八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 3a-self check2导学案
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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B
3a-self check2
【学习目标】 1 How to make Yunnan rice noodles?
2 对本单云已学知识的巩固。
(一) 学习3a, 完成选词填空,然后通读全文。
(二) 学习3a, 把制作Yunnan rice noodles的方法清晰的表达出来。 We need these ingredients
__________________________________________________________________ The way to make Yunnan rice noodles: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ (三) 学习3a,完成下列各题。(关上书完成。)
1、他们许多人早上吃米线。_______________________________________ 2、我需要买本新字典了。__________________________ 3、今天早上他起迟了,为了按时到达学校他不得不打的了。_________________________________
7、一个接一个地、逐一地(短语)____________________________________ 8、同学们,一个接一个地过来拿你的英语书。_____________________________ 9、该吃午饭的时候了。__________________________________
10、我们打篮球的时候到了。____________________________________ 11、别把苹果放进袋子里。_____________________________________ 12、他喜欢(enjoy)听音乐。_____________________________ (四) 本单元我们学习了许多食物的制作方法,你一定有许多收获,想亲自制作一样自己的食物吧!你想制作什么样的食物呢?想一想,写一下,然后给大家分享一下。 The ingredients
__________________________________________________________________ The way to make it:
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ (五)完成self check。 【合作探究】
(一) 探究自主学习部分的答案。
(二)回想你最爱的家乡美食,做一个表格填入3b。 【小组展示】展示合作探究中(二)的成果 随堂笔记 (教师指导归纳整理)
1. 做香蕉奶昔 __________2. 剥香蕉____________3. 切碎___________4. 打开(电器)___________
5. 把??倒入??里___________6. 把??放入??里___________7. 一杯酸奶___________
8. 做水果沙拉_______9. 那以后___________10. 再煮10分钟___________11. 还有一件事___________
12. 一杯___________13. 种树___________14. 从图书馆借书___________15. 一片面包___________
16. 在大多数国家___________17. 传统食品___________18. 在特殊的节日里__________ 19. 忘记做??___________20. 在这个时候___________21. 在第二年秋天___________ 22. 现在;今天___________23. 这种感恩的想法___________24. 主菜___________
25. 用??填满??___________26. 几个小时___________27. 用??覆盖??___________
28. 把??切成薄片___________29. 在高温下___________30. 早饭吃米线___________ 31. 一个接一个地___________ 【拓展提升】.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 批阅日期:___________
一、基础题: 根据提示完成句子。
1.I need some _______ (蜂蜜) for my milk shake . 2. ___________ ( 秋季) is my favorite season .
3. Can you tell me how to ________( 庆祝) Children’s Day in China ? 4 . How much sugar should I _______ (添加) ? 5. We like __________( 传统的) Chinese food . 6. I’d like some ______ ( potato ) for lunch . 7. Let me show you how _______ ( make ) dumplings . 8. My father ______ ( cut ) one watermelon just now .
9.I had a glass of milk and two _____ ( piece ) of bread for breakfast . 10. There are some ________ ( sandwich ) on the table . 二、发展题:仔细下列文章阅读,不会的查资料。
Mobile phone’s transparent screen
Have you ever walked on the road while playing with your mobile phone? Be careful! It might cause accidents, like hitting a tree. Now, thanks to the development of science and technology, we have a new invention to solve this problem. It is called a transparent(透明的)screen.
The Android app called Transparent Screen Pro(透明屏幕Transparent Screen Pro是一款利用手机摄像头将屏幕变成透明状态,开启后屏幕背景变成摄像头前方的即时影像,可以自由设定透明度。) uses the camera on your mobile phone. When you are using your phone, this app captures an instant image(捕捉实时图像)and uses it as the background of your screen. In this way it makes your phone look transparent. You can see the road and the street view clearly at the same time as you are texting or reading novels on your phone. You can also make your screen look semi-transparent by changing the settings(设置)of the app.
However, this useful app also has its side effects(副作用).Many users worry that it may be used to peep at(偷窥)others without being noticed.“Imagine you are waiting for the bus at a bus stop,”said a female user,“and the man staring at his phone
could be secretly peeping at you!”
As the app becomes more and more popular, it also draws some criticism(批评).Nowadays mobile phones have already taken up too much of our time. Maybe we should move our eyes away from the screen sometimes, and take a good look at the real world.
1.Pour the milk in the blender. _________________ 2. How many bread do you want ? _________________ 3. We need to two apples. _________________
4. She would like 8 another books . _________________
5. How much sandwich does she have for breakfast ? _________________ 6. Please open the light, it’s too dark. _________________ 7. Do you know how make a milk shake ? _________________ 8. We bought three glass of milk. _________________ 9. We learn English by listen to MP3. _________________
10. The little boy filled the bag in sand . _________________ 11.Cut the apple up four pieces. _________________ 12. He covered the cup on a book. _________________
13. Can you tell the way about make the salad ? _________________
四、归纳一下我们在本单元学习了哪些食物的制作。___________________________________________ 【自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足)
今日一得: 今日不足:
八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 3a-self check2导学案09-21
Final 2 上海牛津英语期末 7B04-14
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