
更新时间:2023-12-23 11:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




26. – Annie, your English is excellent, _________ do you study English so well? – I often study English __________ reading English every morning. A. How; by B. What; by C. How; with D. What; with

27. –_______you talk to, you should try_______ polite to them.

A. Whenever; to be B. Whoever; to be C. Whenever; being D. Whoever; being

28.He was afraid to _______ in the river _______ it was very cold.

A. swim; because of B. swimming; because of C. swims; because D. swim; because

29—Bill, it seems that you have ______ several pounds during the Spring Festival.—Yes, I ate too much every day. A. laid out B. put on C. cut out D. turned on 30.—It’s World Sleep Day today. Let’s talk something about sleep.

—______. Many people have a sleep problem now.

A. No problem B. Have a good night C. Sounds like fun D. Sorry to hear that

31. —I want to listen to a new song. Could you give me some advice? —I ______ Superhero by Deng Chao. It sounds relaxing.

A. guess B. suggest C. promise D. expect

32. – The teacher is very kind and he always _________ his students. – _________ lucky the students are! A. takes care; How B. takes care; What C. cares about; How D. cares about; What

33—______, where is the new Taiyuan Railway Station?—I’m sorry. I am a stranger here. A. Hello B. No problem C. Come on D. Pardon me

34. – Mr. Smith, ,I have trouble _________ the text.– Remember_________ it three times at least. A. understanding; to read B. understanding; reading C. to understand; to read D. to understand; reading

35. –How did you know he was very sad?– From the ___________on his face. A. looking B. appearance C. expression D. attitude 36. – What do you think of Victor?

– Pretty good, though he is still ________to the job.

A. sorry B. strange C. surprised D. similar 37. – What do you know about Halloween?

– It’s ______ popular festival in North America and it’s ______ October 31st. A. a; in B. an; in C. the; on D. a; on 38. ________great fun we had in ZhongShan Park last Sunday! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

39. Good learners often _________what they need to learn _________something interesting. A. depend; on B. connect; with C. ask; for D. increase; by 40 – What did the teacher say just now? – He asked the students __________.


A. what would they do with the computer. B. how often they go to movies C. if they were interested in chatting online D. when was Albert Einstein born 三、完型填空:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

Mary and I had been best friends since the third grade. Just about everywhere we went, people knew we were best friends. We 41 secrets over popcorn and soda year after year. But the best part about having a best friend was taking turns sleeping over on Friday nights.

Then in the ninth grade everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes 42 everyone even my mom. I couldn’t believed Mary started the first day of school 43 the same pigtails she had worn forever. What was happening? Other girls seemed more interesting than Mary.

I started 44 her and making excuses. Finally, during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in my backyard, the quarrel 45 . I said ,“Go home, Mary, and don’t come back.”I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her everything. I would never forget her words. She said ,“ 46 will come and go in and out of your life forever .You are 47 and it’s okay for both of you to make new different friends. What is happening is hard but perfectly 48 .”

Time healed a lot of the 49 , and over the next few years we clearly went down 50 paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school, I felt a strange 51 . I thought if I went back and “fixed” everything between us, we could somehow start all over 52 good friends. But that was only a fantasy. Our differences went too great, and I could only 53 she understand.

I’ll always remember the years 54 Mary and I were best friends. But Mom was right.. 55 can change, and we have to let them go when it’s time. ( )41. A. shared B. spared C. kept D. reminded ( )42. A. surprised B. scared C. frightened D. satisfied ( )43. A. dressing B. wearing C. keeping D. staying ( )44. A. avoiding B. hating C. enjoying D. leaving ( )45. A .broke down B. broke out C. made out D. came out ( )46. A. Interests B. Friends C. Sadness D. Childhood ( )47. A. changing B. growing C. improving D. developing ( )48. A. normal B. ordinary C. regular D. common ( )49. A. unhappiness B. kindness C. memory D. emotion ( )50. A. different B. same C. hard D. separate ( )51. A. goodness B. happiness C. sadness D. illness ( )52. A. like B. as C. with D. on ( )53. A. suppose B. believe C. hope D. suggest ( )54. A. that B. when C. while D. as ( )55. A. Ideas B. Opinions C. Friendships D. Impressions 四、阅读理解:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。


Wonderful Events

HORSE RACING ALL YEAR ROUND Races starting at 3 p. m. Every Sunday Racetrack Only 20 Miles Away Lots of Free Parking Space Free Presents


No Children Allowed 100 YEARS OF PICTURES Then & Now (Photo Show)

See the Wuhan History From 1910~2010 February 1 — April 30

City Art Museum 750 High Street Tuesday to Sunday 10 a. m. ~ 5 p. m. WEEKEND SALES This Saturday 2 ~ 6 p. m. Everything 20~40% Off

Visit Us at Black G. Grandview Mall

Realize Your Dreams, Save Time and Money

Fall in Love with Prices We Offer DANCE PARTY Celebrate a Special Date Bringing Your Sweet Heart Sunday Night, Country Club Live Band from 9 p. m. ~ 1 a. m.

$25 a couple(夫妇); $15 single person

56. People can see the photo show at___________ .

A. Grandview Mall B. City Art Museum C. Racetrack D. Country Club 57. Who can NOT go to the horse race?

A. A single person. B. A couple. C. Children. D. The sweet heart.

58. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p. m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday? A. Go shopping. B. Go to see the photo show.

C. Go to the dance with your sweet heart. D. Go to watch the horse race.

59. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party? A. 15 dollars. B. 25 dollars. C. 20%~40% off. D. For free. 60. Where can you see the above advertisements?

A. In a book. B. In a magazine. C. In a newspaper. D. On TV.


Once upon a time, a boy was walking through a wood and he thought he could hear a sad cry. Following the sound he came to a big, round, mysterious, grey fountain. The sad sound seemed to be coming from the fountain pool. The boy swept aside the pool’s dirty surface water and saw a group of grey fish swimming in a slow circle through the pond.

Amused by this, the boy tried to catch one of these incredible talking fish. But when he stuck his arm into the water it turned grey right up to the elbow. As this happened, a huge sadness entered into him, and he suddenly understood how sad the fish were feeling.

He quickly pulled his arm out of the water, and ran from that place. But the arm stayed grey, and the boy continued feeling sad. He tried so many times to cheer himself up, but nothing worked. That was, until he realized that if he were to make the Earth happy then that happiness would be, in turn, transmitted back to him, through the earth on his arm.

From then on, he set about looking after countryside. He cared for the plants, and he did what he could to keep the water from being polluted. He encouraged others to do the same. He was so successful that his arm started to recover its normal color. When the grey had disappeared completely, he started feeling happy again, and he decided to go and visit the fountain. When he was still some way from the fountain he could hear the fish singing



61. What happened to the boy when he stuck his arm into the water A. He caught some fish. B. His arm was bitten by the fish. C. He felt great sadness. D. Nothing special happened. 62. The underlined word recover means ― ‖ in Chinese. A. 转变 B. 进化 C. 变异 D. 恢复

63. Which of the following didn’t happen after the boy left the fountain A. He started to look after the countryside. B. He stopped the water from being polluted. C. He encouraged people to protect the earth. D. His arm kept grey and he never felt happy. 64. What can we learn from the passage

A. We should protect the earth. B. We shouldn’t catch fish. C. Even the fountain may cry. D. We should visit the fountain. 65. What is the best title of the passage A. The Beautiful Countryside. B. The Talking Fish. C. The Sad Cry. D. The Grey Fountain.


A poor traveler arrived at a small village. He had no food or money and had not eaten anything for a whole day. The one thing he did have was a cooking pot.

He made a small cooking fire, placed his pot on it, and poured in some water. When a few villagers asked what he was doing, he replied that he was making stone soup which was an ancient tasty recipe(食谱) passed down from his father. He then dropped a round stone in his pocket into the pot.

As the soup warmed, the traveler told the villagers stories of his travels and the exciting things he’d seen. He tasted his soup and said it was coming along nicely, but a bit of salt would bring out the flavor. One curious villager went home and came back with some salt for the soup.

A few more villagers stopped to see what was going on when they heard the traveler speaking. The traveler told more stories and said that some carrots or onions would be nice to the delicious soup. So another villager said he could give a few carrots and brought them from his home.

This continued on with the traveler asking for onions, a bit of meat, celery (芹菜), potatoes to the soup.

Finally, the soup was ready and everyone enjoyed the tasty meal prepared for them from just a stone---and a few other things.

66. The only thing the poor traveler had was__________.

A. a big stone B. an ancient recipe C. a cooking pot D. a bit of meat 67. The traveler put a stone in the soup to __________.

A. add flavor to the soup B. attract the villagers C. follow the recipe D. cheat the villagers 68. The villagers gave the traveler the food because __________. A. they were warm-hearted and wanted to help him B. they were curious about the stone soup C. they loved to listen to the traveler’s story D. they hoped to learn to cook the soup

69. From the story, we can learn that the man _________.


A. was good at cooking B. used to sail at sea C. was very humorous(幽默) D. was very smart

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The traveler put tomatoes, potatoes and carrots into the soup. B. The villagers were happy to taste the soup. C. The traveler said the recipe was from his father. D. The traveler got the soup and paid for nothing.



repeat lay strange memorize lifelong punishes

71. However hard I tried, I could not ___________ the text.

72. All of us want to meet some people who will turn to be our __________ friends. 73. We should learn from our mistakes so that we won’t __________ them. 74. The boy never _______ his dog even if it makes mistakes.

75. Dinner is ready. Please ________ out the knives and forks on the table. 六、阅读理解填词 (本题共10分,每小题1分)


Nick was born w____76____ limbs(四肢), so the life was not easy for him. At school many students played j__77____ on him because he looked different from others. He was r___78____ to be their friends, so he always felt l___79____.

However, he faced it b____80____. He learnt to type and write with two toes at the age of 6, and he could e___81____ surf and play golf. In college, he a____82____ great success and was among the top students in the studies. And he decided on what to do later in his life---to e_____83____ others to work hard for their dreams.

Now Nick is one of the most popular speakers in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story a____84_____ difficulties. ―Living life fully is about looking at what you have, not what you don’t have.‖ He said. His w___85____ encourage millions of people.

76__________ 77_________ 78___________ 79__________ 80___________

81__________ 82_________ 83___________ 84__________ 85___________


假设你是Tony, 国庆节刚刚过去, 你的朋友Mike 写信询问你这个假期过得怎么样。请你写一封回信告诉他你国庆节期间的活动。 要点如下:

1. 刚上九年级,有点累,利用假期好好地休息了一下;

2. 完成了老师布置的作业,也好好地复习了功课,为即将到来的考试做准备;

3.10月1日那天和父母去了武汉园博会(Wuhan International Garden Expo),了解了全国各地的 的风俗文化,也品尝了各地的美食。 4.和朋友去打了篮球,也帮父母做了家务。 5.根据自己实际情况补充一两点。 注意:


1. 要求包含内容要点,不要逐条翻译,语句通顺,意思连贯 2. 词数60—80,开头和结尾已给出,不记入总词数。

参考词汇:custom n. 风俗 culture n. . 文化 review v. 复习 Dear Mike,

How’s it going? I haven’t seen you for two years, so I miss you very much. I’ve just spent a happy vocation._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Hope to see you soon!

七、书面表达 __________________________________________________________________________ Dear Tony: How’s it going? I haven’t seen you for two years, I miss you very much. I’ve just spent a happy vocation. Hope to see you soon! Yours Peter 6

1. 要求包含内容要点,不要逐条翻译,语句通顺,意思连贯 2. 词数60—80,开头和结尾已给出,不记入总词数。

参考词汇:custom n. 风俗 culture n. . 文化 review v. 复习 Dear Mike,

How’s it going? I haven’t seen you for two years, so I miss you very much. I’ve just spent a happy vocation._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Hope to see you soon!

七、书面表达 __________________________________________________________________________ Dear Tony: How’s it going? I haven’t seen you for two years, I miss you very much. I’ve just spent a happy vocation. Hope to see you soon! Yours Peter 6

