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Industrial automation is the now vital for its prosperity, since it reduces the production cost many folds and also increases productivity. For this purpose WLC (i.e. Wired Logic Controller) was introduced in 60s-70s. It was the first step in the industrial automation. Later on microcontrollers were introduced which had the advantage of greater flexibility over the WLC. With the evolution of technology, a very sophisticated version of a controller was introduced with a very large I/O handling capability and extreme flexibility called the Programmable Logic Controller, commonly called the PLC.

The PLCs are not alien to the industries of Pakistan. They have been around for quite a long period and are being employed extensively. Even though the demand of this product is considerable here, there has been no effort to develop it indigenously. Since there had been no development in this field in our country and being a requisite of the nation, so as an exercise of Logic Design, Digital Electronics, Interfacing and Software Engineering. As part of our coursework, we have to undertake a project in the final semester. This article describes the design and implementation process of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), in that connection. The task was undertaken as an exercise in digital circuit design, microcontroller application and interface since we already had taken up projects related to power and analog electronics in preceding semesters.

Keywords: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Automation, Microcontroller Applications, Industrial Electronics, Digital Control, On-Off Control, Digital Electronics



We all know that industrial automation is the backbone of a nation for its prosperity since, it reduces the production cost many folds and also increases productivity. For this purpose WLC (i.e. Wired Logic Controller) was introduced. It was the first step in the industrial automation. Later on microcontrollers were introduced which had the advantage of greater flexibility over the WLC.

Eventually, a very sophisticated version of a controller was introduced with a very large I/O handling capability and extreme flexibility called the Programmable Logic Controller, commonly called the PLC. Siemens introduced many series of controllers with different capabilities. One of the first series was the SIMATIC? 5 Controllers. The PLC available to us is the S5-100U-100. Later on Siemens introduced the SIMATIC? 7 series of controllers and now, we also have the S7-314IFM PLC.

The PLCs are not alien to the industries of Pakistan. They have been around for quite a long period and are being employed extensively. Even though the demand of this product is



considerable here, there has been no effort to develop it indigenously. Since there had been no development in this field in our country and being a requisite of the nation, so as an exercise of Logic Design, Digital Electronics, Interfacing and Software Engineering, we undertook this task of making a PLC better than the S5 controllers and comparable to some extent to the S7 controllers. The PLC that we have designed can also be upgraded to support Remote Data Acquisition.


The complete general block diagram of the PLC is depicted in Fig.1-1. Just like the SIMATIC? 5 systems, our PLC can also be broadly classified into three distinct units:

a. CPU

b. Bus unit, and

c. Modules (I/O and function)

Fig.1-1 Block diagram of the PLC

Each unit can be discussed as follows:

1.2.1 CPU

The CPU, as the name suggests, is the brain of the PLC system. Without its brain, the PLC



simply cannot function.

In our system, the CPU comprises of two ATMEL? 89C52 microcontrollers. As in every multi processor system, one is the master and the other is the slave. The functions performed by the master or the controlling unit (Fig.1-1) can be summarized as follows:

??Monitor and control the operating modes of the PLC using the operation controls. ??Configure the PLC modules.

??Check program integrity by monitoring scan cycles.

The slave microcontroller (executing unit, Fig.1-1) functions to run the user program. It is responsible for:

??Taking the appropriate actions during startup.

??Issuing the CONVsignal at the start of every scan cycle and the subsequent addressing and transaction of data with the modules. ??Handling the counters and timers.

The CPU section also has the responsibility of communicating the programming device i.e. the computer through a serial port. The communication channel works according to the semaphore algorithm (commonly known as token algorithm). It is to be noted here that the communication link currently does not function, as mentioned earlier, because it was a part of the planned GUI, which has not been implemented due to the constraint of time.

1.2.2 BUS UNIT

The bus unit functions similar to the motherboard in a computer. The bus unit that we have constructed holds up to 4 modules and the CPU; we named it the main bus unit. Moreover, the bus unit also carries the extension connector by which other bus units can be cascaded to increase the I/O handling capability of the PLC. The bus units that will be cascaded will not have a slot for connecting the CPU; only modules can be connected.

The main function of the bus unit is to buffer all the signals i.e. the data buses, address buses, and the control signals, to eliminate the loading of the CPU. This function is also performed by the main bus unit but this also performs an extra function during the configuration stage. The bus unit controller, see Fig.1-1, selects each slot one at a time so that it can be configured for the module connected in it and also sends a signal to the controlling unit when all the slots have been selected and configured once.


The modules serve to provide the interface of the PLC with the plant to be controlled. The modules, which we had designed were digital input, digital output, analog input and analog output modules (verified using OrCAD? PSpice). But we only managed to manufacture the digital input and output modules, each capable of handling 16 devices. The standards of the modules are similar to that of commercially available modules.

The modules are equipped with an address decoder circuit, which is common in all the modules, as the circuit has been designed to support auto configuration.


Now that the overview of the project is present before us, we will take a look into the



possible solutions that came to our mind when we commenced brainstorming. The ideas can be listed as follows along with their supporting and disagreement comments.

??Use of a single processor/microcontroller was the first idea that came to mind

because it was most simple and easy to implement. The problem with such an idea was that we were striving for a good scan time due to which we needed a fast processor (which was unavailable) or had to go for multiple processors.

??The use of microprocessor instead of a microcontroller was also among the options because we have been taught the assembly language of this processor and we were well aware of it. The drawback of such a selection was that in a PLC, bit operations are plenty while the microprocessor instruction is not very powerful for such operations.

??Using a 16-bit microcontroller for ease of work was a great idea but its materialization was not possible as it was not available here.

??After all these options, we were left only with the option of using two microcontrollers in tandem to achieve our desired task.


Of all the above solutions mentioned above, we decided to implement the multi processor CPU with the bus unit scheme for connecting the modules. The advantages, which also form the reasons for the selection of this design, are enumerated below.

??This solution was the first seemingly feasible solution that came to our minds. During the course of work, many more came but then it was too late.

??The design was based on equipment and technology easily available in our city.

??The use of microcontroller instead of a microprocessor is justified by the fact that the microprocessor is incapable of bit operations, which are numerous in a PLC.

??A fast microcontroller was unavailable hence we decided to distribute the work load and run tasks simultaneously by using two controllers so that the speed is not compromised.

??The auto configuration feature allows the design of the modules to be quite generic as the address decoding section is identical hence ensuring ease of manufacture.

??The use of the bus unit allows cost effectiveness as specialized circuits in each module are not required as found in the SIMATIC? 7 controllers.


Since our system is a digital system based on microcontrollers, it was not possible to obtain its mathematical model. Instead, we have simulated our circuit design with all the real life limitations in OrCAD? 9.1 PSpice. The computer hardware simulation results and their analysis are discussed below.


The simulations were carried in different stages; the auto configuration process, in which the control word is read and then the appropriate address, is assigned to the module. Once this was tested, the complete sequence of reading data from a digital input module was tested. Similarly, the sequence of writing to a digital output module was also tested.



Before discussing the processes, one thing that must be stressed is that the signals used for testing the performance of the circuits were constructed using actual timing delays that would be introduced by the microcontrollers. All the propagation delays, pulse widths, etc. have been carefully implemented so that our simulations are as near to practical results as possible.


The configuration cycle is handled purely and solely by the second microcontroller. It is the job of this controller to read the control words of the various modules and then assign addresses to each. The process is carried out as follows.

Whenever the PLC is switched ON, the microcontroller will carry out the configuration cycle. To initiate this cycle, the microcontroller sends an active low signal PSENpulse. At the first rising edge of the CLK, this low state is transferred to P0, the signal for selecting the module at the first slot. Meanwhile, PSENnow goes back high. Now the microcontroller sends out A1A0=00, which causes the control word to be addressed. Hence when the RDsignal goes low, the control word of the module at the first slot is read and stored in the RAM of the microcontroller. Now the next module is selected on the next rising edge of the clock. Similarly, its control word is read and stored. Once a bus unit has been completely checked, it raises a flag bit. This flag bit of each bus unit is ANDed with the flag bit from the next bus unit (i.e. NBUS) and the output of the AND gate goes to the input of the preceding bus unit. This chain continues until the output of the final AND gate goes to the microcontroller. This output goes high when all the modules have been selected once and their control words have been read.

Figure 2.1

The timing diagram shown below depicts the sequential selection of each module and the reading of their control words. Also note that the BU_END signal goes high when all the modules have been read.

Now the microcontroller reads all the stored control words and overwrites them with proper addresses, each 16-bit long. Once all the control words are converted to addresses, these are to be transferred to the modules. Hence, once again, the PSENgoes low and on the first rising edge of the clock, the first module is selected. However, this time the microcontroller sends out A1A0=10, which indicates that the lower byte of the address latch is being pointed to. Then the lower byte of the address appears on the data bus of the microcontroller and when the WRsignal goes low, the address latch latches the data. Once lower byte has been written, the microcontroller sends out A1A0=11, which shows that the high byte is being addressed. Again, the high byte is transferred to the address latch when WRgoes low. This completes the auto configuration for one module. In a similar manner, all the remaining modules are configured, as



each is selected one by one on successive rising edges of the clock. The addressing assigning process is depicted in the following timing diagram.

Figure 2.2


To implement this feature, it was necessary that the modules were able to ?tell? who they are. This was done by using unique 8-bit control words for each module. These control words are constant for a given type of module and built into the modules during their creation. The bit format of the control word is given below.

By reading this control word, the microcontroller is able to recognize the module and then assign an address to it. The control word for any module can be constructed using the following table.

Table 2.1: Configuration control word


Since the addressing of each module will be the same, this section has been separated, as it will be common to all the modules.

The addressing of the modules will begin once the configuration cycle has been completed and the user program has been downloaded to the main microcontroller. It will be this microcontroller, which will be responsible for addressing the modules and making them perform according to the user program. Moreover, the user need not be worried about the addresses of the modules because the addresses will be handled by the microcontroller; he will simply have to use the normal syntax, as in other PLCs.



Any module is addressed in one machine cycle using the microcontroller?s external memory mode. When the address is completely placed on the address bus, the 16-bit equality comparators of each of the modules compare this address with their assigned address. If it matches their address, a CSsignal goes low and access to the remaining module is permitted.

The timing waveform shown below shows a digital input module being decoded at 13Eh –13Fh address.

Figure 2.3


As illustrated by the control words, a digital input module could have eight, sixteen or thirty-two inputs. The module that we simulated is a 16- input module. The input voltage standards are maintained from those of the industry i.e. 13-24 V represents logic high. The industry standards are converted to TTL levels by the use of optoisolators, which also isolate the following circuits from the high voltage side.

Accessing the Module

The address of the module is decided in the auto configuration stage after reading the control word and the user need not be worried about it.

Figure 2.4

The 16- input module is decoded at two addresses; one for the lower byte and the other for the higher byte. The CONVsignal, from the main microcontroller causes the two latches at the input stage to latch the present status of the inputs simultaneously. Now when we read from the lower address (i.e. A0=0), we are reading the lower eight inputs while reading from the next address (i.e. A0=1), we get the status of the higher eight inputs. So a digital module with 16 inputs is read in two cycles while a module with 32 inputs would require four cycles.


Similar to the input module, a digital output module could have eight, sixteen or thirty-two outputs. The module that we simulated is a 16-output module. The output voltage standards are once again maintained from those of the industry i.e. 24 V represents logic high. The module is isolated from the plant by the use of opto- isolators at the outputs and the industry standard is obtained by the use of opto- isolators.



Accessing the Module

Once again, the 16-output module is decoded at two addresses; one for the lower byte and the other for the higher byte. However, here the sequence of events is the reverse of what it was for the input module.

Figure 2.5

After the decisions have been taken according to the user program, the logic states are transferred to the output module in two cycles. First the lower byte is written to the output latch by using the lower address and then the higher byte is written to the latch. Once this has been done, the CONVsignal appears and all the states are transferred to the output latches simultaneously. This cycle is repeated in every scan cycle monotonously.


The analog module that we simulated is an 8-channel 12-bit signed output module. The MAX120 ADC used for converting the analog voltages to digital provides 500 kilo samples per second and hence a conversion time of 2 μsec including tracking time. It has an internal–5.0 V reference.

The differential input voltage is limited to ± 5V by the use of a voltage divider at every input, as this is the limit of the ADC. The input voltages and their respective references are multiplexed using analog multiplexers. The differential inputs to be converted are selected by a sequential circuit (implemented in a PLD) and are applied to the two inputs of a unity gain differential amplifier. The differential output voltage is passed to the MAX120 for conversion.

Accessing the Module

When a user program is downloaded to the main microcontroller, in which analog inputs are being used, the microcontroller first figures out which inputs are to be converted and according to it, it creates a control word that would be sent to the analog module. This control word is written to address, which was assigned to the module. The sequential circuit interprets the control word, selects and converts the proper input and transfers it to latches from where it is read by the microcontroller.

Although we did manage to successfully simulate the module but constraint of time and facilities forced us to give up its implementation.


The analog output designed by us is also an 8-channel 12-bit signed module. The MX7547DAC used at the output provides a good conversion time of 2 μsec. The output of each channel is equipped with a track and hold buffer circuit to prevent loading of the DAC.



Accessing the Module

Just like a control word was required to access the analog input module, a similar control word generated by the microcontroller is required for accessing the output module. This control word will be used by a sequential circuit to determine which outputs are to receive the following data.

Once this control word is send at the beginning of the user program, on its turn, the address of the output module is sent out. Then the data for the various channels is sent one after the other. The channel to which the data goes is governed by the logic circuit implemented in the PLD. The logic circuit works as a controlled FIFO, as it transfers the incoming data to the outputs starting at the first and proceeding to the last. However, the data goes only to those channels, which were referred to in the control word. As the DAC is very fast, there are no

serious timing problems.

Although we did manage to successfully simulate the module but constraint of time and facilities forced us to give up its implementation.


In a nut shell, the whole exercise of designing the PLC and then implementing it was a thorough learning experience, although one with a heavy price tag. There is no denying that the project was too long to be taken as a final year project and our teachers should have prevented us from taking such a task but, alls well that ends well. There were many positives to come out of this whole exercise which may be enlisted as follows:

1. The enormity of the project taught us the art of dividing a big task into several small ones so that it becomes easier to meet targets.

2. The use of OrCAD? Pspice? and Layout for simulation and artwork design became

known to us.

3. Designing of complex state machines and cumbersome combinational logics in PLDs was also something new. 4. By designing the PLC according to the computer?s design, we gained a brief insight into how computers are designed.

5. The project the served the purpose of teaching how to work as a team.

6. Our skills of recognizing bugs and then troub leshooting them came to the fore when we worked on the circuits.

7. The development of this PLC would certainly open doors for work to begin in this area to make our country self- reliant in this respect.

These were some of the many benefits that we gained out this coursework. But the project itself does not end here. Just like the commercially available PLCs, this one too has many prospective improvements and enhancements which can be taken up by succeeding batches. For example, the analog modules can be manufactured by someone as it has already been designed, and the instruction set can be made even more powerful by working on it. Hence the setup of this project can easily come in handy to encourage work in this direction.




Books Referred

??Siemens Statement List (STL) For S7-300 and S7-400 Programming Reference Manual

?Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd ??Digital Design by Morris Mano

??Microprocessor and Interfacing by Douglas V. Hall

??Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakwad ??Operational Amplifier Characteristics and Applications by Robert G. Irvine ??The 8051 Microcontroller by I. Scott McKenzie Web Sites Visited ??www.8052.com ??www.laticesemi.com ??www.atmel.com ??www.maxim.com




在目前,工业自动化对工业的繁荣是极其重要的,因为它减少了许多生产成本折扣并且提高了生产率。出于这个理由,在60、70年代 WLC (即布线逻辑控制器)被引进,这是工业自动化的起步。后来,微控制器的引用,使微控制器在更大的适应性方面占有更大的优势。随着技术的发展,一种更先进的控制器被采用,它具有强大的I/O处理能力和很大的灵活性,它就是可编程序逻辑控制器,通常成为PLC。



1. 绪论

1.1 问题描述

我们知道,工业自动化是一个国家工业支柱,因为它的繁荣减少了生产成本许多折扣并且提高了生产率。由于这个原因, wlc(即布线逻辑控制器)被引进。后来,微控制器被引用,它与布线逻辑控制器相比强大的适应性使它占有更大的优势。随着技术的发展,一种更先进的控制器被采用,它有强大的I/O处理能力和很大的灵活性,它就是可编程序逻辑控制器,通常成为PLC。西门子推出许多具有不同的能力的系列控制器。第一个系列是SIMATIC?5控制器。我们现有的可编程控制器是S5-100U-100,后来,西门子推出了SIMATIC?7系列可编程控制器,现在我们使用S7-314IFM PLC。


1.2 结构图和摘要描述

图1-1是完整的、综合的PLC结构图。正像SIMATIC?5系统,我们的可编程逻辑控制器可以大致地分为三性质不同的单元: a.CPU(中央处理器) b.总线单元

c. 功能块(I/O和功能)

图1-1 可编程序控制器方框图


1.2.1 CPU




·由监视器扫描循环数检查程序的完整性从属控制器(执行单元,图1-1)是执行 用户程序。它主要负责:





1.2.2 总线单元


总线单元的主要作用是缓冲全部信号,比如:数据总线、地址总线,以及控制信号,消除 CPU的承载。这些功能不但被主总线单元执行,而且在配置阶段也执行一个额外的功能。图1-1,总线控制器,每次只选一个口以便能够使模块连接在上边,也可以在所有的口被选择和配置的时候发一个信号到控制单元。

1.2.3 功能块模块



1.3 合理的解决







1.4 选择的理由





·微处理器代替微控制器的应用证明微处理器不能解决二进制运算,这些在PLC中有很多。 ·单个处理速度很快的微处理器是不可以用的,因此,我们由两个控制器同时地分配工作负荷和支配任务,避免牺牲处理速度。 ·自动化的结构特点允许功能块的设计相当普通。


2. 分析和仿真



2.1 计算机仿真——硬件


2.1.1 自动化配置过程




图 2-1



图 2-2

2.1.2 控制字





2.1.3 地址模块


在一个机器的工作周期中,任何一个模块利用微控制器的外部存储形式指定地址。当地址完全置在地址总线,每个模块的16位比较器对照这些地址给他们赋以地址。如果地址匹配,CS将为低电平并且可以通过余下模块。 下图所示时序波形是数字输入模块被译码在地址为:13Eh-13Fh处。

图 2-3

2.1.4 数字量输入模块





2.1.5 数字输出模块




图 2-4


2.1.6 模拟量输入模块

我们模拟的模拟量模块是8通道、12位输出。MAX120 ADC用在输入端,它把模拟电压转换为数字量,提供每秒500K的采样,由此转换时间是2μs,它包括跟踪时间。它有内部-5V的参考电压。





2.1.7 模拟量输出模块





3. 结论




3.在可编程逻辑电路中,复杂的机器状况和笨重的逻辑组合的设计是新鲜的。 4.依据计算机设计的这个PLC使我们对如何设计计算机也有了简单地深入。 5.这个工程也教会我们了如何作为一个团队去工作。





西门子S7-300 、S7-400编程手册 Thomas L. Floyd著.数字原理 Morris Mano著.数字设计

Douglas V. Hall著. 微处理器与接口设备 Ramakant A. Gayakwad著.放大器和线性集成电路 Robert G. Irvine著. 运算放大器特性和运用 I.Scott McKenzie著.8051控制器 访问过的网站 www.8052.com www.laticesemi.com

www.atmel.com www.maxim.com

