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Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:1 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.

A. She is from Hong Kong.

B. She is familiar with the Hong Kong singers.

C. She is not familiar with the music they are listening to. D. She enjoys the music they are listening to. 2.

A. Salsa. B. Any jazz. C. Fast music. D. Slow music. 3.

A. Listening to a hip-hop CD. B. Listening with his MP3 player.

C. Downloading music from the Internet. D. Borrowing a CD from the woman. 4.

A. It is not easy to get tickets for the concert. B. The orchestra is the best in Europe.

C. Only the man is enthusiastic about the concert. D. The woman is not enthusiastic about the concert. 5.

A. The man probably moved in not long ago. B. The woman probably moved in not long ago. C. The man is interested in the bass.

D. The woman wants to finish the party as early as possible. 6.

A. Reading while listening to loud music. B. Reading with the music turned low. C. Trying to concentrate on the reading. D. Giving the woman his headphones. 7.

A. He likes classic jazz. B. He likes the latest jazz.

C. He prefers symphony to jazz. D. He does not like jazz at all. 8.

A. Live concerts. B. CDs.

C. The quiet atmosphere at home. D. Singers singing different songs. 9.

A. The man thinks the tickets are inexpensive while the woman thinks they are expensive. B. The man thinks the tickets are expensive while the woman thinks they are inexpensive. C. They both think the tickets are expensive. D. They both think the tickets are inexpensive. 10.

A. It is easy to carry an MP3 player.

B. The sound from a CD player is funny compared with that of an MP3 player. C. MP3 players will soon become out of date. D. CD players will soon become out of date.


A. Heavy metal. B. Rock.

C. Golden oldies. D. Pop music. 12.

A. The man won't turn on the stereo for the woman. B. The woman loves fast music.

C. Slow music can give people energy according to the man. D. Fast music can give people energy according to the man. 13.

A. The woman likes animation while the man likes realistic movies. B. The man likes animation while the woman likes realistic movies. C. They both like computer animation. D. They both like realistic movies. 14.

A. The man likes real stories while the woman likes unreal stories. B. The woman likes real stories while the man likes unreal stories. C. Both the man and the woman like real stories. D. Both the man and the woman dislike real stories. 15.

A. He doesn't want to see the movie.

B. He wants to see the movie with the woman.

C. He wants to see the movie with the woman and her friends. D. He has never heard of the movie. 16.

A. Because there is likely to be a traffic jam on the road. B. Because it is already 7 o'clock.

C. Because an interesting trailer is to be shown.

D. Because the beginning is important for understanding the film. 17.

A. She likes it because it was a film from eastern Europe.

B. She doesn't like it because she hates all films from eastern Europe. C. Although it was favorably reviewed, she doesn't like it. D. It was favorably reviewed, and she likes it. 18.

A. New films, especially war films. B. Any films except violent films. C. Any great films.

D. A war film with a revolutionary hero. 19.

A. It is exciting.

B. It will be the first step toward becoming a film star.

C. It means the woman has to sign autographs for the audience. D. It has both advantages and disadvantages. 20.

A. He wants to forget his troubles. B. He wants to celebrate.

C. He wants to see a comic movie. D. He wants to have some fun. 21.

A. He was bored.

B. He was somewhat interested. C. He enjoyed it very much. D. He was neutral about it.


A. The man is inviting the woman to go to theater. B. The woman always sees movies in theater. C. The man likes to see movies in theater.

D. The woman doesn't like seeing movies at all. 23.

A. He is an American. B. He has a poor hearing.

C. He understands the movie completely. D. He missed some details of the movie. 24.

A. Mark is more interested in the movies than in Karen. B. Karen is more interested in Mark than in the movies. C. Mark likes Karen, but Karen does not like Mark. D. Karen and Mark are interested in each other. 25.

A. The man should not approach the girl to avoid getting beaten up. B. The man should not approach the girl, for her boyfriend is quite rich. C. The man should walk out with the girl. D. The girl fancies the man. 26.

A. She is head over heels in love with the man. B. She has broken up with the man. C. She hasn't decided to marry the man. D. She has got a new boyfriend. 27.

A. Her new boyfriend has broken up with her without reason. B. Her boyfriend intends to marry her. C. She is quarreling with the man.

7. The main characters in the various films of the series are very different. T F

8. The film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone sold better than any previous films. T F

9. To facilitate its worldwide sales, it is common to rename a book. T F

10. Because the name of the film is changed in the United States, the sales are negatively affected. T F

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.

11. The third stage of marriage is based on mutual love. T F

12. Today's marriage still has traces of the first two stages of marriage. T F

13. The custom of best man at weddings goes back to the best friend of the groom in early history of man. T F

14. According to the passage, in the past, honeymoon was a period for the couple to enjoy a sweet life. T F

15. The custom of having bridesmaids dates back to the primitive societies. T F

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

16. It cost the man one dollar to play a round of golf. T F

17. The hotel charged the man three dollars for three golf balls. T F

18. The price for the golf balls was written in small print. T F

19. If the man had known the price for the golf balls, he would have stayed in the nearby luxury hotel. T F

20. The luxury hotel charged the guests mainly for the golf balls. T F

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.

21. The saucer from which the cat was licking milk was extremely old and worthless. T F

22. The collector said he needed the cat to catch mice. T F

23. Twenty dollars did not seem a very high offer for a cat. T F

24. The owner refused to sell his cat at whatever price. T F

25. Many people had tried to get the saucer, but in vain. T F

Part 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.

1. When asked what her favorite golden oldie is, what is the woman's reaction? A. She prefers to answer a question about her favorite day. B. She prefers to select her favorite song from the 60s. C. She finds it difficult to answer. D. She finds it easy to answer.

2. What narrow scope does the man decide on for the woman to choose her favorite songs from? A. Her favorite songs in the 60s. B. Her favorite pop songs in the 70s. C. Her favorite rock songs in 1956.

D. Her favorite Beatles' song from 1965.

3. What does the man ask the woman to look at before choosing her favorite song? A. The hits chart from 1965. B. The hits chart from the 60s.

C. The top Beatles' song list of 1956.

D. The top Rolling Stones' songs of the 70s.

4. What makes the man think that everyone likes the song \

A. Every time he goes to a karaoke bar, he finds it the only English song available. B. Every time he goes to a karaoke bar, he finds it one of few English songs available. C. Each time he sits in a karaoke bar, all people sing it. D. Each time he sits in a karaoke bar, most people sing it.

5. What is the man's favorite song from 1965? A. A jazz song. B. A Beatles' song.

C. A Rolling Stones' song. D. A heavy metal tune.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

6. What are the man and woman talking about? A. The good sound system of a theater.

B. The good and bad points about a horror movie.

C. What movies to watch.

D. The movies they plan to watch and what they have already watched.

7. Which of the following movies did the man NOT suggest? A. A science fiction movie. B. A comedy.

C. A horror movie. D. A war movie.

8. According to the woman, why does the man want to see a horror movie? A. Because he likes movies that are really violent. B. Because he likes to see monsters.

C. Because the girl is crazy about horror movies. D. Because he wants the girl to move closer to him.

9. What did the man do at the sight of a monster moving across the screen? A. He jumped out of excitement. B. He coughed.

C. He jumped and screamed. D. He ran out of the theater.

10. What did the man do that annoyed the girl? A. He threw popcorn in the aisle. B. He ate popcorn with a lot of noise. C. He threw Coke at a neighbor. D. He threw Coke on the floor.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.

11. What did Mike do to make Helen so happy? A. He gave her a ring as a present. B. He asked her a funny question. C. He proposed marriage to her. D. He asked her to go out with him.

12. What was Mike like when he tried to pop the question? A. He was nervous and trembling all over. B. He was nervous but managed to calm down. C. He dropped on his knees and cried. D. He laughed wildly.

13. How did Helen help Mike out? A. She showed him her ring.

B. She showed him his ring. C. She put a ring on his finger.

D. She gave him a hint by showing her ring finger.

14. What is true of the ring? A. It is a newly bought ring. B. It is a family treasure.

C. It is a ring bought in a foreign country. D. It is a ring given by a friend as a gift.

15. What does Helen think about wearing the ring? A. She is afraid of wearing it for fear of losing it.

B. She is unwilling to wear it because she doesn't like it. C. She is delighted to wear it as it is a token of good fortune. D. She is excited to wear it as it is an expensive one. Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

16. Why doesn't Tony want to sit with Laura and his friends?

A. Wearing a fashionable jacket, he can't stay with ordinary people. B. He is afraid that they will try his jacket on.

C. Because his jacket is the same color as his friends' clothes. D. Because other people do not really like him.

17. What is Tony wearing?

A. A jacket similar to the one Ben Affleck wears. B. Ben Affleck's old jacket.

C. The same jacket Ben Affleck wears in an ad.

D. The same jacket Ben Affleck wears though its color is different.

18. What is Laura's reaction to Tony's jacket? A. She doesn't like it.

B. She doesn't recognize it is the same jacket Ben Affleck wears in the ad. C. She wants to know the price. D. She doesn't care about it.

19. Why does Laura say she is sick?

A. Because Tony follows whatever the ads say. B. Because Tony doesn't know the latest fashion. C. Because Tony spends a lot of money.

D. Because the color of Tony's jacket is too dark.

20. What does Laura imply when she says \

A. Tony made the jacket himself.

B. Tony and Affleck made the jacket together.

C. The jacket itself is the real reason for Tony to wear it. D. Affleck is the main reason for Tony to like the jacket. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.

21. Why is the cat called Bo?

A. The cat is named after a clown called Bo. B. The cat is named after a singer called Bo.

C. A jazz composer called Bo gave the cat the name. D. A magician called Bo gave the cat the name.

22. Why does the woman call her cat a bad boy? A. He lives in the countryside. B. He runs out in the fields.

C. He catches various kinds of animals. D. He attacks a stranger.

23. Why was the woman concerned about the cat one day? A. He killed too many animals. B. He was run over by a car.

C. He jumped down from too high a place. D. He could not walk steadily.

24. What happened at the vet's clinic? A. The cat attacked the vet.

B. The cat ran away from the vet's.

C. The vet gave the cat a thorough checkup. D. The vet gave the cat a shot.

25. Why was the cat limping?

A. He got hurt in a traffic accident. B. He fell out of a window.

C. He wanted attention and love. D. He was feeling playful. 答案

Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:54 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct

1. 0 (未选) C 2. 0 (未选) D 3. 0 (未选) D 4. 0 (未选) A 5. 0 (未选) B 6. 0 (未选) A 7. 0 (未选) A 8. 0 (未选) B 9. 0 (未选) C 10. 0 (未选) 11. 0 (未选) 12. 0 (未选) 13. 0 (未选) 14. 0 (未选) 15. 0 (未选) 16. 0 (未选) 17. 0 (未选) 18. 0 (未选) 19. 0 (未选) 20. 0 (未选) 21. 0 (未选) 22. 0 (未选) 23. 0 (未选) 24. 0 (未选) 25. 0 (未选) 26. 0 (未选) 27. 0 (未选) 28. 0 (未选) 29. 0 (未选) 30. 0 (未选) 31. 0 (未选) 32. 0 (未选) 33. 0 (未选) 34. 0 (未选) 35. 0 (未选) 36. 0 (未选) 37. 0 (未选) 38. 0 (未选) 39. 0 (未选) 40. 0 (未选) 41. 0 (未选) 42. 0 (未选) 43. 0 (未选) 44. 0 (未选) D C D B C A D C B D A A C D D A C A D B B C D A C C D B C D B A B C C

45. 0 (未选) B 46. 0 (未选) B 47. 0 (未选) B 48. 0 (未选) C 49. 0 (未选) A 50. 0 (未选) D 51. 0 (未选) C 52. 0 (未选) A 53. 0 (未选) A 54. 0 (未选) A Subtotal: 0

Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and cloze (每小题: 1 分; 小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct 1. 0 (未答) writer

2. 0 (未答) the art of music 3. 0 (未答) know it

4. 0 (未答) favorite styles 5. 0 (未答) classical and folk 6. 0 (未答) popular music styles 7. 0 (未答) Country and western 8. 0 (未答) the heart 9. 0 (未答) southern 10. 0 (未答) western 11. 0 (未答) love

12. 0 (未答) life's hardships 13. 0 (未答) characteristic 14. 0 (未答) home

15. 0 (未答) theme park 16. 0 (未答) music shows 17. 0 (未答) oldest radio show 18. 0 (未答) broadcasts 19. 0 (未答) live

20. 0 (未答) popular form 21. 0 (未答) subjects 22. 0 (未答) instruction 23. 0 (未答) enjoyable 24. 0 (未答) art

25. 0 (未答) take great pride in/feel proud of 26. 0 (未答) individual photographs 27. 0 (未答) separate images 28. 0 (未答) recorded 29. 0 (未答) projector 30. 0 (未答) on a screen 31. 0 (未答) ten witnesses

满分:60 分) 32. 0 (未答) evil spirits

33. 0 (未答) bride and groom 34. 0 (未答) know 35. 0 (未答) veil 36. 0 (未答) away 37. 0 (未答) on the left 38. 0 (未答) on the right 39. 0 (未答) capture 40. 0 (未答) fight off 41. 0 (未答) left hand 42. 0 (未答) sword 43. 0 (未答) advertisers 44. 0 (未答) radio

45. 0 (未答) the consumers 46. 0 (未答) literate

47. 0 (未答) advertising medium 48. 0 (未答) products 49. 0 (未答) well-known 50. 0 (未答) public emotions 51. 0 (未答) millions of 52. 0 (未答) effective 53. 0 (未答) wasted 54. 0 (未答) which half 55. 0 (未答) bid on

56. 0 (未答) intended/wished 57. 0 (未答) parrot 58. 0 (未答) talk 59. 0 (未答) Who

60. 0 (未答) bidding against Subtotal: 0

Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:50 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct 1. 0 (未选) B 2. 0 (未选) C 3. 0 (未选) D 4. 0 (未选) D 5. 0 (未选) A 6. 0 (未选) C 7. 0 (未选) B 8. 0 (未选) A 9. 0 (未选) A 10. 0 (未选) D

11. 0 (未选) C 12. 0 (未选) D 13. 0 (未选) A 14. 0 (未选) B 15. 0 (未选) C 16. 0 (未选) A 17. 0 (未选) C 18. 0 (未选) B 19. 0 (未选) C 20. 0 (未选) D 21. 0 (未选) C 22. 0 (未选) B 23. 0 (未选) A 24. 0 (未选) D 25. 0 (未选) B 26. 0 (未选) A 27. 0 (未选) B 28. 0 (未选) C 29. 0 (未选) D 30. 0 (未选) D 31. 0 (未选) C 32. 0 (未选) A 33. 0 (未选) A 34. 0 (未选) A 35. 0 (未选) B 36. 0 (未选) D 37. 0 (未选) A 38. 0 (未选) D 39. 0 (未选) B 40. 0 (未选) C 41. 0 (未选) D 42. 0 (未选) A 43. 0 (未选) B 44. 0 (未选) C 45. 0 (未选) C 46. 0 (未选) C 47. 0 (未选) B 48. 0 (未选) A 49. 0 (未选) D 50. 0 (未选) C Subtotal: 0

Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:25 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Suggested 1. 0 (未选) B 2. 0 (未选) A 3. 0 (未选) A 4. 0 (未选) B 5. 0 (未选) A 6. 0 (未选) A 7. 0 (未选) B 8. 0 (未选) B 9. 0 (未选) A 10. 0 (未选) B 11. 0 (未选) A 12. 0 (未选) A 13. 0 (未选) B 14. 0 (未选) B 15. 0 (未选) B 16. 0 (未选) A 17. 0 (未选) B 18. 0 (未选) A 19. 0 (未选) A 20. 0 (未选) B 21. 0 (未选) B 22. 0 (未选) A 23. 0 (未选) B 24. 0 (未选) B 25. 0 (未选) A Subtotal: 0

Part 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:25 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct 1. 0 (未选) C 2. 0 (未选) D 3. 0 (未选) A 4. 0 (未选) B 5. 0 (未选) C 6. 0 (未选) D 7. 0 (未选) B 8. 0 (未选) D 9. 0 (未选) C 10. 0 (未选) A 11. 0 (未选) C 12. 0 (未选) A 13. 0 (未选) D

14. 0 (未选) B 15. 0 (未选) A 16. 0 (未选) A 17. 0 (未选) C 18. 0 (未选) A 19. 0 (未选) A 20. 0 (未选) D 21. 0 (未选) B 22. 0 (未选) C 23. 0 (未选) D 24. 0 (未选) A 25. 0 (未选) C Subtotal: 0

Total: 0 正确率: 0%

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