
更新时间:2023-05-13 15:19:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







Those who take the entrance examination for graduate schools spend much (/far) more time on English than on other subjects, hoping for the highest possible scores of English. Many people are convinced that the secret to success is to attend training courses (/classes) and learn many sample writings by heart, only to find that doesn’t work. Their efforts to improving their English can’t pay off easily.


计算机被认为是有史以来对人类生活影响最大的发明。它的神奇之处在于其运算速度和准确性优于人类。计算机能在几秒钟内完成几十年前可能需要数天才能完成的事。这是人类第一次感到自己作为最高级物种的地位受到了挑战。 参考译文:

The computer is believed (/regarded /considered) to be the invention that has exerted the greatest influence on human lives in history. What is remarkable about it is that it can calculate with better speed and accuracy than man. The computer can finish in seconds what might have taken days decades ago. This is the first time that man has felt that his position (/status) as the highest species has been challenged.





People have become increasingly aware of the importance of developing environmentally friendly (pollution-free) products. For the sake of longstanding sustainable development, developed countries are to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases at any cost. If the current rate of global warming continues, big cities, such as Tokyo and London, are ten times more likely to disappear from the earth as twenty years ago.




Everyone has the right to pursue happiness (to the pursuit of happiness), yet (/but) definitions of happiness vary from person to person (are quite individualistic). Most people agree that happiness stems from good health, fulfillment of a desire and a successful career. As often happiness (is often the case), many people don’t recognize (realize) what happiness really means (the real meaning of happiness) until they are distressed (agonized / in agony).




A day without hope would be unimaginably pale (/dull). There must be something to look forward to each day to keep it out of shadows. To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. Deprived of water, soil


turns into desert. Deprived of hope, what is left to a man? A small hope sustains you for a day, a great one for a lifetime.





This act is intended (designed / aims) to introduce education reform in America’s elementary and secondary schools and give all children the access to high-quality education. The ultimate goal is to ensure that no one is left behind. As a result of the implementation of this act, schools enjoy more flexibility to use resources where they are needed most. Parents can get more involved in the child’s education.




The limited natural resources on which China’s sustainable development depends (relies) are declining sharply. On the one hand, the expanding scale of production leads to (results in) increased consumption of energy. (the scale of production keeps expanding, consuming more energy.) On the other hand, production facilities (equipment) that can utilize energy efficiently are lacking. That (This) forces us to think about how to leave enough environmental space to future generations (our offspring) so that they can fulfill their aspirations.



根据最新统计, 67%的美国人能上网, 该比例是中国的6倍。 尽管互联网作用巨大, 但许多问题远远没有解决, 如:病毒侵入和信息安全。 即使这些问题最终有可能得到解决, 也需要艰辛的努力和多年时间。


According to the latest statistics, 67 percent of the U.S. population have access to the Internet, a percentage six times that of China (as large as China’s). Despite the influential (huge) role of the Internet, many problems (issues) are far from settled (solved), such as the invasion (attack) of viruses and information security. Even if it is possible to find final (eventual) solutions, it will take painstaking efforts and many years.


中国一直有重视教育的传统,尤其是儿童的教育。许多家长让孩子参加各种培训班,以增加被理想中学录取的可能性。但专家们指出,保持儿童对科学的好奇和兴趣有助于其智力发展。一个没有创造力和想象力的儿童很难有所作为。 参考译文:

Traditionally, the Chinese people have attached importance to education, especially the education of children. Many parents have their children attend various training courses to increase their chance of being admitted by the ideal / expected high schools. Experts, however, point out that keeping children curious about and interested in science will facilitate their intellectual development. A child without any creativity and imagination can hardly go very far.





Students in China spend much more time on English than on other courses (/subjects), for it requires (demands /calls for) extensive reading, mechanical memorization and regular revision. Teachers have students do a lot of exercises involving ( / that involve) multiple choices, only to neglect (ignore) the cultivation (development) of the ability to use English actively. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this test-oriented teaching approach. (This test-oriented teaching approach has both advantages and disadvantages.)




In China, it usually takes three years to get a master’s degree. After accumulating (/having accumulated) enough credits in the first year, students will proceed (/go on) to complete (/finish) a thesis in the last two years. Not only does this thesis have to be of some academic value, but reflect (/embody/demonstrate) the student’s ability in (/ to do) scientific research. The increasing weight (/emphasis) placed on academic integrity (/honesty/credibility) will contribute to higher moral standards in the scientific community (/field).




To produce (/generate) the same amount of electricity, China consumes four times as much energy as the world average (/the consumption of energy in China is four times the world average / China consumes three times more energy than the world average). Since the outset (/ turn / beginning) of this century, increasing productivity while conserving energy has been one of the utmost (/biggest) concerns of the Chinese government. No country, be it (/whether it be) China or the United States, can achieve


sustainable development without taking into consideration (/account) the interest of future generations (/the offspring) (/unless the interest of the offspring is taken into consideration.




The fast/rapid development of telecommunications has made the cell/mobile phone popular among /a favorite of high school students. Despite /In spite of its multiple /many functions, the cell phone has some negative /adverse effect on the academic performance of teenagers, such as cheating on a test or distraction (/lack of attention /lack of concentration /a

shortened attention span) in class. Besides (Moreover), regular use of a cell phone ends up with (/results in) less face-to-face communication while chronic exposure to the radiation from the cell phone can lead to (/result in/cause) the decline of memory or increase the chance

(possibility/odds/prospect) of developing a brain tumor (/cerebroma/ encephaloma).




Over the past few years, the price of housing in some parts of Beijing has quadrupled (increased fourfold / four times), making (rendering) it impossible for many of the young to buy (afford) a house in an ideal neighborhood / making a house in an ideal neighborhood unaffordable for many of the young / so that many of the young can’t afford a house in an ideal neighborhood. Whatever the reason (cause), the high price of housing is likely to increase (add to) the financial pressure on parents. The ordinary people can do nothing about it but voice (express) their dissatisfaction (discontent). Fortunately, there are data that suggest that the effort of the central government to bring the price of housing


under control is beginning to work (produce effect).




Jobs come easily to college graduates who are characterized by academic excellence and the willingness to do low-income / poorly-paid jobs. The two factors are equally important / of equal importance / equal in importance. Working where you can prove your own worth / value is a crucial / key step towards success. For example, Obama started as a community organizer, who was unlikely to expect (could not have expected / probably did not expect ) that he could become president of the United States.




Despite the increasing importance of health, most people don’t (fail to) become aware of (realize / recognize) the value of health until they fall ill. There is no doubt that moderate exericse can benefit health (be of health benefit). However, sports fans are faced with the lack of ideal places for exercise. Unlike forests, parks on either side of a busy street are prone (vulnerable / susceptible) to atmoshpheric pollution, where exercise cannot enhance immunity, but instead is likely to induce various chronic diseases / exercise may induce various chronic diseases rather than enhance immunity.






In the 21st century, globalization and digitalization have turned the world into a global village. Culture will no longer develop in an isolated way, but instead co-exists amid interactions / mutual influence. The amount of contribution a nation makes ( How much contribution that a nation can make) to human cultures increasingly depends on her ability to assimilate foreign culture and renew herself. China will continue to be committed to reform and opening-up and achieve economic prosperity and social progress in a harmonious way.




What is great (extraordinary) about doctors is their ability to relieve (ease / alleviate) the pain (suffering) of patients. Not only do doctors (have to) have close contact with various patients, but try to achieve the best effect at the minimum (lowest possible) expense (cost). The popularization (improved availability and accessibility) of new technologies and facilities can help doctors treat effectively life-threatening diseases (that pose a threat to life). Like researchers, doctors have to keep themselves informed of the latest development in their sphere of study (research).




Because of the myth among college students that to choose the correct answers to grammar exercises is to use rules of grammar properly (correctly) / one can use rules of grammar correctly as long as he can choose the correct answers to grammar exercises / the ability to choose…equals the ability to…, college students are prone to grammatical errors. Beyond that / Besides / In addition, there are many


rules of grammar with Chinese characteristics that are popular in China but rarely used by native speakers. To be grammatically correct, students have to find out as much as possible about the way English is actually used while they read.

