人教版高二英语必修 必修5 unit 3 Life in the future单元测试(附答案)

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Unit 3 Life in the Future





21. He expected there______ another chance to go abroad.

A. is B. being C. to be D. has

22. ―The interest ______ _be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both

sides. ‖ declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

23. Tom has always thought of himself as a good cook and never fails to _____everyone of it.

A. remember B. know C. introduce D. remind.

24. The accident was supposed______ due to careless driving.

A. to happen B. to have happened

C. happening D. having happened

25. It isn’t yet known how these huge stones were conveyed_____a distance of 3800 kilometres 30000 years ago.

A. at B. for C. over D. in

26. A modern city has been set up in ____was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. what B. which C. where D. that

27. He will join us _____the understanding that we divide all the profits equally.

A. in B. for C. on D. to

28. ______ _he is kind to me, I dislike him in a way.

A. As B. When C. While D. Since

29. ______ __ a reply, he decided to send another e-mail.

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not

C. Not having received D. Having not received

30. Tough ______ _money, his parents managed to to send him to a key university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

31. It is required that the plan______ __out firmly.

A. be carried out B. must be carried C. will be carried D. carries

32. Beyond ______ _stars, Fei Junlong saw nothing but______ _ space.

A. x; the B. the; x C. x; x D. the; the

33. —Can we ski on this mountain?

----Of course. However, at no time ______ _you do so alone.

A. could B. might C. need D. must

34. Oh, what a pity! It_____ so easy for me to bring those photos I wanted to show you. , but I

have left them at home.

A. would have been B. would be C. had been D. was

35. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ______ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he


A. made up B. put up C. took up D. carried out



What kind of homes will we live in the future? 36 can be sure,but scientists are working 37 new ideas now.

Some scientists are 38 about building whole cities under huge glass domes(圆顶). 39 , advanced heating and cooling systems will be 40 to control the weather in the domes.41 ,there will never be any 42 or snow,and the temperature will always be 43 .

Perhaps everyone will live in vertical(垂直的)cities — high rises 44 are so large that they can45 all the necessities of life.Since vertical cities will use 46 land than flat cities,and provide homes 47 more people,they will be practical for small countries that have 48 population. .Monaco has already built homes, stores,.

future will be very different from the caves of the Stone Age.Farms and parks will be on the

land .When people want to go to the country or to a park,


take them there.

36. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody

37. A. off B. out C. in D. by

38. A. thinking B. considering C. imagining D. suggesting

39. A. On the other hand B. As a result

C. Of course D. At the same time

40. A. possible B. suitable C. pleasant D. necessary

41. A. Similarly B. Therefore C. According to D. Moreover

42. A. cloud B. rain C. wind D. ice

43. A. cool B. warm C. comfortable D. satisfied

44. A. that B. they C. where D. who

45. A. construct B. continue C. remain D. contain

46. A. wider B. more C. less D. fewer

47. A. on B. to C. with D. for

48. A. a small B. a large C. a few D. many

49. A. One B. Second C. Next D. Another

50. A. floating B. flowing C. shipping D. blowing

51. A. in B. above C. over D. on

52. A. live B. be living C. living D. having lived

53. A. Also B. But C. Then D. Again

54. A. in B. under C. beside D. over

55. A.lift B. underground C. plane D. bus




The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet (彗星) is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth.

On 17 July , a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed. Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned.

Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, but the north won’t escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero . Crops are ruined. The sun won’t

be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million people remain alive.

Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldn’t live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?

56.What is mainly described in the passage?

A.A historic discovery. B.An event of imagination.

C.A research on space. D.A scientific adventure.

57.When the first piece hits the South Atlantic, it causes .

A.an earthquake B.damages to cities

C.an Earth explosion D.huge waves

58.Why can’t the northern half of the earth escape for long?

A.Because the land is covered with water

B.Because the light and heat from the sun can not reach the earth.

C.Because people there can not live at the temperature of zero.

D.Because wars break out among countries .


59.By giving the example of dinosaurs, the author tries to prove .

A.animals could not live in the cold climate

B.what happened 65 million years ago was an invented story

C.the human beings will die out in 2094

D.the Earth could be hit by other objects in space


We often think of future. We often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred

years’ time.

Think of space, perhaps a permanent(永久的) station on the moon will have been set up. Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists. Cheap rockets for space travel will

have been developed,permitting long journeys throughout the solar system(太阳系). When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planets. Great progress will have been made in medicine, too. Perhaps a cure will have been discovered for the most terrible

of all diseases—cancer. Pollution is a problem we must solve. In hundred’s years’ time it will have been controlled.

All the world will have been developed — even Antarctica. There will be large cities in Antarctica. We already have supersonic(超音速的) flight, but in a hundred years’ time we will have supersonic land travel as well.

We will have used up most of earth’s land to build our cities, so floating cities will have been built. The Japanese already have plans for cities of this kind. And there will be cities under the sea. The first of these will have been completed.

60. We will have developed ______ in a hundred years’ time, permitting long journeys all

over the solar system.

A. cheap rockets for space travel B. a plane

C. a spaceship D. a satellite

61. Man will also have supersonic land travel ______ .

A. in a year B. about half a century later

C. in the year 2050 D. about a century later

62. The last paragraph mainly talks about ______ .

A. we’ll make good use of space on the earth

B. cities under the sea

C. Japan will first build floating cities

D. earth’s land is in danger

63. The best title for the passage is ______ .

A. Travel in the Future B. Future Life

C. Where to Live in the Future D. Space Travel C

Some people are pessimistic(悲观的) when they think about the future. They say that,a hundred years from now, we will have used most of the earth’s resources. We will have

polluted our seas badly,and be unable to eat fish from them. We will have made the air so dirty that we will need to wear masks. The world’s population will have doubled, and we will have used all the countryside for housing; there will be no farmland left.

Other people believe that Man adapts very easily. They have a different idea of the future. How, in their views,will people be living in a hundred years’ time?

One architect believes that Man will move off the land. He suggests that the city of the

future will be a huge, pyramid-shaped building, which will be floating on the surface of the sea. About 5,000 families will be living there,and the building will contain shops and schools as well as homes. By living on the sea,we will give the farmers more land to grow crops.

As for oil,people will no longer need it: we will be heating our homes with power from the sun. And we will not be short of minerals, because there are plenty under our oceans. At the moment, we do not have the technology to get them out. But, in a hundred years’ time, the optimists say, the new sea cities will be using these resources.

What will be in the shops in the year 3000? What will people be wearing? How will people be traveling?

Scientists who make predictions about the future suggest that, by the year 3000, shops will no longer exist. Computers will have replaced them; and people will order goods from



People will be wearing very light, thin clothes. By this time, scientists will have

invented a fabric that keeps us cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.

As for travel, the experts say that most people will be using public transport. Electric cars will be traveling through the streets day and night. Anybody will be able to stop one and use it.

An interesting picture. Unfortunately, we will not be there to see if these predictions come true.

64. Pessimists believe that in the future ______ .

A. the seas and oceans will be full of houses

B. we’ll have used up all the resources

C. we will not have enough fish to eat from the seas

D. we will have polluted the air so badly that it will be impossible for us to breath

65. Optimists suggest that ______ .

A. all the land will be too polluted to be cropped on

B. pyramids will be the most commonly-used houses

C. people will be using the power from the sun instead of oil

D. we will be short of materials even though we get them from under the oceans

66. Scientists have made the predictions EXCEPT ______ .

A. electric cars will be going along the streets continuously

B. the resources under the oceans will never be used up

C. people will order from home

D. people won’t suffer from cold any longer D

The new model is the highly interactive(互动的)learning model. We could also call it the conversational model, . It is computer based, with the interaction between the student, or a small group of students, and learning programs are like the

conversation between a student and a skilled tutor. Distance learning will be the main delivery method.

Student interaction with the learning material on the computer will use the student's natural language; it will seem like a conversation between a student and a human tutor. This is the key point of highly interactive, or conversational, learning units. Programs will ask questions in the student’s native language, and respond reasonably to free-form student input. Multiple choice and pointing will seldom be used; they often do not allow individualization (个体化) of education.

An important aspect of this model is that the computer will frequently store information

about the student, about problems and about how far individual students have progressed. These records will be used often within the programs. Thus when a student returns to the

learning activity, the computer knows about that student and knows where to begin the new part.

Global education is critical for the future, to get rid of poverty, corruption (腐败),

violence and war, to solve major problems such as the lack of drinkable water, and to insure a happy life for all. Education should no longer be limited to the wealthy of the world, but should be available to everyone.

In the new distance learning environment learning can take place in markets, libraries, public buildings, learning centers, and the home. Gradually schools and universities will play a smaller role in learning, both because better learning can be delivered through such highly interactive material, and because such learning will be less costly for the individual student. Motivation (动机)is particularly important in a mastery-based distance learning, as the usual threats of traditional classrooms such as that of low grades are no longer possible,

Voice input will probably be the mode for this interaction. The new voice input systems from several companies are useful, cheap, and speaker independent in highly interactive

learning. Keyboards may not be needed. Speech is a natural way for humans to communicate.

Students will work in small peer groups, about four. Other contacts with people,

learning circles, will be possible, directly or electronically.

67. What is not the new model also called?

A. interactive model B. conversational model

C. tutorial model D. linguistic model

68. What does the model often use?


A. individualization of education

B. multiple choice and pointing

C. questions in students’ native language

D. fixed-form student input

69. What do computers detect students about?

A. Their future achievements B. Their intelligences

C. Their problems D. Their families

70. According to the passage, distance learning is ______ .

A. still expensive for ordinary students

B. will take place mainly in classrooms.

C. will play more role in students’ learning.

D. will still affect badly on the low-graded students

71. What is the Chinese for the underlined word ―tutorial‖ in the firsr paragraph?

A. 辅导 B. 教具 C. 学费 D. 奖学金 E

Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men, in which he looked millions of years ahead. He told of different men and of strange civilizations, broken up by long 'dark ages' in between. In his view, what is called the present time is no more than a moment in human history and we are just the First Men . In 2, 000 million years from now there will be the Eighteenth or Last Men.

However, most of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted. Perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years. But the next hundred? The next thousand? The next million? That's much more difficult.

When men and women lived by hunting 50, 000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life? Yet to men of 50, 000 years from now, we may seem as primitive in our ideas as the Stone-Age hunters do to us. Perhaps through the spundels and ballalators, these words, which I have just made up, have to stand for things and ideas that we simply can't think of.

So why bother even to try imagining life far in the future? Here are two reasons. First unless we remember how short our own lives are compared with the whole human history, we are likely to think our own interests are much more important than they really are. If we make the earth a poor place to live, because we are careless or greedy or quarrelsome, our

grand-children will not bother to think of excuses for us. Second, by trying to escape from

present interests and imagine life far in the future, we may arrive at quite fresh ideas that we can use ourselves. For example, if we imagine that in the future men may give up farming, we can think of trying it now. So set you imagination free when you think about the future.

72. A particular mention made of Stapledon's book in the opening paragraph ______ ______

A. serves as a description of human history

B. serves an introduction to the discussion

C. shows a disagreement of views

D. Shows the popularity of the book

73. The text discusses men and women 50, 000 years ago and 50, 000 years from now in

order to show that ______ ___.

A. human history is extremely long

B. life has changed a great deal

C. it is useless to plan for the next 50 years

D. it is difficult to tell what will happen in the future

74. Spundels and ballalators are used in the text to refer to ______ ___.

A. tools used in farming

B. ideas about modern life

C. unknown things in the future

D. hunting skills in the Stone Age

75. According to the writer of the text , imagining the future will ______ ___.

A. serve the interests of the present and future generations

B. enable us to better understand human history

C. help us to improve farming

D. make life worth living





此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。


A helicopter is sometime more useful than a big plane. When 76. ______ ___

it takes off, it goes straight on. When it lands, it comes 77. ______ ___

straight down. It needs not only a small place for both taking 78. ______ ___

off and landing. When a tall building is on fire, we can 79. ______ ___

see a helicopter to come down to rescue the people on the top 80. ______ ___

of them. Helicopters make many kinds of work easy. They 81. ______ ___

are used to making maps, flying over the ground and taking 82. ______ ___

pictures from the air. To rescue people whom are very 83. ______ ___

sick or in danger, helicopters are send to some faraway 84. ______ ___

areas. The helicopter may take place of a car or a train 85. ______ ___

in some cases.










3)参考词汇:云霞山 Mt. Yunxi

Unit 3 参考答案与提示


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。

Text One

W:Jack, you look unhappy today!

M:Yes. However hard I try, my English is still not good enough.

Text Two

W:There seem to be increasing traffic accidents near the shopping mall.

M:Perhaps a tunnel could solve the problem.

W:Sounds a good idea.

Text Three

W:Could I have an interview with you for a program at 10:00 tomorrow morning, Doctor


M:I’m sorry, Miss Brand. I’ll be meeting my students then. What about 30 minutes later? W:Ok, we will meet then.

Text Four

M:Miss Linda, would you please have this typed and copied before Friday?

W:Yes, how many copies do you want?

M:Twenty, please.

W:No problem. I’ll take them to your office this afternoon.

Text Five

W:Hello, Tony. Where were you last night?

M:I had to stay at home.

W:But you missed a really wonderful concert!


M:Don’t tell me about it! I would have gone if I had got the money.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


W:Hi, Paul. Are you at home? And what are you doing now?

M:I’m playing a computer game.

W:Do you want a game of tennis at the Youth Club tonight? We need one more player.

M:Oh, my parents are always out on Wednesday evenings and I have to look after my little brother. Probably I can’t do it for you.

W:Never mind. Then I’ll call someone else and have a try.

M:Hold on! Keith is with me now. She’s good at tennis. I’ll ask her whether she’d love to. W:Great! Anyway, thank you, too!


W:Are you interested in music, Mr. Roger?

M:Yes, I like classical music, but jazz is my favorite, and my wife is crazy about rock music. W:You play the piano, don’t you?

M:A little bit, but my wife is much better than me. She can also play the violin.

W:Really? I hope I can hear her play some day.

M:Why not come to our house this weekend? We are going to have a party.

W:Thank you. I’d love to.


M:What were you doing at twelve last night?

W:I was playing cards with my kids in the kitchen.

M:Do your kids always go to bed that late?

W:Not on weekdays.

M:Wasn’t your husband with you then?

W:He was away on business in Seattle. He will be back late this evening.

M:Anything unusual happened?

W:The light suddenly went out while we were playing. We remained silent at the table for

some moments. After a while, we all heard glass breaking somewhere on the floor above.

M:Do you mean a window?

W:I’m not sure whether it was a window or a glass or something else.

M:Didn’t any one of you hear a cry or a fight? Didn’t you even consider going up for a look? W:We were frightened at the beginning and then went to bed as it was quiet all around. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

W:Our flight has delayed 2 hours. My husband will be waiting anxiously at London Airport. M:You’d better make a phone call and tell him of the situation here.

W:Right. What are you here for?

M:I was at a two – week international conference on Space Technology in Beijing.

W:How interesting! I was there with a tour.

M:Really? How did you find it?

W:Beijing deserves the capital of this country. Apart from Beijing, I went to Shanghai,

Hangzhou and Nanjing. Those trips are among the ones I’ve ever enjoyed most. China is really rich in history and tradition. Is this your first trip to China?

M:No. I come here every year but always on business. I have had no chance to visit tour


W:What a pity! Excuse me. I’ll phone my husband.


Here’s the latest news from the police department. Paul Grant, head and the last of the gang responsible for more than ten robberies, including the City Bank robbery last December, was arrested in Chicago at 4:15 this morning. He had been able to escape arrest for the past four years until today, hiding in several different locations. The police found him with the help of a responsible citizen, who had informed about his last hiding place. Officer Henry Newman spotted Grant the moment he appeared early morning in a drugstore near where he was living and arrested him before he could react. The criminal is now in prison under heavy guard, waiting to be tried.


Thank you for listening.


一、1~5 CCBCB 6~10 ACBCA 11~15 BBACA 16~20 CACBB

二、21. 选C。expect接动词不定式。

22. 选D。法律条文要用shall。

23. 选D。remind sb of提醒某人做某事。

24. 选B。表示过去的动作用动词不定式完成式。

25. 选C。表示越过一段距离。

26. 选A。what=the place that引导名词性从句作介词宾语。

27. 选C。“on the understanding that”是固定短语,表示只要。

28. 选C。while表示“虽然,尽管”。

29. 选C。分词的否定放在分词前面。

30. 选B。从句省略。

31. 选A。require后接从句用动词原形。

32. 选B。恒星前不用冠词,表示太空是不可数名词不与冠词连用。

33. 选D。mustn’t表示禁止。

34. 选A。虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反的假定。

35. 选C。take up表示从事。

三、36. 选C。没有人能够肯定未来的家园是什么样子的。

37. 选B。work out new ideas意思是“想出一些新的主意”。

38. 选A。think about意思是“思考”,“考虑”。

39. 选C。on the other hand意思为“另一方面”;as a result意思为“结果”;of course意

思为“当然”;at the same time意思为“同时”。

40. 选D。当然,必须要有先进的制冷和制热系统来控制天气。

41. 选B。therefore意思为“因此”。

42. 选B。rain与snow相对应。

43. 选C。因为有制冷和制热系统来控制,所以温度会让人觉得很舒适。

44. 选A。这是一个定语从句。

45. 选D。contian意思为“含有”,“内有”。

46. 选C。这种垂直的城市用的土地要少。

47. 选D。provide sth, for sb.意思为“为某人提供某物”。

48. 选B。这对于人口较多,城市较小的地方比较实用。

49. 选D。another意思为“另外一个”。

50. 选A。float意思为“漂浮”,此处为现在分词短语作定语。

51. 选D。因为是漂在水面上的,所以用on。

52. 选C。go back to doing sth.意思为“重操旧业”。这里是指又重新生活在洞穴里。

53. 选B。这里表示转折,但是,与石器时代的洞穴不同。

54. 选D。over是指在洞穴的上方。

55. 选A。lift意思为“电梯”。

四、56. 选B。文章描述了人类在2094年可能会遭遇的灾难。这些事情只是一种想象而已。

57. 选D。根据文章第二段可知,应该选D。

58. 选B。文章第三段中提到,南半球的数以万计的人已经死了,而北半球也逃脱不了


59. 选D。答案在文章最后一段,作者举恐龙这一例子是为了说明地球很有可能再次遭


60. 选A。在太空方面,人类将开发出便宜的可用于太空旅行的火箭,可以在太阳系长


61. 选D。文章第三段中提到,在一百年的时间里,我们同样也可以进行超音速陆地旅


62. 选A。最后一段提到,人类将不仅使用地球上的大部分土地来建造城市,而且还将


63. 选B。文章能第一段就是文章的中心。

64. 选D。答案在文章第一段,悲观的人认为一百年之后,人类用光了大部分资源;海


65. 选C。文章第四段提到,人们将不在使用石油,而是利用太阳能来取暖。


66. 选 B。答案在文章最后四段,并未提到B项。

67. 选D。根据文章第一段“The new model is the highly interactive(互动的)learning model.

We could also call it the conversational model, or the tutorial model.”可知,应该选D。

68. 选C。答案在第二段,“Programs will ask questions in the student’s native language,”


69. 选C。答案在文章第三段。

70. 选C。根据文章第五段“Gradually schools and universities will play a smaller role in

learning, both because better learning can be delivered through such highly interactive

material, and because such learning will be less costly for the individual student.”可知,远程教育在学生的学习方面起着更为重要的作用。

71. 选A

72. 选B。该题实际就是问第一自然段的主题,如果看出这一点,答案即可自然而然得


73. 选D。从第三自然段可类比得出答案。

74. 选C。那是作者编的词指未来的事,make up编造。

75. 选A。想象未来对现在对下几代均有好处。而不仅仅是改进农业,理解人类历史。 五、76. sometime改成 sometimes。sometime意思为“某时”;sometimes意思为“有时候”。

77. on改成 up。飞机起飞是向上的。

78. 去掉not。 这里应该是“仅仅”的意思。

79. 正确。

80. 去掉第一个to。see sb. to do中的不定式符号to必须要省略。

81. them改成it。 与上文的a helicopter一致。

82. making改成make。be used to do sth.意思为“被用来做某事”。

83. whom改成who。 定语从句,who指代先行词作主语。

84. send改成sent。 这是一被动句。

85. place前加the。take the place of意思为“代替”。

六、One possible version: I’m a middle school student. I hear that a power station will be built near Mt. Yunxia, a place of interest. We know the power station will provide us with plenty of power and as a result, the local economy will develop rapidly, but many citizens and I are against the plan. To build the power station, many people will have to move away and a great number of trees will have to be cut

down. What’s worse, once the scenery of Mt. Yunxia is destroyed, it can never be restored. Therefore, this plan is not good for protecting the environment. We suggest the city government should think over this plan.

Yours faithfully, Li Ping

