Peppa Pig第四季

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Peppa Pig第四季 1 / 40 Peppa Pig第四季

Peppa Pig第四季 ..................................... 1 01 Potato City ........................................... 2 02 The New House .............................. 3 03 Basketball ...................................... 4 04 Horsey Twinkle Toes ....................... 5 05 Naughty Tortoise ............................ 6 06 Mr Fox’s Shop ................................. 7 07 Shadows ......................................... 8 08 International Day ........................... 9 09 The Rainy Day Game .................... 10 10 Mummy Rabbit's Bump ................ 11 11 Pedro the Cowboy ........................ 12 12 Peppa and Georges Garden .......... 13 13 The Flying Vet ............................... 14 14 Kylie.Kangaroo ............................. 15 15 Captain.Daddy.Dog ....................... 16 16 Crampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park .... 17 17 Bedtime Story .............................. 18 18 Lost Keys ...................................... 19 19 George's New Dinosaur ................ 20 20 Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue . 21

02 The New House

21 The Pet Competition .................... 22

22 Spider Web .................................. 23 23 The Noisy Night ............................ 24 24 The Wishing Well ......................... 25 25 Mr. Potato's Christmas Show ........ 26 26 Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party .. 27 27 The.Queen ................................... 28 28 Desert.Island ................................ 29 29 Perfume ....................................... 30 30 Childrens.Fete .............................. 31 31 The.Aquarium .............................. 32 32 Georges.Racing.Car ...................... 33 33 The.Little.Boat ............................. 34 34 The.Sandpit .................................. 35 35 Night.Animals .............................. 36 36 Flying.on.Holiday ......................... 37 37 The.Holiday.House ....................... 38 38 ........................ 39 39 End.of.the.Holiday ....................... 40

01 Potato City 2 / 40 02 The New House

01 Potato City

Potato City

Peppa and her family are going to Potato City. Peppa: What is Potato City, Mummy?

Mummy: It is a theme park, Peppa, where the magic of vegetables never ends. Peppa: It sounds a bit boring.

Daddy: It will be fun. Potato City, here we come. Here we are.

The family have arrived at a field of potatoes. Mummy: Is this Potato City?

Daddy: It must be. And it looks like we pick the right day to visit. There are no crowds.

Mummy: Are you sure this is the right place,

Daddy Pig? It just looks like a farmer’s field to me. Daddy: Excuse me, is this Potato City? Farmer: No, that’s Potato City.

Daddy: It isn’t quite what I was expecting. Peppa: It is fantastic!

Miss Rabbit: How many tickets?

Mummy: Two adults and two children please, Miss Rabbit.

Rhino: Busy, isn’t it?

Miss Rabbit: Busy? No. This is quiet for Potato City. Have a lovely day!

Peppa’s friends have come to Potato City, too. Peppa: Hello everyone. Everyone: Hello Peppa.

And this is Mr. Potato himself.

Mr. Potato: Welcome to Potato City, where the magic of vegetables never ends! Everyone: Woo!

Mr. Potato: See how vegetables grow! Learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get shot into space by the potato rocket! Children: Wee!

Peppa and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket. George wants to ride on the potato rocket too.

Daddy: Are you sure George? It looks a bit high. Daddy Pig doesn’t like heights. Mr. Bull: Moo, hurry up Daddy Pig! Daddy: Oh! I’m not getting on.

Mr. Bull: George is too small to go on his own.

Daddy: Oh, okay. Make it quick. Mr. Bull: Oh, it’s very quick. (George suddenly begins to cry.) George has changed his mind.

Mummy: Oh dear George, come to Mummy. Daddy: Maybe I’ll just get off too. Mr. Bull: Chocks away.

Mummy: Have fun Daddy Pig!

Daddy: Aaaaaaaah! Oh, it’s stopped. Well, I’m glad that’s all over. Children: Wee! Daddy: Aaaaaaah! Peppa: This is brilliant! Children: Wee!

Mr. Bull: Everybody off!

Peppa: That was fun, wasn’t it, Daddy? Daddy: Oh—yes! Lots of fun. Susie: Mummy, what’s that?

Mummy Sheep: Go round and put your head through that hole.

Susie: Now what happens? (Children are laughing.)

Peppa: Susie, you are a tomato! Rebecca: Look! I’m a carrot! Susie: Oh yes!

Danny: And I’m a pumpkin! (Everyone laughs.)

Mr. Potato: Welcome to the Dinosaur Garden! Children: Woo!

Mr. Potato: Say hello to my dinosaur friends! And don’t be frightened. They are not real, but this is exactly how they would have looked walking the earth together. Emily: No, it’s not. Mr. Potato: What?

Emily: Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous period. Stegosaurus was Jurassic. They would not have walked together.

Mr. Potato: How do you know that? Emily: I’m a clever-clogs.

Mr. Potato: Anyway, who wants to ride one? Rebecca: Me! Peppa: Me!

Susie: Why have you got dinosaurs in Potato City? Mr. Potato: Eh, because dinosaurs ate potatoes? Emily: No.

Mr. Potato: Anyway, children like dinosaurs. Rebecca: Dinosaur!

01 Potato City 3 / 40 02 The New House

Peppa: Dinosaur!

Mr. Potato: Roll up, roll up! For the vegetable roundabout swing thing.

Peppa: A vegetable roundabout swing thing! I like Potato City because it teaches you about vegetables and swings you round and round. Potato City, where the magic of vegetables never ends!

“Up down up down, altogether now. Mr. Potato was rolling around. Your friends are mine, he’s happy all the time. Mr. Potato is coming to town.” 02 The New House

The New House

Daddy Pig is working hard in his work room. What are you doing, Daddy? I’m building a new house.

It’s very small. Is it a house for elves and fairies? Oh, no. This is a model. The real house will be much bigger. Ah?

And this is a drawing of what needs to be built. I think something is missing, Daddy. There!

Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house. Perfect. Would you like to visit the new house? Yes, please!

Daddy Pig is taking Peppa and George to see the house he’s building. Here we are!

But Daddy, there’s nothing here.

That’s because the building work hasn’t started yet.

Digger! Digger!

Here are Mr. Bull and his friends.

Mr. Bull has come to build the new house. Aren’t you building it, Daddy?

I’ve done the hard bit. Mr. Bull just has to follow my instructions.

Hello, Mr. Pig! What is it to be? Car park? Swimming pool? Rocket station ?

A house! Can you build it exactly like this please? But bigger.

Mr. Pig wants a house.

Is it going to be built of straw? Or sticks?

Or bricks, Mr. Pig? Bricks, please! Good choice.

Don’t forget the swing!

Don’t worry, Peppa. We won’t. Can I help?

George wants to help too. OK, George!

Could you put a blob of mortar here? It looks like a square of tin mud.

Mortar is a very special kind of mud that sticks bricks together.

Peppa, would you like to lie the first brick? Yes, please!

Well done! I’ll do the rest.

Bricks must be laid straight on level, see? Line after line.

That will take ages! Yes.

Will you finish it today?

Oh, no. You can’t build a house in a day. It’ll be finished tomorrow.

Good! See you tomorrow, Mr. Bull! Bye-bye. Bye.

George put the sticky mud down, and I put the brick on top.

That all sounds very exciting. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep.

It is morning. Peppa and George cannot wait to see the new house. It’s finished.

Almost finished. It just needs to be inspected. Mr. Rabbit is the building inspector. Very good. But wait! It’s not finished. What?

You forgot the swing. Moo!

Oh, no. We didn’t. Thank you, Mr. Bull.

Now it’s all ready for our new neighbours to move in.


Yes, Peppa. We’ve got new neighbours.

Mr. Wolf and his family are moving into their new home.

Oh, look, little piggies. Hello, I’m Wendy wolf.

01 Potato City 4 / 40 03 Basketball

I’m Peppa pig.

Thank you for building our house, Mr. Pig. What’s it made of, straw, sticks? It’s made of bricks.

Let’s see how strong it is. I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll…(blow的声音)

Mmm, that is strong. What’s your own house made of, Mr. Pig?

Bricks. So don’t even think about it! Oh, a swing.

That was my idea.

It’s very good. You have a go. Can you push me?

No, I’ll huff and puff instead. 03 Basketball


It is a lovely sunny day. Peppa and her friends are in the school playground.

Children, today we have a special person coming to teach you basketball. Woo! Hello!

Daddy, it isn’t home time yet!

We’ve got a special teacher coming today. That’s me. I’m the coach.

A basketball teacher is called a coach. Woo!

That’s clever, Daddy. Peppa, call me Coach! OK, Daddy Coach.

Does anyone know how to play basketball? No!

It’s fun. You have to run, bounce the ball, and throw it through the hoop. Wow!

Easy peasy! Oh!

It is not as easy as it looks.

To play basketball, you need to train hard and keep fit.

Are you fit, Daddy Coach? Yes, I’m super fit.

But Daddy Coach, you’ve got a big tummy. This tummy is pure muscle.

First, I’ll teach you how to get the ball from

here…to here. I can do that.

No, Danny, you can’t use your feet. That’s football.

Danny dog likes football.

In basketball, you bounce the ball with your hands, like this.

Who wants a go? Me, me, me!

Susie Sheep is bouncing the basketball very carefully.

Well done, Susie. Now, everyone try.

Everyone is learning how to bounce the ball. Now, I’ll teach you tackling. What’s tackling?

Tackling is try to get the ball from another player, like this.

Try get the ball from me, George. George is very good at tackling.

Now, throw the ball through the hoop.

You need just a bit more training there, George. Let’s have a little practice game. Split into two teams. Boys against girls.

The girls are in one team. The boys are in the other.

That’s not fair! We’ve got little ones in our team. Don’t worry, the boys’ team will still win. Yeah, we’re a super team!

Emily elephant is very good at reaching high with her trunk.

Emily is using her trunk. It’s not fair. Shh, Peppa. She’s on our side. Oh yes, that is fair. It’s not fair.

We want Emily on our team. No, she’s on our team.

Stop arguing! You can all then in the same team. OK.

The children are all in one big team. Oh, but who will we play? Erm? Well… Hello!

The parents have come to take the children home. I know! You can play the grown-ups. But they are bigger than us.

Ahhh! But you’ve been taught basketball by

01 Potato City 5 / 40 04 Horsey Twinkle Toes

Daddy Coach.

Yes, let’s play them.

We’re the children’s team. Yeah!

We’re the grown-ups’ team. All right!

I’m quite good at kicking it. Yes, well, this is basketball.

You throw the ball through the hoop. But you can only use your hands. Or your trunk. But not your feet. Ready? Steady? Go!

Mr. Elephant has the ball. Tackled by George. Passed to Zoe Zebra. To Richard Rabbit. And Peppa…throws it through the hoop. Yippee!

The children have won! Hooray!

All thanks to Daddy Coach. 04 Horsey Twinkle Toes

Horsey Twinkle Toes

Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom. Dinosaur! Grrr….

George, you must stay on your side of the bedroom.

That’s your side and this is my side. Do not cross the invisible line. Post!

Hello, Mr. Zebra!

Hello, Daddy Pig! I’ve got some letters for you. Is there anything for me and George?

Mmm…I’m afraid not. They are all for Mummy and me. Oh~~~

There’s a parcel as well.

Probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered.

Look at all the stamps on it.

That’s because it’s from a long way away. Bye now. Bye-bye.

Oh, the label says it is for Peppa and George. Yippee!

Look, Mummy. A parcel for George and me.


There’s a letter too. Dear Peppa and George,

Here’s a present for you to share. Love from your Aunty Dottie!

Aunty Dottie lives far away, in another country. Woo! What is the present? It’s got wheels. Car.

It’s not a car, George. It’s got legs. It’s a table. It’s got a tail.

Oh, tables don’t have tails. There’s a handle as well. What can it be?

There’s something else in the box.

It’s a toy horse. I shall call it “Twinkle Toes”. “Horsey!”

“Twinkle Toes!” “Horsey!”

“Twinkle Toes!” “Horsey…”

Remember children, Aunt Dottie sent the present for both of you.

You have to share. Sharing can be fun. Can I play with Twinkle Toes first?

Let George have the first turn. He’s the youngest. Horsey! Horsey!

George likes playing with Horsey!

George, it is called Twinkle Toes, not Horsey. Now, it’s Peppa’s turn.

I’m Princess Peppa, with my magic horse Twinkle Toes.

Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes! Oops!

Perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside.

Yes, Mummy.

Mmm, it’s a bit steep here. Maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill. And the quickest way down the hill is to ride down.

Are your sure, Daddy? Don’t crash like you always do.

Oh-uh, I know what I’m doing, Peppa. I’m a grown-up.

How are you going to stop, Daddy? I don’t know. Where are the brakes?

Clever, Daddy. You used the duck pond to stop. What was that big splash?

01 Potato City 11 / 40 10 Mummy Rabbit's Bump

It's not anywhere.

Would you like a clue? It’s sitting on something very big, and very wise. And very handsome.

Daddy, it’s on your head. That’s the best hiding place ever.

Oh, the rain has stopped. Why don't we play outside?

But I want to play the rainy day game again.

I think you might like this outside rainy day game even better.

What is this game? Give me a clue. We need to find a muddy puddle. I found it. Is that the game?

This game is not just about the finding, Peppa. What do you do with a muddy puddle?

Hmm, jump up and down. Jumping up and down in muddy puddles!

I like rainy day games, especially the one when you jump up and down in muddy puddles. 10 Mummy Rabbit's Bump

Mummy Rabbit’s Bump

Peppa and George are playing with Susie Sheep and Pedro Pony. Here are Rebecca and Richard Rabbit.

Hello, Rebecca.

Gree, I’ve got a secret. What is it?

My Mummy’s got a bump in her tummy. Woo!

Has she eaten too much?

No, there’s a baby rabbit inside.

Mummy Rabbit, is there really a baby rabbit in your tummy?

Yes. Would you like to listen to it? Yes, please.

Can you hear a little heart beat?

Yes, I can. It’s going “Boom! Boom! Boom!”. Oh, it just moved.

Yes, sometimes babies give a little kick. What will you call it?

I don’t know. Would you children like to think of the name? Yes, please!

Hello, Mummy Rabbit. Would you like a cup of


I can’t have coffee, but I am quite hungry. Would you like carrots?

I’m a bit off carrots. Have you got any potatoes? Yes, we do.

Maybe a potato with jelly, and cheese, and strawberry jam, please. Errrr….

A potato with jelly, cheese, and strawberry jam? What a funny mixture of food!

We need to think of a name for the baby. Yes. If the baby is a girl, she’ll be called Rachel Rabbit.

Or how about Rust Rabbit? Wroxham Rabbit. Shawn Rabbit.

I don’t think so, Pedro.

Shawn Rabbit sounds wrong. I like Rosie.

Rosie Rabbit? It’s perfect. But what if the baby is a boy? Oh?

How about Roofers Rabbit? Raymond Rabbit. Michael Rabbit. Michael Rabbit? No! Robbie Rabbit! Yes, Robbie Rabbit.

Thank you for the potatoes with jelly, cheese, and strawberry jam, Mummy Pig. My pleasure.

We thought of a name for the baby. Rosie if it’s a girl and Robbie if it’s a boy. They’re lovely names.

It’s sad that the baby can’t have both names. Oh, my tummy!

It’s all that funny food you’ve been eaten. I don’t think so, Daddy Rabbit. The baby is coming.

Right! To the hospital! Quickly, now! Ward pharmic! Bye!

Bye! Good luck.

Did you pack everything on the list?

I’ve got it all. Pillows, 不知道是什么 candles, yoga music, and enough food for three days.

Ward pharmic! Ward pharmic! Anyone in? We are having a rabbit!

01 Potato City 12 / 40 11 Pedro the Cowboy

Hello, sister. What are you doing here? I’m having a baby, remember?

Oh, yes! You’d better come inside then. Can I come too?

Moo! You’ll have to park the car first. But don’t worry. Having a baby always takes a long time. Out of the way, everyone. My sister’s having a baby.

这里有一句话都听不清 This lot should last us a good few days.

Oh, where should I put all this stuff? Back in the car! We don’t need it now. What?

Gree! Daddy, you missed all the excitement. Have I? Is it a boy or a girl? Both! We’ve got baby twins. Wow!

It is the next day. And Mummy Rabbit is home from hospital.

Hello, can we see the twins, please? Of course, Peppa. Are they boys or girls?

They are both. A boy and a girl. They are called Rosie and Robbie. So you did use both names. Yes!

Rosie Rabbit, and Robbie Rabbit.

They are the best names in the world. And we thought of them. 11 Pedro the Cowboy

Pedro the Cowboy

It is a lovely sunny day. Pedro has a new play tent. Here are Peppa, George, Danny Dog, Susie Sheep and Wendy Wolf. Hello, Pedro.

Howdy, everyone. Welcome to my cowboy camp! Ye-ha! It’s a tent.

It’s a cowboy camp where cowboys sleep at night time.

Are you going to sleep in the night?

Erm, no! That might be a bit scary. But we can pretend it’s night time. But it’s not night time.

Just pretend the sun is the moon.


Petro, can we be cowboys too? Yes, you could be my partners. Is my little cowboy hungry?

I sure am, Ma. That’s how cowboys speak.

Would you cowboys and cowgirls like something to eat, too? Yes, please, Ma.

Did a cowboy always camp next to their mummies’ kitchen?

No. You have to pretend the house is not here. This is the Wild West. What’s that?

The Wild West is the land where cowboys live. What do cowboys do?

They tell stories, sing songs, and eat beans. Beans on toast for everyone! Hooray!

Cowboys love beans on toast. Everybody loves beans on toast.

Who wants a cowboy song?

Do you know a real cowboy song? Yes, I made it up. And it goes like this:

I’m with cowboys and eat my beans, with a bing and bong and boo.

Baked beans bang! Baked beans boo! Baked beans bingerly bongerly bang!

Baked beans bang! Baked beans boo! Baked beans bingerly bongerly bang! Let’s have a story in the tent. I can tell a story. Make it scary.

It was a wet and windy night in the Wild West. Woo!

And wild animals were out looking for food. Looking for food, at night?

Some animals eat at night, Susie. Wild animals. Grrr….

And the brave cowboy Pedro was alone in his tent.

But he couldn’t sleep, because something was outside the tent. Was it a wild animal? What’s that?

It is a wild animal! Ahh~~~ Oh!

01 Potato City 13 / 40 12 Peppa and Georges Garden

It is a tiny little bird. Come to look at Petro’s tent. I think it was an eagle. Eagles live in the Wild West.

Is everybody all right? Yes, Mummy.

It’s nearly home time.

But we haven’t done the pretend sleeping yet. Everybody back in the tent. He he he!

Good night, partners!

Good night, cowboy Petro.

I’m glad there aren’t any wild animals out there. Ahooooo! Wild animals! Eeeeer! It’s a wolf.

Yes, it’s my daddy. Ahooooo!

Mr. Wolf has come to take Wendy Wolf home. All their parents are here to pick up the children. Bye-bye, cowboy Petro. Bye-bye, everyone.

Are you coming in, Petro?

I want a pretend sleeping a bit more. OK!

Mummy, can I come in now? Yes, my brave little cowboy.

Even brave little cowboys like to sleep indoors sometimes. Night, Petro. Good night, Ma!

12 Peppa and Georges Garden

Peppa and George’s Garden

Daddy Pig is sitting in his favorite sunny spot. Ah! What a perfect day for doing nothing! Daddy Pig loves doing nothing.

How could this be better? I know! A cup of tea! Grandpa Pig has come to see Peppa and George. Grandpa Pig.

Papa ig! (George还不太会说话,所以发音不准) Hello, Peppa and George! You are going to have your very own flower garden.

Woo! A garden for George and me!

I’ve got a packet of flower seeds for each of you. Now, we need a nice sunny spot to plant your


Here we are!

Grandpa Pig is digging Peppa and George’s garden. Oh!

Ah! Tea for the workers. Thank you, Daddy Pig. Er…what’s going on?

We are making a flower garden. Do we need a flower garden? Yes!

But that’s where I sit in my chair.

There are more important things than chairs, Daddy Pig.

But I always read my newspapers here.

There are more important things than newspapers, Daddy Pig.

Yes, like flowers. Look, Daddy.

Peppa has lots of flower seeds. George only has one flower seed, but it is quite a big seed. Could you fetch us some water, Daddy Pig? Mm…OK!

Seeds need water to grow. They get very thirsty. Some little birds have come to watch. Don’t let the birds eat the seeds, Peppa. Shoo! Shoo! Fly away, birdies. Here is the water.

Daddy scared the birds away.

Ho-oh! Daddy Pig looks like a scare crow. Ha ha ha!

Peppa, George, bath time!

Oh, but what if the birdies come back?

Don’t worry, Peppa. I’ll make sure the birds don’t eat the seeds. Thank you, Daddy.

Good luck, Daddy Pig. See you tomorrow. Bye!

Ah, this is nice.

Daddy, you have to be the scare crow. What? Oh! Shoo! Shoo! Naughty birds. Now, stay there until the birdies go to bed. OK, Peppa.

All the birdies have gone to bed. Daddy Pig can go inside now. It is morning.

George, let’s look at our flower garden. Woo! Baby plants.

Morning! Ah, your plants have started to grow.

01 Potato City 14 / 40 13 The Flying Vet

Soon, they’ll have flowers on them. A little snail has come to take a look. Oh, dear! Snails like eating plants.

Grandpa Pig, can you take Barbra to your garden. Erm…OK, I’ll take care of Barbra. It is one week later.

Peppa, George, come and look. My flowers! They are so pretty. And look at George’s plant.

It’s a beanstalk. And it goes all the way up to a giant’s castle.

Oh-oh. No, Peppa. But it does go quite high. George’s flower is taller than our house.

Oh-ho! George’s grown a sunflower. Well-done, George.

I love our flower garden.

Now, let’s make you a vegetable garden. But that’s where I sit in my chair.

There are more important things than chairs, Daddy Pig.

Like tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes. I do like a nice potato.

Daddy pig loves potatoes. Everyone loves potatoes. 13 The Flying Vet

The Flying Vet

Peppa has brought Goody the fish to the vet for a check-up.

You’ve got a healthy happy fish. 这后面有句话,应该不是英语。

Thank you, Doctor Hamster! Hello.

Hello, Doctor Hamster! This is Mr. Elephant. Mr. Elephant and his family are out for a walk in the mountains.

We’ve found a sick lizard. It’s a gecko.

Edmond knows all about lizards. He is a clever-clogs.

I’ll be straight there. Woo! Can we come too? Of course! Let’s go!

Are we going in an ambulance?

No. The mountain’s too far away! We’ll go in my aeroplane!


Aeroplane! Mow!

George loves aeroplanes. All aboard!

Up bounds away!

I didn’t know you had an aeroplane, Doctor Hamster!

Oh, yes! I’m the flying vet.

Thank goodness. The vet’s here. Stand aside. Vet’s coming through! Where’s the sick lizard? Here it is!

Oh, poor little gecko.

What is wrong with the lizard?

It seems to be upside down. Are you slipped over? There!

Doctor Hamster has made the lizard better. Hooray!

Oh, another emergency. Hello.

Hello, Grandpa Pig here.

Grandpa Pig is out sailing his boat. It’s Polly. She’s a sick parrot. Er~ Sick parrot. I’ll be right there.

Look, Polly. It’s the flying vet. Where are we going to land?

This is a seaplane, Peppa. We can land on the water. Wow!

Hello, Peppa? George?

Hello, Grandpa. We’ve come to make Polly better. How long has Polly been sick?

Since we came out on our boat trip.

Uh-ha! I know what’s wrong with Polly. She’s sea sick. Oh?

Get Polly to dry land. The sooner the better. There’s an island. There we go! Better Polly? Er~ better Polly. Hooray!

Polly is not a sick parrot anymore. Oh, another emergency. Hello.

Hello, Daddy Pig here. Daddy Pig is in his office.

01 Potato City 15 / 40 14 Kylie.Kangaroo

There are some ducklings stuck on our roof. I’ll be right there.

Thank goodness, you’re here.

Stand aside. Doctor Hamster’s here. Mrs. Duck laid her eggs on our roof. And now the ducklings have hatched. Who can make a quacking noise? Me! I’m very good at quacking.

Peppa, start quacking and the ducklings will follow you.

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

Lead them to the duck pond please, Peppa. OK, I’m Mummy Duck. Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

The ducklings are back with their mummy and daddy.

All because of me. Ho ho ho! Hello.

Is it another emergency?

Yes, it’s Mr. Hamster. I’m late for my tea. Bye! Bye-bye, Doctor Hamster. Thank you. No problem.

It’s all in a day’s work, got a flying vet. 14 Kylie.Kangaroo

Kylie Kangaroo

It is a lovely sunny day. Mr. and Mrs. Kangaroo have come to visit. Hello.

Gooduh, Mr. Pig. We met at the airport. Remember? Erm…

It was a while back. You said we could visit anytime. Did I?

Yes, since we last saw you. We’ve had Kylie and Joey.

Say hello, kids.

Hello, I’m Kylie Kangaroo.

I'm Peppa Pig. And this is my little brother George. This is my little brother Joey.

Joey lives in Mummy Kangaroo’s pocket.

It’s thirsty work, this traveling around. Would you like a drink? Yes, please.

Lemonade! My favourite. Mmm. That’s lovely.

Yeah, sit down. Are you hungry? I’m always hungry.

No worries. We’ll make lunch.

Mr. Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue.

Corn on the cob. Anyone? Yummy!

We should do this at our house. Hang on! This is our house.

Come on, Kylie. Let’s play in the garden. We can play my favourite game—jumping up and down in muddy puddles. I like jumping too.

First, we have to find a puddle.

Oh, there aren’t any muddy puddles. The ground is too dry for muddy puddles. I wish it would rain. I hope it doesn’t rain.

Oh, we’d love rain. We don’t see much back home.

Well, if you want make it rain in this country, have a barbecue.

We can still do jumping. George is quite good at jumping, but I am the best. Watch this. That’s how you do it. Now, you try, Kylie. OK.

Kangaroos can jump very high. Wow!

Here is Rebecca Rabbit.

Hello, Rebecca. This is my friend, Kylie. Hello, Kylie. Gree!

Are you playing a game? We are jumping.

Rabbits are the best at jumping. Watch this.

Well-done, Rebecca! But that’s not as good as my friend Kylie.

Go on, do your jump! I don’t want to show off. Do it! OK.

That is high.

Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping. Here is Pedro Pony.

01 Potato City 16 / 40 15 Captain.Daddy.Dog

Hello, everyone!

Hello, Pedro. This is my friend, Kylie Kangaroo. She’s my friend.

She can jump higher than anyone.

No one can jump higher than me on my super space opal!

Show him, Kylie.

But Pedro did really well. Do it! OK. Wow!

Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping. I can jump higher, but I’m a little bit tired. Er…what was that? It is raining.

Like I said, if you want it to rain, start a barbecue. I’m afraid we’ll all have to go indoors. What? And miss the rain?

Mr. Kangaroo has got a big umbrella to shelter everyone from the rain.

Food’s ready! Who’s hungry? Me! Me!

Mmm, yummy!

Peppa likes cone on the cob. Mmm. Mmm.

Everyone likes cone on the cob. It’s stopped raining.

The rain makes everything so fresh and green. And wet. And muddy.

This is how you jump in muddy puddles. Wow! That looks fun.

I’m the best at jumping, but Peppa is the best at jumping up and down in muddy puddles. 15 Captain.Daddy.Dog

Captain Daddy Dog

Peppa and her friends are playing at Danny Dog’s house.

I’m a sea captain, sailing across the sea. We are jolly pirates, shivery timbers. Ahha!

It’s the posts.

It is Mr. Zebra, the postman.

Hello, Mummy Dog. I’ve got a postcard for you. Thank you, Mr. Zebra.

Bye now.

Who is the postcard from, Mummy? It’s from Captain Dog. Daddy!

He’s finished his sailing trip around the world and he’s coming home. Woo!

How exciting! I wonder when he’ll be back. Ahoy, there, Mr. Zebra. Hello, Captain Dog. Hello! Daddy! Danny! Daddy! Danny! Daddy!

Captain Dog is home from the sea. My Captain Dog!

Mummy Dog! My sweet heart!

How long are you home for, Daddy?

Forever! I’ve decided my travelling days are over. I’ve been around the world and made me fortune. Woo!

And lost it again. Oh!

And made it again. Hooray!

Ah! I love to travel. But that something I really miss when I’m away… What, Daddy?

My darlings, of course! Ha ha ha.

So I’m hanging up my Captain’s hat for good. Let me tell you all about my travels.

I’ve been away for a year and a day, sailing around the world.

All the way around? Yes.

What did you do at the bottom? Did you fall off? No, I held on tightly. Wow!

What an adventure!

It was, and I brought back presents for all of you. Woo! Presents!

Here’s a drum for Danny, from a faraway jungle. Thank you, Daddy. Very good, Danny.

01 Potato City 17 / 40 16 Crampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park

I can bang it louder.

Perhaps that’s enough banging for now.

And for all your friends, some seashells from a desert island. Woo!

If you hold them to your ear, you can hear the sea. Yes, I can hear the seaside.

And for my darling Mummy Dog, a chest of golden jewels.

Wow! How lovely. That will come in handy. Ah! It’s great to be home.

It is morning. Captain Dog is up early. Daddy, what are you doing? I’m checking the wind, Danny. Why?

Sailors always check the wind before they sail. But you are not a sailor any more. Oh, yes. I did say that, didn’t I? Do you miss the sea, Daddy?

No, no. I don’t miss the sea. But I do miss my boat.

I’ve got a boat that Granddad Dog made for me. Aa-ha! That’s an exact copy of my boat. You could help me sail it. That sounds like fun.

Peppa and her friends are at the duck pond.

Ahoy, there, shipmates. Room for another boat on the briny waters? Yes.

Excellent! Danny, our boat needs a captain. It can’t sail itself.

Daddy, will you be my boat’s captain?

I’ll be delighted, Danny, if you’ll be my first mate. Yes, please.

Launch the boat. A-ya Captain!

Wind is surf westerly. The waters are come. My last adventure was sailing a boat around the world. My next adventure is sailing a boat across a duck pond! Ah ha ha!

Captain Dog likes sailing across duck ponds. Everyone likes sailing across duck ponds. 16 Crampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park

Today is Freddy Fox's birthday and all the children are going on a big adventure.

Where are we going for your birthday, Freddy? I don't know, but I can't wait to get there. We're here!

Welcome to Crampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park! Woo!

Dinosaur! Grr…

George loves dinosaurs.

Are there really dinosaurs here? No, just pretend ones. Phew!

Real dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Edmond knows a lot about dinosaurs. He is a clever-clogs.

But we've got better than real dinosaurs. We've got singing dinosaurs.

We are the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs.

We are the dinosaurs. Listen to us sing. They are a bit small.

Yes, aren't dinosaurs meant to be big? Ah, yes! We do have a big dinosaur. A real vampire. Erm, would you like to meet it? Yes, please.

These are its footprints. We just have to follow them. Woo!

These footprints look very real. Are you sure there is no living dinosaurs about, Grampy Rabbit? Quite sure, Daddy Pig.

Over the botus (这里我怎么也找不到那个单词,即使有画面我也不知道,晕), everyone. Across the bridge. Through the cave.

Oh, the footprints have stopped. Look! There are some green steps. It's a big slide. Wee! Wee! Wee! Wee! Wow! It's a big dinosaur.

Yes, it's my mopping ginormous dinosaur slide. Aha ha ha.

That is some dinosaur. He is a Plateosaurus.

Actually, the correct name is Apatosaurus. You are a bit of a clever-clogs, aren't you? Yes.

All right, my little explorers. Are you ready for the next bit of adventure? Yes, Grampy Rabbit. We have to find an egg.

01 Potato City 18 / 40 17 Bedtime Story

An egg?

But eggs are little. It could be anywhere. Leave it to me. Foxes love hunting for eggs. Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell. Wow! What an egg! It's huge!

Why is the egg so big? It's a dinosaur egg. Is it real?

No, it's better than real. It's pretend. Watch this! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

The dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it. Hooray!

It is not a pretend cake, is it Grampy Rabbit? No, the cake is very real and very tasty. Who wants some? Me! Me!

Birthday boy first! Here you go, Freddy. Happy birthday, Freddy.

Time for the beaten song and dance. Everyone, copy me. To the stomp.

To the dinosaur. Stomp! To the roar!

To the dinosaur roar! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Roar! Roar! Roar!

To the dinosaur stomp! Stomp! Roar!

This is my best birthday ever. To the stomp.

To the dinosaur. Stomp! To the roar!

To the dinosaur roar! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Roar! Roar! Roar!

To the dinosaur stomp! Stomp! Roar! 17 Bedtime Story

It is night time. Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George a bedtime story.

And so the prince, the princess, the buggy and the frog all lived happily ever after. The end!

The bedtime story has sent Peppa and George to sleep.

Good night, my little piggies! George's awake. Dinosaur! Grrr…

George, you naughty piggy! Go back to sleep. George is not sleepy.

George! Night time is for sleeping, not playing! I can tell you a bedtime story.

Once upon a time, there was a little pig. His name was George Pig. And he was off to make his fortune. Soon, he came to a forest. Do you like the story, George?

Inside the forest was a little house. And inside the house was a bowl of porridge. George Pig was very hungry. So he ate it all up. Yummy, yummy, yum.

But just as he finished, Baby Bear walked in, and said, \George said, \

Baby Bear said, \make you go very big.\

And then George Pig began to grow. He grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest. The end.

Are you sleepy, George? No.

Not even a little bit? No!

OK, I'll do a bit more story.

Baby Bear said, \at the end of the world. But it's too far for me to go because I am too little.\

George said, \

So George Pig walked to the end of the world. He walked and he walked and he walked. Are you sleepy yet? No.

He walked through forests, then across mountains, across seas. And are you sleepy yet? No!

He walked all the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure. Woo!

And a big dragon! Grr…

Yes! A big green dragon, with little wings, and breezing fire. Roar!!!!

Luckily it was a very friendly dragon. And he said,

01 Potato City 19 / 40 18 Lost Keys


But then, George Pig began to shrink. He shrank and he shrinked and he shrunk until he was the same little George Pig as he was before. \Bear.


So George Pig and Baby Bear hopped on the dragon's back and flew all the way back home to the little house in the forest. And then it's the end.

George is asleep. Peppa is asleep.

Peppa, what are you doing out of bed? Night time is for sleeping, not playing.

Night-night, my little piggies. Sweat dreams. Peppa and George are in their little beds, fast asleep. 18 Lost Keys

Peppa and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains.

Time to go home. Back to the car.

Thank you for visiting the Mountain Beauty Spot. See you again soon. Key! Key!

No, George. You can't play with the car keys. You might lose them.

You're playing with the car keys, Daddy.

But I'm a grown-up. I'm not going to lose them. Oh dear. Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain. Oh!

Right! Let's go home.

Erm…that might be difficult. Why?

Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh, Daddy Pig!

Don't worry. I'll get the car keys out of the drain with a stick. Hooray!

Mmm…the drain must be deeper than I thought. The stick is not long enough to reach the keys. What we need is a fishing rod. Then we can catch the keys on a hook.

Maybe Miss Rabbit sells fishing rods. Erm…do you sell fishing rods.

We do, actually. I don't know why. You don't get fish in the mountains.

We are not fishing for fish. We are fishing for keys. My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh, you'll never get those back. That drain's really deep.

What are drains for?

A drain takes the rain water away to the sea. The fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys.

My goodness! How deep is this drain?

We can see how deep it is by dropping a stone. Good idea, Miss Rabbit.

We can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom.

One, two, three, four, five, six. That, is deep! Told you!

What can we do now?

It is Mr. Bull and his friends. Digger! Train!

George loves diggers and trains. Hello, everybody.

Hello, Mr. Bull. Welcome to the Mountain Beauty Spot.

Have you come to do some work?

No, it's our day off. So we came to enjoy the Beauty Spot.

You can see for miles, boss. Yes, it's very pretty.

Erm…Mr. Bull, could we borrow your crane for a minute? What for?

My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Say no more. I'll听不出来 that in no time. Mr. Rhino, the crane please. Stand clear. Down she goes!

How lucky Mr. Bull came along when he did! (我感觉这句话的语法有问题)

Yes, now we'll finally get our keys back. That's the furthest she goes, chief. Mr. Bull is the chief. Did you find our keys?

No. The crane isn't long enough. Now, what shall we do? Easy! We'll dig up the road. Hooray!

Mr. Bull is digging up the beauty spot.

01 Potato City 20 / 40 19 George's New Dinosaur


What's going on?

We came to see the beauty spot.

Erm…they're digging it up now. Won't be long. My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh!

Hold it! Hold it!

It's the keys. We've got them. Hooray!

There you go!

Thank you, Mr. Bull. Oh, it was nothing.

Er…where's the beauty spot gone?

The Mountain Beauty Spot is now a big hole. It's a cave now. Welcome to the Cave Beauty Spot. Woo!

All thanks to my daddy! Err…and Mr. Bull.

Yes, I'm good at digging holes.

Mr. Bull loves digging holes. Everybody loves digging holes.

19 George's New Dinosaur

George is playing with his favourite toy, Mr.

Dinosaur. George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur. Mr. Dinosaur is made of plastic. It is almost impossible to break him. Dinosaur! Grr…

George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur in the bath.

At night time, George always takes Mr. Dinosaur to bed with him. Dinosaur! Grr…

George, Mr. Dinosaur is broken. Oh.

Mr. Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore. Poor George.

You have had Mr. Dinosaur a long time. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did.

Maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur. Yes, we can go to Mr. Fox's shop tomorrow. This is Mr. Fox's shop.

Mr. Fox's shop sells everything.

I'm sure we'll find you a lovely new dinosaur here, George. Dinosaur!

George does not want a new dinosaur. Look, George. A big dinosaur. Oh! Dinosaur!

Good morning! Can I help you?

We'd like the dinosaur at the window, please. Certainly!

Good choice. This is the Dino Roar. It roars, it walks, and it sings a dinosaur song.

Dino Roar! Dino Roar! Listen to the Dino Roar! Roar! Wow! Dino Roar! We'll take it. Roar!

George is playing with Dino Roar in the garden. Don't play too roughly with Dino Roar, George. He has moving parts and might get broken.

George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden. George wants to play with Dino Roar in the bath. George, if you get Dino Roar wet, he'll stop working.

George cannot play with Dino Roar in the bath. It is night time. George has taken Dino Roar to bed with him. Roar! Ah!

George! Dino Roar has woken me up. (Dino Roar is singing at the same time.)

Maybe Dino Roar should sleep somewhere else. George cannot have Dino Roar in his bed at night. It is morning.

Why is George looking so sad?

George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden, in the bath, or in bed.

Never mind, George. Dino Roar can still roar. Dino Roar! Dino Roar! Listen to the Dino Roar! Roar! Oh!

I think the batteries must run out, Daddy Pig. Already? How many batteries are in here? Hundreds and thousands.

Dino Roar needs lots of batteries to make him roar.

Oh, what's this? A trumpet? It doesn't work. Dinosaur!

That's not a trumpet, Peppa. You found Mr.

01 Potato City 21 / 40 20 Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue

Dinosaur's tail. Oh!

Now, Daddy Pig can mend him.

I'll try. Mmm…I think it might be quite difficult to mend. Oh.

Daddy Pig has mended Mr. Dinosaur. Hooray!

Oh-oh, I'm a bit of an expert at mending things. George loves Mr. Dinosaur. Dinosaur! Grr…

Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Hello, Mr. Dinosaur! Grr…

Mr. Dinosaur is George's favourite toy in the whole world.

20 Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue

Grandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George for a ride on his little train, Gertrude. I love Gertrude the train.

And the good thing is, Gertrude has rubber wheels, so we don't have to go on train tracks. We can go wherever we like.

Grandpa's little train goes Toot, Toot, Toot. Toot, Toot, Toot. Toot, Toot, Toot.

Grandpa's little train goes Toot, Toot, Toot, all day long.

Miss Rabbit is taking the grown-ups to work in her big train.

Morning Grandpa Pig. I'll 不确定 your toy train again.

Gertrude is not a toy. She's a miniature locomotive.

Oh, that's nice. Bye. Go faster, Grandpa Pig.

I can't! This is as fast as Gertrude goes.

The big train is going very fast. Oh dear! The big train has broken down.

What's happening? We need to get to work. Hello, Miss Rabbit. Having trouble with your train?

It's not funny, Grandpa Pig. All of my passengers need to get to work.

You need to get yourself a train that doesn't break down, like Gertrude.

That's a good idea. 不确定 you get.


I'm borrowing your train. All change.

What am I going to do?

You can stay here and mend the big train. Righto! I do like mending things. Woo what fun! Riding a toy train. Gertrude is not a toy. She's a miniature locomotive.

Of course! All aboard the toy train. Can't it go any faster?

No, Gertrude is a slow train.

Mrs. Cow is waiting for the train at the next station.

What's happened to the big train? Has it shrunk? No, this is a toy train.

Gertrude is not a toy. She's a miniature locomotive. Off we go!

Grandpa Pig loves mending things. So many interesting bits and bulbs. Oh, dear! A traffic jam.

Gertrude can ride on the grass. Of course!

Bye everyone.

Miss Rabbit is taking a shortcut. Pass the duck pond.

Hello, ducks. Up the hill.

Hello, Gertrude. You can make it. And to the next station. Hello! Where's the big train?

The big train is broken. We're riding Grandpa Pig's toy train today.

Gertrude is not a toy train. She's a miniature locomotive.

Next stop! The end of the line. This goes here! And that goes there! Grandpa Pig has mended the train. Good as new.

Last stop! Now you can all do your important work.

Hang on! It's taken so long to get here. It's home time.

Oh, back we go then.

But if we travel on Gertrude, it'll take ages to get home.

Hello, everyone. I've mended the big train.

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Excellent, Grandpa Pig. All change. Off we go.

Stop! What about Gertrude? We can't leave her behind.

Yes, Gertrude!

Don't worry! We can take the toy train as well. Gertrude is not a toy.

We know! She's a miniature locomotive. Gertrude is the best train in the whole wide world.

21 The Pet Competition

Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

Children, tomo we will have a pet competition. Woo!

Bring your pets to school. The best pet will win a prize.

I'm going to bring my pet gold fish. I'm going to bring my sticky insect. I'll bring my gecko.

I'm going to bring Monkey. Oooh! Oooh!

That's not a real monkey. It's a doll. It's not a doll. It's Monkey.

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! He likes you, Danny.

Zoë can bring Monkey if she wants to. Home time, children. Don't forget your pets for the competition tomorrow.

It is the evening before the pet competition.

Peppa and Susie are getting Goldie the fish ready. Eat up, Goldie. You've got a big day tomorrow. I will polish your bowl. Ha! Ha! Lovely.

Pedro is talking to his sticky insect. A sticky insect is an insect that looks like a stick.

Tomorrow you will come with me to playgroup. They will decide who is the best pet. And it will be you.

Edmond Elephant is talking to his gecko. Watch me! Brrr… Now, you do it. Brrr… Ha! Ha! Ha!

Zoë Zebra is talking to her monkey.

Are you excited about the competition, Monkey?

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!

Remember to be good tomorrow. Don't be a cheeky monkey.

It is the day of the pet competition.

Madame Gazelle, who is going to decide which pet is the best? Doctor Hamster! Hello, everyone. Hello.

Ah! What lovely pets you've got! That's a happy little fish. What's its name?

It's Goldie. You've met her before. She's got a very shiny bowl. What is Goldie like doing?

She likes swimming around and going like this. Wonderful! And who is this? This is my sticky insect. What's his name? Steven.

What does he do? He looks like a stick.

Amazing! Oh! What kind of animal is this? It is a gecko.

Does he have a name? Hemidactylus frenatus.

Edmond Elephant is a clever-clogs. Right! And what does he do? This! Brrr… Brrr…

Oh! Who's next?

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Monkey! Is he meant to be upside down? Yes, he's asleep.

Ah, I see. Well, it's lovely. I've brought my pet too, Tiddles the Tortoise. He likes climbing trees and… Who is the winner?

Yes, who's won the prize?

Now, the prize goes to…Tiddles the Tortoise!

Doctor Hamster has picked her own pet to win the prize.

That's not fair. It's your own pet.

Oh, no! This is only the prize for the best tortoise. The prize for the best fish goes to Goldie the fish! Hooray!

The prize for the best gecko goes to the gecko. Hooray!

The prize for the pet who looks most like a stick

01 Potato City 23 / 40 22 Spider Web

goes to Steven. Hooray!

The prize for the best monkey…

Doctor Hamster, he's not a real monkey. He's just pretend.

The prize for the best pretend monkey goes to Monkey. Hooray!

But Doctor Hamster, we choose the best pet of all. All of them. They're all happy healthy pets. They're all (这一句应该是非英语,所以不确定) 22 Spider Web

Daddy Pig is hard at work in the study. Daddy Pig, this study is a complete mess. It's not that bad.

There are lots of cobwebs.

I love cobwebs. They give the room character. Cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders. I do. Spiders catch flies and flies are horrid. Well, as long as I don't have to see a spider. Ah~~~~

A spider! Hello, Mr. Skinny Legs! Oh! Where have you gone?

Find it. I don't want it in the house. Everyone is looking for Mr. Skinny Legs. Mr. Skinny Legs is not in the filing cabinet. Oh!

Mr. Skinny Legs is not under the chair. Ooh!

Mr. Skinny Legs is not on the table. Oh!

I wonder where Mr. Skinny Legs is? Ah~~~

Oh-oh! It sounds like Mummy has found him. Don't be scared, Mummy. Get rid of it.

OK, we'll take Mr. Skinny Legs into the garden. Now, Mr. Skinny Legs has got the whole garden to play.

Bye-bye, Mr. Skinny Legs! It is starting to rain.

Mr. Skinny Legs is running back to the house. Maybe he doesn't like the rain. He's climbing up the water spout.

Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the water


Down came the rain and washed the Weensey out.

Out came the sun shining and dried up all the rain.

Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the spout again.

I don't want Mr. Skinny Legs in the house, Daddy Pig.

Let's take Mr. Skinny Legs a bit further into the garden.

There we are! A nice tree for you to live in. What is he doing?

He's making a web, Peppa. Spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies. Oh, he's very busy.

Yes. It's hard work building a web. That's why you must never ever break one. If you do, the spider has to do all the work again.

Yes, Daddy. Bye-bye, Mr. Skinny Legs. It is bed time.

I liked watching Mr. Skinny Legs making his web today.

And tomorrow, he will make another web. Really?

Yes, Mr. Skinny Legs makes a new web every day. Where will the new web be, Daddy?

I don't know. We'll find out tomorrow. Good night!


It is morning. Daddy Pig is getting ready to go to work.

I don't want to be late. I have an important meeting at the office.

Daddy, you work very hard.

Yes, I do. But not as hard as Mr. Skinny Legs. Bye-bye everyone. See you tonight. Stop, Daddy! What is it?

You cannot drive the car today. Why not? Look!

Mr. Skinny Legs has built a web, joining the car to the house.

Daddy, you said \web.\Did I?

Yes, Daddy Pig.

01 Potato City 24 / 40 23 The Noisy Night

If you move the car, you will break the web. But how am I going to get to work?

Don't worry, Daddy. You can borrow my little bicycle.

Here you are!

Thank you, Peppa.

Daddy Pig is riding Peppa's little bicycle. Have a nice ride to work! I will, Peppa. Bye! Bye!

Woo! Daddy Pig works very hard. Woo!

But Mr. Skinny Legs works even harder. 23 The Noisy Night

Peppa's family are having a sleepover at Cousin Chloé's house. Hello, everyone. Hello.

You must be tired after a long journey. Yes. An early night would be nice. First, we'll put baby Alexander to bed. This is baby Alexander's bedroom

Alexander likes noise. It sends him to sleep. We like noise in this house. We're a noisy family.

Peppa, George, you're staying in my room tonight. Oh, goodie.

Peppa and George are excited to be sleeping in Cousin Chloé's bedroom. Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Night-night.

Everyone is tucked up in their beds. Asleep! Baby Alexander is awake. Peppa and George are awake. What's that noise?

It's the vacuum cleaner.

Erm…why are you vacuuming at night? We are not disturbing you, are we? What? Oh, no!

We found noise is the best way to get baby Alexander back to sleep. He likes noise.

We're a noisy family.

Everyone is back in their beds. Asleep! Baby Alexander is awake.

Why is Aunty Pig playing a trumpet?

To get Alexander to sleep. The more noise, the better.

Is there another way that doesn't use noise? We do find noise is the best way.

When George was a baby, we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house. And that always sent him to sleep. How strange! No loud noises?

That's right. How many times around the house was it, Mummy pig? Three time? Fifty times.

Daddy Pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house, fifty times.

Good, baby Alexander is asleep. Can you let me back in? I'll just switch the alarm. Switch the alarm back on. Peppa, what are you doing up?

I can't sleep, Daddy. It's a noisy night. OK, Peppa. Let's get you back to bed. Now, which bedroom are you staying in? Stop, Daddy. That's baby Alexander's room. Ah!

The light has woken baby Alexander.

That's all right. I've got the vacuum cleaner. I've got the trumpet.

Stop! Stop! I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep.

Oh, yes. We drove him around in the car. I'll get the car started. Don't forget the alarm!

Daddy Pig has set off the noisy house alarm. The noisy house has woken everyone up. It's Miss Rabbit in her rescue helicopter.

Is everybody all right, stand-by? I have the alarm. Yes, thank you. All right, cheerio.

All that loud noise has sent baby Alexander to sleep.

He's really fast asleep now. All thanks to my noisy daddy.

Well done, Daddy Pig. We should have you to stay

01 Potato City 25 / 40 24 The Wishing Well

more often.

24 The Wishing Well

Grandpa Pig is showing Peppa and George around his garden.

Here are my cabbages, broccoli, and sprouts. Woo!

Potatoes, carrots and beetroots live here. And over there, is the fruit. What is this, Grandpa? That, Peppa, is a weed. What is a weed?

A weed is a cheeky plant, growing in the wrong spot. Oh!

Pull it out and throw it in this bucket. There's no room for weeds in my tidy garden.

Grandpa Pig is very proud of his garden.

Maybe there's room to grow a little strawberry here.

In the middle of my carrots? No, Peppa.

Strawberries belong with the fruit. Everything has its place. Isn't that right, Granny Pig?

Yes, Grandpa. Can we find a little place for this? Er…no!

What is it, Granny?

It's a plastic gnome, Peppa. And he's going to live in our garden.

Oh, no! He isn't. There's no room.

There's plenty of room. What about here?

I can't have that ugly thing looking at me all day! Peppa, George, do you think my gnome looks ugly?

No, Granny. I think he looks cute.

There, Grandpa. You are outnumbered. The gnome stays.

Ah! And here come the rest of them. What?

Mr. Bull is bringing Mr. Gnome a truck load of new friends. Yippee!

But gardens are for plants, not plastic. Where do you want the gnomes?

We don't want gnomes, thank you!Oh! Goodbye.

Naughty Grandpa Pig. Those are Granny Pig's


Oh. It appears we do want gnomes. I'll quit the gay. (这里听不清楚) They are lovely.

Here is this as well. Cheerio! Thanks you, Mr. Bull. Goodbye. Bye-bye.

What's this? A giant gnome? No, Grandpa. It's a well. What is a well?

A well, Peppa, is a very deep hole with water in it. Woo!

And as it happens, I do need water for my garden. So a well will be useful. But that is not a well. It's made of plastic and there's no hole. It's beautiful.

What's the point of a well without water? It's a wishing well. You throw a coin into it and make a wish.

Can I make a wish, Granny?

Of course, Peppa. Here's a little coin. I wish! I wish! I wish!

Oh, don't tell us what you are wishing for. OK. Finished! Very good.

Granny, do the wishes always come true?Yes. Oh, goodie!

But now it's time for grandpa to take you home. Bye-bye, Granny. Bye-bye. Goodbye, my little ones.

Grandpa, you are very lucky having a wishing well in your garden.

Do you think so, Peppa?

Yes, you can wish for things whenever you want. Mm…

And the wishes always come true because Granny Pig said so. Yes.

Do you want to know what I wished for, Grandpa? What did you wish for, Peppa?

I wished that I could have a wishing well and gnomes in my garden.

Oh, well, I think we can do that.

Peppa and George have arrived home.

Mummy, Daddy, I made a wish. And it came true. Really? What did you wish for, Peppa?

Lots of gnomes and a wishing well for our garden. Oh!

01 Potato City 26 / 40 25 Mr. Potato's Christmas Show

Er…Grandpa Pig, I don't think we have enough room.

Nonsense! You've got plenty of room. Er…yes! I suppose so!

Peppa and George love gnomes and wishing wells. Everybody loves gnomes and wishing wells. 25 Mr. Potato's Christmas Show

It is Christmas time and Peppa and her playgroup are going to the theatre to see Mr. Potato's Christmas Show. We are here!

Look! It's the Christmas vegetable family, Mr. Potato! Mrs. Carrot!

Sweat Cranberry and Little Sprout.

Here are your tickets. Find the seat with your number on it.

Here's my seat. Number Five. Six!Seven!Eight!Nine!Ten!

Quickly now, children! The show is about to begin. Erm…Madame Gazelle, I need a toilet. Oh, Pedro!

Sorry! Er…sorry! Thank you! Quickly, Pedro!

I've never been to the theatre before. It's exciting, isn't it? Sorry! Er…thank you!

Shhhh…children, everyone quiet now. What's that music? The show is starting. Oh, sorry everyone.

It is not the start of the show. It is Madame Gazelle's phone ringing. Wow! Whose phone is that? That really is the show starting!

Welcome to the Mr. Potato's Christmas Show, where the magic of vegetables never ends. Woo!

Hello, children! I'm Mr. Potato. This is Mrs. Carrot. Here is Sweat Cranberry. And here is everyone's favourite Christmas vegetable, Little Sprout. He he he! Ha ha ha!

Where is Little Sprout gone? Er Little Sprout. Where are you?

He's lost! Oh~~~~

Can you help us find him, boys and girls? Yes! He he he!

If you see him, boys and girls, shout out \Little Sprout\

There's Little Sprout!

That's it! When you see him, shout out that! There he is! He is behind you! Where?

There! Behind you! I can't see him.

They are not very good at looking, are they? Boo!

There you are! You cheeky little sprout!

I'm the magic Fairy Carrot. Look, children. I can fly. There's a string lifting her up.

I can grant you one wish. What do you wish for? I wish we had a Christmas tree! Your wish is my command! Woo!

Now, we can sing our Christmas song. Would you like to hear it, boys and girls? Yes!

Sweat little sprouts on the Christmas tree. Potatoes, carrots and cranberry!

He's a very special Christmas good, all our friends, where the magic of vegetables never ends. That's the end. Goodbye children. Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everybody! That was a bit quick.

Wait, there's one more surprise.

A very important person has come to see you all. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Can you guess who it is? Ho! Ho! Ho! It's the Queen!

It's Father Christmas! Hooray!

Hello, children! Have you been good? Yes! Have you been cleaning your teeth? Yes! Have you kept your bedrooms tidy? Oh~~~ Very good! Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

Now, let's all sing a Christmas song! Yes! Sweat little sprouts on the Christmas tree. Potatoes, carrots and cranberry!

He's a very special Christmas good, all our friends, where the magic of vegetables never ends.

01 Potato City 27 / 40 26 Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party

26 Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party

It is home time at Peppa's playgroup. Children, next week, there won't be any playgroup.

Why, Madame Gazelle? I am going away. Oh! Goodbye, children.

Goodbye, Madame Gazelle.

Peppa and George are home from playgroup. Mummy, there is no more playgroup. No more playgroup?

Madame Gazelle is going away.

I suppose she has been teaching a long time. Madame Gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children.

Madame Gazelle taught me everything I know. Who can count to three?

One! Two! Three! Hee! Hee! Hee!

Thinking about it, Madame Gazelle must be very old.

Which is probably why she decided to stop teaching.

I know! We should give Madame Gazelle a leaving party.

That sounds fun.

It is the day of Madame Gazelle's leaving party. Everyone has come to help.

Pedro, you stay outside and tell us if Madame Gazelle's coming along. Why?

We don't want Madame Gazelle catching us getting her party ready.

Or it wouldn't be a surprise! OK! I hope we invited everyone.

What about Madame Gazelle's old friends? Wasn't she once in a pop group? That's right! She played guitar! With that Rocking Gazelles. Hello, Rocking Gazelles.

Hello, Madame Gazelle is leaving the playgroup. Gigi leaving? How sad! We are having a party.

A party? What fun! We'll be there!

Good. Everyone's coming. Now, let's make the party food.

This is the playgroup kitchen. Everyone is helping

with the party food.

Emily Elephant and Wendy Woof are decorating cupcakes. I'll do the icing.

I'll sprinkle the hundreds and thousands. (这一句话怎么也听不出来)

Peppa and George are making jelly. Wobbly jelly!

Wobble, wobble, wobble.

Pedro Pony is outside, keeping guard. Here comes Madame Gazelle. Madame Gazelle is coming.

We are not ready. Stop her, Pedro. OK! Hello, Pedro. You are early for playgroup. Yes! Don't go inside! Why not?

It's a nice day outie, isn't it?

Er…yes, Pedro. Can I go inside now? Oh, no! It's against the law.

What are you talking about, Pedro? We're ready.

You can go in now. Surprise!

For she's a jolly good fellow, For she's a jolly good fellow, For she's a jolly good fellow, And so say all of us. Hooray!

Here is a present for you! An antique clock. Woo!

It's made of solid plastic.

Thank you. But why is there a party for me?

Everyone wanted to thank you for being the best teacher in the world.

So we've made you a leaving party. Because you are going away forever! I'm not going away forever.

But you said there was no more playgroup.

Oh, Peppa. All I said was no playgroup next week! I'm going on holiday. Oh!

I will be teaching for many years to come. Who else could be the teacher? No one!

I'm very happy. Madame Gazelle is not leaving. Yes, and I can't think of a better reason for a party. And every party needs music. Oh, ha ha. The rocking Gazelles!

01 Potato City 28 / 40 27 The.Queen

Hello, Gigi. Have you still got your guitar? Of course! Let's Rockty Rock! 27 The.Queen

The Queen

Peppa and her family are watching television. And now a special message from the queen. The queen!The queen! This is the queen. Hello to all! Hello Queen!

Today I have decided to give an award to the hardest working person in the country. I wonder who that will be.

It certainly won't be you, Darling!

The hardest working person in the country is Miss Rabbit.

Miss Rabbit runs the ice-cream store, the recycling center, the library, Shhhh!

She drives the train, the fire engine, flies a rescue helicopter and works the supermarket check-out. Phew! What a long day! Surprise!

Ah, what are you all doing here?

Miss Rabbit, I have a very special letter for you. Open it! Miss Rabbit,

Please come to my palace to get a medal for all your hard work. Bring friends. All the best! The Queen.

Miss Rabbit has fainted.

I can't visit the Queen. I've got too much work to do.

Relax! No one will be working that day. The Queen has made it a holiday. Hooray!

It is the day Miss Rabbit visits the Queen. Peppa and her friends are going too.

We're off to(被我的头指正的地方) see the Queen.

We're off to see the Queen.

ee-ye-yo dio (这个我在网上找了半天,才找到这个接近点的,希望能有网友发现这个到底怎么写,呵呵。)

We're off to see the Queen.

Here we are!

This is the Queen's Palace. Hello! Is anybody there?

Look at all the fancy(不确定,从意思上应该是这样,但听起来怎么也不像) stuff! Don't touch anything! Oops!

What a big house!

Lots of room for a Queen to kick a ball about. Where is the Queen?

Queen? Queen? Where are you?

Hello! Have you seen the Queen today? She's an old lady with a crown on her head. I am the Queen.

Miss Rabbit has fainted again. Hello, Mrs. Queen!

Why aren't you wearing a crown?

I don't (不确定) wear it much, because it's very heavy.

Are you the boss of all the world?(这里怎么听都是work,不过应该是world) Not quite.

Do you tell people what to do? Sometimes.

Can you make teachers disappear? Oh, so many question!

The children are very excited to meet you, Your Majesty!

I'm excited to meet all of you! And now, for Miss Rabbit's medal!

This is the Queen's award for industry! Thank you!

Keep up the good work. Three cheers for Miss Rabbit! Hippip! Hooray! Hippip! Hooray!

Hip! Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Now for the party! To the garden.

You've got a lovely big garden, Your Majesty! Do you play in it all the time?

I don't have much time for playing no. That's sad.

Oh, dear! A muddy puddle! Never mind, we can walk around it.

01 Potato City 29 / 40 28 Desert.Island

You cann't walk around a muddy puddle! No?

No! You have to jump in it.

Oh, I see. That does look fun. Here one goes then. Stop! Ah???

If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots, Your Majesty!

Oh dear! The Queen is not wearing her boots. Wee!!!

The Queen loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

And some great news, the new Peppa Pig book is now available to buy at all the retailers. Peppa Pig! 28 Desert.Island

Peppa and George are in Danny dog’s house.

Captain Dog istelling stories of when he is a sailor. I sailed all aroundthe world, and then I came home again.

But now I’m backfor good and I’ll never get on the boat again.

Daddy, do you missthe sea? Well, sometimes.

It is granddaddog, grandpa pig and Gramp rabbit. Can captain dog come out to play? What?

We’re going on ourfishing trip. On a boat. On the sea. Ok. Let’s go.

But daddy, you said you’ll never get on the boat again.

Oh, yes. So I did. Ok, bye-bye.

Bye. Well, therethey go off on a boat, without me. What are you goingto do now, daddy? Oh, I don’t know.

Maybe I’ll cleanthe seaweed of the house. We don’t get seaweedson houses. No, of course not. We’ll take my boat.

Are you sure yourboat’s safe, grandpa rabbit? Of course it’s safe,I built it myself.

We don’t need thebit. Off we go.

I love goingfishing. Me too.

And what do youneed for a fishing trip? Fishing rods?

No, the picnicbasket.

It’s very good ofyou to steer at the boat, Gramp rabbit.

But I’m not steeringthe boat. I thought somebody else was.

Oh, dear. No oneis steering the boat. We’re lost at sea.

And look, Gramp rabbit’sboat is sinking.

Don’t coming. I’ve met worse situation on this.(不太清楚) Really?

No, this is theworst. We are saved.

But we’re stuck onthis desert island. We just see on thesky for company. And we haven’t gotany food. I’ve got achocolate bar.

Good, we couldsave the chocolate in case we get hungry later.

Oh, dear. Gramprabbit has eaten all the food. What a terribleplace to be stuck. Is anyone elsemissing cheese?

We’ve only beenhere five minutes gramp rabbit. I’m going to put amark in the sand for every time I think about cheese. We need to callfor help.

Call for help,what a excellent idea. Hel--------------------------p!

Gramp rabbit isvery good at shouting. What is that?

That was the callof the sea. Someone is introuble. What can we do? We’ll rescue them.

We can usegranddad dog’s boat.

Wait a minute; I saidI’ve never get on a boat. Again.

But daddy, theyneed rescuing.

You’re right, justthis once. I shan’t say that again. Life jackets on. On, captain dog. Hold ….(不清楚)

01 Potato City 30 / 40 29 Perfume

All our food isgone.

There’s nothingleft to eat.

There must be somethingto eat. Oh, there.

Hooray! We’resaved.

Captain dog hasrescued the granddads. Land ahead.

Everyone off theboat. Farewell,everybody. See you in a fewweeks.

Daddy, where areyou going?

Me? I was just thinkingof sailing around the world again.

But daddy, you’renot a sailor anymore. No, of course not.

You have saving tous captain dog.

Yes, and when theyget lost again, you can rescue them. Peppa pig. 29 Perfume


Peppa and George are visiting granny and grandpa’s house.

Peppa is watching granny pig at her dressing table.

You smile nice granny.

Thank you peppa, it’s my perfume de lavender. It smells like your garden.

That is because perfume is made of flowers. Granny, I’ve got a very good idea. Really?

Yes. First, I need some water. Here’s your water.

Right. Now I’m going to put flowers in it, I’ll make perfume.

That’s nice, dear. But only pick flowers from the grass, not from the flower bed, okay? OK.

Hello, flowers. Who want to be in my perfume? I’m going to put you in my pica of water. (没听清)

Hello, butterfly. I’m making perfume. It’s going to be the prettiest, smelliest perfume, ever. Lovely. Here is George.

Stand back George. I’m making perfume. Do you

want to watch?

First I pick a smelly flower, Very flowery. Then I put in my bee cup. (没听清)

No, George. You can’t put grass in my perfume. It needs the smell of flowers. Smell. George does not like smelly flowers. Grandpa pig is in his herd garden. Grandpa, grandpa, smell this. It smelled like pond water. It’s my special perfume.

I made it with flowers from the garden.

Oh, yes. It’s the most beautiful perfume in the world. Yes.

Do you like it George? No.

George doesn’t like the smell of flowers. Take this basket George.

You can make perfume out of something else. I have got lots of lovely smelly things in my herd garden.

This is rosemary. I like to use it in my cooking. En, it smells interesting. This is mint.

Oh, that smells very minty. And this is lavender.

Oh, that smells like granny pig’s perfume. Wow, that’s a strong smell of lavender. Ah, granny pig, you smell nice. Thank you, grandpa pig. Granny, granny, smell this. What is it?

It’s my perfume. Oh, yes. It’s lovely.

Has George made some perfume, too?

No, granny. He doesn’t like the smell of anything. There must be something you like to smell of. George has found the muddy puddle. Ah, George. What have you got there? Have you made some perfume? Actually, that smells quiet nice. It smells lovely.

I say, that is delightful. What did you put in, George?

George’s perfume is made of the muddy puddles. Ah, perfume de muddy puddle. Wee, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Granny pig, you smell even nicer than you did

