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寻找倒装标志 巧记倒装句型


一、 寻找完全倒装标志,巧记完全倒装句型


1. Here, there, in, out, up, down, away等介、副词置于句首时,应使用完

全倒装句型。例如: In came the boy. Away flew the bird.

注意:此句型主语必须为名词,主语为代词时不能使用完全倒装句型。例如: he rushed out. Out he rushed.

2. In front of, in the distance, to the east of 等地点状语置于句首时,应使


In the distance stands a high building. To the east of the two hills lies a city.

二、 寻找不完全倒装标志,巧记不完全倒装句型


1. Often, many a time, never, seldom等表示频度的副词置于句首时,应

使用完全倒装句型。例如: Seldom does he go home.

Many a time has he been to Beijing.

2. Hardly, scarcely, barely, little等主要表示否定意义的副词出现在句首

时应使用不完全倒装句型。例如: Hardly can you understand the text. Little does he know about the news.

3. Not until + 时间出现在句首时应使用不完全倒装句型。例如: Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what wheat is. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.

Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.

4. Hardly\\\\\\when\\\\\\, no sooner\\\\\\\\ than\\\\\\\\(一、、、就、、、)置于句首时


Hardly had I got to the airport when the plane took off. No sooner had he gone to bed than the telephone rang.

5. 表示“也”的so(用于肯定句)和neither/nor(用于否定句)出现在句首时

应使用不完全倒装句型。例如: he has passed the exam, so have i.

Do you know Jim quarrelled with his borther? I don’t know, nor do I care.

6. Only 出现在句首修饰介词短语、副词、时间状语从句和原因状语从

句时,就使用不完全倒装句型。例如: Only in this way can you work out this question.

Only then did I realize the importance of studying English. Only when he is free does he come to see me. Only because he was busy did he not go there. Only修饰主语时不能使用倒装句型。 Only teachers can use this room. 7. Not until\\\\\\ but also\\\\\\\\结构中的not only置于句首且not only和but also

后均不直接跟主语时,应使用不完全倒装句型。例如: Not only does he study English but also French.


注意:not only\\\\\\ but also\\\\\\连接两个分句的第一个分句倒装,第二个分句不倒装。例如:

not only does he study hard but also he has a kind heart. Not only\\\\\\ but also\\\\\\连接两个主语时不倒装。例如: Not only he but also his parents have been to Beijing.

8. 当so\\\\\\ that\\\\(如此、、、以致、、、,引导结果状语从句)结构中

的so出现在句首时应使用不完全倒装句型。例如: so fast did he run that I couldn’t catch up with him.

三、 寻找特殊倒装标志,巧记特殊倒装句型


1. 可将句型prefer to do A rather than do B(宁愿做A而不愿做B)中的

rather than do B前置至句首,从而构成特殊倒装句型。例如: rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.

2. As(尽管)引导让步状语从句时一般将按通常语序应置于句未的表语、

动词或副词前置至句首,从而构成特殊倒装句型。例如: Young as he is, he knows a lot.

注意:如果表语为单数可数名词,前置时应去掉不定冠词。例如:child as he is, he has been to many places.

Much as I want to see him, I dare not do it. Go as you may, you can’t see him.

3. 在if 虚拟条件从句中,如果从句的谓语动词含有were, had , could,

should,可将这四词提至句首,将连词if 省去,从而构成特殊倒装句型。例如: had it been possible, would you have done it? Were I you, I wouldn’t go. Could I do it, I would do it.

Should it rain tomorrow, I wouldn’t go.

四、 寻找形倒实不倒标志,巧记倒实不倒句型


1. 感叹句中的what和how在其它句型中多用特殊疑问词,故许多同学

将感叹句判断为特殊疑问句而采用倒装语序,实际上what和how 引导的感叹句应用陈述语序。例如:

what a long way it is from Beijing to London! How beautiful a flower it is!

2. 由于带插入语的特殊疑问句仍以特殊疑问词开头,故许多同学误将

此句型判断为纯特殊疑问句,从而采用倒装语序,实际上应将插入语后面的内容视为宾语从句而采用陈述语序。例如: where do you think he has gone? When do you know he will come? 3. 名词性从句中的what, how, when, why等词易被误认为特殊疑问词而


when he will come is unknown to me.

No one can be sure what man will look like in a million years. My question is where he has gone. 4. Whatever , however, 引导让步状语从句时常被误认为特殊疑问句而采


It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants. We’ll have to finish the job however long it takes.


