
更新时间:2024-01-10 21:51:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1. You have to _____________ by the judge’s decision. A abide B. adhere C. conform D. comply

2. We need a place where young folk can let their hair down and enjoy themselves. The underlined means _____________

A. chat B. relax C. massage D. party

3. My neighbor _____________ her own daughter as an excellent secretary! A. acquainted B. introduced C. recommended D. presented

4. Using this scope to _____________ your view can make it easier to see the distant targets. A. amplify B. extend C. magnify D. expand

5. Mary is looking for some _____________ to go with her black and white evening gown for the party.

A. additions B. appendixes C. attachments D. accessories

6. People who live in small towns often seen more friendly than those living in ____________ populated areas.

A. densely B. intensely C. abundantly D. highly

7. If you are male, you clap at something funny and if you are female, you _____________ whilst placing a hand over your mouth.

A. chuckle B. giggle C. jeer D. sneer

8. His trip through the world made an interesting _____________. A. description B. narrative C. statement D. version

9. Physicians need _____________ expertise in pain and symptom management and skills in communication to meet the many needs of this population. A. complex B. complicated C. intricate D. Sophisticated

10. As a _____________ our thanks, we will offer you two free round-trip tickets in first class to Hawaii.

A. symbol B. badge C. token D. attribute

11. The council is refusing to _____________ further information about the dispute and its settlement.

A. disclose B. expose C. uncover d. discover

12. Alice and George like to split hairs about whose turn it is to wash the dishes. The underlined part means _____________.

A. start arguments B. divide labor C. make difficulties D. fight with each other 13. His plan is full of contradictions, so it is not a very _____________ one. A. refined B. complex C. elaborate D. ambitious

14. Their reply was too _____________ for anyone to doubt them. A. eloquent B. effective C. emotional D. emphatic

15. The new colleague _____________ to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.

A. confesses B. declares C. confirms D. claims

16. She remains confident and _____________ untroubled by our present problems. A. indefinitely B. infinitely C. optimistically D. seemingly

17. We stood still, gazing out over the limitless _____________ of the ocean. A. space B. spread C. stretch D. expanse

18. All he said was so free from effort and _____________ and was said with such a captivating charm.

A. simultaneous B. homogenous C. spontaneous D. Monotonous 19. Photography is strictly _____________ in the cathedral. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. Denied

20. Computer virus, whose essential _____________ is a set of instructions, is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer system.

A. component B. composition C. factor D. ingredient

21. Huang jianxiang’s passionate ______________ made the football match between Italy and Australia very interesting.

A. comment B. remark C. commentary D. criticism

22. Jack jumped off the porch and ______________ across the lawn. A. paced B. strolled C. strode D. swung

23. Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that his election was in the bag. The underlined part means ______________. A. sure to be made B. being considered C. well prepared

24. Under the agreement, all trade barriers between the two countries will be ______________ by the end of this year.

A. abolished B. canceled C. eliminated D. disposed

25. He feels so ______________ that he stands there pointing and laughing at others, I feel like spitting at him.

A. senior B. superior C. supreme D. superlative

26. As Fred can’t be here today, I’m going to speak ______________. A. on his account B. on his behalf C. for his part D. in his interest

27. I only know Meredith by ______________ but I have never spoken to her. A. chance B. sight C. heart D. experience 28.

The newspaper reporters ______________ that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

A. assert B. affirm C. announce D. proclaim

29. I must leave now. ______________, if you want that dress I’ll bring it next time. A. incidentally B. accidentally C. naturally D. eventually

30. When Mary got into the exam room, she just became anxious and her mind went completely ______________.

A. blank B. empty C. vacant D. hollow

31. My finances are on the rocks just now. The underlined part means _____________. A. safe B. a mess C. tight D. bankrupt

32. Don’t let such a _____________ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.

A. partial B. trivial C. slight D. minimal

33. Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _____________ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied. A. comment B. reaction C. impression D. comprehension

34. I would rather apologize to my boss for being late without an explanation than _______ an excuse.

A. fabricate B. fake C. forge D. pretend

35. The football match was __________ because of the heavy rain. A. called off B. called up C. called out D. called over

36. Several guests were waiting in the __________ for the front door to open. A. porch B. vent C. inlet D. entry

37. If you’ve ever driven on a highway during a heavy rain, you know about the danger of A. skating B. skidding C. sliding D. slipping

38. Phil __________ forecast a big increase in sales, and he turned out to be right. A. confidentially B. proudly C. assuredly D. confidently

39. Customers expect almost _______ response from the company when they make a complaint. A. unanimous B. instantaneous C. autonomous D. anonymous

40. Hooking up the new speakers to your computer will _____________ the sound, making it louder and clearer.

A. intensify B. amplify C. enlarge D. reinforce 41. The new folk song is__________ on really quickly A. carried B.took C.caught D.got.

42. My sister is always building castles in the air. The underlined part means __________ A.daydreaming B.using imagination C.creating a work of art D.bragging about herself

43. He was almost __________ to Jack, but somehow looked a little short. A.equal B.equivalent C.identical D.parallel

44. The novel contains some marvelously revealing ____ of rural life in the 19th century. A. glimpses B. glances C. glares D. gleams

45. There were 500 ______ at the international academic conference this summer. A. spectators B. viewers C. participants D. onlookers

46. William Penn,the founder of Pennsylvania,_________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.

A.peculiarly B.indifferently C.vigorously D.inevitably

47. People who don’t regularly drink caffeine tend to be more ________ to its negative effects. A. sensible B. sensational C. sentimental D. sensitive 48. Kelly is putting the final _____ to her speech. A. notes B. remarks C. comments D. touches

49. Maybe you could ________ yourself as a waiter and sneak in there A.cover B.screen C.disguise D.hide

50. Book publisher may modify or ________ a work with the permission of the copyright owner A.shorten B.abbreviate C.abridge D.reduce

