Lecture 2

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1. Our universities form a great intellectual community round the world. Science has no nationality; knowledge belongs to everyone. 我们这些大学在全世界形成一个很大的知识界。科学没有国籍;知识属于每一个人。

Our universities:指什么大学?是指世界上“所有的大学”(包括北京大学),还是英国的大学?

Organisation of University of Oxford:

As a collegiate university, Oxford's structure can be confusing to those unfamiliar with it. The university is a federation: it comprises over forty self-governing colleges and halls, along with a central administration headed by the Vice-Chancellor.

如果是指英国的大学,那么应是我们(英国)的大学。如果指世界上所有的大学,那么原文应是We universities更合理。“我们这些大学”,显然解释成了同位用法。那么,不如“大学”或“我们大学”简练,且更符合汉语的习惯。 great (of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average),译作“很大的”有道理。全文有三处用了 great,不可随便译成“伟



community: all the people who live in a particular area, country, etc. when talked about as a group: The local community was shocked by the murders. the international community (= the countries of the world as a group)。

用“知识界”对应 intellectual community是适应汉语文化。

2. Our universities create new knowledge. They teach this knowledge, together with that of other universities and also the best of the great storehouse of knowledge, which those who came before us have uncovered, tested and accumulated. 我们教这个知识,也教其他大学所创造的新知识,也教我们先辈们所发现、试验和积累的伟大知识宝库中的最佳的知识。

teach this knowledge, together with… also…, 不如译作“教这种(类)知识,连同别的大学创造的新知识,也教……”。“这个知识”,有点学生腔。 those who came before us,译作“先辈们”,不如“前人”或“前辈”。“们”似乎是在不经意地模仿英语,其实是不必要的“欧化”,“??们”在汉语有时还可能产生额外的涵义。

test 译作“试验”,不如“验证过的”或“经过试验的”。

great: 1 very large; much bigger than average in size or quantity: People were arriving in great numbers. 2 much more than average in degree or quantity: a matter of great importance The concert had been a great success.



两相比较,great 与“伟大的”意思不尽相同。


3. All universities contribute to the prosperity and success of their country. They also conserve the culture and inheritance specific to their country's civilization. But, they do more. 所有大学都对本国的繁荣和成功作出贡献。它们也保护本国文明所特有的文化和遗产。但是,它们做的比这还要多。


4. Knowledge is secure only when it is hard won by the independent tests of accuracy, rational explanation and truth. 只有经过准确、合理解释和真理的独立试验而辛苦获得的知识,才是牢靠的知识。


5. So, when we teach our students skills, we also give them values. On the one side, these are values for personal and civic conduct. On the other side, these are values underwrite the personal need for independent understanding which is the source of


human creativity.

因此,当我们教学生技能时,我们也是在教会他们价值。一方面,这些是个人行为和社会行为的价值。另一方面,这些价值强调个人需要有独立的理解,因为独立理解是人类创造力的源泉。 这是说“教书育人”:不仅要把知识技能传授给学生,而且还要教他们如何做人、做学问。

skill: 1 the ability to do something well; expertise or dexterity. 2 a particular ability

这里,最值得关注的是 \的翻译。译者最大的失误,是将 \理解并译成了“价值”。 先参看字典解释:

value: Monetary or material worth; the fluctuating value of gold and silver; Worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor; utility or merit,(pl.) moral principles, standards (Chambers 20th Century Dictionary) / (pl.) principles or standards of behavior (Compact Oxford).

首先,译者未能区分单数与复数形式的value的不同意思。其次,译者缺乏语感和细心。实际上,原文已经指明这里的values的意思:\and civic conduct\,竟然还会把 values译成“价值”,有些令人匪夷所思。 按时髦的说法就是“价值观”。但必须指出的是:把 values 译作“价值观”本是误译 (the wrong literal translation)。如今普遍得似乎难以摆脱。梁实秋主编的《远东英汉大词典》,似乎为了摆脱“铜臭味”而译成了“社会价值观”。 underwrite 是用于股票交易和保险的词。这个词的普通意思是:“签名担保”、


“认购股票”、“背书”、“确保”。其引申义为:agree to:“赞同”,译作“强调”有道理,但不如“主张”。“因为……”(变成因果关系),不如“而……”的句式。 那么,“因此,我们把技能教给学生的同时,也教给他们行为(做人和做学问的)准则。一方面,这是社会和个人行为的准则。另一方面,这些准则赞同(主张)独立理解是个人自己所必须的,而独立理解(思考)是人类创造力的源泉。” 6. These duties give universities a high responsibility. They are rooted in a great and fine tradition of honesty, free fearless enquiry and independence.


duty: Obligations of behavior or conduct in relation to others which have a stronger claim on a person than his self-interest; the work someone is expected to do because of his vocation(职责;本分); responsibility: Something for which one is responsible; a duty, an obligation, or a burden(责任;责任感;职责) “责任”:指应尽的义务,分内应做的事情; “职责”:指职务上应尽的责任;

“职能”:指事物、机构本身具有的功能或应起的作用 (function)。 “这些职能赋予大学高度的责任”:“职能”不如“责任”或“义务”准确,但“这些责任赋予大学高度的责任”欠通顺,不如:“这些义务使大学责任重大”。 rooted (to make or encourage a plant to grow roots) in\是比喻的用法,译作“植根(扎根)于”符合汉语文化的习惯。


