
更新时间:2023-05-24 02:32:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. My alarm clock goes _________at 6 in the morning.

A. of B. off C. on D. up

2. I __________when it began to rain a little.

A. slept B. am sleeping C. was sleeping D. will sleep

3. When the storm stopped, they __________for the bus at the bus stop.

A. waited B. were waiting C. are waiting D. will wait

4. While I __________a plan, Jenny called me up.

A. am making B. made C. make D. was making

5. At 9 yesterday morning, I _________an English class while they ___________P.E.

A. was having, were having B. had, had C. was having, had D. had, were having

6. Do you remember _________when terrorists took down the World Trade Center on September 11?

A. what are you ding B. what you are doing C. what were you doing D. what you were doing

7. It’s strange _________Mary _________such a decision.

A. for, making B. for, to make C. of, made D. of, to make

8. ---Who __________the tennis game? ---Jack, he _________all the others.

A. won, won B. won, beat C. beat, beat D. beat, won

9. The man was so tired that he _________soon after he went to bed.

A. fell asleep B. picked up C. went off D. stayed up

10. After the storm died _________, they continued taking _________the old house.

A. up, up B. up, down C. down, down D. down, up

11. _________, it was sunny.

A. First B. First of all C. At first D. To be the first

12. ---Did you have English yesterday? ---Yes, I was late and I _________the beginning.

A. had B. missed C. lost D. caught

13. Jack was in the library _________at 8 o’clock yesterday.

A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading

14. There was _________homework that I need to spend _________hours on them.

A. so much, so much B. so much, so many C. so many, so many D. so many, so much

15. _________the door open, Jack left his house.

A. With B. In C. On D. To

16. Before leaving the room, you have to __________all the lights are off.

A. find out B. make sure C. depend on D. cut out

17. Look, the bus is coming ___________.

A. closer and closer B. farther and farther C. more and more close D. more and more far

18. The bus was _________bad shape _________hitting the big tree.

A. at, by B. at, from C. in, by D. in, from

19. What __________ at the time of the snow yesterday?

A. did they happen B. they happened C. was happening to them D. happened to them

20. They were all shocked __________the news of the event.

A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear


I always believed in UFOs, but I didn’t see one. My husband didn’t believe in UFOs before that 加油站)when he saw a bright light. It looked ’t moving. He didn’

After a short while the the and told me about it.

1. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year

2. A. before B. then C. of D. after

3. A. like B. of C. out D. over

4. A. watch B. look C. think D. guess

5. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. jumped

6. A. got in B. got down C. got off D. got on

7. A. noise B. train C. car D. light

8. A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office

9. A. watch B. hear C. see D. look at

10. A. bored B. sure C. interested D. surprised



When ten-year-old James Ale and his friends went out to play,they had nowhere to go but the streets. The streets were filled with traffic,but the children had no choice. There was no park or playground nearby. One day,a little girl was badly injured by a passing car. James Ale thought the neighborhood needed a park.

For more than a year,James Ale worked for his park. He knocked on doors asking adults to help. He went to (市长).At first people did not want to listen to a ten-year-old,,he won“.Getting the park took a lot of work,”James said.“It was worth it,though,because we needed it.”

1.The best title is .

A. City Streets B.A Park of James Ale C. Speeding Drivers D. Playing in the Streets

2.When James decided that a park was needed,he was .

A. a grown-up B. eleven years old C. ten years old D. the mayor

3.We can learn from the text that .

A. no one would help James B. people laugh at James

C. the mayor liked James D. the park was built at last

4.The underlined word “discussed” means .

A. finished B. talked over C. changed D. waited for

5. The underlined words” give up: means___________.

A. give away B. get up C. stop trying D. put up


Mr. Clarke hated to do housework. He wouldn’t stay at home on weekends. His wife always told him to do some washing or cleaning, or he had to cook for his family. So he always made some excuses on Friday evenings.

Recently Mr. Clarke was interested in playing cards, but he was afraid to let his wife know. So every Sunday afternoon he brought some fish home. It made his wife happy and she never asked where he spent his weekends.

One Saturday morning, Mr. Clarke left home at 7 o’clock. He took a bus and got off at a stop near a small town. His friends were waiting for him in a small hotel. They played cards there. Mr. Clarke didn’t go home until 7 o’clock on Sunday evening. He went in the shop near the bus stop as usual. As soon as the shopkeeper saw him, the man said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Clarke. I have no fish today. What about some chicken legs?”

“Don’t be silly(傻)!” said Mr. Clarke, “I can’t tell my wife that I have fished some chicken legs, can I?”

1. Mr. Clarke didn’t want to stay at home on weekends because ______.

A. he didn’t want to do any housework B. he didn’t love his wife

C. he was very busy D. he went to his parents’ house

2. What was Mr. Clarke interested in recently?

A. Fishing. B. Playing cards. C. Shopping. D. Doing housework.

3. How long was Mr. Clarke away from his home?

A. About 24 hours. B. About 36 hours. C. About 48 hours. D. About 72 hours.

4. Mr. Clarke played cards with his friends __________.

A. at home B. in a shop C. in a hotel D. in his office

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Mr. Clarke hardly stayed at home on weekends.

B. Mr. Clarke bought some fish in the shop that day.

C. Mr. Clarke never told his wife that he played cards.

D. Mr. Clarke usually gave his wife some fish and the fish made his wife happy.


You speak, write a letter, or make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out.

Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, newspaper, TV and radios and films all help us to communicate with each other. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

1. Can we communicate with each other without words?

A. Yes, sometimes we can. B. No, we can’t.

C. It’s impossible. D. It is not mentioned(提到)in this article.


A. angry B. joyful C. surprised D. sad


A. newspaper B. radio C. TV D. A, B and C

A. how many buses there are B. what kind of bus it is

C. where the bus comes and goes D. how much money you’ll pay for the ticket

5. What is the best title of the article?

A. Letters and phone calls B. Books, magazines and TV

C. Communication is necessary D. Ways of communication


1. I called you yesterday, but you didn’t _________up.

2. Nobody answered the teacher’s question, we all sat in the classroom in _________.

3. After the rainstorm, we could see __________trees and broken windows everywhere.

4. There will be three important __________in our school next month.

5. The terrible earthquake(地震) took down many houses, but it brought people _________together.

6. I’m sorry I _________my homework at home this morning.

7. The sun __________in the east.

8. At last, he _________the importance of learning English.


1. What were you doing at the time of the storm?

What were you doing __________the storm _________?

2. I was providing her with some coffee when the telephone went off.

__________I was __________her some coffee, the telephone went off.

3. He was late because it rained heavily.

He was late because _________the _________rain.

4. We study hard so that we can go to a better university in the future.

We study hard _________ ________to go to a better university in the future.

5. Jack came out after the storm died out.

Jack _________come out __________the storm died out.

6. They helped clean up the neighborhood with us.

They _________us _________help clean up the neighborhood.


A: Hi, Jenny. I called you yesterday, but you didn’t pick up.

B: Sorry, Kate. _____________________________?

A: At around 9 o’clock.

B: Oh, I was playing the piano at that time. __________________________________?

A: I was at home doing nothing, so I called to ask you to hang out with me.

B: __________________________________?

A: Lucy. We went to the shopping mall and visited the museum together.

B: ____________________________________?

A: No, we bought nothing.

B: _______________________________________?

A: OK. Let’s hang out this weekend.



