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English classic movie dialogue(经典英文电影对白) 队名:learned scholar and commoner(鸿儒与白丁) 组员:陈深仪 蔡一然 高鸣远 邓沁楠 何沅霞 郭小瑭

广东肇庆中学高一(11)班研究性 学习展示 小组名称:鸿儒与白丁 组长:陈深仪 组员: 蔡一然 高鸣远 邓沁楠 何沅霞 郭小瑭 指导老师:王晓艺 研究题目:经典英文电影对白


An idea is like a virus resilient highly contagious.A smallest seed of an idea can grow.It can grow to define or destroy you.The smallest idea such as “Your world is not real ”.Simple little thought that changes everything.So certain of your world of what’s real.意念就像是病毒,非常有韧性,极具传染性。意念的一个最最微小的种子 能够成长。它长大后能够塑造你或毁灭你。最微小的意念,例如“你的世界不是 真实的”,这样简单的小想法可以改变一切。那么确信你的世界的真实性。

The dream has become their reality . Who are you to say otherwise uh?梦已经变成了他们的现实。如何分清梦不是现实呢?

We bring the subject into that dream and they fill it with their subconscious . Our dreams they feel real while we are in them ,right. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something that are actually strange .我们把主体带入那个梦,他们用自己的潜意识充满梦境。我们做的梦,感觉都 很真实,只要我们是在梦里,只有当我们醒了之后,才会意识到有些不对劲。

They say we only use a fraction of our brain’s true potential.Now that’s when we are awake .When we’re asleep our mind can do almost anything.Such as?Well imagine you’re designing a building ,right?You consciously create each aspect一般人们只是部分地利用了大脑的真正的潜能。当然,那是指我们醒 着的时候。在睡眠中,头脑几乎可以做任何事情。比如说?设想你正 在设计一座建筑,你有意识地创造它的方方面面。

But sometimes it feels like it’s almost creating itself if you know what I mean.Genuine inspiration right?Now in a dream our mind continuously does this.We creat and perceive our world simultaneously.但有时候,你会觉得那些创造自然而然就产生了。就像真 正的灵感。如果是在梦里,我们的头脑连续不断地做着这 样的事:我们一边创造,同时一边感知我们的世界。

Our mind does this so well that we don’t know what’s happening.That allows us to get right in the middle of that process.By taking over the creating part.我们的头脑做得如此出色。以至于我们甚至都不明白怎么回事。 那使得我们能够直接介入这一过程之中。怎么介入?通过担当 创造者的角色。


Depicable Me 《卑鄙的我》

Any relation to persons living or dead is completely coinci


The moon!月球!

And I will be the greatest villain of all time而我就会成为前无古人后无来者的超级大坏蛋

I am having a bad , bad day.今天我心情很坏很坏 It’s about time that I get my way. 于是现在 火力全开

Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Freeze ray!冷冻光线!冷冻光线!冷冻光线!

Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》

Life was like a box of chocolate 人生像一盒巧克力 You never know what you are going 你无法预知会吃到什么口味

You listen to me ,We all have a destiny.你听我说,人的命运早已注定。 Nothing just happen.It is all part of a plan. 没有一件是巧合,都有安排。

Just if you are ever in trouble假如你有麻烦不要逞英雄

Don’t be brave .You just run,OK?Just run away.你只管跑,好吗?只管跑.

