornerless style of smooth surfaces and curves that is more ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape for its own sake.

!!注意当more的位置,当放在 adj + noun 这样的结构前面时容易产生歧义 Eg: We have even more efficient engines than before

6、in addition to 的用法

很特殊,放在句首,既可以用来比较主语,又可以来比较主句中的其他名词 Eg: In addition to taxes, death is inevitable. In addition to Munster cheese, I like Swiss.


1、Pronoun ambiguity is Not an absolute rule, if (1)the CONTEXT is obvious(语义判断明显)

(2) the Pronoun is Parallel to the Intended noun

(3)the Pronoun is not parallel to the other noun(比如动宾和介宾就不是一回事)

2、代词必须有先行词: ①意义一致!Sensible

②先行词与代词must agree in number 单数: it its

复数:they them their

3、Pronoun Ambiguity

(1)当存在多个先行词时,将可能的先行词都带入原句,看是否structurally & logically

Eg: Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, but by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, They provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it.

在这里,they前面有三个先行词,supernovas, explosions & chemical elements 结构上来说:they指代的是supernovas,因为都是作为主语 逻辑上来说:they只能指代supernovas 综上所述,they指代的就是supernovas

*当然,pronoun 和 noun are NOT required to play the same role in the sentence


(1) It, Its, They, Them, Their(注意单复数问题) (2) This, That, These, Those ①用作形容词修饰名词

②that和those用作new copy!!当出现new copy的时候,必须有修饰,来区分与之前的不同

!同一句话中,一个代词指代的内容一定是一致的,但是一个class的代词(比如it its)可以不一样,不是Must.

(3) There

①there be 句型里面,there 没有先行词 ②作为adv的there表示 in that place,

Eg: At current prices, oil in Antarctica may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug There and environmental concerns addressed.

(4) Itself, Themselves, One another, Each other ①反身代词itself和themselves

*作为宾语,直接指代主语: After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved itself. *强调一个Noun: The commission itself was wrong.

②相互代词one another和each other表示interaction between parties. Eg: The guest at the party interacted with One Another. (5) Such and Other/ Another (这三个不要混在一起用)


Eg: After the land-use agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any such contracts

to debate in the future. (6) one

One 不同于IT和THEM, one 表示的是一个集合中非特定的某一个

5、it形式用法 ① It’s cold outside.

② It is futile to resist temptation.

③ It gave us encouragement that we scored at all. ④ She made it possible for us to attend the movie.


Eg1: After toasting the potato, the camper extinguished the fire and then searched for a fork with which to eat it. 这个句子就很阳痿,因为代词放在了最后。

Eg2: New NANO-PAPERS incorporate fibers that give these materials strength. 老头喜欢的



1、Major VERB TENSE RULEs(时间轴)

(1 )Simplicity is best(only use perfect tenses when you have to)简洁 (2) Consistency is best(only change tenses when you have to)一致 (3) meaning!!

2、Present Tense

(1) General truths(遇到比如nowwell known之类的词,要用现在式)

eg: In the year 1550, the Greek doctor XXXX discovered that blood circulates through the arteries and veins of the human body.

(2) General actions/states that are not fixed in any particular timeframeor general states(not actions!) that are currently true

eg: When the Bulldogs play home games, they wear white jerseys; when they play away games, they wear red jerseys.

(3) Not used for actions that are specifically ongoing in the present time frame Eg: Although inflation currently increases, it will eventually return to its normal level. 错误(应该改为is currently increasing,当时正在发生)


进行时表示的是在当前正在进行的动作。 几项禁止!!


②表达将来时,不能用be doing的结构,只能用will等一般将来时 ③一些表达陈述的动词,不能用进行时,比如know, signify




Eg: The country’s economy is unstable, the result of a stock market crash occurring ten years ago. The country’s economy is unstable, the result of a stock market crash that occurred ten years ago.



①General rule with certainty

If Sophie eats pizza, then she becomes ill. ②General rule with some Uncertainty

If Sophie eats pizza, then she can/may become ill ③Particular case (in the future) with certainty

If Sophie eats pizza tomorrow, then she will become ill. *也可以发生在过去

Eg: If the supplier has signed a binding contract, he will deliver the goods. ④Unlikely Case (in the future)

If Sophie ate pizza tomorrow, then she would become ill.

⑤Case that never happened (in the past)与现在事实相反

If Sophie had eaten pizza yesterday, then she would have become ill.



1、if省略的虚拟语气(were, had, should),可省略if,然后倒装 Wereyou in my position, you would do the same. 2、含蓄条件从句 ①短语:

*But for your help we couldn’t have succeeded in the experiment. *It would be easier to do it this way.

*He must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or he never could have vanquished that great beast.

3、不用if引导的条件从句(when, unless, suppose, as if, for fear, in case, On condition that)

*The peasants prepared to feed the city when it should be freed. *Unless I were well, I wouldn’t be at school.

*Suppose you were given a chance a study in US, would you accept?

*He can use the bicycle on condition that he should return it tomorrow.



2,虚拟语气并不是都要使用would、could这类的词语的, 对于一般虚拟语气,我们会用If 。。。 were, then。。 would。。。 但是要根据句子的逻辑意思,我们也会使用If 。。。 were, then。。。一般现在时的V/be....


Bossy verb + that + subject + command subjunctive (用这个形式,不能出现should) ①下列动词只有表达命令时才用特殊形式

Demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest, It is necessary that

②下列动词只有to do结构

Advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want

③下列动词又可以to do又可以command subjunctive Ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require

* we require that he be here & we require him to be here

7、Helping verb 进阶(be, do, have, 情态动词can may could might等) ①当前后两句的时态发生变化时,后一句必须以新的时态将整个动词写出 Eg:正确:I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one.

错误: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did. ②特殊情况下,前后结构不匹配(有一个被动)

Eg:正确:Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they do. (=do inspire envy)

错误:Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they are ③情态动词很容易产生语义重复的问题

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would

8、动作表达的优先次序 动词>名词>动名词

If you want to refer to a thing, use a concrete noun. If you want to talk about the process, use an action noun, such as a gerund.

如果强调的是一样东西,就用名词;强调动作的过程就用动名词 eg:Paying my bills takes forever; it's not a fun process.

My mortgage payment is expensive; it costs way too much.


1、because of doing = 错误表达

correct = because CLAUSE/ because of NOUN capability of ...in = 错误表达

2、proof of 正确

proof that + clause


3、Based on ---> must modifier a noun (1)Based on xxxx, S + V (修饰S) (2)S + V + O based on xxx (修饰O) (3)NOUN is/was/are/were based on xxxx

3、DUE TO ---> must modifier a noun (due to 一般不会放在句首)

eg: I have stay up all night due to the presentation that I must finish 错误!!due to 修饰 night 明显错误 2种用法

(1) based on 一样

(2) DUE TO = CAUSED BY 是否能够替换 错题集合:

1、Because of a law passed in 1933 making it a crime punishable by imprisonment for a United States citizen to hold gold in the form of bullion or coins, immigrants found that on arrival in the United States they had to surrender all of the gold they had brought with them.

错误表达:With a law passed in 1933 that makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment that a United States citizen hold

BECAUSE OF ---> modifier a clause

!不能同时出现due to 和 because of

eg: I was late to the meeting because of the traffic. 正确


(1) \(2) including后面只能列举一些,不能列举全部

eg: The gym teacher asked us to do three body-weight exercises, including A B and C. 错误

5、would & could


(2)would 和 could 用于假设的情况if

6、one of

(1)one of the Xs that/who(plural) (2)one of the XS (singular) (3)only one of the Xs(singular)

(4)only one of the Xs that/who(plural)

(5)The only one of the Xs that/who(singular)


1)like+nouns/noun phrases(允许有N+Modifier,eg:Those babies are cute, like little pandas sliding down rainbows.

2)as+clause/prepositional phrases

8、In contrast to

和compared with/to 不同,之后不是一定要加上数字

eg: In contrast to the corresponding rate in Esteria, the unemployment rate in Burdistan fell last month.


Estimate that X has done Sb estimate sth to be

10、Rather than & Instead of (1)Rather than 倾向于动词 (2)Instead of 倾向于名词


!!only correct when noun is abstract

A way to produce goods 正确

A substance to promote X 错误;改为 A substance that promotes X


(1) must be used either before a noun or before a noun phrase/clause; (2)not use it directly before an independent clause

13、The Law

The new law makes it a crime to do

The new law makes it a crime for sb to do sth The new law makes sth a crime

14、Projected decline A projected decline of ...is projected to decline by

15、making to 凑合 !!more common \

My family was quite poor, so we made do without luxuries


Plan to: = I plan to sell my old clothes (计划去做什么事)

Plan for: = My plan for making money is to sell my old clothes(为了什么目的去做什么事)


(1)Legislators cite as an obstacle to congressional passage the concern that ...(不用同位语就是表示这是个主观的判断,同时这里cite as A B = cite B as A)

(2)Legislators cite the concern, an obstacle to congressional passage, that ... (用同位语表示客观存在事实,xx, a xxx,就是表示xx就是xxx)


-I think of this test as a fun puzzle. -I treat this test as a game.

18、Assign的用法 ①Assign sth ②Assign sb sth

③Assign sb to do sth

注意:for doing的用法是错误的

19、Ratio of A to B = A/B

20、Award sb sth奖励某人某物

21、In recognition of 为了表彰


①They claim that they can read minds. ②They claim to be able to read minds. 23、

According to + 来源 (作为介词)

In accordance with + 具体法规法律 (作为副词)

24、Expect 的用法 正确

*we expect the price to fall. The price is expected to fall. *we expect that the price will fall *it is expected that the price will fall *inflation rose more than we expected

*there is an expectation that the price will fall. 错误

The price is expected for it to fall

It is expected that the price should fall

25、Consider的用法/Declare的用法(prefer 的用法declare that )


*I consider her a friend *I consider her intelligent

*I consider illegal the law passed last week by the new regime *the law is considered illegal


Consider as 错误/ consider should be 错误/ consider as if it were 错误

26、Whether & If的区别:whether 表达是否,而if表达的是条件状语从句


*She aids her neighbor

*She provides aid to victims *Aid for victims is available

*Her aid in walking the dog was appreciated


*Imperfections appear as tiny cracks. (= show up as) *He appears confused (= seems)

*The dinosaurs appear to have been relatively smart *It appears that the dinosaurs were smart.


*The movement began as a protest *The movement began with a protest *The protest began a movement

30、Credit 正确:

*Hugo credits sally with good taste *Sally is credited with good taste


Sally if credited for having good taste Sally is credited as a person Sally is credited to be a person


① they dated the artifact at three centuries old. The artifact was dated at three centuries old. ② sth date to 3 million years ago.

Scientist dates sth to between 2 and 3 million years ago.


*The executive developed her idea into a project The idea developed into a project 33、

Economic = financial Economical = efficient


正确:The law forbids any citizens to vote twice. 错误: forbid from


The goal is to expand the company


正确: The interaction of two nuclei colliding releases energy

37、Know 正确:

*we know her to be brilliant. / she is known to be brilliant *we know him as “RRRR”. / he is known as “RRRR”


We know her as brilliant.

38、Lack *be lacking in *lack sth *the lack of

39、Mass 正确:

The truck has ten times the mass of a small car


The truck is ten times the mass of a small car


*the kangaroo is native to Australia. (动物植物) *my friend is a native of Australia. (人)

41、 Rate

*the rates for bus tickets are good for commuters *the rate of theft has fallen


*she requires time to write

*she requires her friend to do work *her friend is required to do work. *she requires that her friend do work

*she requires of her friend that work be done.

43、So too

Bellbottoms are coming back in style, and so too are vests.

