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第一卷 (100分)

一.听力训练。(共30分) 二.单项选择。(每题1分,共20分)

21. Look! There is ____ old apple tree in front of his house.

A. the B. a C. an D. /

22. —whose pencil is this? —It’s ____, I am looking for it everywhere.

A. your B. yours C. my D. mine 23. English is my favorite subject, and I am good ____ it.

A. to B. at C. on D. in 24. Use your ____, then you will have a new idea quickly.

A. head B. hair C. mouth D. nose

25. —where is your father? —He’s ____ the news on TV in the living room.

A. looking at B. watching C. looked at D. watched 26. I felt very tired when I got home, and I ____ to the bed at once.

A. go B. went C. am going D. have gone

27. —Would you like a glass of water? —_______.I don’t feel like drinking anything.

A. No thanks. B. Yes, please. C. I don’t like it. D. It’s my favorite. 28. —Peter, what did you do last weekend?

—We had a big party. It was my grandmother’s ____ birthday.

A. nineteen B. nineteenth C. ninety D. ninetieth 29. Lang Lang, the famous pianist, will teach Angela ____ the piano.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays 30. ---_____ don’t you like the cat?

--- Well, because she is always sleeping and her name is Lazy. A. Why B. Who C. Which D. How

31. ---It is said that iphone 6______ of liquid metal(液态金属)soon. ---Yes. I read the news and know that it will come out this November. A. will make B. made C. will be made D. was made 32. ---Which do you prefer, music _____art? --- Music, I guess. A. but B. so C. or D. and 33. Time goes too fast. Does anyone know ______?

A. where does the time go B. where the time goes

C. what’s weather like D. what the weather is like 34. --- What heavy haze fog(雾霾)! Will it last long?

---________. It’s been like this for a long time. We really cannot stand it. A. Of course not B. I’m afraid not C. I’m afraid so D. I hope so 35. --- Help yourself to some beef. ---Thanks. Oh, it tastes so ______. I like it. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly

36. Every morning when I ______, I keep on saying to myself “Go for my dream, then it will come

true one day.”

A. wake up B. pick up C. stay up D. put up

37. Of all the sports we play at school, I think tennis is ______. A. very interesting B. less interesting

C. more interesting D. the most interesting 38. --- I’ve got the final Harry Porter story book.

--- I am sure you will like it. I _____ it twice already.

A. am reading B. have read C. was reading D. will read 39. --- A good friend should be a good _____. He/She always just listens.

--- I agree. When I finish telling my worries, I usually don’t need any words. A. speaker B. listener C. writer D. reader

40. --- After the big exams, I am going to spend my vacation in Hawaii.

--- _____! And don’t forget to write blogs and put them in your Wei chat. A. Have a good time B. It doesn’t matter C. With pleasure D. Help yourself 三.完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分)

Strawberries look nice and fresh. But a light squeeze(挤压)can make them out of shape. Now many young people are just like strawberries. They __41__ break down in face of difficulties. They have a common name – “strawberry kids”.

Wang Xueqin, 14, from Anhui, may be one of them. She was a top student in Junior 1. But now she __42__ going to school.

“I’m no longer No.1 in class,” she said. And she found it hard to accept.

Why are __43__ like Wang so easy to get down? Parents and schools are a big reason behind it. Parents do almost __44__ for them in their daily life, __45__ schools care more about their grades than developing their personality.

Liu Yue, 13, from Fujian said his mom __46__ criticized(批评)him and he felt good about himself. “So when a teacher criticized me strictly, I __47__ surprised and sad. I doubted(怀疑)my abilities,” he said.

“Students could do something to make __48__ strong in mind”, said Sun Yunxiao, an education expert(专家)in Beijing.

“Instead of asking for help too quickly, try to deal with problems first by yourselves. __49__ sports and social(社会的)activities and give yourself a chance to deal with difficulties,” he said. “Growing up is not just a happy process(过程). Pains(痛苦)also go along __50__ it,” he added. “The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them.” 41. A. slowly B. easily C. busily D. happily 42. A. begins B. enjoys C. hates D. finishes 43. A. students B. teachers C. parents D. schools 44. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything 45. A. while B. when C. then D. so

46. A. hardly ever B. quite often C. usually D. always 47. A. looked B. felt C. seemed D. sounded 48. A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. themselves

49. A. Take out B. Take off C. Take part in D. Take the place of 50. A. for B. with C. behind D. after 四.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


“The U.S. first lady Michelle Obama will travel to three cities in China from March 19th to March 26th, with her two daughters and mother. The U.S. first lady also plans to share stories of her

travels with the U.S. students through a daily travel blog.” The White House said on Monday.

“Michelle Obama will meet China first lady, Peng Liyuan, during the trip,” the White House said.

The two first ladies did not meet last year when Peng traveled to California with her husband, Chinese President Xi Jingping, who held informal(非正式的)talks with President Barack Obama. At that time, Michelle Obama wrote to Peng, saying she felt quite sorry to have missed the meeting, but hoped to visit China soon.

“Michelle Obama plans to visit a university and a high school in Beijing from March 20th to 23rd, the city of Xi’an on March 24th, and a high school in Chengdu from March 25th to 26th,” the White House said.

51. The U.S. first lady planned to share her stories with the U.S. students by ________. A. talking with them B. writing travel diaries on the internet C. asking them to go with her D. writing post cards to them 52. It was the first time for the two first ladies to _______ this March.

A. meet each other B. travel in California together C. talk in White House D. travel with their husbands

53. During her visit in _______, Michelle Obama didn’t plan to visit schools there. A. China B. Beijing C. Xi’an D. Chengdu


A few years ago, Joe Smith, the coach(教练)of a football team, and his family were spending holiday in a small town. One rainy afternoon, it was impossible for them to go out to do something interesting, so the family decided to go to the cinema. Joe, his wife and their three children walked down to the town’s only cinema, bought the tickets and went into the hall. The lights were still on, and there were just six other persons there. As the family entered, some of the people saw them and started clapping(鼓掌)。

Joe gave them a smile and turned to his wife, “Aha, I can’t believe they know me and I’m getting a warm welcome here,” he said, “I guess they saw my game on TV.”

They sat down and then a young man came up and gave out his hand. “Thanks a lot,” said the coach, “I just can’t believe you know who I am.”

“All I know is that they would not show the movie until at least ten people bought tickets.” Replied the man.

54. _____ people in Joe’s family were spending holiday in a small town a few years ago. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

55. Joe and his family couldn’t go out for anything interesting that day because ______. A. the town was too small B. it was in the afternoon C. there was an interesting movie D. the weather was so bad 56. When Joe and his family got to the cinema, ______.

A. there were no tickets left B. the lights were still on C. there were so many persons in the cinema D. the movie was over 57. In fact, the people in the cinema welcomed the coach beacause ______. A. they could shake hands with him B. their children were very lovely

C. Joe was very popular and they often saw him on TV

D. with his family they were able to see the movie themselves


The TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? is very popular these days. Some students are talking

about who they’d like to go traveling with. The following is what they said.

Cao Ping, 15: I surely want to go traveling with my father. My father is a real traveler. He likes traveling a lot and he’s been to many places in China. If I travel with him, he can introduce many things to me, like the local culture, the famous food and even some legends. That is really interesting and exciting.

Liu Xing, 14: Traveling with friends is a happy time for me. We have many things in common. So the long journey will not be boring any longer. Besides, we will face many difficulties together and solve them by ourselves. It can surely strengthen(加强)our friendships. What a wonderful idea!

Wang Wei, 13: If I travel, I will surely go with my mom. My mom takes care of everything at home. When we travel together, Mom will remind me about all the things we should bring with us. Besides, she is also a good cook. She can always make delicious food for me.

Young Yue, 15: To me, traveling alone would be a kind of treat for myself. I can decide where and when I go by myself. Maybe I will stop at some place, take some photos and write things down. A life of a travel writer is always what I dream of.

58. Cao Ping would like to go traveling with his father because his father can ______. A. take care of everything at home B. look after him well C. introduce many things to him D. take photos for him 59. ______ likes to travel with friends.

A. Cao Ping B. Liu Xing C. Wang Wei D. Yang Yue 60. Yang Yue’s dream is to ______.

A. become a reporter B. become a travel writer C. travel with her mother D. travel with her father 61. Which of the following is NOT talked about in the passage?

A. Cao Ping’s father has been to many places in China and knows a lot. B. Wang Wei’s mother is good at cooking and taking care of the family C. Liu Xing thinks traveling with friends can strengthen their friendships. D. Yang Yue likes traveling alone because she doesn’t have any friends.


Do you know what it is like to live in a cabin(小木屋)? I do after spending my last weekend with my family in a small one-room cabin.

My family had planned this trip for months. My dad wanted to go out into the nature and spend the whole days sitting next to a lake and fishing. My mom wanted to see the different sceneries(风景). My brother is in his first grade, so he does not have a voice yet in family things. He is happy no matter where we go!

As for me, I definitely needed a rest. Exams were coming up the following week – all five of them. I needed some time in a strange place with no Internet. Then I could take my mind off my studies to experience being a little girl again.

We drove for several hours to a small town in northern New Mexico. The place made me feel like I had walked into an old western movie with cowboys(牛仔). Around the cabin were many mountains. As it had rained recently, there was white fog(雾气)on the mountains.

There was no internet, so we spent the whole time together. Mom and I made food. My brother had a happy time going after sheep and feeding ducks. When he became tired, he sat next to my dad and helped him fish. He even managed to hook(钓上)two fish. I am sure he would talk about that proudly at school!

This mini-vacation was really relaxing. Now I’m prepared to meet the exams!

62. ______ doesn’t mind wherever they go for a vacation.

A. The writer B. Her father C. Her mother D. Her brother 63. The writer had a really good rest because ______. A. fishing made her forget everything

B. she enjoyed the beautiful scenery

C. the trip made her forget all about her studies D. she enjoyed an old western movie with cowboys

64. The underlined word managed in the last paragraph might mean _____ in Chinese. A. 管理 B. 运用 C. 设法 D. 安排 65. The best title of the passage might be “_______”.

A. My Family and I B. Spending Time with the Family Is Enjoyable C. An Exciting Family Trip D. My Cabin Holiday Prepares me for Exams




What are the most popular kinds of exercise in the United States? For many Americans, they like easy and cheap ways of exercise.

Among different ways of exercise, walking is the most popular. Walking is easy. It is also a safer way of exercise because it causes less harm on knees and feet. A lot of Americans take a walk to keep fit. It’s quite popular in America. The second most popular way of exercise is jogging. Jogging can help people protect their hearts and lungs. What’s more, it is a good way to lose weight.

Dancing lists the third in the most popular ways of exercise in America. Girls like it more than boys.

Swimming is the fourth most popular sport. Most parts of your body are working while you are swimming. It is also an effective way to keep fit.

No matter which kind of exercise you like, you should keep on doing it. The more exercise you take, the healthier you will be.

66. Do many Americans like easy and cheap ways of exercise?

_____________________________________________________ 67. Which is the most popular way of exercise in the United States? _____________________________________________________ 68. How many kinds of exercise are talked about in this passage? _____________________________________________________ 六.完成句子。(没空1分,共8分)

根据所给提示,完成句子。 每空一词,含略缩词。

69. There are some nice after-class clubs every day.(改为否定句) There _______ ______ nice after-class clubs every day.

70. The students of our school have P.E classes four times a week.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ do the students of our school have P.E classes?

71. We hold the door open for the one after us to go through easily.(改为同义句) We hold the door open ______ _______ the one after us can go through easily. 72. 自今年二月以来,我们一直都在忙于准备中考。(完成译句)

We’ve been _________ _______ ready for the exams for high schools since this February. 七.口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)



A. Certainly. I can help you. B. What do you want me to do? C. You have to wait for about an hour.

D. you play computer games all the time and never help with the housework.

E. I’m too tired. F. But the room is already pretty clean! G. So much?

A: Jerry, could you please help with a few things?

B: Could I play another computer game for a while, mom? A: No. ________73_________

B: Well, I work all day at school and do homework all evening. ________74__________. A: I work all day, too. I’m just as tired as you are! And I think one game is enough for you. B: OK._____75______

A: Could you please make your bed, wash the dishes and then take the dog for a walk? B: ______76_______

A: Yes, dad will be back from work very soon. He won’t be happy when he sees the dirty room. B: _______77________

A: Yes, it’s clean, but it’s not “mother clean”! 八.短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


A person will be a good one when he has good friends, so we can know a man by the books he reads as well as by the friends he _______, because there is a friendship of books as well as men, and the people always live with the best friends, ________ it is a book or a person.

A good book is like a best friend. It stays with us today, and it always does, and it will _______ change. It is the most patient and pleasant friend. It does not go away from us when we are poor or in _______. It always faces us with the same kindness. It can give us knowledge when we are ________, and hope when we are old.

We know two _______ sometimes become friends by liking the same person, so people usually make friends because they read the same book. There is an old _________. “Love me, love my dog.” And now we can say, “Love me, love my ________.” People can think, feel and talk with each other through their favorite writer. They have the same topic to talk about 九.书面表达(共15分)

假如你是陈寒,你的外籍教师Tom即将离开重庆回到加拿大,请你根据如下提示,代表全班同学给Tom写一封电子邮件,表达感激之情。 要点提示:

1. 感谢Tom曾经为你们所做的…… 2. 祝愿他回加拿大之旅顺利愉快,未来…… 3. 欢迎再次来渝。 要求:

1. 词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 Dear Tom,

It’s my great honor to write this email to you to show something special to you from all of the students you taught, _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Love, Chen Han

