七年级下Unit 2第四课时Section B(2a-3b)

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阅读课 Unit 2 My name is Gina.

Section B(2a-3b)

Teaching goals

Review the dialogue in Section B(1)and learn to make inferences according the information we have known, using these words or phrases “quickly, sometimes, either… or…, taste…”and sentences “I don’t have much time for…” “It’s good for…” “She eats lots of…”. At the same time , students can learn to know about healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Teaching steps Step 1 Review

Role-play the dialogue in Section B (1) in the front of the class .

The teacher can give an example like this: T: When do you get up, Wang Yan? Wang Yan: I get up at 6:o’clock. (Wang Yan is a student of our class.)

When some students role-play the dialogues, the other students should listen carefully. After this, the teacher asks “When does Yang Yi get up?”(Yang Yi is also a student who had shown his dialogue in the front of the class with his partner. ) The other

students will say : “He gets up at…”

(通过对之前的对话练习,可以对以前所学内容进行巩固,提醒学生注意三单变化,并且也可以导入下面将要学习的内容。) Step 2 Preview

Put the following into English orally.

1早睡觉 2吃得快 3我没有很多时间吃早饭。 4我有时打半个小时的篮球。 5当我到家时,我总是先做需哦也。 6 晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电子游戏。 7她知道这对她没有好处。


(通过课前自主预习,能知道本课的重难点。熟悉课文内容,师生可以做到心中有数,能针对性的学习。) Step 3 Warming up and leading in

1 We have learned about some life habits, can you say out? S1: S2: S3: …

So that we look at some habits in 3a and decide which are healthy and which are unhealthy.

2 Look at the two pictures of 2b and answer some questions. ① What can you see in the pictures? A boy and a girl.

② You think who is healthy? Mary. ③ Why?

Tony eats a hamburger and Mary plays volleyball. Do you want to know more about them? Let’s come to 2b. (检查学生对短语的掌握情况以及对于健康生活习惯的认识。并且进一步激发起学生的兴趣,为接下来的文章阅读做准备。)

Step 4 While-reading activities

1 Read for the general idea of 2b (读取大意) Read fast

The general idea of the passage is about . A. Tony’ s and Mary’ s habits B. Tony’ s and Mary’ s interests C. Tony’ s and Mary’ s family

2 Reading for the specific ideas (读取细节) Read carefully

Read the passage and judge(判断) T(True) or F(False). ( )① Tony usually eats breakfast very quickly.

( )② Tony always does his homework in the end(最后) when

he gets home.

( )③ Mary usually eats breakfast very well. ( )④ Mary likes eating ice-cream after dinner. ( )⑤ Mary and his sister Mary like the same ball.

In this process, if the students have any difficulties, they can discuss with their partners.

(这一过程中,考察了学生的阅读能力,包括快读和精读,另外,这一过程也培养了学生的合作精神。) Step 5 Post-reading activities 1 List the habits of Bob and Mary.

Decide which are healthy, and which are unhealthy(不健康的). Students can discuss in their groups and then finish 2c.

Tony Mary 2 Ask students some questions.

Do you have any habits like Tony or Mary? What are they? Are they healthy? Why do you like it? …


Summary: Inquiry into knowledge by translation(翻译探究) 1 I don’t like to get up early. .

动词like后可以跟 ,也可以跟 。例如:


Tom likes ice-cream. =Tom likes ice-cream.

2 In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.

. ① either 意为“ ”一般用于 句末,而且用


He doesn’t like ice-cream,and I .(也不喜


② either…or…意为“ ”,此结构可以连接两个独立的单词、短语或者句子。做主语时,后面的位于动词遵循就近原则。如:

要么是你错了,要么是他错了。 you he (be)wrong.

③ At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.

. lots of意为“ ”。后面既可以修饰 名词又 可以修饰 名词。同义短语是。如: 他每天做大量的工作。

He work every day. In-class text

1 完成课本中3a排序题。

___I usually exercise from six to seven. ___ I always get up at six.

___ After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. ___ Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. ___ I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.

___ I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.

_1_ I have a very healthy life. ___ I have dinner at seven thirty. ___ I go to bed at ten. 2 翻译下列句子。

① 我没有很多时间吃早饭。

. ② 当我到家时,我总是先做作业。

. ③ 晚上,我要么写作业,要么读书。

. ④他知道冰淇淋对她没有好处,但是它尝起来很好吃。 . ⑤我妈妈有一个非常健康的生活。

. In-class text答案: 1、3-2-5-4-6-7-1-9

2、①I don’t have much time for breakfast.

② When I get home, I always do my homework first.

③ In the evening, I either do my homework or read books. ④ He knows ice-cream is not good for her, but it tastes good. ⑤ My mom has a very healthy life.


正误判断,同时也考察了学生细致阅读的能力),充分地调动了学生热情, 两两讨论和相互讨论更是培养了学生的合作精神。

不足之处: 本学期教材相较于上学期有了较大变化,Section B中的内容明显





