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- 剑桥商务英语含金量推荐度:
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课程名称:商务英语2 英文名称: Business English 2 课程代码:1014030
1、 学 分: 学时:32 (理论学时: 32学时) 2、课程类别:专业限选课 3、适用专业:商务英语 4、适用对象:本科
5、先修课程:商务英语1 6、教材与参考书目:
教 材:Business English Studies
1.《新编剑桥商务英语(高级)》学生用书, Leo Jones著, 人民邮电出版社出版,2004 2.《新编剑桥商务英语(高级)》教师用书, Leo Jones著, 人民邮电出版社出版,2004
1.《 商务英语证书应试指南》(第2级), 李莉文等,外语教学与研究出版社,2002 2.Pass Cambridge BEC, Vantage, Student Book; Lan Wood, Paul Sanderson; Economic Science Press & Summertown Publishing., 2004. 3.《剑桥国际商务英语BEC2—新版》学生用书, Leo Jones and Richard Alexander华夏出版社 2004 4.《剑桥国际商务英语BEC2—新版》 教师用书, Leo Jones and Richard Alexander 华夏出版社 2004
5.Pass Cambridge BEC, Vantage, Teacher’s Book; Lan Wood, Paul Sanderson; Economic Science Press & Summertown Publishing., 2003
6.ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS STUDIES, (Teacher’s Book and Student’s Book). Ian MacKenzie, Cambridge University Press,2002.
7.CAMBRIDGE BEC VANTAGE,(Self-study Edition) , Cambridge University Press,2002 8.《剑桥商务英语证书二级考试指导》 翁凤翔, 上海交通大学,2003 9.《外贸英语》,戚云方,浙江大学出版社,2004年9月 10.《外贸英语函电》, 尹小莹,西安交通大学出版社,2004.
期刊: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
China Today Beijing Review Reader’s Digest 21st Century China Daily 《英语沙龙》 《英语世界》 相关网站
1. www.ChinesebusinessWorld.com( www.CBW.com )
2. 3. 4. 5. www.globalenglish.com
Business Beijing(网上电子杂志) www.icansay.com
This course aims to develop students' awareness and competence in the use of English language in the context of international business. The focus will be on the
development of language and communication skills appropriate to cross-cultural communication in international business situations such as in global branding and marketing and advertising in multinational companies. Students will develop meeting and team-building skills, further developing their cultural awareness and academic language skills. 2. METHODOLOGY
The methodology will be interactive and require a high degree of participation, using case studies, role plays and simulations. English in international business aims to develop students' awareness and competence of the language of international business with reference both to the academic study of the subject and to the contexts of international business.
(一) 学时分配表 单元/章 Course introduction Unit 1 The three sectors the economy 第二单元 管理 第三单元 公司结构 第四单元 工作和动机 第五单元 管理与多元文化 第七单元 劳资关系 学时分配 讲课 习题课 实验(践) 上机课 讨论课 其它 2 4 合计 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 第八单元 生产 总复习 4 4 2 32 4 总课时 注:以上各课型是否需要根据实际情况自定。
Course introduction ( 1st Week)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives Students will
1. Know the teaching contents of this term. 2. Learn about the course requirements. 3. Learn how to make a presentation. 3. Know the assessment measurements. III Contents 1. Topic: Course introduction.
2. Key words: Business English, presentation, role-play, company structure... 3. Function: Learn how to improve their business English comprehensively. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Introduce the course structure and requirements. 2. Practice -Build 10 teams for presentation making, role-playing, or a mini-film making. - Show ss how make a business presentation and a sample mini-film. - Introduce some useful expressions and discuss with students together. 3. Production
- Ss are clear about the course aims and requirements. In addition, they know how to make a business presentation and a short video.
- Each team is asked to complete one of above forms oral practice. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 1 The three sectors the economy (2nd/3rd weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to make students have a general understanding of the concept and elements in the three sectors of the economy, make a proper description of the importance of the infrastructure in a modern industrialized country. III Contents 1. Topic: The three sectors of the economy
2. Key words: The economic infrastructure, manufacturing and services, primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector...
3. Function: Through learning the concepts of three sectors of the economy, Ss can classify different business activities to each sector. Moreover, they could analyze how each sector affect the economy of a country? IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Introduce the business concepts. 2. Practice - Read an extract from David Lodge’s novel Nice Work about the complexity of the economic infrastructure, and an extract from a magazine interview with the economist J.K. Galbraith .
- Listen to a recorded interview with the British Member of Parliament Denis
MacShane, about the future of manufacturing industry in the ‘advanced’ countries. 3. Production
- Ss are able to deliver their own views on the topics discussed in this unit. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 2 Management (4th/5th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to discuss the qualities required by managers, the definition of management, and the role of meeting in management. III Contents 1. Topic: Management
2. Key words: Management, manager, meetings...
3. Function: Through reading Peter Drucker’s views on management, Ss get what is included in organizational management and how to be a good manager. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - The definition of management 2. Practice - Read a text defining management and an extract from Robert Cringely’s book Accidental Empires about IBM’s system of management.
- Listen to an interview with Steve Moody, the manager of a Marks and Spencer’s store.
3. Production
- Ss are able to deliver their own views on the topics discussed in this unit. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 3 Company structure (6th/7th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to help students get a general understanding of organizational structure, learn to describe organization charts, discuss the potential conflicts among the different departments of an organization, and compare and contrast big and small companies. III Contents 1. Topic: Company structure
1. Key words: Line structure, matrix structure, functional structure, staff position... 2. Function: Through learning the features of different company structure, students could analyze what is the ideal structure for a company or its departments. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - How are companies organized? 2. Practice - Read a text about different organization structures and listen to an extract from a talk by Jared Diamond about the best way to organize companies.
- Speak and write exercises about the advantages and disadvantages of working for large and small companies. 3. Production
- Do a survey on a selected company’s organizational structure and write a description of it at about 500 words. Try to discuss its advantages and drawbacks, and identify the potential conflicts (if there are any) among different departments under such structure. Present your research findings in the class at the end of this unit. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 4 Work and motivation (8th/9th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to help students get a general understanding of the procedures for motivating staff and different opinions on the style of staff motivation. III Contents 1. Topic: Work and motivation
2. Key words: Work, motivation, theory X, theory Y, satisfiers, motivators...
3. Function: Through learning some theoretical knowledge about work and motivation, students could use different methods to motivate different types of people. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Work and responsibility 2. Practice - Read a text which summarizes various theories of motivation.
- Listen to an extract from the interview with Steve Moody, in which he explains how he motivates his staff.
- Do a case study about motivation. 3. Production
- Choose one Chinese company and one foreign company in your local area, study their procedures in staff motivation and make a comparison. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 5 Management and cultural diversity ( 10th/11th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to help students get a general understanding of different business cultures in different parts of the world, learn to describe the different cultural characteristics, be aware of the implication of cultural diversities on management. III Contents 1. Topic: Management and cultural diversity
2. Key words: Management, cultural diversity, cultural attitudes, cross-cultural management…
3. Function: Culture differences should be considered while managing an international or a multinational company. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Cultural attitudes 2. Practice - Read a text about cultural differences in different parts of the world.
- Do a number of discussion exercises enabling students to consider their own cultural beliefs.
3. Production
- Browse on the internet or go to the library to find information about the different business cultures in different countries. Share your findings with your fellow classmates. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 7 Labour relations ( 12th/13th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to make the learner aware of the basic elements in management of labour relations, and make some simple analysis of the phenomenon in the human resources management. III Contents 1. Topic: Labour relations
2. Key words: Labour unions, trade unions, employers, employees, conflict, industries…
3. Function: Though learning this unit, students would be familiar with the functions of labour unions and trade unions. They will get how to ask for their help can be problem-solving. IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Labour unions 2. Practice - Listen to an interview with Denis MacShane about the role of trade unions.
- Read an extract from Bill Bryson’s book Notes from a Small Island about a trade union, and a text about labour relations in different countries. 3. Production
- Do some research and write a 100-200 word history of unions in China. (For example: When were they first founded? Have they always been legal? Have there been periods in which they have been more or less powerful, or important, or necessary, than today?) V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Unit 8 Production ( 14th/15th weeks)
I Target Group: Sophomore II Teaching Objectives This unit aims to enable students to know more about production – one of the four key functions of a manufacturing company, get familiar with the just-in-time production methods, develop their understanding of the importance of product quality ,identify potential production problem and enlarge their vocabulary. III Contents 1. Topic: Production
2. Key words: Production, inventory, subcontractor, JIT…
3. Function: Though learning this unit, students could make correct production decisions.
IV Procedure 1. Presentation - Production decisions 2. Practice - Do some exercises about capacity and inventory decisions in production management.
- Read a text about the just-in-time production system.
- Listen to an interview with Alan Severn, the quality manager at Arcam Ltd, a producer of hi-fi equipment.
- Do a role-play about a product recall. 3. Production
- Ss are able to deliver their own views on the topics discussed in this unit. V Assessment Will check their tasks and give feedback.
Revision 16th week
I Contents: BEC Vantage Sample paper
四、考核办法与成绩评定办法 1、考核方式:考查 2、考核形式:闭卷考试
3、成绩评定:课程总评成绩=平时(40×%)+期末(60×%),百分制。 注:以上成绩组成自定,应将实践环节、学生自主学习考查情况纳入成绩总评。
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