高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 Language reading(第2课时)教案 牛津译林版必修3 - 图文

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unit 2 language

课题 教学目标 重点 unit 2 language reading 2 Important words and phrases ; sentence patterns Important words and phrases ; sentence patterns 教 学 内 容 教 学 过 程 教师主导活动 Second period 个案调整 学生主 体活动 Important words and phrases,sentence patterns 课型 复习 难点 教法及教具 Step 1: Personal show Write down the words according to the definition 1. confusing 1. difficult to understand; puzzling 2. consist 2. be made up of 3. create 3. cause something to exist 4. replace 4. take the place of 5. simplify 5. make (sth) easy to do or understand; make simple 6. occupy 6. live in or have possession of 7. contribute to 7. help to cause sth 8. distinction 8. difference or contrast between one person or thing and another 9. combine 9. join or mix together to form a whole 10. indicate 10. show sth, especially by pointing 11. convenient 11. fitting in well with people's needs or plans; giving no trouble or difficulty; suitable 12. suitable for the purpose for which it was made; useful 12. practical Step 2: Language focus 1. occupy vt.占据,充满(时间,空间,某人的头脑等);(军事)占领(国家,阵地等);占用;占有(房屋,土地等) 知识探究: 归纳整理: His speech occupied only 3 minutes. 他的演讲● take up or fill 仅占用了三分钟。 (time, space, sb’s A bed occupied the corner of the room. 一张床mind) ”占据,充满占据了房间的一角。 (时间,空间,某人The army occupied the enemy’s capital. 军队的头脑等) 占领了敌人的首都。 ● take possession The family has occupied the farm for many years. of and establish 这家人占用这个农场已经多年了。 troops in (a They occupy the house next door. 他们住在隔壁。 country, position, How does he occupy himself now that he is etc.)(军事)占领(国retired? 既然他退休了,他在忙些什么呢? 家,阵地等) The workers were occupied in building new ● live in or have houses. 工人们正在忙碌着盖新房子。 possession of ( a He occupies an important position in the house, land, etc.) Ministry of Education. 他在教育部充任要职。 占用,占有(房屋,She is occupied in writing a novel. 她忙于写土地等) 小说。 ● occupy oneself 最新中小学教案、试题、试卷


最新中小学教案、试题、试卷 He occupied himself with various social ( in doing sth. / activities. 他终日从事各种社交活动。 with sth.) 题练落实: C) 1. _______ reading history books, he even didn’t notice me coming. A. Occupied with B. Occupying with C. Occupied in D. Occupying in B) 2. ______ himself _____ the project, he had no time to go back home. A. Occupied; with B. Occupying; with C. Occupied; in D. Occupying; in A) 3. When I arrived I saw the place was already ______ by two strangers in uniforms. A. occupied B. conquered C. possessed D. owned B) 4. I’m afraid that Miss Liu can’t help teach you how to send an e-mail, for she is _____ herself in typing a report for the boss. A. devoting B. occupying C. putting D. finding 解析 occupy oneself in (doing) sth.忙于?? 联想拓宽: 他在忙于写一本小说。He was occupied with a novel / in writing a novel. = He occupied himself with a novel / in writing a novel. 忙于?,专心于? Occupy oneself in doing sth. / with sth. = be occupied in doing sth. / with sth. = be busy in doing sth. / with sth.= be absorbed in doing sth. Occupation (n.) (1) Teaching is my occupation. 职业,专业= I am a teacher by occupation. (2) No one is yet in occupation of the house. 占有 Occupied (adj.) 在使用中,已占有,不空闲 (1) 占用:占用(时间或空间): a lecture that occupied three hours. 长达三个小时的讲座 (2) 居住:在?居住或长期居住 (3) 占有:占有或位居(办公室或职位) (4) 占据:通过征服手段或相似手段获得并保持对其控制 (5) 忙于:从事、雇佣或(自己)忙于: occupy himself with sculpting. 他自己忙于雕刻 lose one’s occupation 失业 have no fixed occupation 无固定职业 be occupied with / in 从事/ 专心与?;忙于? 2. consist 知识探究: 归纳整理: This club consists of more than 200 consist of由?组成,由?members. 这个俱乐部由200多位会员组成。 构成 ( = be made up of) The beauty of Venice consists in the style consist in=lie in在于,of its ancient buildings.威尼斯之美在于存在于 其古建筑风格。 consist with与?一His actions do not consist with his words.致,并存 他言行不一。 最新中小学教案、试题、试卷 2

