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[cpp] view plain copy // standard C++ includes #include <stdlib.h> #include <OPS_Globals.h> #include <StandardStream.h> #include <ArrayOfTaggedObjects.h> // includes for the domain classes #include <Domain.h> #include <Node.h> #include <Truss.h> #include
<ElasticMaterial.h> #include <SP_Constraint.h> #include <LoadPattern.h> #include
<LinearSeries.h> #include <NodalLoad.h> // includes for the analysis classes #include
<StaticAnalysis.h> #include <AnalysisModel.h> #include <Linear.h> #include
<PenaltyConstraintHandler.h> #include <DOF_Numberer.h> #include <RCM.h> #include <LoadControl.h> #include <BandSPDLinSOE.h> #include
<BandSPDLinLapackSolver.h> // init the global variabled defined in OPS_Globals.h StandardStream
sserr; OPS_Stream *opserrPtr = &sserr; double ops_Dt = 0; // Domain *ops_TheActiveDomain = 0; Element *ops_TheActiveElement = 0; // main routine int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // now create a domain and a modelbuilder // and build the model // Domain *theDomain = new Domain(); // create the nodes using constructor: // Node(tag, ndof, crd1, crd2) // and then add them to the domain Node *node1 = new Node(1, 2, 0.0, 0.0); Node *node2 = new Node(2, 2, 144.0, 0.0); Node *node3 = new Node(3, 2, 168.0, 0.0); Node *node4 = new Node(4, 2, 72.0, 96.0); theDomain->addNode(node1); theDomain->addNode(node2); theDomain->addNode(node3);
theDomain->addNode(node4); // create an elastic material using constriuctor: // ElasticMaterialModel(tag, E) UniaxialMaterial *theMaterial = new ElasticMaterial(1, 3000); //
create the truss elements using constructor: // Truss(tag, dim, nd1, nd2, Material &,A) // and then add them to the domain Truss *truss1 = new Truss(1, 2, 1, 4, *theMaterial, 10.0); Truss *truss2 = new Truss(2, 2, 2, 4, *theMaterial, 5.0);
Truss *truss3 = new Truss(3, 2, 3, 4, *theMaterial, 5.0); theDomain->addElement(truss1); theDomain->addElement(truss2);
theDomain->addElement(truss3); // create the single-point constraint objects using constructor: // SP_Constraint(tag, nodeTag, dofID, value) // and then add them to the domain
SP_Constraint *sp1 = new SP_Constraint(1, 1, 0, 0.0); SP_Constraint *sp2 = new SP_Constraint(2, 1, 1, 0.0); SP_Constraint *sp3 = new SP_Constraint(3, 2, 0, 0.0); SP_Constraint *sp4 = new SP_Constraint(4, 2, 1, 0.0); SP_Constraint *sp5 = new SP_Constraint(5, 3, 0, 0.0); SP_Constraint *sp6 = new SP_Constraint(6, 3, 1, 0.0); theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp1); theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp2); theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp3); theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp4);
theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp5); theDomain->addSP_Constraint(sp6); // construct a linear time series object using constructor: // LinearSeries() TimeSeries *theSeries = new LinearSeries(); // construct a load
pattren using constructor: // LoadPattern(tag) // and then set it's TimeSeries and add it to the domain LoadPattern *theLoadPattern = new LoadPattern(1); theLoadPattern->setTimeSeries(theSeries);
theDomain->addLoadPattern(theLoadPattern); // construct a nodal load using constructor: // NodalLoad(tag, nodeID, Vector &) // first construct a Vector of size 2 and set the values NOTE C INDEXING // then construct the load and add it to the domain Vector theLoadValues(2); theLoadValues(0) = 100.0; theLoadValues(1) = -50.0; NodalLoad *theLoad = new NodalLoad(1, 4, theLoadValues);
theDomain->addNodalLoad(theLoad, 1); // create an Analysis object to perform a static analysis of the model // - constructs: // AnalysisModel of type AnalysisModel, // EquiSolnAlgo of type
Linear // StaticIntegrator of type LoadControl // ConstraintHandler of type Penalty // DOF_Numberer which uses RCM // LinearSOE of type Band SPD // and then the StaticAnalysis object AnalysisModel *theModel = new AnalysisModel(); EquiSolnAlgo *theSolnAlgo = new Linear(); StaticIntegrator *theIntegrator = new LoadControl(1.0, 1, 1.0, 1.0); ConstraintHandler *theHandler = new PenaltyConstraintHandler(1.0e8,1.0e8); RCM *theRCM = new RCM(); DOF_Numberer *theNumberer = new
DOF_Numberer(*theRCM); BandSPDLinSolver *theSolver = new BandSPDLinLapackSolver(); LinearSOE *theSOE = new
StaticAnalysis theAnalysis(*theDomain,
*theHandler, *theNumberer, *theModel, *theSolnAlgo, *theSOE, *theIntegrator); // perform the analysis & print out the results for the domain int numSteps = 1;
theAnalysis.analyze(numSteps); opserr <<
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