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n. [C] sb. who chooses to work a lot so that they do not have time to do anything else 工作狂

EG: Modern life, with its stress on maximizing efficiency, encourages people to be workaholics. 现代生活强调的是效率的最大化,鼓励人成为工作狂。

A self-confessed workaholic, Tony can't remember when he last had a holiday. 托尼承认自己是个工作狂,他都记不起上次休假是什么时候了。


dimension (n.) ---dimensional (a.); n. 1. [C] the length, height, width, etc. 维(长、高、宽等)

EG: What are the dimensions of the room? 这个房间的长宽高是多少?

It will be a building of vast dimensions. 这将是幢巨大的建筑。

2. [C] a part of a situation or a quality involved in it


EG: There is a dimension to the problem that we have not discussed. 这个问题有一个方面我们还没有讨论。

His character has several different dimensions. 他的性格是多面的。


a. having the stated number of dimensions ...维的;...方面的

EG: Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension. 空间被认为是三维的,而时间则被看作第四维。 A square is two-dimensional and a cube is three-dimensional.



constant (a / n.) ---constantly(ad.);

a. going on all the time; happening again and

again 经常的;不断的

EG: He's in constant trouble with the police. 警察常常找上他。

They make constant use of their computers. 他们经常使用计算机。

n. [数] 常数;恒量


ad. all the time or very often 经常地;不断地 EG: She has the television on constantly. 她经常开着电视机。

She worries constantly. 她时常发愁。


a. unable to control one's behavior because one has drunk too much alcohol 喝醉的

EG: They've put wine in her fruit juice to get her drunk. 他们把酒倒进她的果汁,将她灌醉。 I was a bit drunk at the time so I don't remember

much. 那时候我有点醉了,所以我记不太清楚了。


consequence (n.) ---consequent (a.) ---consequently (ad.);

n. [C] sth. that is a result or effect of sth. else 结果;影响

EG: The consequence is that she lost everything she owned. 后果是她损失了所有的财产。

I missed the bus this morning and as a consequence was late for work. 今天早上我没有赶上公共汽车,结果上班迟到了。

He was found guilty, and lost his job in consequence.


The sea level is rising in consequence of global warming.


He broke the law, and now he must face / suffer /

take the consequence of his actions. 他犯了法,所以必须承担自己的行为所产生的后果。


system (n.) ---systematic (a.);

n. 1. [C] a method of organizing or doing things 制度;体制;方法

EG: Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives. 我们的教育体制让人们能选择自己孩子受教育的类型。

Like a lot of companies, they have a system that people are generally promoted from within. 像许多公司一样,他们的体制是提拔对象一般从员工内部产生。

2. [C] a group of things or parts working together as a whole 系统;体系

EG: There is a new central-heating system in this

building. 这座大楼里有一套新的中央供热系统。 The cinema that I go to has a really good music system. 我去的那家电影院的音响设备很好。


vt. officially accept or allow sth. 批准;认可 EG: I can't sanction your methods. 我不能同意你的办法。

He tried to get the government to sanction his plan. 他设法让政府批准他的计划。


[U] the state of being a workaholic 迷恋工作

EG: Once workaholism sets in, it progresses through stages like those in taking drugs.


Workaholism may take its toll on a person's life, but it does have advantages.



employee (n.) ---employer (n.) ---employ (v.) ---employment (n.);

n. [C] sb. who is paid to work for sb. else 雇员 EG: The manager employed three employees. 经理雇佣了三个人。

The number of employees in the company has increased ten times over the past five years. 过去五年,公司雇员数增加了十倍。


n. [C] sb. or a company that employs people 雇主 EG: They are not good employers. 他们不是好雇主。

Your former employer recommends you for this post. 你的前雇主推荐你担任这个职位。

★<13>loyal loyal (a.) ---loyalty (n.);

a. always supporting sb. or sth. 忠诚的;忠心的 EG: Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.


When all her friends left her, Steve remained loyal. 当其他朋友都离她而去的时候,史蒂夫仍忠诚不变。

He is loyal to his wife. 他对妻子很忠心。


vt. risk sth. 冒...的危险

EG: Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives. 攀岩的人用生命去冒险。

The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk. 这项政策使小岛面临危险,把岛上居民的生命推向危险的境地。 n. [C] a danger 危险;风险

EG: Smoking is a serious health hazard. 吸烟对健康危害严重。

Drivers faced the hazards of the ice and snow. 司机面临着冰雪的危险。


vt. keep sb. in a place from where they cannot escape 把...困于;使陷入

EG: They were trapped in the burning hotel. 他们被困在着火的旅馆中。

The two men died when they were trapped in the flood. 这两名男子因被困在大水里而丧生。 n. [C] a device that is designed to catch animals or people 陷阱;圈套

EG: The farmer sets traps to catch rats. 这个农夫用捕鼠器捕捉老鼠。

The rabbit was caught in a trap. 兔子掉进了陷阱。


consumption (n.) ---consume(v.) ---consumer (n.) ---consumeristic ( a.);

n. [U] the use of sth. such as fuel, food, etc., or the

amount that is used 消耗;消费;消耗量;消费量

EG: The meat was declared unfit for human consumption. 已宣布那种肉不适于人们食用。 We have measured the car's fuel consumption. 我们已经测量了汽车的耗油量。


n. [C] a way or manner in which sth. is done 方式;方法

EG: Each department in the company has its own mode of operation. 公司每个部门都有自己的运作方式。

You'll have to change your mode of life now that you have a baby. 你已有了孩子,得改变一下你的生活方式了。


n. [C] a businessman 商人

EG: a coal merchant 煤炭商

The main canals in Amsterdam are lined with houses built by rich merchants in the 17th and 18th centuries. 阿姆斯特丹的主要运河两岸排列着十七、十八世纪富商建造的房子。


vt. cause physical or mental pain or trouble 使痛苦;折磨

EG: The dog was already racked by the pains of old age. 那只狗早就为衰老带来的病痛所折磨。 He was racked with doubts. 他因疑惑而深感不安。

<20> counselor

counselor (n.) ---counsel (v. / n.);

n. [C] (BrE counsellor) sb. whose job is to give advice and help to people with problems 顾问

EG: legal counselor 法律顾问

The company employed a group of counselors to solve this problem. 公司聘请了一班律师来解决这个问题。


vt. succeed in achieving sth. after trying for a long time 获得

EG: When migrating, birds may attain a height of 3,000 meters or more. 候鸟在迁徙途中的飞翔高度能达到3千多米。

They tried to attain levels of quality and customer satisfaction greater than they had ever imagined. 他们想达到的质量和顾客满意度比以前想象的要高。


evident (a.) ---evidently (ad.) ----evidence (n.); a. obvious; clear 明显的;显然的

EG: It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake. 你们大家一定都清楚他犯了一个错误。

Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone. 哈里在生病时表现出来的勇气每个人都很清楚。

It is evident to us all that it is not right to do so. 我们都清楚那样做是不对的。


a. 1. without reasons to feel happy or hopeful 没希望的;暗淡的

EG: The chief executive said that the company was faced with a bleak future. 总裁说公司的前景黯淡。

Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas. 许多人正面临一个经济上低迷的圣诞节。

2. cold and without any pleasant features 阴冷的;


EG: In the bleak light of dawn she was preparing to leave her hometown for an unknown place.


The snow-covered coast looked bleak and uninviting. 海岸线上一片白雪,看上去十分阴冷,毫无吸引人之处。


n. 1. [C] a road marked out for a single line of traffic 车道

EG: the inside lane 内车道

The southbound lane is closed because of an accident. 南向车道因为一起事故而封闭了。 2. [C] a narrow road in the countryside 小路;小巷 EG: I live at the end of Church Lane. 我住在教堂巷尽头处。

It is very dangerous to drive fast along narrow

country lanes. 在狭窄的乡村小路上开快车很危险。


discharge (v.) ---charge (v. / n.);

v. allow liquid, gas, energy, etc. to leave a place (使)释放;(使)排出

EG: Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电而产生的。

Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory. 这家工厂每天排放出大量危险的废弃物。

vt. officially allow sb. to leave somewhere 释放;让...离开

EG: Patients were discharged from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people. 由于其他人需要床位,病人们被允许出院。

Because of the cut-down in sales, half of our employees were discharged. 因为销售额降低,我



grief (n.) ---grieve (v.);

n. 1. [U] extreme sadness 悲伤,忧伤

EG: You mustn't say \person's grief is unique.

你不能说 “我知道你的感受”,因为每个人的悲伤心情都只有自己能体会。

I'd no idea that forgetting his birthday would cause him so much grief. 我没想到忘了他的生日会使他如此伤心。

2. [C] sth. causing great sadness 令人悲伤的事 EG: His marriage was a great grief to his parents. 他的婚姻让他父母尤为伤心。

It was a grief to her that her son had never returned from the war.

她的儿子没能从战场上回来,这是她的伤心事。 It seems that all his tricks will come to grief. 他那些小把戏终究要失败。

He came to grief on the way home. 他在回家的路上惨遭不幸。


n. [C] a particular quality in sb.'s character 品质;特点

EG: One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public. 他不太好的那些品质中有一点就是当众数落自己的妻子。

His sense of humor is one of his better traits. 他的幽默感是他比较好的性格特点之一。


equate (v.) ---equal (a./ v. / n.) ---equality (n.) ---equation (n.) ---equator (n.);

vt. consider sth. to be the same as sth. else 等同 EG: He equates poverty with suffering. 他把贫穷和痛苦等同起来。

You can't equate the education system of Britain to

that of Germany. 你不能把英国的教育制度和德国的相提并论。


presumably (ad.)---presume (v.);

ad. used to say that sth. is probably true 大概;可能

EG: She is aware of the difficulties, presumably? 可能她知道存在的困难吧?

Presumably you've heard the news? 你可能已经听到这个消息了吧?


denial (n.) ---deny (v.);

n. [C, U] a statement that sth. is not true 否认

EG: His denial of responsibility for the accident was not convincing. 他否认自己对事故负有责任,这让人难以信服。

Nobody believes their repeated denials of guilt. 他



rational (a.) ---rationalize (v.) ---rationalization (n.);

a. 1. based on reasons rather than emotions 合理的;基于理性的

EG: There must be a perfectly rational explanation for what happened. 对所发生的事一定有一个非常合理的解释。

We need to decide what would be the most rational course of action. 我们需要确定采取什么样的行动是最合理的。

2. being able to think calmly and sensibly 理智的,理性的

EG: She was too sad to be rational. 她太悲伤了,无法保持理智。

Man is a rational being. 人是理性动物。


[C, U] the act of rationalizing sth. 合理化

EG: In the press conference, the general gave a rationalization for the retreat of his army. 在记者招待会上,将军解释了他的军队为何撤退。 The child could not provide his parents with a rationalization for his strange behavior. 孩子无法向父母解释自己怪异的行为。


excessive (n.) ---excess (n. / a.);

a. too much; too great 过多的;过度的

EG: The young man died of excessive drinking. 那个年轻人因为酗酒而身亡。

$5,000 is an excessive price for such a shabby second-hand car. 五千美元买这样一辆破旧的二手车,实在是太贵了。


vt. provide an explanation for sth. 为...作出合理解释;使合理化

EG: He rationalized his decision to leave the job by saying that he wanted to spend more time with his family. 他阐述了决定辞职的理由,说他想多花些时间和家人在一起。

Tom's parents sometimes find it difficult to rationalize his behavior. 汤姆的父母有时候发现很难理解他的行为。


n. [C] a plan or timetable of what sb. is going to do and when they are going to do it 日程表;进度表 EG: His schedule for this week is full. 他这个星期的日程表排得满满的了。

e've planned our teaching schedule for the next six months. 我们已安排好了接下来六个月的教学计划。

We finished the project three weeks ahead of



The president completed his visit on schedule. 总统如期完成了访问。


a. very important and useful, without which nothing can be done 必不可少的;不可或缺的 EG: Air, food, and water are indispensable to life. 空气、食物与水是生命所必不可缺少的。

She's good but not indispensable for the team; no player is. 她是个优秀队员,但并非是必不可少的队员,任何队员都不是必不可少的。


ambition (n.) ---ambitious (a.);

n. 1. [C] a strong desire to achieve sth. 抱负;追求目标

EG: My family is more important to me than

political affairs and personal ambition. 我的家庭对我来说比政治事务和个人抱负更为重要。 He has already achieved his main ambition in life—to become rich. 他已实现了生活的主要目标——发财致富。

2. [U] determination to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. 雄心;野心

EG: She denies that she has any political ambitions. 她否认自己有任何政治上的野心。

I've always had a burning ambition to be a film actor. 我一直雄心勃勃,想成为一名电影演员。


durable (a.) ---duration (n.) ---during (prep.); a. continuing for a long time 耐用的;持久的 EG: Our friendship is durable. 我们的友谊是永恒的。

It calls for a durable solution in the area. 在该地区需要一个持久的解决方法。


n. [U] the health and happiness of people 幸福;安康

EG: The police are very concerned for the welfare of the missing child. 警方非常担心失踪儿童的健康。

These organizations have fought very hard for the rights and welfare of the people. 这些组织非常努力地为人民的权利和福利而奋斗。


psychological (a.) ---psychologically (ad.) ---psychologist (n.) ---psychology (n.);

a. relating to the way that the mind works 心理的 EG: Doctors dismissed her complaints of pain as psychological. 医生们认为她喊疼完全是心理上的反应。

The cause of a physical illness can often be

psychological. 生理上的疾病往往是心理因素造成的。

<41>psychologically ad. 心理上地

EG: Years of torment ruined the inmate psychologically. 多年的折磨使囚犯心理深受创伤。

The child is psychologically normal and does not need to see a psychiatrist. 这孩子心理上正常,没必要去看心理医生。


summarize (v.) ---summary (n./ a.);

v. (BrE summarise) make a brief statement of the main points 概述

EG: Could you summarize the plot so far because I haven't seen any of it? 我一点也没看,你能把情节跟我大致说一下吗?

I'll just summarize the main points if I may. 如果可以的话我将只概括要点。

Phrases and Expressions

<43>other than: in addition to or except for sb. or sth. 除了...之外(还)

EG: She has no close friends other than him. 除了他以外,她没有别的亲密朋友了。

We missed the last bus so there was no choice other than to walk home. 我们没赶上最后一班公交车,所以没其他办法,只能步行回家了。

<44>on the other hand: used for giving two different opinions about sth. 另一方面

EG: I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing now. 我想要一份薪水更高的工作,但另一方面我又喜欢现在的工作。

She plans to spend her holiday in Spain; on the other hand, she really wants to stay at home relaxing. 她计划去西班牙度假,但另一方面,她又很想呆在家里放松放松。

<45>to the contrary: showing that the opposite is true 相反地

EG: I will assume that you want me to come on Monday unless you write to the contrary. 我会认为你要我星期一来,除非你写信不让我来。 If I don't hear to the contrary I'll see you at the station at ten. 如无变动,十点钟我在车站见你。

<46>burn the midnight oil: study or work until late at night (学习、工作)到深夜;开夜车 EG: She takes her exams next week, so she's burning the midnight oil.


He's been burning the midnight oil over the last few weeks because he's been trying to finish

writing up his paper. 前几个星期他一直工作到深夜,因为他正努力完成论文。

<47>rack up: increase in number or amount step by step 积累;逐步增加

EG: Great losses were racked up by the airlines during this period. 这段时期航空公司的损失惨重。

Still greater sales are racked up by putting the designer's name on the package. 把设计者的名字印在包装上使销售量进一步增大。

<48>fear for: feel worried about sb. or sth. 为...担心

EG: I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气情况下,我担心她的安全。

All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home. 所有的母亲都为初次出门的孩子们


<49>at work: at the place where one works or doing one's job 在工作的地方;在工作 EG: Please don't ring me at work. 上班时请不要给我打电话。

I drank a cup of coffee at work. 我工作时喝了杯咖啡。

<50>come in: appear; happen 出现;发生 EG: This is where the mistakes come in. 这就是错误之所在。

Have the results from the blood test come in yet? 验血的结果出来了没有?

<51>put all one's eggs in one basket:

risk everything one has on the success of just one plan 孤注一掷

EG: Insurance companies generally spread a large

risk among several companies, so that they don't put all their eggs in one basket. 保险公司通常把大的风险分给几家公司承担,这样就将风险分散了。

I'm applying for several jobs because I don't really want to put all my eggs in one basket. 我正在申请好几个工作,因为我不想把所有的希望寄托在一家公司上。

