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课题 七下Unit12What did you do last weekend? (第一课时1a-2d) 课型 一、预习与交流

A、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇: B、小试身手

做家庭作业_______ 去电影院_______ 泛舟_______ 湖边野营________ 去沙滩_______ 打羽毛球________ C、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗?并试着写下来。 ——谁去拜访了她的奶奶? ——是贝姬。 --Who ______ her grandma? --Becky ______.


A、动口动手。学习目标语:What did you do last weekend? Well,?? B、Step 1 Talking in groups.

小组交流学习成果,师生互动解决学习中困惑 Step 2 Presentation and Learning.

1 Guidance: -- What did you do last weekend? --- Well …

2. Pair work: ---Where did she go last weekend? ---She went to a farm. Step 3 Language ability practice

1. Finish the listening task in 1b, 2a, 2b. 2. Pair work.

C. Summary and Self-examination.



挑战二:机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 四、点拨升华

1. camp 的用法:camp 既可作名词也可作动词。作名词时,意为“营;营地;野营”;作行为动词时,意为“扎营;搭帐篷;宿营”常用短语有:go 擦没评(去野营),summer camp (夏令营)等。


(1)When did you join the ______ ______ (夏令营)? (2)I like ______ ______ (去宿营)in the open air. (3)We______(宿营)in the forest last night. (4)Let’s go back to the ______(营地)。 2.How interesting! What 和how 引导的感叹句 3.living/alive/live 4.with用法

5.a kind of /kind of/kinds of 6.stay up late


(1)When did you join the ______ ______ (夏令营)? (2)I like ______ ______ (去宿营)in the open air. (3)We______(宿营)in the forest last night.

(4)Let’s go back to the ______(营地)。 2.How interesting! What 和how 引导的感叹句 3.living/alive/live 4.with用法

5.a kind of /kind of/kinds of 6.stay up late 五、当堂练习. I.单项选择

( )1. I _____ my homework yesterday.

A. don’t do B. didn’t do C. didn’t ( )2. They went there by ______.

A. boat B. boats C. boating ( )3. He had to go ______ there.

A. camp B. camps C. Camping ( )4. They are having fun ______ the beach.

A. on B. in C. at ( )5. We played badminton ______ Sunday afternoon. A. on B. in C. for Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Did Carol ______ (camp) with us? 2. Let’s go ______ (boat) next.

3. We like playing ______ (beach) volleyball.

4. They ______ (play) badminton yesterday morning. 5. I ______ (not hear) from her last week. Ⅲ.根据句意及首字母提示填空。

1. Don’t c_____ under the tree. It’s not safe. 2. The children like swimming in the l______. 3. The Super Dan is a great b______ player. 4. Did you go to the b______ yesterday?

5. I like playing games o______ Sunday morning.

Ⅳ 根据汉语完成句子。

1.上周末你干什么了?________ ______ you do last weekend? 2. 在星期日上午,我们去划船了。 We ______ ______ on Sunday morning.

3. 在2011年的一个晚上,他在湖边宿营了。 He ______ by the ______ on an evening of 2011. 4. 周六晚上我在家做作业。

I did my homework ______ ______ evening. 5.昨天晚上我们一家人去看电影了。

Our family ______ to the ______ last night. 六、课堂小结

七下Unit12 What did you do last weekend? (第二课时Grammar-3c) 一、预习与交流

熬夜________ 冲?大声叫嚷_______ 逃跑______ living habits ______ language _______ mouse _______

她和谁一起去的? ______ _____she go ______? 二、点拨升华

A、shout 的用法:shout,动词。意为“呼叫,喊叫”。常用词组shout at sb./shout to sb.冲某人大声喊叫。前者多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊。

He was so angry that he shouted _____ everyone present.

B、away 的用法:away 作副词,意为“远离;离开;消失”,常用短语有:far away (远离),go away (走开), run away (抛开), right away (立刻,马上), away from (距?多远)。 根据汉语提示填空。

1. Tom, ______ ______ (远离)from here, please.

2. It’s only 3 kilometers ______ ______(距?远) here.

3. The giraffe ______ ______ (跑开) at once when he saw the tiger. 4. He phoned his mother ______ ______(马上). 三 、当堂练习

I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空.

away, nature, learn, live, visit 1. The ______ were happy to visit our city.

2. It’s quite important for us ______ a foreign language(外语). 3. The thief(窃贼) ran ______ quickly.

4. Men should do their things according to(按照) _____law(法则). 5. Scientists learn a lot about their ______ habits.


1. His grandpa fed some s_____ in the yard.

2. I saw two m______ running in the kitchen just now.

3. Some b______ were born( 出生)in the hospital yesterday. 4. “Be quiet!” The girl s_____ at him.

5. Mr. Brown can speak three kinds of l______. Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.——上周末你干什么了?

——我作为志愿者在自然历史博物馆工作。 ----What _____ you do last weekend?

----_____ a volunteer, I worked at the ______ History Museum. 2.当时他向路人呼喊救命。

He ______ ______ the walkers for help just then. 3. 那些老鼠跑到了妈妈的背后。

Those ______ ______ ______ behind their mother. 4.我现在很累,因为我昨天熬到了深夜。

I’m very ______ now because I ______ ______ ______ yesterday. 5.有人发现了他的书包并还给了他。

Someone ______ his schoolbag and ______ it ______ to him.


一般过去时的基本结构: (1)肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。或者主语+was/ were+其他。 e.g. I played tennis last weekend. 我上周末打网球了。

My school trip was great. 我的学校郊游棒极了。 (2)否定句:主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他,或主语+wasn’t/ weren’t+其他。e.g. He didn’t play computer games yesterday.他昨天没有玩电子游戏。

(3)一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+did.否定回答:No, 主语+didn’t. 或者was/were+主语+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+was/were。否定回答:No, 主语+wasn’t/weren’t. e.g.

---Did you go to the beach?---Yes,we did./ No, we didn’t.

——你们去海滩了吗? ——是的,我们去了。/不,我们没去。 ---Was your weekend OK? ---Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

——你的周末过得还行吧? ——是的,还行。/不,不行。 (4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句(顺序)?

---What did Li Lei do last weekend? ---He visited his grandparents. ——李雷上个周末干什么了? ——他看望了他的祖父母。 ---Where were you yesterday? ---I was at home. ——你昨天在哪儿? ——我在家里。 五、当堂练习 I.单项选择。

( ) 1. I _____ my room last night.

A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned ( ) 2. He _____ his homework on Sunday morning.

A. do B. did C. to do ( ) 3. It is time _____ home.

A. go B. to go C. to go to ( ) 4. What _____ you _____ over the weekend?

A. did; do B. did; did C. do; does ( ) 5. _____ he ______ tennis after classes yesterday?

A. Did; played B. Did; play C. Does; play Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I _____ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 2. --- ______ she ______ (practice) her guitar. --- No, she ______.

3. What ______ Tom ______ (do) on Saturday evening? 4. She ______ (not visit) her aunt weekend.

5. ---When ______ you ______ (write) this song? --- I ______ (write) it last year. Ⅲ. 句型转换。

1. I’d like some fish. (改为一般疑问句) ______ you ______ ______ fish?

2. Tina wanted a small size uniform. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ uniform ______ Tina want?

七下Unit12 What did you do last weekend? (3课时2a-2c)


A、surprise 的用法:surprise 既可作名词,也可作行为动词。作名词时,一为“惊奇;惊讶”,常用短语有:in surprise(惊奇), get a surprise (吃惊), to one’s surprise(使某人惊讶的是)等;作动词时,意为“使??惊奇”。surprise的形容词形式为surprised,常用短语有be surprised at (对??感到惊奇)等.用surprise及其相关短语填空。 (1) What he did always ______ ______ (使我很惊讶) last year. (2) They found the TV over there ______ ______ (惊奇地).

(3) ______ ______ ______ (使我惊讶的是), they’re all afraid of him. (4) I’m ______ ______ (惊讶) what he said. 二、当堂练习 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( ) 1. The snake moved _____ the forest slowly.

A. into B. on C. for ( ) 2. I saw a boy _____ away when I passed the park.

A. run B. ran C. for ( ) 3. Is there _____ in today’s newspaper? A. something important B. anything important C. important anything

( ) 4. We must keep our bodies ______.

A. heath B. healthy C. healthily ( ) 5. I can’t hear anything. There’s something wrong with my ____. A. feet B. ears C. eyes

Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He ______ (fly) to the UK last night.

2. She was so ______ (scare) that she couldn’t move when she saw a snake. 3. Snakes have no eyes, but they can feel animals _____ (move). 4. We made a fire ______ (keep) bright at night.

5. At last I knew how to make it _____ (work). Ⅲ.根据句意及首字母填空。

1. She joined the English contest a week a____.

2. He went to Shenzhen after he finished h_____ school. 3. The horse j_____ the short wall and ran away. 4. How beautiful the big m_____ is this evening!

5. I got a terrible s_____ when I saw the mouse in the kitchen. Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 我们来到那儿时,他开始举起一面旗帜。

He ______ ______ ______ a flag when we came there. 2. 昨晚Molly突然上下跳了起来。

Molly suddenly _____ _____ and ______ last night. 3. 大街上愤怒的人们对着警察喊叫起来。

On,the street, the angry people ______ ______ the police. 4.天很晚了,妈妈把我叫醒了。

It was _____ late ______ my mother ______ me ______.

5. 那天下午,他们在森林里生火做饭。

They ______ a fire and ______ dinner in the ______ in that afternoon. Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( ) 1. He likes camping ______ the lake.

A. by B. on C. in ( ) 2. A ______ works at the fire station.

A. teacher B. fireman C. postman ( ) 3. Children know ______ telephone when they’re in trouble.

A. how use B. how for using C. how to use ( ) 4. Gina ______ a story about Edison an hour ago.

A. is reading B. reads C. read ( ) 5. We always camp ______ Saturday night.

A. at B. in C. on Ⅱ.根据要求完成句子。

1. Tim cleaned the room yesterday.( 对划线部分提问) _______ _______ Tim _______ yesterday?

2. I was tired. I had to go to bed early. (合并为一句) I was ______ tired ______ I had to go to bed early. 3. I saw an interesting action movie.(改为否定句) I _______ an interesting action movie.

4. He has an interesting job .(改为感叹句)


5. The math problem was a little difficult for me to work out.(同义句转换) It was ______ ______ for me to work out the math problem.

Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. She ______ (stay) at home and read a book.

2. Who _______ (visit) the museum with you ten minutes ago? 3. He didn’t know what ______ (stay) in the meeting.

4. The ______ (fireman) from the fire station try to save the people from the fire. 5. Let’s go ______ (camp) on the foot of the mountain first. Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 昨天上午,他在游泳池里游泳了。

Yesterday morning, he ______ in the ______ pool. 2. 两年前我中学毕业了。

I ______ ______ school two years _____. 3.晚上我们搭起帐篷宿营。

We ______ up the tents to ______ in the evening. 4.蛇进了湖边的树林。

The snake ______ ______ the forest near the lake. 5.昨晚我看电视熬夜了。

I ______ ______ late to watch TV last night. Ⅴ.书面表达。

请以My Busy Weekend 为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的周末活动及感受。60词左右。

