
更新时间:2023-04-29 17:58:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




作者: 百度里的昵称“蔡於竟道”

Apology statement.

Condemn stated: relatively speaking, this layer ball type theory.Is true, and I in baidu's nickname, "CAI in" registration in May 2014, at the same time.Can other will not.B: yes.

Other, opposite in other forms.0, 7 years, told the diameter of the sphere, and how the score, N, anything better to do one thing at the time, including the universe at the time, and so on.Principle of outer principle, principle of the inner principle.About is like a thing well done.

The condemned man: baidu's nickname, "CAI YU JING DAO ".

Taizhou city, zhejiang province.China.In October 2015. 3. (machine translation, I do not know right?)







The Perfect Sphere Layer expression can solve the following ten difficult mathematic problems in the world.


(P = NP.The principle of homology.The origin is the origin.)







And in repeated argumentation, this sphere layer expression can demons trate any existing questions (including the location of "the logic").

The principle seems to begin with the origin and centers on the origin. If it is a plane in theory, and it could actually be a plane as well,

( Correction: can not be said to be a plane.Wrong.Should be, back to the sa me origin.) then an equation is achieved.

Just like the argument in the fourth layer, it is the basic mathematical geomet ry method, and is very important. If the original strength at that moment coul d really keep up, that is the real original strength and it is called: "This is the r eal original strength".

As for the sphere theory, I once demonstrated it in Peking University’s space forum in 2006, also proved that “Zero”and many other relevant questions, and published it in 2009. It was recognized in some places. During May/Jun, 2014, under the assistance of wechat group of the teachers' office, I accomplished these ten questions on Baidu’s space.“Cai Yu Jing Dao ”。

This sphere expression is like a way of talking, the logic is relatively correct so it’s correct. It can pass any tests and is relatively correct, so it’s correct.












The Perfect Sphere Layer expression can solve the following ten difficult mathematic problems in the world.

Problem 1: P (Polynomial Algorithm) Problem vs. NP (Non Polynomial Algorithm) Problem Problem 2: Hodge Conjecture

Problem 3: Poincare Conjecture

Problem 4: Riemann Hypothesis

Problem 5: Yang–Mills Existence and Mass gap

Problem 6: The Existence and Smoothness of Navier - Stokes Equations

Problem 7: Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

Problem 8:Geometric Ruler Gauge Construction Problem

Problem 9: Goldbach Conjecture

Problem 10: Four Color Conjecture





This sphere layer expression can solve the world’s ten difficult problems in mathematics. Firstly, we talk about the objects, which can be counted by the numbers (Perfect Sphere Layer Expression). The Perfect Sphere Layer Expression, is hereinafter referred to as this Sphere or the Sphere. The original interior is the original interior part.

Anythi ng in the universe is the object at a certain time and being under certain circumstances. Erwu, relatively speaking, is Any Thing and being called the object. In Chinese, we use Erwu, a noun to describe it.



Zero "0", does not occupy anything relatively, and is being anything.


Just like mechanics, it is relatively a balance mechanics. It appears that the left side equals the right side. When each side is "0", they also constitute a balance. There is not any response!

It appears that it does not occupy anything, there’s no response. At that time, we firstly referred to a number, or natural number N, just like a reference object. Once it does have

something, just like using anything to anything, or any nature to any nature, it might begin to respond and do something. It appears that it uses anything to anything, any nature to any nature, so it’s what it is. It appears that it is an equation of anything to anything, any nature to nature, so it’s what it is.



We will talk about the balance now. It is well known that nothing could be achieved without equations in calculations, just like the imbalance in mechanics. So, relatively speaking, when equations are used, then things are achieved.





What was it like at that time? When natural number N was used as a reference, it was in direct use. Within the natural number N, the first parameter is "1".

What was it like again at that time? It was like an equation of anything to anything, any nature to any nature, and it is what it is.

At that time, the second was the number “2”, then what, the third one is the number 3, and then 4,5,6,7,8,9 respectively among N.

At that time, what kinds of equations were used? When it came to the sphere layers, the original amount of each layer was still equal. It is just an issue of certain equations for each layer.





又怎么了。接着“2”,为第二层。接着第三层为“3”。4,5,6,7 ,8 , 9,......,N层中。


The Structure of the Perisphere Layer Expression

From zero "0", the calculation starts. Just like from the perspective of any orientation, any angle orientation is a spatial orientation angle. While firstly on the plane, 0 starts the geometric equations of anything to anything, and any nature to any nature, so that is the case.

Among N, the one that came first to compare at that time was “1”. At that time it was the first layer. Then what’s the next? The number 2 is the second layer, then followed by the third layer 3, and 4,5,6,7,8,9......in layer N.

In each layer, N tiles averagely.



At that time, each layer commands a certain geometric equation to the lower layer. Relatively speaking, the amount of each layer is still equal. It has the same height of a parameter "1".

It is like that at that time there is another plane as well, the same as it, the original point and the original point "0" also intersect vertically. Sphere layers may be constituted by geometry methods.



This Sphere Layer Expression is a perfect sphere layer Expression.

We will talk about it here. The thickness of the sphere layer should be proved like this: in this sphere layer expression, a number in a certain layer will encounter the corresponding operation

in due course. Similarly, this number, as an original point, could be operated to form this sphere layer expression. (However, at that time, the original nature and amount of this number remained unchanged). (At that time we could also see P = NP). So it is proved that under certain conditions, each time we encounter a distance number, we use this sphere expression as a reference. At that time we could see that, under certain conditions, it was the same reference value.


The only concern is what it was like at that time. Again, at that time it could be a parameter of "1". That is to say, under certain conditions, it appears to be separated by a "1" for every other distance. Therefore, under certain conditions, the height of each sphere layer can firstly be the same.


We also talk about the thickness of each sphere layer and it directly proves that: under a certain condition, at that time it came back and forth according to some geometric equations. At that time, a direct parameter among the natural numbers could be "1". At that time, the thickness was all the same under a certain condition.



Relatively the amount in due course is like that in every sphere layer, the only concern is just how they tile, how they tile averagely. Because from each layer to the next, the geometric equations are applied to coming and going, so the amount of each layer is almost equal. Only the situation at that moment concerns us regarding coming and going. So what was the situation at the moment? How could they be that possibly? What was the case at that moment? (As for N alike, the sphere appears to be still operating).








Relatively speaking, inside the sphere, at that time which point was the concern?

At that time, starting from the sphere expression, we could also begin a certain corresponding mathematical operation.

There is a corresponding situation of an arbitrary point in the plane, that is to say, how they correspond in one plane.

The sphere surface can be explained by plane geometry. Each layer of the sphere body can be explained by solid geometry.

P and NP. This sphere layer expression can be explained by plane geometry, the only concern is what the situation is in due course.

( 时可看出P与NP:此圆球体用几何法证明回到空间中的一原点。空间中的一原点,又几何法证成此圆球体式。则,原点等于原点,原里本质=原里本质:P=NP。)


(At that time we could see P and NP: when this sphere can be proved back to one origin of the space by the geometry method, and one origin of the space can be proved to be the sphere expression by the geometric method. Then, the origin is equal to the origin, the original nature = the original nature: P = NP).(Answer this layer of ball type.)These ten questions are basically the same. This sphere expression could be similar to the P = NP in the geometric method. The original nature remains unchanged and the sphere expression can be explained by geometric equation operations, just like the origin "O" starts the mathematical operations in geometric method of mathematics.






And in repeated argumentation, this sphere layer expression can demonstrate any existing questions (including the location of "the logic").

The principle seems to begin with the origin and centers on the origin. If it is a plane in theory, and it could actually be a plane as well,(Correction: can not be said to be a plane.Wrong.)then an equation is achieved. Just like the argument in the fourth layer, it is the basic mathematical geometry method, and is very important. If the original strength at that moment could really keep up, that is the real original strength and it is called: "This is the real original strength".



之十. 四色猜想.




Theses ten problems can be explained by this sphere layer expression, each problem can be explained. We will begin with the last problem:

Problem10. Four color conjecture: There are layer one, layer two, and layer three inside the sphere body. They encounter when they parallel and the same edges are colored. (Do not touch the same edges, how would you array the whole plane?). It seems that the fourth layer is just good enough.

Expand it by a geometric method, just like the amplitude, frequency direction and periodicity in a plane, and see what square grid plane can be formed.



From the left to the right and from the top to the bottom, it is like the coordinate lines X, Y, the direction and its periodicity is "4". At that time it could be explained by similar reference objects. At that time, X, Y corresponded to the plane and it corresponded to the entire plane according to the same periodicity no matter from which X, Y direction. So, when "4" is colored, it is just fine to intentionally array to form a four colors plane that won’t meet the same edges.

第5层.对自己的周期个数. 到时候出现似有角度的怎样平行而不平行。就是多少数出来似的。




Layer 5. Cycle Numbers. There appears to be angles that parallel and not parallel. They are just like many numbers. Please refer to this for the following similar angles.

Through four color shading, It appears to see clearly what the angles are like in the parallel reference, and what the geometric equation is while on the plane in due courses, and to what extend they correspond. This layer of inference is basic and very important in geometric method of mathematics.

The followings are Goldbach and Riemann functions, all geometric equations. Firstly we will talk about geometric ruler gauge construction problem





Problem 9: Goldbach Conjecture: (e.g., the Corresponding Variables, a Planar Graph as shown in figures). Small figures to the right.

A prime number, (regardless of the line segment from A to B), from one point to another, could only be divided exactly by the two end points. It could be regarded as a quantity expression.( This quantity expression should be mentioned here: a straight line segment from this point to that point. It’s like that a prime number was expressed in the Goldbach conjecture.


时≥6时。(如图),(对应变量,一平面图。如图们)。似每个整个圆球体层面的面积。几何法展开,成一平面,时XY。时有对应量的X与Y的对应互换。时又有相加时,X 与Y相对应的两个奇素数的和,为偶性。是对的。

I n this sphere, on the layers of the sphere:

At that time, when it is greater than or equal to 6. (as shown in the figure), (the corresponding variables, a planar graph as shown in the figures). I t’s like the area of each layer of the whole sphere. Expand it by a geometric method to become a plane, at that time it was XY. At that time it had an amount corresponding the X and Y exchange. At that time when they were added, the sum of two odd prime numbers corresponding the X and Y was an even. It is correct.



When it is greater than or equal to 9, the three-dimensional volume of each whole layer of the sphere can be expressed by the multiplication of three corresponding odd prime numbers. At that time when they were added, the sum of three odd prime numbers is an odd number. It is also correct. (The expression of Goldbach Conjecture proves that his nature is still the same. They are the origin of the sphere expression and the sphere expression in the geometric method. Therefore, the original nature in essence remains unchanged).

(Diagram, in the final.)




没有刻度,角度数, 其实一样。就是等比等量的怎样等式来去:时一开始就用一定多少的长度,或一定多少的量。(相对来说一定多少的量。)只是到时候出现多少的等比等量等式的参用(翻译理解:参加应用,叫“参用”。),而参比着当时怎样情况(翻译理解:参照物一样,叫“参比”。而参比着当时怎样情况。)


Problem 8: Geometric Ruler Gauge Construction Problem.

There is no scale, the angle degrees, in fact, are the same. It is how Geometric equivalent does according to geometric equation. At that time, it started with a certain length, or a certain amount.(There must be a certain amount, relatively speaking). What matters is how many geometric equivalent equations will participate in the application and what situation they refer at that moment.

Geometric Ruler Gauge Construction.(These geometric equivalent equations are fairly correct in this application).



(We can always use a certain amount of geometric equivalent to be the reference). As shown in figure: (The Equal Angle of Figure of Arbitrary Angle).The trisection of an arbitrary Angle. Turn a circle into a square. The duplication of the cube. The Regular Heptadecagon. (regular N polygon). At that time, it had the origin point and all the points with unit distance. In fact it is a case of how function corresponds to what it is. (Finite and Infinite.).

Function is as shown in figure: (Corresponding Variables - Planar Graphs as shown in figures).


Then through the function, we can see what the finite and infinite is like, what they correspond. (what the finite and infinite is like).(e.g., the corresponding variables, a planar graph, as shown in figures).

Firstly we talk about Navier - Stokes equations existence and smoothness, and Hodge conjecture. 之六.(Navier-Stokes)方程式存在性和光滑性。



Problem 6: Navier - Stokes Equations Existence and Smoothness.

A moving vessel on the water surface and an aircraft in flight are followed by small waves and exhaust gas flow left behind.

时,似此圆球体中的上层到下层。(每一层厚度多一样,时直接压缩成一平面吧!)(每层的量都相等,先用自然数N参比之(翻译理解,就是参比之它,把它用N来参比之,用之。))。上层的量到下层,下层时层面依旧几何法展开表达,xy。而x=y 而一平面。时上层的量到下层xy上。而平均xy。那么,平均N。时有:N/xy=1/N。

At that time, it was like something between the upper layers and the under layers of this sphere. (The thickness of each layer is the same, and is directly compressed into a plane!)(The amount of each layer is equal, and we firstly use natural number N to compare it as a reference.

The amount of the upper layer goes to the under layer, the under layer is still expressed by geometric method expansion, xy. If x = y, then a plane. The amount of the upper layer goes to the under layer on the xy. Average xy, then average N. At that time : N/xy = 1 / N.


At that time, with a certain xy, the greater the amount of the upper layer, the smaller is 1 / N. At that time it was like a real sharp knife across the candle, the flame only shook a little, and then it was across the water surface.





Problem 2: Hodge Conjecture: (Mechanics, balance alike). At that time it was like a sphere in a

space, there was something like strength coming from each direction. It appears that the face of the sphere is facing the outside.

At that time, if the above-mentioned question was involved, then in Navier - Stokes equations existence and smoothness, N/xy=1/N.

At that time 1 / N was infinitesimal, if it was close to "0", it was just like the sphere body. Being rational and linear, at that time it was like something selected by a sieve screening and was what it was. At that time it was like a theory to a practice, the situation at that moment was the only concern.


The function in the sphere expression.(e.g., the corresponding variables, a planar graph. As shown in figures).





Problem 3: Poincare Conjecture.

Problem 4: Riemann hypothesis.

Problem 7: Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture.


时庞加莱(Poincare)猜想. 存有单位距离对应的点的全体。



Poincare Conjecture. There existed an entirety of points corresponding to the unit distance.

At that time(corresponding variables- planar graph, as shown in figures), they are the corresponding variables in due course.

If it corresponds to a certain amount, it is a distance.(At that time, it returned to the original point according to a certain amount as a reference. Here I will call it " Kibbee "). So it is the functional expression corresponding to the distance Kibbee geometric method. It is a sphere body.


本来就是等比等式的怎样来去,时又对应着怎样的有限无限:之四. 黎曼(Riemann)假设。和之七贝赫(Birch)和斯维纳讷渔-戴尔(Swinnerton-Dyer)猜想。

In addition, there is distance geometry, then the distance geometry in due course and the corresponding variables functional expression will constitute the situation at that time.(e.g., The Pythagorean theorem of a right triangle, etc.).

Originally it comes and goes according to the geometric equation and corresponds to certain finitude and infinity.

Problem 4. Riemann Hypothesis and Problem 7. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture


(而著名的黎曼假设.断言. 方程Z(S)=0的所有有意义的解都在一条直线上。这点已经对开始的1,500,000.000.个解验证过,证明它对于每一个有意义的解都成立。)


The famous Riemann hypothesis asserted that the meaningful solutions of the equation Z (S) = 0 all lie in a straight line. This has been validated by the starting 1,500,000.000 solutions, proving that it works well for every meaningful solution).





Problem 5: Yang–Mills Existence and Mass gap

Just like in this sphere layer expression, it appears that the origin point can also meet several points of the distance simultaneously (and these points are the same as this sphere. There are points of distance inside it, which can be regarded as small sphere. Then there are smaller spheres inside the small spheres. This continues.). So, there was a distance geometry method and the corresponding functional expression that could correspond at that time.

If the protons and quarks could continue the anatomical decomposition inside them, then it is the same under the Microscope, it still has that distance geometry method and its corresponding functional expression.

难题之一. P与NP.(多项式算法问题.与非多项式算法问题.) 解答:



Problem 1. P and NP. (Polynomial Algorithm and Non Polynomial Algorithm)


P = NP, at that time shared the same original point, it is the original point of that sphere expression and this sphere expression.

We can only say this when we are proving: the original point of the space is proved to be this sphere expression by the geometric method. At that time it was proved to be back to the original point in this sphere expression by the geometry method. So it goes back and forth and we can say: P = NP.



In addition, the original point is equal to the origin point, and the nature is equal to the nature. Therefore, the nature remains unchanged.

After repeated argumentation, the principle of the original interior is basically the same as the operation of this sphere originating from the original point. P = NP. So the original interior is from the same origin, for example, the ten difficult physical problems. It was discussed and done in May and June.

小言:P与NP.(P=NP.) 有这样讲话一样的形式:


P and NP. There is such way of talking: a region (things in the region) equals to what

happens in the region. A road (things on the road) equals what is going to happen on that road. You say something repeatedly, they will be as you say, do your own things by yourselves.


This sphere mode could also explain ten physical problems. Relatively speaking, how was it at that time! It is basically the same.


Figure compared with answer the questions:

