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Discussions or Lectures INTEGRATED TASK
Making Sports Mandatory for Students Business: Mental Accounting
A Broken Computer
Ecology: Roads and the Ecology 01
Test 01
15Question What is a good way to make a new friend? 如何交新朋友??
?01-01 WARMING-UP 听问题,将脑海里浮现的选项标出来。
I believe that there are many ways to make good friends. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, you can meet new friends by traveling abroad. To be specific, I went to New York last summer, and I took some English classes there. In New York, I met people from all around the world. We became friends, and I keep in touch with them now. Secondly, you can make new friends online. To illustrate, there are more social networking systems now than in the past. You can simply make your own account and meet many people online. For these two reasons, I believe there are many ways to make good friends.
keep in touch with … 与……保持联系 account [?'ka?nt] 账号
16Question Some teachers have discussions in their classes. Others prefer to lecture all of the time. Which method of teaching do you think is better for students and why? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 一些老师喜欢在课堂上组织讨论,而另外一些则喜欢一直讲。你认为哪种授课方式更好,理由是什么?用具体的理由和例子来支持自己的观点。??
In my opinion, teachers should have discussions in their classes. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, discussions get the students more involved in the class. To be specific, the students will pay more attention in class since they have to talk about the topic with the teacher and other students. This will help the students learn more. Secondly, class discussions will make students think about the material they are discussing. To illustrate, in history classes, students can think about why people acted in a certain way instead of just learning what they did. For these two reasons, I believe teachers should have discussions in their classes.
In my opinion, teachers should only lecture in their classes. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, teachers know a lot more than their students. To be specific, teachers have attended college and often graduate school. So they have a deep knowledge of their subject. Students don’t. So only the teacher should speak in order for students to learn as much as possible. Secondly, class discussions are often a waste of time. Students
usually start talking about topics other than the one they should be discussing. When that happens, the students don’t learn the lesson that the teacher had intended. For these two reasons, I believe teachers should only lecture in their classes.
get involved 参与,干预 to be specific 具体来说
f o r I n d e p e n d e n
t T a s k s
T ask 1
1.W ho is an influential person in your life? 人生中谁对你有着重要影响力?
- b oss → work in same office 老板→在同一个办公室工作
has taught value of hard work 教会了我努力工作的价值
- g ives good advice 给我好的忠告
have become better worker → get promoted soon 成为更好的职员→快速升职
2.W hat kind of person is your best friend? 你最好的朋友是一个什么样的人?
- m et in hiking club 在徒步旅行俱乐部认识
active → enjoys outdoor activities 活跃的→喜欢户外活动
- g iving 善良的
ex)n eeded $ once → loaned to me 例)有一次我急需钱→借钱给我
→ saved me from big problem 帮我走出困境
T ask 2
3.W hen you attend a class, do you take notes, or do you listen closely to the lecture? 上
Take Notes Listen Closely
- c an’t remember everything prof. says 教授说的内容不能全都记住
- helps me review for tests 在考试之前帮助复习- have good memory 记忆力好
- get extra info from textbook 从课本中获得额外的信息
4.E veryone does not need to attend college. 没有必要所有人都上大学。
Agree Disagree
- s ome jobs → no need for college 一些工作→不需要大学文凭
- not everyone likes studying 不是所有人都喜欢学习- learn more info at school 在学校可以学到很多知识
- college life → good experience 大学生活→好的体验
Test 01 17
Reading & Listening
To the Editor,
Recently, the school has spent millions of dollars refurbishing existing athletic facilities and constructing new ones. The school currently has some outstanding places to play sports and to exercise.
However, I have noticed that these facilities often have few people working out in them. I propose that the school make participating in sports mandatory for all students. This will ensure that the school has not wasted the money that it spent on building and renovating the facilities. In addition, many students are overweight and clearly need to exercise. Requiring them to work out will help them get in good shape.
Daniel Carter Sophomore
Question The man expresses his opinion of the student’s letter to the editor. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
refurbish [?ri'f?rb??]将(建筑)新装修 work out 运动 mandatory ['m?nd??t?ri]强行的,必须的 in good shape 健康的
be forced to 被迫做……,勉强做…… survey ['s?r?ve?]调查
The man and woman share their opinions on the letter to the editor that the student wrote about requiring all university students to participate in sporting events. The man expresses a negative opinion of the student’s letter for two reasons. The first reason is that he doesn’t believe that the school should have spent so much money on the athletic facilities. According to him, the school should have asked the students how to spend the money, but it didn’t do that. He states that he wanted the money to be spent on the library. Secondly, the man claims that it isn’t the school’s job to make students exercise or lose weight. And he notes that many students work out at places other than the gym. They jog or cycle elsewhere around campus. Therefore, the man strongly disagrees with the student’s letter to the editor.
Test 01 19
Reading & Listening
Mental Accounting
People often make mental calculations when considering how to spend their money. In their minds, they may separate the money that they have into different accounts based upon criteria that are known only to them. For instance, mental accounts may be created for food, housing, entertainment, and other budgetary items. Each of these receives a certain amount of money in the person’s mind. When that money is exhausted, the person will typically no longer spend any money on that item even if he or she has enough funds to pay for it.
Question The professor talks about how people choose to spend their money. Explain
how these examples are related to mental accounting. 教授谈论了人们会选择什么样的花钱方式。解释这些例子和心理账户理论有什么关系。?01-10
Test 01 21 NOTE-TAKING
calculation [?k?lkj?'le??n] 计算 criterion [kra?'t?r??n] 基准,标准 budgetary ['b?d??teri] 预算的 exhaust [?g'z?st] 耗尽,枯竭
ascribe A to B
把A 归因于B the other day 前不久 refuse [r?'fjuz] 拒绝
In the lecture, the professor describes two ways in which people choose to spend their money. The first example he gives concerns his wife. She paid five dollars for donuts but left them on the bus. She refused to buy another bag because she thought that spending ten dollars on donuts was excessive. The second example he gives concerns a family saving to buy a house. When their car needs repairing, they don’t do it because they don’t want to spend the money they have saved for their new home. These demonstrate the concept called mental accounting, which is defined as a way in which people make mental calculations about how they will
spend their money. In mental accounting, people set aside money for certain items and won’t spend more if they go over budget.
excessive [?k'ses?v] 超过的,过度的 demonstrate ['dem?n?stre?t] 论证,说明 define [d?'fa?n] 定义 set aside 留出,拨出
go over budget 超过预算
22 Listening
Question The students discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why. 交谈双方针对
get through 摆脱(困难的状况) frustrated ['fr??stre?t?d]失望的 guarantee [?ger?n'ti]保障,保证 keep in mind 记住 weigh [we?] 衡量,权衡 panic ['p?n?k]恐怖,恐慌
The man has a problem concerning an essay he has to write. The reason is that his computer is broken. The man and woman are discussing two possible options. The first option is that the man should buy a new computer. The second option is that the man should fix the computer he has. In my opinion, the first option is better than the second option for two reasons. First, even if he fixes his computer, there’s no guarantee that it will not break again. Secondly, it would be hard to write an essay since the computer lab closes at 10 every day. Therefore, I prefer the first option to the second option.
The man has a problem concerning an essay he has to write. The reason is that his computer is broken. The man and woman are discussing two possible options. The first option is that the man should buy a new computer. The second option is that the man should fix the computer he has. In my opinion, the second option is better than the first option for two reasons. First, the money he needs to buy a new computer is the money he has been saving to go to Hawaii in the summer. So if he buys a new computer, he can’t go to Hawaii. Secondly, he can write his essay in the computer lab. Therefore, I prefer the second option to the first option.
Test 01 23
24 Listening
Question Using points and examples from the talk, explain two different ways that roads can have a harmful effect on the ecology of a region.
Test 01 25 NOTE-TAKING
ecology [?'kɑl?d?i] 生态(学),自然环境 outcompete [a?tk?m'pit]
在竞争中占优势 unwittingly [?n'w?t??li] 不知情地,不知不觉地 road corridor 干道 subsequently ['s?bs?kw?ntli]
随后 serve as …作为 pronghorn [pra?h?rn] 叉角羚 be reluctant to …不愿意做 starvation [stɑr've??n] 饥饿In the lecture, the professor provides two types of ways in which roads can have a negative effect on a
region’s ecology. The first way is by spreading weed seeds. Weeds are plants that people dislike because they compete with flowers and crops for resources. The professor says that vehicles pick up weed seeds along roads. Then, when a person drives, the seeds fall off in different places. So the weeds grow in places they
don’t belong. The second way is by forming barriers to the movements of animals. The professor mentions the pronghorn. According to her, it doesn’t like to cross roads. So this can keep the pronghorn from migrating and getting to food. The professor also says that animals like snakes, frogs, and porcupines can get hit by cars when they cross roads, so they often are killed. In this way, the professor describes how roads can harm a region’s ecology.
compete [k?m'pit] 竞争
INDEPENDENT TASK In-Country Development Types of Jobs INTEGRATED TASK Dormitory Quiet Policy Psychology: Assimilation Choosing a School Biology: Loon Feathers 02
Question What kind of development would you like to see in your country? 你希望你的国
家实现怎样的发展呢??02-01 WARMING-UP 听问题,将脑海里浮现的选项标出来。
I would love to see the development of more museums in my country. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, museums do an outstanding job of teaching people about the past. To be specific, museums preserve and display relics from the past. When people go to museums to look at the relics, they learn about history and why the relics are important. Secondly, I don’t think that my country has enough local museums. To illustrate, my hometown has a small museum that focuses on my city’s history. But too many big cities here lack this kind of museum, so people are ignorant about their cities’ pasts. For these two reasons, I would love to see more museums built in my country.
outstanding [a?t'st?nd??] 优秀的,显著的 preserve [pr?'z?rv] 保存 relic ['rel?k] 文物,古董 ignorant ['?gn?r?nt] 不知道的,无知的
Test 02 27
28Question Which would you prefer, a high-paying job or a satisfying job? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 你更偏爱哪种工作呢,高薪的还是自己喜欢的?请
具体说明理由并举例支持你的观点。?02-03 NOTE-TAKING
I prefer a high-paying job to a satisfying job. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, money is
very important. I need to make money to survive. To be specific, I need money to pay for housing, food, transportation, health care, and other costs. So a high-paying job can provide me with money to pay for the necessities of life. Secondly, a high-paying job can give me money to travel. To illustrate, my uncle is a banker. He earns a big salary. So he can afford to take trips abroad to places in Europe and Asia. I want to do that, too. For these two reasons, I prefer a high-paying job to a satisfying job.
I prefer a satisfying job to a high-paying job. I have two reasons for having this opinion. First, you go to your job almost every day. To be specific, most jobs require at least forty hours of work a week. I want those hours to be satisfying. If they are stressful or boring, they will have a negative impact on my life. Secondly, I don’t need a lot of money right now. To illustrate, I still live with my parents, so I don’t have to pay rent or utilities. My cost of living is very low since I don’t have any major expenses. For these two reasons, having a satisfying job is more important than having a high-paying job.
health care 健康保险,医疗保险
utility [ju't?l?ti] 公共设施 cost of living 生活成本
f o r I n d e p e n d e n
t T a s k s
T ask 1
1.W hat factor is important to maintaining a modern society? 维持现代社会运转的重要因素是
- n eed educated people 需要受过教育的人
become doctors, engineers, etc. 成为医生、工程师等
- e d. society = advanced society 受教育的社会=先进的社会
easier to solve problems 更容易解决问题
2.W hat aspect of your hometown makes you proud? 故乡的哪一点让你感到自豪?
- m any old buildings → 100s of years old 很多古老的建筑→100年的历史
tourists visit 游客参观
- r emember past culture 记住过去的文化
don’t forget country’s history 不忘记国家的历史
T ask 2
3.W hich would you prefer, a job that rewards success with money or a job that rewards
success with more authority? 你喜欢工资高的工作还是权力大的工作?
Money More Authority
- work hard → more $ 努力工作→更多的钱
- higher salary = retire sooner 高工资=早退休- want to be co. pres. one day 希望将来可以当董事长
- m ore power = improve mgnt. skills 权力大=提高管理能力
4.W hich would you prefer, to work at a large company or a small one? 你喜欢在大企业工作
Large Company Small Company
- more chances for promotion 有更多升职机会
- many offices → can transfer 很多部门→可以换岗位- be closer to coworkers 和同事更亲密
- f ewer workers = more responsibility 职员少=责任大
Test 02 29
Reading & Listening
New Dormitory Quiet Policy
Starting next Sunday, February 10, all dormitories on campus will institute a new quiet policy. From ten o’clock at night until eight o’clock in the morning, students in the dormitories may not make excessive noise. This includes, but is not limited to, playing music and having parties. In addition, during this same time period, no more than four students may get together in a single dormitory room at the same time. There have been too many loud parties in the dormitories lately, and they are disturbing students trying to study and sleep. Violators will be fined $100.
The man expresses his opinion of the university’s new quiet policy in the dormitories. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. 这位男士针对上述校园新规发表了自己的看法。请陈述他的观点,并解释他所给出的理由。?02-07
institute ['?nst??tut]制定,建立 policy ['pɑl?si]规则,政策 get together 聚集 excessive [?k'ses?v]过量的 fine [fa?n]罚款
in favor of …喜欢,赞成 turn down 减小(声音等) fault [f?lt]错误,故障 punish ['p?n??]惩罚
The man and woman share their opinions on the university’s new quiet policy in the dormitory. The man expresses a positive opinion of the new policy for two reasons. The first reason is that he has gotten disturbed by loud music and parties too many times. According to him, he had to go to the library to study late one night because his neighbors in the dormitory wouldn’t turn down their loud music. Now, they will have to be quiet. Secondly, the man mentions that lots of students have been having noisy parties, so the university is punishing everyone because of those individuals. He notes that he likes to go to bed early but can’t because of the parties. He can’t sleep or study since there’s too much noise. Therefore, the man agrees with the school’s new policy.
Test 02 31
Reading & Listening
When immigrants move to a new country, they often encounter customs and traditions that are foreign to them. In order for the immigrants to integrate themselves into their new homes, they must adapt to—or at least come to understand—the differences between their country of origin and their new country. This process of assimilation takes place over time. It typically involves the person learning the new country’s language fluently and also coming to take part in various customs that the natives practice.
Question The professor talks about how immigrants adapt to their new countries.
Explain how these examples are related to assimilation. 教授讲述了移民如何适应新的国家。请说明一下这些例子和“同化”的概念是如何联系在一起的。?02-10
assimilation [??s?m?'le??n]同化 encounter [?n'ka?nt?r]遇到 integrate ['?nt??gre?t]整合,融入
unsettling [?n'setl??]令人不安的 literally ['l?t(?)r?li]真实地,确切地 resort to …依靠…… slang [sl??]俗语 unorthodox [?n'?rθ??dɑks]非传统的,非正统的
In the lecture, the professor describes two ways in which immigrants have adapted to their new homes. The first example concerns the professor’s cousin’s wife. Her cousin married a Brazilian and then moved back home. Her cousin’s wife adapted to her new country by relying on her husband and family members. They helped her learn the language and customs, so now people think she’s a native. The second example is about how people watch television to adapt to American life. According to the professor, people watch sitcoms, dramas, and shows like Sesame Street to learn about American slang and customs. These demonstrate the concept called assimilation, which is defined as the process that immigrants go through when they move to a new country and learn to live and act like the people in their new country.
go through 经历
Test 02 33
34 Listening
Question The students discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why. 交谈双方针对

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