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Unit 6 Sporting life

Inside view Conversation1

Kate :Are you on your way to the boathouse?

Janet :No. What’s happening? Kate :There’s a practice race to help choose who will row in the college team. Mark really

wants a place on the team, so he has to row well today. And I’m going to watch.

Janet :Well, I’d like to, but I have an essay to finish.

Kate :That’s too bad! I know how you feel.

Janet :Maybe I can come later? Kate :Sure. I’m thinking of having lunch in the boathouse bar, and then

watching the rowing all afternoon.

Janet :How do I get to the boathouse? Kate :It’s easy. Can you see where we are on the map? Here, look!

Janet :OK, which way round are we standing? … Yes, got it!

Kate :OK, go down Catte Street, and turn right into the High Street. Go along the High Street

and turn left into St Aldates. Walk along St Aldates, past Christ Church College until you get to Folly Bridge. Janet :I see.

Kate :Then when you get to the bridge, cross over the river … turn left and walk along the river

bank. Keep going along the river … And you’re there! The boathouses are on the right, and the Hertford College Boathouse is the last one along. You can’t miss it.

Janet :Thanks. I’m looking forward to


seeing the rowing.

Kate :No problem. We shouldn’t miss the rowing – it’s a great university tradition!

Janet :I know, Mark was telling me. Kate :Like the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities every year.

Janet :Of course! The great rivals! Kate :The Boat Race has been going for years, maybe nearly 200 years.

Janet :And Oxford won it this year! Kate :Yes, but Cambridge was very close behind. Anyway see you later, down by the river. Janet :Bye.

Conversation2 Scripts

Kate :So the rules are … the boats follow each other and the one behind has to bump the one

in front … just like that one has done.

Janet :Is that Mark’s boat? Kate :Yes! Look, his boat is about to bump the one in front! Well done! …

Mark :Hi you guys!

Kate :Fantastic, Mark. You were amazing!

Mark :Well, we won the practice race, but I’m worried about getting a place on the team. The problem is that there are at least three other people on the team who have rowed before. And I can’t help thinking that they were better than me.

Janet :Don’t worry, Mark. Everything will be OK.

Mark :And then I hurt my knee getting into the boat.

Janet :Oh, I’m so sorry!

Kate :Too bad, but it’s only a scratch. Listen up, Janet is right. No need to get nervous, Mark.

You were the strongest looking guy in the boat today. Chill out!


Mark :Hey, they’re putting the team list on the door.

Janet :Let’s go over and see. Mark :No, you go! I can’t bear to look! Kate :OK. …

Kate :Hey, Mark, great news! You got a place on the college team! Janet :Congratulations!

Kate :That’s great, Mark, you deserve it. You trained so hard. Mark :I can’t believe it!

Outside view

Interviewer :OK then Graham, I wonder if first off you could explain a little bit of the history of Tae Kwon Do. Teacher :Tae Kwon Do originated er … about 3,000 years ago in Korea. It’s in the

present form we train and teach now is formulated in 1955 by a Korean general.

He was asked to put a self-defence together for the Korean army. This is how we teach it now, but it’s got origins going back thousands of years throughout Asia and of course obviously throughout Korea. So how does it, I mean, how does it differ to, say, other martial arts? Tae Kwon Do is basically the hand and foot martial art. It’s a self-defence martial art as I said, originated for the Korean martial art for the army. It’s legs and hands, Tae means to kick, Kwon means to punch and Do means a way, or method. OK. So I can see over your shoulder there how it’s a pretty popular class, what kind of mixture of people do you get coming along? Luckily we get all sorts, that’s the aim of the class, it’s open to everyone, we take any flexibility level, any age, any fitness level, and we guarantee to improve flexibility and fitness and also have a good time. We’re also teaching a


traditional martial art as well, so it’s a fun aspect but with tradition mixed in as well.

So how long have you been in this sport yourself?

Six years, and I’m a second Dan instructor now.

What got you into it in the first place? I’ve always wanted to do martial art, I lacked a little bit of self-confidence I must admit, and my wife’s uncle was a black belt and I went along and watched, and thought, yeah I could do that. You know, I had no experience of it at all, and I’ve never looked back. So what do you think people in general get out of it? Well hopefully, it’s fun, as well as learning something. As I said it’s a traditional martial art as well, so we teach tradition in our line work, in our patterns … go back thousands of years, also the fun aspects, as I said fitness, flexibility, making new friends, getting

out, beating the stresses of everyday, daily life. I mean there’s nothing better than coming into a class and smacking a pad, you know, releasing the stresses of daily life, so hopefully they get quite a bit out of it.


OK, two things actually, whereabouts do you hold your classes and if people were interested in taking up how would they go about finding out? Teacher

OK, the Bytomic group, they run 26 Tae Kwon Do classes in around the southeast. The easiest way of finding out is look on the website which is www.




you can ring the office which is 01844 281 888. All the information is on the website or speak to the office. Local clubs are Long Crendon here on a Tuesday and Thursday, Aylesbury on


Sundays and Tuesdays and Princes Risborough on a Monday and a Wednesday evening. Interviewer

OK, well thank you very much for your time Graham, cheers very much, very interesting, we’ll give it a go. Teacher

Thank you very much for your day. Anytime Chris, come along, for a free lesson!

Listening in Passage1 Speaker 1

And David Seaman is in goal for the England team down to our right … it’s difficult to get used to the change of team colours here … I’m looking at the white shorts and thinking they’re English players, but they’re not. For this match it’s the Germans who are wearing white. I hope the English players don’t have the same problem,

we don’t want them to pass the ball to the Germans. Now Gascoigne for England passes to McManaman for the first




immediately surrounded




defenders … he brings the ball to the near side of the pitch … still McManaman for England, crosses the ball to Pearce … Pearce takes a shot! … saved by the German Ziegler, and picked up by Ince only 25 yards away from the German goal … good effort by Ince, aims at the goal! … and Kopke, the German goalkeeper pushes the ball over the top of the goal. So a corner kick for England.

Speaker 2

A great shot by Ince, I’m sure he knows that Pearce set that up for him, but Kopke put the shot out of danger.

Speaker 1


He does like to punch the ball, that Kopke in the German goal … England’s





semi-final … Gascoigne will take it … Here comes the corner kick from Gascoigne … and Shearer’s there and Alan Shearer scores for England … England have scored after only two minutes’ play … with a corner kick by Gascoigne … aimed at the near post, and Alan Shearer heads the ball into the German goal … It’s an absolute dream start for the semi-final … Shearer has got his fifth goal of the tournament … Would you believe it? It’s England one, Germany nil!


Matt :Now it’s time for Critic’s Choice, with news and reviews about the latest films. Good evening, Jack, seen anything good at the cinema this week?

Jack :Good evening Matt, yes, I’ve

seen one of the best sports films of recent years.

Matt :Sports films? That’s not usually a type of film which appeals to you. Jack :You’re right, but this time it’s different. I’ve been to see a film about mountain climbing, it’s not really your typical sports film. It’s more man against the mountain. Matt :Tell us more.

Jack :I’ve been to see Touching the Void, which is the story of a pair of mountain climbers in the Peruvian Andes. Matt :Is it a true story?

Jack :Yes, it is. In 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates set out to climb the 7,000-metre Siula Grande mountain in the Peruvian Andes. Simpson and Yates were young, fit and confident they would succeed.

Matt :So what happens?

Jack :Simpson and Yates’ style of climbing involved moving quickly up a


mountain with very few supplies and no base camps, which is risky. You can’t make any mistakes.

Matt :I think I can guess what happens next.

Jack :And sure enough after climbing well for three and a half days, disaster strikes. Simpson falls and breaks his right leg. With no food or water, the climbers know they have to get off the mountain – fast. Yates is determined to find a way to get his friend home, and he has to lower Simpson down the mountain. Simpson is in agony, but Yates has no choice except to ignore his partner’s cries of pain because otherwise he’ll die. Well, for a while, things go well. But suddenly Simpson, at the end of the rope, fails to respond to Yates’ signal. Yates is unable to move any further and has no idea why Simpson is not responding. So Yates holds on with all of his strength, all too aware that

eventually his strength would give out and both would fall. But what Yates doesn’t know is that he has lowered Simpson over the edge of a crevasse. Simpson is hanging in mid-air from the vertical face of the mountain. He’s unable to climb back up the rope and he’s got frostbitten fingers and can’t communicate with Yates above him. Matt :So what happens?

Jack :Well, I don’t want to spoil the ending for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

Matt :But …

Jack :But Yates hangs onto the rope for an hour, getting weaker. For any climber, cutting

the rope that binds him to his partner is unthinkable.

Matt :Sounds very exciting. So what about the direction and the filming? Jack :The director is Kevin Macdonald, and he tells the story by


cutting from interviews to shots of the climb itself. But it’s the message of the film which interests me. You see, in the end, the impression left by the film is astonishment that a human being could do what Joe did, which is to survive.

Matt :Thanks Jack, this week’s Critic’s Choice is Touching the Void, on general release in all cinemas from next week.

Unit 7 Animal planet

Inside view


Mark :Hey, what’s a cat doing in college? We’re not supposed to have cats here.

Kate :No! What a lovely pussycat! I adore cats.

Mark :I can’t stand them. I find them really boring.

Kate :But she’s gorgeous! Aren’t you, my darling? I wonder where she’s come from, maybe she’s wandered in from outside.

Mark :Actually, I remember, I saw her the other day. Maybe she belongs to someone in college –

she hasn’t got a name tag on her. Kate :We’re not allowed to keep pets in college.

Mark :Maybe someone’s breaking the rules.

Kate :Could be. So – is it just cats you hate or all animals?

Mark :No, I don’t hate animals. We’ve got three dogs at home. Kate :Three!

Mark :Yeah, labradors.

Kate :Oh, they’re very lovable, labradors. So you like animals then – apart from cats.

Mark :Yes, I love them. That reminds me, there’s a programme on tonight about snakes. I really


enjoy watching nature programmes. Kate :So do I, but snakes – They’re so scary. How can you like them? Mark :I just do. Hey, what are we going to do about this horrible cat? Kate :She’s not horrible. I think she wants to come into my room. Do you want to come in? Such a sweetie!

Mark :I’ll say goodbye. See you later. You’d better not keep her, Kate!

Conversation2 Kate :Come in.

Janet :Hi, Kate! What are you doing with a cat in your room?

Kate :I found her in the corridor. Janet :Where did it come from? Kate :Search me! She doesn’t have a name tag.

Janet :What’s that organization called that protects animals? Maybe you should ring them.

Kate :Um – I think it’s called the

RSPCA? Oh, no need. She’ll find her way home.

Janet They’re so mad about animals, the British.

Kate :Yeah. So are Americans. So am I!

Janet :It’s very different in China. Kate :You don’t keep animals as pets, do you?

Janet :Well, that’s not so true for the last 15 years or so. Kate :Yeah?

Janet :Yes, more people are keeping pets now, especially in cities. It’s because they get

lonely, I think. Sometimes people dislike animals. But that’s the same as everywhere, right?

Kate :Yes! Some people just don’t like pets. So how do you feel about them? Janet :I quite like cats, they’re all right. My mum’s terrified of them, she thinks they carry

disease. Lots of people do, they’re


frightened of catching rabies. Kate :It’s true. Dogs and cats can give people rabies.

Janet :I know. Actually, I’m afraid of dogs, I’m really scared of them. It’s their teeth!

Kate :I adore dogs and cats. But then I’m just crazy about animals. Hey, I think she wants to

leave. Do you want to go, baby? There you go! Isn’t she cute? Janet :Um …

Outside view Part1 Presenter

Once upon a time, Louis, a long, long, long




great-great-great-great grandad was a wolf. Go on, go on … Today’s Wild, your weekly wildlife show around Oxfordshire, is all about the ancestors of all domestic dogs, the wolf. And if

you’re really lucky, you might have one coming soon to a school near you. …

Presenter :So are you looking forward to seeing the wolves today? Kids :Yeah!!!

Presenter :Are you? Are you excited? Kids :Yeah!!!

Presenter :Do you like … no-one … anyone scared of wolves? Kids :Yeah!! No …!! Presenter

… the one at the back … come here then and talk to me for a minute … Are you scared of the wolf then? What do you think of dogs? Are you scared of dogs as well or is just the wolf? Girl :Just the wolf. Presenter

Just the wolf. OK, so we’ll see what you think afterwards. What’s your name? Girl :Amy.



OK, Amy. Well, I think we’re going to go into the hall in a minute, so we’ll go and …

Child :Are we going to see the wolves?

Child :Can we hold them?

Child :Are we allowed to stroke them? Man :I’ll show you where we’re going to be.

Presenter :Yeah, great. Can we stroke them? Yeah, I think we can. Part2 Roger

Good morning. I’ll now ask you to stay really quiet. Although these wolves are used to going into schools like this, they’re still quite shy and any sudden noise … and they wouldn’t be very happy. As your headteacher said, my name’s Roger and we’re from the UK Wolf Conservation Trust which is half way from a big town just a bit west of

here called Reading, half way between Reading and Newbury. And we call these animals our living ambassadors for education and conservation. I’m quite happy to take any questions you may have, if you want to ask about what they eat, if you want to ask about how long they live, if you want to ask anything that comes to your mind. So put your hand up if you want to ask a question. Yes, at the back there. Boy :How long do they live? Roger :In captivity? Well we pander to every whim that the wolf has, we feed them every day, we

look after them with real care. They can live to be at least 16 years old and there are cases of a wolf living to be … 20 or just over.

Boy :How fast can wolves run? Roger

How fast can wolves run? Well, they’re not like a cheetah, which can outrun its prey, by getting up to 60, 70 miles an


hour over very short distances. Wolves have evolved to be like a hound, so they can run fairly fast, about 40 miles an hour for three or four miles. And then they’ve used up all their energy. And in the wild, only about one in ten hunts is successful.

Boy :Um … Are you allowed to keep them for pets? Roger

They … you can’t keep them literally as a pet. Because although they look … like … cuddly lapdogs, they’re not. These are what we call a socialized wild animal which means that we hand-rear them from about seven days old. They have that all-important first week of special milk from their mother and then they’re still blind and deaf so the first thing they may see and hear is a human bottle-feeding them. And by doing that, they grow up to be really friendly, but as I said at

the outset, they may look like pets –

they’re not. These are wild animals which have learnt to like people. So if you had them in your house, in a very short time, they … and they’ve done it in our house in years gone by, they will either eat holes in your sofa, they’ll tear down your curtains, pull up your carpets. They’re not animals you want to have loose in the house after all. Part3 Roger

We have … form a queue … about there. Say hello. She wants to meet you … You

see how she spread her legs for … She really likes it a lot. Underneath. That’s it. That’s what she likes. You can rub hard. You see how soft and thick her coat is. …

Presenter :What was your name? Girl :Amy.

Presenter :And you’re …?


Girl :Grace.

Presenter :Grace. OK. Now Amy, you were very frightened of the wolf weren’t you? When

we started. What did you think … what d’you think now? Amy :They won’t bite. Presenter :They what? Amy :They won’t bite.

Presenter :They won’t bite. So d’you like them? … So you’re not too frightened anymore.

What did you think when you stroked the wolf? Amy :I liked it.

Presenter :You liked it? Did you? Do they seem a bit like dogs really? Presenter :They are cuddly? Presenter :And you’re not frightened anymore of the wolves? Roger, you’ve done a good job

here! … And what do you think? Grace :They’re cute, they’re fluffy … Presenter :Fluffy?

Grace :And … er … cuddly. Presenter :Thank you very much! You can go back to your class now …

Listening in Passage1

It’s hard to believe but in America there are 68 million dog owners and 73 million cat owners. In the UK, which has a human population of 61 million, there are 6.8 million dogs and 9.58 million cats.

All over the developed world, the pet population is increasing. At the same time, people are spending more and more money on their pets, particularly on their dogs.

The most extraordinary example to date is that of Leonara Helmsley, a childless American billionaire. When she died, she left her dog, a white Maltese called


Trouble, 12 million dollars. While Helmsley was alive, nothing was too good for her little dog. He shared her bed, was dressed in expensive clothes and wore a diamond collar. His meals were prepared by a chef and presented to him on a silver tray.

The problem was that Trouble lived up to his name and bit people. But Leonara didn’t mind – she

loved him and he loved her. And so after her death, he got his reward – a lot of money that he didn’t know he had and couldn’t use anyway.

Americans were shocked by this story, but the fact is that more and more rich Americans are leaving their dogs money when they die – 250,000 dollars is not unusual. In Britain, people don’tspend as much money on their dogs as Americans but they do spoil them. At Christmas, 46 per cent of dogs can expect to receive toys, and biscuits.

And one in ten dog owners say they dress their pet up for the special day.

One woman was in the news in America for designing 120 outfits for her dog, which has its own wardrobe, and a $17,000 bed that it doesn’t actually sleep in. Its owner has a very successful dog boutique that sells – yes, you guessed it – designer clothes for dogs.

Now dogs may enjoy all this attention, but spoilt dogs can create problems for their owners. Dogs need a master and if their master acts like their friend or parent, they start behaving badly, attacking other animals, and damaging property – often their owner’s homes. Yet, often, this doesn’t make their owners love them less – dogs are their children, after all.




One of the most exciting creatures in the sea is the blue whale. Daniel Cameron is a film-maker who has been filming blue whales for ten years in the south Atlantic. First of all, tell us why you

have this fascination with blue whales.

Daniel :

Well, it seems obvious to me, really. They’re



They’re the largest mammals that have ever lived on earth. They – they can be as long as 33 metres – that’s more than 16 times

taller than a human being. And they’re also the loudest animal on earth – the noise they make is louder than a jet plane. I’ve heard them – very, very loud. And when they come to the surface to breathe, their blow – well, it’s usually about ten metres high.

Interviewer :That’s amazing. Daniel :And I forgot to say, they live for at least 80 years.

Interviewer :But their numbers are declining, aren’t they?

Daniel :Yes, well, at the start of the 20th century there were between 275,000 and 300,000

blue whales in the sea. Now there are probably, probably under 5,000. Interviewer :And that’s as a result of …? Daniel

… well, of whaling, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific. And also, climate change is beginning to destroy the food they eat, krill.

Interviewer :So they’re an endangered species? Daniel


Yes. We’re not at all sure they’ll survive. That’s partly why I film whales – to raise awareness of them and let people know how extraordinary they are. We don’t want to lose them.

Interviewer :Is it very difficult to film them?

Daniel :It’s very difficult. The thing is, we know very little about them so they’re very hard to find. We – we had a boat with 12 men and often the weather was so bad that we couldn’t go to sea. We had a small plane that we used to locate the whales and the plane would find them alright, but, but it would take hours for the boat to get there, and by the time we got there – the whales had gone!

Interviewer :That must have been very frustrating. Daniel

Yes, it was. But then sometimes we’d

meet another whale while we were on our way out. We’d see its blow – as I said, it’s about ten metres high – and that’s quite something to see. And then one day – finally – we managed to film a whale feeding. None of us will ever forget that.

Unit 8 Time off

Inside view


Mark :Have you got your tickets for the play?

Kate :What play?

Mark :The play which OUDS are producing. You know, the play I’m in at the Oxford Playhouse.

Kate :Oh, that play! Well, er … Mark :What about you, Janet? Janet :What’s the play called? Mark :Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett. You are coming, aren’t you?


Kate :Beckett? Janet :Why not?

Kate :Well, um, I’m sure you’ll be totally brilliant, Mark … but I wish I could understand the play. It doesn’t make sense.

Mark :If only you were more patient, Kate. Beckett’s a fascinating writer. You’ll come though, won’t you, Janet? You really ought to see something like this at least once during your stay in Oxford.

Janet :Well, I’m not sure. Mark :Oh, come on! Please! Janet :But if Kate doesn’t understand the play, there’s no way I’ll be able to follow it.

Kate :Do you want to go?

Janet :Well, I love going to the theatre, and I’d really like to see Mark acting. And actually, yes, I think I should see a play by Samuel Beckett.

Mark :Good! So you’re coming, Janet. I wish you’d come, too, Kate. It’s a

really good performance.

Kate :Well, OK, but I’m only doing it because you’re in it. When is it on? Mark :Next Tuesday to Saturday. Janet :How about going Friday night? Mark :That’s great. But you’d better get your tickets soon, because we’re expecting a full house. Conversation2

Kate :Well, what did you think? Janet :It was … very interesting. Kate :I didn’t have a clue what was going on. Absolutely nothing happened! I don’t know why I bothered coming to see it.

Janet :I thought Mark was brilliant. Kate :Yes, I did too, of course … Janet :But I wish I had read the play before I saw it. If only I had known the story, it might have

been easier to follow it. How long do you think Mark will be?

Janet :I guess he needs to get changed first. He said he’d join us as soon as



Kate :Here he is. Hi Mark! Mark :Hi, what did you think? How was I?

Janet :It was … very challenging. Kate :It was so-so.

Janet :But you were brilliant! Well done.

Kate :You were awesome, Mark. Everyone adored your performance. Darling, you were to die for!

Mark :OK, OK, don’t exaggerate. I wasn’t that good! Anyway, I’ve got some great news! Janet :Tell us!

Mark :We’ve started talking about next term’s OUDS play. Kate :What’s it going to be? Mark





Janet :Great! And who’s going to play Hamlet?

Kate :Don’t tell me, let me guess! Mark :To be or not to be, that is the


Janet :I don’t believe it. You’re going to play Hamlet?

Kate :Come on, let’s celebrate … from Beckett to Shakespeare. Today Oxford, tomorrow, Hollywood!

Outside view Part1

Viewer 1 :So, what do you guys want to watch?

Viewer 2 :Uh, I don’t know. What’s on?

Viewer 3 :How about a documentary on the History Channel? I like watching history programmes.

Viewer 2 :I don’t really like watching the History Channel.

Viewer 1 :How about a baseball game? From 1973?

Viewer 3 :No thanks! How about a cooking show?


Viewer 1 :Yeah, I love watching cooking shows. Viewer 2 :What? Viewer 1 :I do!

Viewer 2 :Uh, I don’t like cooking shows. Uh, let’s watch some music videos.

Viewer 1 :This is awful!

Viewer 3 :Can you see what’s on another channel?

Viewer 1 :Yeah, sure. What channel? Viewer 3 :Uh, anything but this. Voice-over :These television viewers are trying to decide on a programme to watch, by

clicking on channels, and seeing what’s on. This practice is known as channel surfing. In the past, it was not difficult to decide what to watch on TV. There were only three channels to choose from. Cable television has changed all that. There are so many channels, and so many different kinds of programmes to watch, many viewers find it difficult

to decide what to watch, even when they are watching by themselves. This business traveller doesn’t like anything. Many people like a particular type of programme.

Speaker 1 :TV programmes I like watching are cooking shows, um, comedy shows.

Speaker 2: I usually watch dramas, murder mystery programmes, quizzes, comedies.

Speaker 3 :I like watching talk shows. Speaker 4 :I guess of all my favourite TV shows I’d like news programmes. Speaker 5: I like to watch soap operas and news.

Speaker 6 :I like to watch comedy shows.

Speaker 7 :Well, I like good drama, I like a lot of the cop shows, um … I like a lot of the science

fiction shows and good history. Speaker 8 :TV programmes I like to


watch are like sports, automotive, Discovery, that type of thing. Part2


Cartoons have always been popular. This brother and sister are watching their favourite DVD.

Mum :Turn that down! Boy :OK, Mum.

Voice-over :He, he turns it down. Now the volume is too low. For couples, deciding what

to watch can require some very careful negotiation.

Woman :Oh, look! Pretty Woman is on! I love watching that movie. Joe :Pretty Woman? Oh, no, not Pretty Woman!

Woman :Joe, you know it’s my favourite movie. It’s on in five minutes. I’ll be right back. I’m

just going to get some coffee. Joe :I don’t like watching that kind of movie. Plus I don’t like Julia Roberts. Actually, I really hate that movie. Voice-over :Joe realizes that there’s a basketball game on tomorrow night. He wants to ask his friends over to watch it.

Woman :You’re so sweet to watch this with me. I know you probably don’t want to see it again.

Joe :Oh, sure. I don’t mind. There’s nothing else on anyway. Not tonight.

Viewer 1 :Hey, look. Swordfish is on. John Travolta and Halle Berry?

Viewer 2 :No, I’ve already seen that twice.

Viewer 3 :I hate that movie. Viewer 1 :OK. How about The Matrix?

Viewer 3 :That’s OK. But I’ve seen it too many times.


Viewer 2 :Yeah, me too. But I love that movie.

Viewer 3 :You guys, there’s nothing on.

Viewer 2 :Yeah, you’re right. Viewer 1 :Hey, how about we go out and get some pizza?

Viewer 3 :That’s a good idea. Turn that off.

Mum :I told you to turn it down. Now I’m going to turn it off.

Woman :Oh, it’s over. I just love that movie! Thanks for putting up with it again. I know it’s not your favourite.

Joe :That’s OK. But tomorrow’s my turn. I’m asking the guys over to watch the basketball game.

Woman :Oh, that’s fine. I won’t be here anyway

remember? I’ m going to visit my sister?

Joe :Oh, yeah. That’s right.


The business traveller seems to have found what he was looking for, a programme that puts him to sleep. And that’s all for tonight, folks! Be sure to tune in tomorrow!

Listening in

Passage1 Speaker 1 Jacob

Interviewer: Can you tell me what your favourite type of music is? Jacob :Yes, I can. If I’m pushed, I mean I like a lot of different types of music; but the music of my youth, that glam rock of the 70s beats them all. Interviewer Yes, and do you play any musical

instruments or …?

Jacob :Yeah, I do attempt to play the instrument that I would love to play


well, which is the guitar – the kind of, guitar hero, lead guitar. That’s what I’d like to do.

Interviewer :Yeah, so, who’s your favourite musician? Do you have a favourite singer or group?

Jacob :Well, again, all those glam rock bands, there was T-Rex and Slade, David Bowie – they were all brilliant but the kings of them all were Queen. Interviewer :Oh, yes. Yeah. And what kind of music … Is there any kind of music that has any special memories for you?

Jacob :Well, yeah. I mean, really, it is Queen and, I have to say, when we were kids, we all learnt the words to Bohemian rhapsody.

Interviewer :Bohemian rhapsody. Jacob :And I’ll never forget it, as long as I live.

Interviewer :Yeah. Thank you. Speaker 2 :Patti

Interviewer :What’s your favourite type of music?

Patti :Oh, well, I just love classical music. I just … it’s so relaxing. I often have it on, particularly Bach, I think, is just beautiful.

Interviewer :Oh yes. And do you play a musical instrument?

Patti :No, I don’t, actually. I, I started to play as a kid. I played a little piano, a little

guitar. I wish I had kept up the piano. It’s a great instrument.

Interviewer :Yes, yes. And do you have a favourite musician? A favourite singer or a group?

Patti :Oh, gosh, well, I tell you, I think Ashkenazy is just amazing. The pianist? You know him?

Interviewer :I know Ashkenazy. Patti :He is just one of my gods. Amazing.

Interviewer :And is there any music, which has special memories for you?


Patti :Oh yes, sure. I think, all the music from my wedding. Just – oh – it just really brings back memories of the day. We had, we had the whole congregation sang Wonderful world. You know that? You know that song? Is that Louis Armstrong? I see trees of green – oh, that one. Even the photographer was weeping, I tell you. Louis Armstrong. That’s great. Thank you.

Gene :What’s your favourite type of music? Well, I’m going to have to cheat here because I have two very favourite kinds of music, both at different ends of the musical spectrum. There’s classical music, which I love, orchestral, symphonic music. And then, at the other end there’s sort of pop music, which I just grew up with and I love. So, pop meaning the Beatles …? The Beatles – certainly, yeah, absolutely. The Beatles.

And do you play any musical

instrument … or would you like to play one?

I never took up an instrument. I have three sisters. They all had piano lessons.

I never got to have any piano lessons and now I really miss them, so I would like to learn the piano; but I am just too old for that.

And do you have a favourite musician? A special singer or group?

Well, as, as I said, I grew up during, during the 60s and the 70s so a lot of the groups, like Three Dog Night, Credence Clearwater Revival and, of course, the Beatles. So, a lot of those groups there …

Right. Yes. So music from the 60s and 70s? Yep.

And is there any music which has special memories for you?

I have to go back to the Beatles. In 1964, it was just a few months after


Kennedy had been assassinated and suddenly, you know, the mood in the States was very low – a lot of confidence had gone out of the States and then suddenly, there was this huge revival of, of life, this huge new music coming over from Britain and so the Beatles, with I wanna hold your hand and She loves you – just fantastic. I’ll never forget it.

Interviewer :Great. Thank you.


Speaker 1 Interviewer

Tell me about leisure activities in the States. What kind of spectator and participation sports are there? Speaker 1 :OK, well, the four most popular ones are baseball, basketball, American football of course, and ice hockey.

Interviewer :Yeah, and what about – em – indoor activities, rather than sports. The kind of things that you do inside?

Speaker 1 :Well, you could say, could say martial arts. That’s very popular. Tae Kwon Do –

that sort of thing. Bowling. And movies.

Interviewer :Yeah.

Speaker 1 :Watching television, of course. The average American, I think, watches television about two and a half hours a day.

Interviewer :And, apart from sports, what other outdoor activities are there? Speaker 1 :Cycling, tennis, golf, walking and jogging of course and now, more and more people are playing soccer.

Interviewer :Right. And what kind of cultural activities are very popular in


the States?

Speaker 1 :We all like going to concerts, I think. Er, a lot of people now are joining book clubs.

Interviewer :Book clubs?

Speaker 1 :To be a member of a book club, do something …

Interviewer :So just local groups … with friends?

Speaker 1 :Yes, local groups. Interviewer :And you discuss books? Speaker 1 :Yes, you take a book each, each week or each month. You read it and then you goback and discuss it. That’s very popular now. And how about weekend and holiday activities? Some people like hunting. I’m not one of those at all. I don’t like that. But that’s very popular in, in the rural areas. Then, of course there’s camping and hiking, also. A lot of Americans volunteer for a wide range of causes – from raising funds to helping people

who are less fortunate, tutoring students, or leading Scout troops or doing youth sports, that sort of thing. Right, yeah.

Tell me about leisure activities and sports in Russia. What do you like doing?

Well, football is the favourite sport. But, er, we like also ice hockey in the winter. Winter sports.

And what about indoor sports? Or indoor activities other than …? We like very much playing chess. And we are very good at playing chess. Also, television is very common and, in the cities – Moscow and St Petersburg – we like to club, go dancing.

Oh, right. Yeah. OK. Yeah. And what about outdoor activities? Well, believe it or not, collecting mushrooms. In the autumn, we like it very much. And also the skiing. Again,

the ice hockey in the winter. Very



And I believe cultural activities are very important to you? What kind of things do you like doing? In particular, the ballet. Yeah.

And of course, the opera as well. Even the small towns have theatres and a cinema. We like the country people, the rural people, they like to watch films. They call it a “Palace of culture”. Right. Yeah.

Interviewer :And what kind of weekend and holiday activities do you enjoy?

Speaker 2 Well, you find the rich Russians, they very often have a dacha, which is a cottage. Interviewer :Right. Speaker 2 :In the country. Interviewer :Right.

Speaker 2 :You go there for a holiday and maybe for the weekend. Interviewer :Right. Thank you.

Speaker 3

Interviewer :Tell me about leisure activities in Australia. What kind of sports do you enjoy?

Speaker 3 :Well, Australian rules football is our main spectator sport. Of course, we also love our rugby and our cricket. You know, our national teams are definitely now among the best in the world.

Interviewer :Yeah.

Speaker 3 :What else? We have association football. And also very popular now is horse racing.

Interviewer :Right. And what kind of indoor activities, other than sports, do you like doing?

Speaker 3 :We’re very much an outdoor nation but when we’re inside I think we like to watch TV and, you know, go to the movies.

Interviewer :So, what kind of outdoor activities are there?

Speaker 3 :Well, for this we like our


cycling. Some people play golf and some play tennis. And some play lawn bowls.

Interviewer :Right, yeah.

Speaker 3 :Of course, you know, most Australians do live near the coast and we love to do sailing and surfing; very, very keen on our swimming and I know a lot of people do fishing as well. Interviewer :Right. And what about culture? Do you do any cultural activities?

Speaker 3 :Oh yes, no, no, Australia does have its culture. We’ve got our aboriginal music and our dancing and a lot of art. And of course, we’ve got our very, very famous Sydney Opera House – you know, best in the world. Interviewer :Yes. And what about weekend and holiday activities? What do you like doing then?

Speaker 3 :I think people like to be very social. We do a lot of barbies – you know – barbecues in the back

garden and some people like to go bushwalking as well.

Interviewer :Great. Thank you. Speaker 3 :You’re welcome.

Unit 9 Have you got what it


Inside view Conversation1 Mark

Look, there’s a careers fair on at the Examination Schools. Do you want to go? Janet

What happens in a careers fair? Mark

There are lots of different companies and they

give you information about careers … advice, that kind of thing. Janet

OK, I’ll come. You coming, Kate? Kate


Yeah, sure. But I’ve already decided on my career. Mark

We know. You’re going to be a brilliant lawyer. Kate

That’s the plan – I’m off to a law firm soon as I get my degree. Janet

You’re so lucky. I wish I knew what I wanted to do. Kate

Didn’t you say something about teaching? Janet

Yes, I’m thinking about it. I’m quite attracted to teaching. But I’m not really sure yet. Kate

Well, you’ve got lots of time. What about you, Mark? What are your plans? Mark

I’m going to row for England. Kate

Seriously? Mark

No. Problem is, I think if you want to be successful, you’ve got to plan ahead – starting at the age of 12. Janet

So we’re not doing very well. Mark No. Kate So? Mark

Well … I’m thinking of going into business management. It’s a possibility. Janet Really? Mark Yes. Kate

Hey, let’s go to the Careers Fair. It might give you some ideas. … Janet


It was very interesting, wasn’t it? You were having a long conversation with that man from the law firm. Kate

Yes. They said there’s a possibility of a job placement as an intern over the summer. They’re going to let me know about it. Janet Fantastic!

Conversation2 Kate

You know that job placement I told you about – they’ve asked me to go for an interview. Janet

That’s brilliant. When? Kate

Two weeks’ time … … Interviewer

So what made you decide to study law, Kate?


A number of reasons. Law interests me a lot. I’ve got a good brain, a good memory. And I’d certainly like to do some part-time work for Legal Aid. And also, I must admit, the money’s good. Interviewer

Well, those are good, honest answers. Certainly, your CV’s very good. I seem to remember that you only want the work placement for six weeks. Is that right? Kate Yes, it is. Interviewer Why is that? Kate

Well, to be honest, I’m planning to go back to the States and spend time with my family. Interviewer

That’s understandable. Now, tell me,


what questions do you have? Kate

I’ve got some idea but obviously, what I’d like to know is, what does the job involve? Interviewer

Of course. Well, for the first few weeks, your main responsibility would be to read files and summarize them. We’d also want you to do some research for us. How does that sound? Rather boring? Kate

No, not at all. I think I’d learn a lot. Interviewer

Good, well … you’ll be taking your first year exams soon, won’t you? Kate

Yes, in a few weeks’ time. Interviewer

Well, provided they’re OK, I think we can say you’re in. Kate

Thank you – that’s wonderful!

… Kate

Hey, guess what? Janet What? Kate

They’ve accepted me. I start at the end of June. Janet Well done!

Outside view Voice-over

Every year, millions of young people take time out to help others as volunteers. Many of them do this during a gap year between finishing school and starting in higher education. Volunteers learn to solve problems, work together as a team and develop their personalities. Communities in need get help they couldn’t afford to pay for. In Britain, one of the main agencies for voluntary work is Raleigh


International. It arranges for thousands of people, aged between 17 and 25, to help out in their own country or abroad. This group of 100 people has just arrived at the base camp in Costa Rica. In the next ten weeks, they are taking part in three different projects. One of the projects is environmental, one community-based and one an adventure project. But first, they have training for the conditions they will encounter. For the environmental project at Curu, the volunteers are going to help to build an artificial reef from recycled materials. This forms a protective environment for the fish to breed and feed. It helps the local economy of commercial fishing and protects the natural reefs from over-fishing and destruction. The community project is in one of the poorest rural areas in the world. In the village of El Porvenir, volunteers are going to make bricks. They’re going to help to build a storehouse for the

important sesame crop. If they have more storage, the villagers will be able to make more money from selling sesame. Volunteers also take part in a survival activity. Tomorrow, this group is trekking to the summit of Costa Rica’s




Chirripo. At the end of the ten weeks, the volunteers are proud that their efforts have helped to improve the lives of the people and the environment of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Listening in Passage1 Speaker 1

So how’s it all going? Speaker 2

Well, second year exams are in two weeks, so it’s all go at the moment. Speaker 1

It’s not going to ease up! So what can I do for you? Speaker 2


Well, next year’s my final year and I need to think seriously about my career. Speaker 1

I would agree with you there. Let’s have a look at your file. You’re reading English, you’re getting good grades, you got a merit in your first year exams and you’re on track for a 2:1 according to your tutor. Have you any idea what you’d like to do? Speaker 2

I’m very drawn to publishing. I read a lot of novels and I’m quite a good critic. Speaker 1

That’s a good start. I’m guessing you’d like to be a literary editor? Speaker 2 That’s right. Speaker 1

Well, I should tell you that literary editing is a hard profession to get into and it doesn’t pay very well, unless you’re at the top. You could think a bit

more broadly than just literature. For example, there’s educational publishing, professional publishing and there’s also specialist publishing, such as sports. Speaker 2 I’m not very sporty. Speaker 1

Well, I understand sport may not be your thing but … you get the idea. Speaker 2

Yes, I do. So how do I start? Speaker 1

First of all, you need a good degree but even before that I would contact publishers and see if they’ll offer you work experience. You won’t get paid, of course, but it’s good for your CV and you’ll learn something about the business.

Speaker 2

Right. How do I find out who to write to? Speaker 1


All the publishers are listed in the Publisher’s Yearbook. There’s a copy in the library in the careers section, so you can use that for a start. Check the job adverts in the newspapers and maybe look at the specialist publishing trade journal, the Bookseller. That has job ads as well. Speaker 2 Thank you. Speaker 1

The other thing you might do is check the




publishers’ websites offer internships or job experience opportunities for new graduates. Speaker 2 I’ll do that. Speaker 1

One other thing. Graduates studying English always want to be an editor, they’re quite romantic about it, but there are other departments – marketing, sales, and the production side. Don’t

dismiss those. Speaker 2

Thanks for the advice, it’s very helpful. But it’s literary editing that I want to do. Speaker 1

Well, I wish you the best. Let me know how you get on. And good luck with your exams.

Passage2 Harry

So how was your first day of teaching, Lucy? Lucy

It was all right – wasn’t as terrifying as I thought it would be. Harry Well done! Lucy

Yes, I was frightened I’d go completely blank but it was OK. I think the students were happy. It’s the grammar I find difficult, there’s so much to cover.



It’s extraordinary, isn’t it? We speak English, we think we know the grammar and then we do a Teaching English course and discover we don’t know anything. Lucy

How long have you been teaching, Jessica? Jessica

Just over two years. I did the training course and then got a job teaching in Japan – Tokyo. It was an eye-opener really – the whole thing about keeping face. You have to be so polite all the time. Patrick

So you’re teaching English because you want to travel? Jessica

Yes, that’s part of it, but also because I enjoy it, I enjoy the interaction with students, and also it’s a good career. Patrick

I feel the same. So what do you want to do next? Jessica

Marketing, I think. I’m going to do a year here, then – I hope – get a job at a language school in London, do my MA, then apply for a marketing job. Anyway, that’s the plan. Patrick Sounds good. Harry

What about you, Patrick? Where have you worked? Patrick

I did three years in Italy – Director of Studies in Rome. I want to spend a couple of years here, then work in London, hopefully become a teacher trainer. Your turn, Harry. Harry

Well, I’m not like you and Jessica. I’m just happy to be here, in a beautiful city doing a job I enjoy.



You don’t see teaching English as a career? Harry

Well, my thing is travel, for the moment anyway. Lucy

Which countries have you been to, Harry? Harry

I did a year’s teaching in Brazil – Rio de Janeiro – such a stunning city and stunning beaches, Copacabana, and all overlooked by Sugar Loaf mountain. Patrick Cool. And then? Harry

Two years in Mexico City … Jessica

You should be a travel writer. Harry

I’m too busy travelling! In fact I just arrived from Spain three days ago, from Barcelona, I was teaching primary

school kids. Lucy Great! Harry

Well, we’re all giving our reasons for teaching English, so what’s yours, Lucy? Lucy

Um - I think I’m going to really enjoy it, simple as that. And obviously it’s great to be in Italy. I mean Venice, what more can you ask?

Unit 10 Science fact or science fiction?

Inside view


Janet:What are you reading, Kate? Kate:Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis


Carroll. Do you know it?

Janet :I’ve heard of it, yes, but I’ve never read it. It’s a 19th century children’s story, isn’t it?

Kate :That’s right. It’s very famous. It’s set in Oxford. It starts with this young girl sitting on a river bank. The interesting thing is, the author, Lewis Carroll, he was an Oxford professor and he used to have tea with the girl’s family on this river bank.

Janet :Oh, that’s fascinating! I’ll put it into my diary.

Kate :Is that what you’re writing? I know you’ve been keeping a diary all the year. Janet It’s been a great year. I’ve had such a good time – so lucky to have Mark and Kate as friends. Feel I’ve been doing well with work. Much happier about asking questions in tutorials.

Janet:My screen’s gone dark. Mark :You’re using the battery, remember. It’s run out, obviously.

Janet :It can’t be the battery. It’s still charged. Oh no it’s still black. Oh dear, I hope it’s nothing serious. I haven’t backed anything up recently. Kate :That’s not like you, Janet. Janet :I know, but I lost my memory stick. I really should have backed things up. How stupid of me not to do that! Supposing I’ve lost everything! Mark :Let me take a look. The power is still on. And also the operating system still seems to be working … I think it has to be the graphics card … But maybe that’s not the problem … Janet :If only I’d backed things up! Kate

Relax, Janet! We’ll take it to the computer shop this afternoon. I’m sure it’ll be OK. Janet :I hope so.


Janet :Tell me about Alice in Wonderland.



I tell you what, I’ll read it to you. Kate

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing to do: Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversation?” So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid) … Janet

Kate, Mark, where are you going? You’ve got my laptop! Kate

It’s all right, Janet, we’re taking it to the computer shop. We’ll be back soon. Mark

It’s not like Janet to forget to back up her work. Kate

She should have been more careful. Janet

It was stupid of me, I know! Stupid, stupid! Janet

Oh! It was a dream! What a relief! Kate

You were talking in your sleep. Janet

What was I saying? Kate

“Stupid, stupid.” Mark

I’ve sorted out your computer. Janet

Have you? Oh, thank goodness! What was the problem? Mark

It was the graphics card, as I predicted … Janet

Is that what it was! I’m so relieved! Thanks,


Mark. Kate

He’s great, isn’t he?

Janet :Yes. So are you, Kate. Kate :You’re such a good friend.

Outside view

Voice-over:When we talk about technology, we usually think small. However, we’re going to look at one of the biggest technological marvels of the 21st century. The Airbus A380 is the world’s biggest commercial aircraft. New technologies were used in the design, engineering and manufacture of this amazing “superjumbo”. The Airbus A380 is assembled in Toulouse in France, but parts of the aircraft are built in several European countries. They are brought to Toulouse by various means of transport. This is a ship which was built in China especially to transport the huge sections of the plane. Parts of the main body are built in Germany.

Special carbon fibre materials are used to give the plane great strength with less weight than usual. The wings are made in Britain of the same carbon fibre material. They are much lighter than aluminum and steel. Several parts of the plane are built in factories in Spain. Finally, some sections are built in France, so Airbus has its own factories in Britain, France, Germany and Spain. One of the most important pieces of technology for such a huge aircraft is the landing gear. This is built in Canada where extensive tests are carried out to ensure that it can land under any conditions. The engines were developed by Rolls-Royce at Derby in Britain. Finally, pilots have to learn to fly the plane. This flight simulator at Toulouse uses the latest digital technology. Now for the moment of truth, with 154 planes ordered by the world’s airlines, the big question was: “Will it fly at all?” On the day of the


first flight, thousands of people gathered at Toulouse Airport to see the superjumbo fly for the first time. They were not disappointed. The biggest airliner in the history of aviation took to the air as planned.

Listening in Passage1 Presenter

Could technological advances be changing people’s identities – and possibly even society as a whole? That is the theory behind a new book on the brain by Professor Susan Greenfield. The book is called Tomorrow’s People: How 21st Century Technology Is Changing the Way We Think and Feel. Greenfield suggests that advances in technology, and the effect they are having on our lives, are changing our very idea of who we are. In other words, they are changing our identity. And this, she thinks, is a very dangerous thing.

I’m joined in the studio by Dr Jane Ferris, Professor of Neuroscience at Imperial College London and Brian Thomas, Professor of Surgery at University College Hospital. Let’s begin at the beginning. Brian, how do brains work? Brian

Well, a brain is a mass of neurons, and these neurons make connections with each other – billions of connections – and store information. We all have basically the same brain structure. It’s what we do with our brain that makes the difference. We take in information. The neurons in our brain connect all this information and make sense of it. So to some extent, it’s the information we feed our brain that helps to make us the kind of people we are – and that’s what we call our identity. Jane

And if I can come in here, children and young people are now spending huge


amounts of time on video games that are often violent, also on the web, and on mobile phones. And Greenfield believes that the result is that these technologies may be changing the way young people think and even causing changes in their identity. Presenter Why exactly? Jane

Because the information that an individual receives from computer games, for example, is very different from reality. And she fears that because of this, these technologies may be changing our sense of reality – what we see as real – and may even reduce it. And if this is happening, the result may well be changes in our behaviour. Presenter

Can you give an example? Jane

Risk-taking is a good example – we

may start taking more risks. Brian

But she admits there’s no conclusive evidence of this. Jane That’s true. Brian

I agree that Greenfield asks some interesting questions, but to say that technology can influence society to think and behave differently – we need much more research before we can accept this. Passage2 Speaker 1

Do we really need computers? Aren’t they more trouble than they’re worth? Speaker 2

I think that’s one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever heard! Speaker 1

I thought you might say that. Speaker 2

Of course we need computers. How can


anyone say otherwise? They’ve revolutionized our lives. I mean, I don’t know where to begin, they’ve changed our lives so much. Look. To start with, computers mean we can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world almost instantly. Speaker 1

That’s not quite true. Speaker 2

Well, you know what I mean. I can send a document from London to Sydney in five minutes. If I want to conference with people there’s webcam – we can see each other on camera – do you really want me to go on? Speaker 1

But why is it so useful, to be able to send a document to Australia in five minutes? What does it actually achieve? Speaker 2

It speeds things up. I don’t have to put

the document in an envelope, stick a stamp on it and go to the post office, stand in a queue … knowing it will take another three days to get there – at least. Speaker 1 But why the hurry? Speaker 2

It’s good to get things done quickly. Speaker 1 Why? Speaker 2

Because you get more done that way. Speaker 1

But is that really necessarily better? Life moves so fast these days, don’t you think we should slow down a bit, enjoy life a bit more? Speaker 2

I think computers allow us to enjoy life more. Before we had computers if you wanted to research you had to go out and get a book. That took such a long time.


Speaker 1

So what? We just did things more slowly, that’s all. Are you saying we have more time now than we did? Everyone says that actually life is moving faster and faster. And what about all the problems that computers create? Speaker 2 For example? Speaker 1

Identity theft is a big one. You have to admit that identify theft has increased massively since we got the Internet. Speaker 2

The Internet isn’t the only reason why identity theft has increased. Speaker 1

You know as well as I do that it’s a big reason … Speaker 2 Yes, but …


