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商务英语写作 试卷 (课程代码:5440)

I. Multiple-choice: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes

the sentence. (1 point each)

1. Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in

2. We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning?.from B. have learned ?.from C. have come to know?.of D. have been given ?.from

3. We are now enclosing a pricelist for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed

4. If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost

5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand

6. This is a new product but it is gaining _______ popularity in the world market. A. many more B. better and better C. increasingly steady D. steadily increasing

7. Concerning the ________ L/C, we wish to inform you that there are several clauses that need amendment. A. subjective B. caption C. subjected D. captioned

8. We wish to make it clear to you that we shall not ______ the shipment if they arrive after December 19, 2005. A. arrange B. receive C. accept D. acknowledge

9. Following your order ______ 400 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No. 456

_______ the same quantity.

A. for, of B. of , of C. for, for D. with, for 10. As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment _______ L/C.

A. by B. will C. are by D. is to be made by 11. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged

12. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will

not be responsible for it.

A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier

13. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded

by more that ten days.

A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances

14. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the period stipulated

in the contract.

A. make them be B. make it be C. make it D. make that be

15. The stipulations in your L/C _________ not in accordance with the contract, we have to request you to make an amendment. A. is B. being C. is to be D. would be 16. In _______ of quality, our make is superior.

A. terms B. term C. connection D. connections 17. __________, the buyers have urged us to expedite shipment of their order. A. The season approaching B. The season is approaching C. As season approaching D. The season was approaching 18. We accept as an exception your order _________ business with you.

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A. with a view to begin B. with a view to start C. with a view to close D. with a view to initiating

19. ________ our efforts, we have persuaded our clients to accept your offer. A. Result in B. Result from C. As a result of D. With a result in 20. Prices of raw materials ________ steeply since our quotation of November 1, 2005. A. rose B. have risen C. rising D. rise 21. We____ if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.

A. should appreciate B. appreciate C. appreciate it D. would appreciate it 22. We _____the fact that the market is declining.

A. are aware of B. aware C. aware of D. are aware 23. Should your price _____ competitive, we will place a trial order _____you. A. is; with B. are; from C. is; from D. be; with 24. There is steady demand here _____silk scarves of high quality. A. in B of C. for D. on

25. We regret____ entertain your order for our Green Beans as we are in short supply at present. A. not able to B. are unable to C. cannot D. our inability to 26. We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied ______. A. from stock B. in stock C. out of stock D. of stock

27. For all the remaining items, the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but these dates should not be exceeded

by 20 days .

A. in no case B. in any case C. under no circumstance D. by all means

28. _____ your letter of March 5, we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received. A. Replying to B. Replied to C. Replying D. Replied 29. We are _____ receipt of your letter of June 15, 2003. A. on B. from C. in D. for 30. We recommend _____ a small quantity for trial.

A. to buy B. buy C. bought D. buying 31. They have ____ a price which we think will be acceptable ____ you. A. offer; to B. bidden; to C. bidden; by D. bid; with

32. A sample of our new beef extract has been sent to you today ____ parcel post, and we hope it will reach you ____ perfect


A. with; in B. in; by C. on; with D. by; in

33. It is possible that you couldn’t find the new patterns ____ you are looking in this catalogue. A. for what B which C. for which D. that

34. The gloves are made ____superior genuine leather and can be supplied ___ various designs and colors. A of; in B. from; with C. with; in D. in; at

35. The price of our new products is 8% ______than _____ of similar products of Japanese origin. A. lower; that B. below; those C. under; that D. lower; those

36. We feel sure that a fair comparison ____ quality between our canned goods and those of other suppliers will convince

you ____ the reasonableness of our quotation.

A. with; of B. in; of C. for; in D. on; in

37. As this product is now _____ great demand and the supply is rather _____, we would recommend you to accept this offer

as soon as possible.

A. in; limited B. in; limiting C. of; limited D at; limiting

38. ______view of the huge demand ______ this article, we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us the

soonest possible.

A. In; at B. In; for C. With; for D. With; to

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39. We deem it _____ your advantage _____ avail yourself ______ our offer for 1,000 wave radios. A. in; to ; of B. in; as; for C. to; to; of D. of; as; for

40. This offer is made _____ the clear understanding that if they are not completely _____your liking , you can return

them to us without any obligation whatever and ____ our own expense. A. at; to; at B. in; for; for C. in; in; for D. on; to; at 41. The damage to the goods ______rough handling.

A. results in B. due to C . results from D. leads to 42. Mr. Wood guarantees that Mr. Feng will _____ their equipment.

A. satisfy B. satisfactory C . be satisfied with D. satisfy with

43. Thank you very much for informing us that the goods _____Contract No. 791 were shipped on May 10. A. at B. under C. on D. in

44. We shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as before ____ Documents against Payment basis. A with B. during C. in D. on

45. We have opened an L/C in your favor ______ the amount of RMB 20,000. A. on B. in C. by D. at

46. If the amount exceeds that figure, payment ____ L/C will be required. A. at B. by C. for D. in

47. From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that price of 1,880 is well ____ the maximum figure you stated. A. in B. within C. between D. at

48.You would agree, we wish, ________the 10% discount we have offered. A. that B. for C. to D. by

49. For this area, we are looking for a young man to act ____our representative. A. as B. up C. on D for

50. We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into _____and open the L/C at once. A. idea B. thinking C account D. it

51. Two months have passed since the date of the signing of the above–mentioned contract, but the relevant L/C has not

yet _____us.

A. come B. got C. arrived D. reached

52. We are already represented by our ____agent in your city for the ____of our products. A. sole; selling B. sole; sale C. only; sale D. only; selling

53. We have to ask you to extend the date of shipment and date of negotiation to Sept. 30 and 15 Oct. _____. A. separately B. respectively C. respectfully D. punctually

54. I am well-acquainted _____ local conditions and have excellent business connections. A. at B. with C. in D. for

55. Please _____us your competitive prices for the following items. A. tell B. give C. quote D. send

56. ____your request, we take pleasure _____sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue. A.

As; in B. At; in C. With; at D. To; from

57. We have established an irrevocable L/C _____your favor ____the Bank of China, Ningbo. A. with; in B. at; with C. in; with D. with; with

58. As the price of our Table-cloth is reasonably fixed, we regret that we are not in a ____to allow any discount. A.

position B. condition C. mood D. market

59. There is no possibility of getting business done unless you _____your price by 3%. A. reduction B. cut C. reduce D. offer

60. We regret to inform you that we have to return the goods to you at your ____. A. costs B. charges C convenience D. expenses

61.In our letter of May 10, we make ______ clear that shipment be effected in June.

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A. you B. them C. us D. it

62.As said in the email today, we are forwarding you under separate cover the samples, ______you will find them satisfactory. A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hopefully

63.Letters of complaint should be written with care and tact ______to harm future business relationships. A. in order B. in not order C. in order not

D. not in order

64.Our products are of better quality than ______ from other sources.

A. that B. this C. them D. those 65.We are unable to accept your offer, as the goods are of short ______. A. supply B. products C. factory D. stock

66.______accepting the draft, the bank will require you to present documents such as B/L, Packing List, etc. A. As B. Before C. Behind D. On 67.As the shipment was delayed, the buyer ______ the seller for an explanation. A. forced B. pressed C. hastened D. expedited 68.It is important that your client ______ the relevant L/C not later than April 10. A. must open B. opens C. open A. because B. even if C. or

D. has to open D. because of

69. I wonder if you could advance the shipment by one month ______we need it urgently.

70. We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. informed C. said D. inquired 71. Please make serious efforts to have the goods ______ promptly.

A. dispatch B. dispatched C. dispatching D. to dispatch

72.______your inquiry for a supply of desktop radios, we are glad to offer as follows. A. Relying on B. Relied on C. Replying to D. Replied to

73. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but______ would these dates be exceeded

by more than 15 days.

A. in no case B. in any case C. under any circumstances D. by all means

74. ______our S/C 1805 dated March 15, we are able to make the goods shipped by the end of next month. A. Refer to B. Referring C. With reference to D. With refer to 75.We shall ______you as soon as the supply position improves. A. communicate B. notify C. advise to A .attract B. suit C. appeal D. fit 77.Damage ______the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit. A. in B. for C. on D. to

78.After unpacking the case we found the goods did not ______ with the original sample. A. agree B. match C. compare

D. measure

79.Because of their superior quality, our silk coats always ______in Europe.

A. are sold fast B. sell fast C. have been sold fast D. be sold fast 80.Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., ______ we have done business for many years. A. which B. with that C. whom 81.We look forward to ________ a trial order.

A.receiving B. receive from C.receipt D.receipt your 82.We ________ some brochures ________to illustrate the products we manufactured.

A.enclose, to you B.enclose, you C.enclose, / D.enclose, your 83.If you will send us a catalog by air, we shall ________ very much.

A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it

D. with whom

D. make known

76.The design of the garment is very nice but its color does not______ to me.

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84.We would like to take this ________ to establish business relations with you.

A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening

85.The shipment time is June or July at our ________ and the goods will be shipped in one ________.

A.option, lot B.option, consignment C.choice, shipment D.decision, cargo 86.The first shipment of pens has turned out to the ________of the buyers.

A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory 87.I want to acquaint myself _______ the supply position of steel products.

A.of B.with C.for D.about

88.As it only ________a smal1 quantity,we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.

A.involves B.involving C.has involved D.may have involved

89.In case the said goods are not available________ stock, please keep us informed at all early date.

A.on B.by C.from D.out of

90. On your own account there is a balance of $300 that appears to have been by you. A.overlooking B astray C.forget D.overlooked 91.You can find _______ for black tea here.

A.a ready market B.beneficial C.greatly popular D.selling fast 92.We are glad that we have __________ an agreement on this matter.

A.come B.got C.reached D.arrived 93.We cannot see any possibility of business__________ your price is too high. A.since B .while C.thought D.that

94.We have made _________ that we would accept D/P terms for your future orders. A.clear B.it clear C.that clear D.it is clear

95.We would make you the following offer,subject to your reply_______ us not later than November 25th. A.reach B.reaching C.reaches D.being reached 96.Please ________ to let us have your offer as soon as possible.

A.do the best B.do your best C.make the best D.make your best 97.We assure you of our ful1________in executing the contract.

A.cooperation B.expense C.Intention D.appreciation

98._________our S/C No.301,we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10. A.With reference to B.Refer to C.Referring D.With refer to 99.After inspection of the shipment,we found 5 cases _________. A.missing B.1osing C.missed D.lost

100.__________ your letter of March 4,we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received. A.Replying to B.Replying for C.Replied to D.Replied for

101. If you find our price ________, please fax us your acceptance before the end of this month. A. accepting B. working C. acceptable D. accepted 102. We are unable to _____ with your request in your letter dated Jan.32,2002. A. confirmed B. compose C. confirm D. comply

103. Please check the enclosed letter of credit to ensure that it __________ your instructions. A. agrees B. agrees to C. agree upon D. agrees with

104. The discount of 3% agreed upon was granted only __________ no balance was outstanding from previous accounts. A. depends on B. condition that C. on condition D. on condition that 105. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time. A. it B. make C. let D. them

106. Mr. Smith will make a note _____Mr. Sanchez’s request for consular in voice. A. of B. for C. to D. against

107. Payments should be made ______sight draft.

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A. at B. upon C. by D. after

108. Payments by L/C is our method of ____ trade in chemicals. A negotiating B. settling C. financing D. assisting 109. If D/A is possible, it will help ease the _____ problem. A. license B. licensing C. to license D. licensed 110. Mr. Yin could agree _____D/P terms. A. with B. to C. in D. over

111. I ____you to three businesses for information on our promptness in meeting our obligations. A. ask B. recommend C. refer D. suggest

112. I have been told that there will be a delay of at least three weeks before our order can be ____. A. made B. filled C. sent D. placed

113. Your quotation is not acceptable to the customers as the price is ____rather high side. A. at B. on C. by D. with

114. When shipping the merchandise, we need your _____that the quality will be as high as that of the sample. A. ensure B. assurance C. insurance D. assure

115. As regards “ Great Panda” Brand pencils, we hope you will place a trial order _____us ____at least 2,000 gross. A. with; for B. with; of C. from; for D. from; of

116.We are convinced that after the visit you will be more about our cooperation in future. A.confident B.confidence C.interest D.interesting 117. We shall be glad if you will that the L/C is amended without delay. A. pay attention B. see to it C. notice D. assure 118. Please do your utmost to the shipment.

A. speed B. add to C. expedite D. promote 119. Our next step is to take legal action to the money due us. A. pay B. take C. return D. collect

120. You have not in any way to our recent letters about your past due account. A. respond B. replied to C. responded D. answer 121. We find your term satisfactory and would like to order the . A. follows B follow C following D followed

122. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may . A. happen B. cause C. produce D. open

123. We hope that it will not you from doing business with us in the future. A. provide B. tell C deter D. mislaid

124. It has come to my that we have an bill of $ 10,000 with your company.

A. attention; outstanding B. acknowledge; unpaid C. attention; rest D. acknowledge; outstanding 125. I am writing the invoice we received date May,1. A. response B to ask for C. to command D in response to

126. Today we write to ______ your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching. A. pay B. give C. invite D. drive

127. Please ______ payment in full three months from today. A. make B. license C. remit D. indicate

128. We ______ be obliged if you will furnish us with the following information. A. should B. will C. could D. might

129. In this case, the buyer ______ cancel the contract.

A. could B. may have to C. has the right to D. reserve the right to

130. Competition ______ to the technical transformation and restructuring of these industrial production. A. contributes B. causes C. helps D. promotes 第 6 页 (共 48 页)


131. At our meeting earlier this month, Mr. Sharp ______ that he would approve the consignment contract. A. indicated B. issued C. arranged D. remitted

132. At your request, we’ll _____ the L/C opened for your account two weeks ago. A. adjust B. corrected C. establish D. amend

133. We will soon increase our production to ______ the full capacity of the plant. A. get B. obtain C. meet D. reach

134. In order to comply with the customer’s specifications, the factory had to make several ______ in the design. A. corrections B. mistakes C. adjustments D. defects

135. From now no, the Chinese products enter ______ competition ______ foreign products in the international market. A. in, with B. to, along with C. into, with D. on, over

136. Because of the confidential nature of the deal, I was not _____ to announce it. A. supposed B. happy C. prevented D. reluctant

137. ______ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it. A. Now that B. So that C. For D. Because

138.We confirm that we agree ________ your suggestion made in your last letter. A.to B.at C.in D.that 139.________ on time for the appointment is very important. A.You are B.You to be C.You be D.Your being 140.Something about these insurance claims ________.

A.appear questionably B.appears questionably C.appear questionable D.appears questionable 141.I’m sure we can work out a ________ arrangement to handle the repair of the system. A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfy D.satisfying

142.We think we can promise that the shipment will be ready ________ the end of August. A.for B.to C.by D.towards

143.Before 1 left the corporation, I ________ six years’ experience as the chief accountant.

A.had B.had had C.have D.have had 144.It is important that you ________ the necessary insurance. A.covering B.covered C.has covered D.cover

145.The technical support engineers are trained to give efficient service ________ which you can depend. A.by B.on C.with D.at

146. If your prices are competitive, we are confident ________ the goods in great quantities in this market. A. to sell B. in selling C. in being sold D. to be selling

147. We should be grateful ________ you would tell us ____ they are reliable for a credit up to US $30,000. A. if?whether B. whether?if C. if?that D. whether?that

148.________ subsequent amendments please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract


A. Having avoided B. Avoid C. Being avoided D. To avoid 149.We shall appreciate ________ us FOB Sydney.

A. you quoting B. your quoting C. you to quote D. your being quoted 150.A ________ for middle management personnel is typical in this country.

A.S40 000-a-year-salary B. salary of $40 000-a-year C.S40 000 a-year-salary D. salary of $40 000 a year 151.There is ________ for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target.

A. nothing frustrating B. no frustrating C. nothing more frustrating D. no more frustrating 152. The shipment arrived late; ________,several items were damaged. A. further B. moreover C. therefore D. or

153.Our new billing system totals all balance, gives weekly reports and _____.

A. prints statements B. statements are printed C. printed statements D. statements print 第 7 页 (共 48 页)

154.We would like to go ________ into your proposal for an agency in Guangzhou. A. further B. far C. more far D. ahead

155. Now, with our stock __________ , the maximum we can supply is 50 tons. A. diminishes B. diminished A. from B. to

C. diminish C. than

D. diminishing

156. I am sure that this quality is superior __________ that one.

D. for

157. It __________ that we very much appreciate the support you have extended to us in the past. A. is necessary B. is important C. goes without saying D. goes without doubtful 158. We hope you will __________ our complaint.

A. fully settle B. full settle C. be fully settled D. have fully settled 159. __________ heavy orders, we cannot advance shipment of your order. A. Because B. For that A. like B. as A. check B. checked

C. Owing to

D. Thanks to

D. to

160. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms __________ the ones in the last agreement.

C. with C. being checked

161. After __________, the teller told Mrs. Babar the balance in her account.

D. checking

162. A hundred dollars __________to pay for a computer. A. are not many B. are not too much C. are not much A. quicker B. more quickly A. was B. were A. As B. Like 166. Send this form to ______ requests it. A. whomever B. whoever

C. whom D. who

167. I understand that Mr. Wood is the ______ officer of the bank.

A. principle B. principal C. principled D. principality

168. We were told that the consignment would be sent ______ to reach the final destination by mid November. A. so as B. in order C. in time D. as 169. I hope you ______ able to accept this invitation.

A. to be B. were C. will be D. being

170. Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, do considerable import business with you. A. we are possible to B. it is possible for us to

C. we are able to D. there is the possibility for us to

171.We are indebted to your Branch in Shanghai, we learnt that you are a leading importer of electronic goods

in your locality.

A. from whom B. from whoever C. from who D. from that

172. the rich resources of herbal medicine in your country, we hope we can establish long term business

relations with you.

A. Interesting to B. Interested in C. Interested to D. Interesting in 173. I think the firm’s difficulties are bad management.

A. since B. as a result of C. because D. due to 174. Memos routine matters.

A. are used to handling B. are used to handle C. used to handle D. used to handling 175. Please send us a quotation the regular supply your refrigerators. A. of?for B. for?with C. with?for

D. for?of

D. is not too much

163. Unless data can be assembled ______, we will lose business to our competitors.

C. more quick D. much quickly C. is D. are C. Since D. Because

164. Yesterday the manager, along with the office secretary and accountant, ______ invited to the conference . 165. ______ you have probably seen in our advertisements in fashion magazines, our products appeal to a wide age group.

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176. The letterheads vary considerably in style, they all give similar information A. or B. therefore C. but D. otherwise 177. Please make us a firm offer, the best possible shipment.

A. indicating B. which indicate C. to indicate D. being indicated 178. We would appreciate us a bid for the construction project. A. you send

B. your sending C. you to send D. of your sending

179. We would like to know you can guarantee delivery within one month after receipt of order. A. and B. if C. then D. which

180. Of all the books mentioned in the booklist none available recently. A. is B. has been C. are D. have 181.Please be to send us the by May 10th. A. good enough?amount due B. enough good?due amount C. good enough?due amount D. enough good?amount due

182.Quotations and catalogues will be sent to you immediately your specific inquiry. A. when receiving B. receiving C. upon receipt of

D. in receipt of

183. If your prices compare favorably other suppliers, we shall place an order soon. A. with those of B. with which of C. with D. with that of

184.As there is, in our factory, a heavy demand ____________ talents, we would suggest that you mail us your resume for our consideration.

A. of B. for C. at

D. with

185.____________ in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. A. Specializing B. Specialized C. To be specialized D. Being specialize

186.Your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier ____________similar quality products at a much lower


A. offers B. to offer C. offering

D. offered

D. at a price higher

187.A large quantity of our chairs are being exported to Europe ____________than that quoted in our fax of Jan. 20. A. for a higher price B. at higher price C. for a price higher 188.We know that your university enjoys ____________in the world. A. popularly B. great popularity C. great popularness A. state B. to state C. stating

D. stated

D. most popularly

189. An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions ___________.

190.Oral agreements made in person or by phone must be confirmed in writing to avoid ____________. A. misunderstandings B. to be misunderstood C. misunderstand D. being misunderstanding 191.We appreciate ____________to explore the market for our products. A. your efforts B. you make efforts C. of your efforts A. If B. Should C. Unless

D. Providing

D. you to make efforts

192.____________you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terms. 193.To accept the prices you quoted ____________ us little profit on our sales. A. means to leave B. mean leaving C. means leaving D. mean to leave

194.Judging from our experience in marketing our garden products in Australia, ____________ that they will soon become

quick-selling products in your market.

A. we are confident B. it is confident C. it is sure D. we have confidence in

195.It is the buyers’ responsibilities to ask for the necessary documents such as the____________ and the insurance

policies to satisfy certain regulations.

A. lading bills B. bills of ladings C. bill of ladings D. bills of lading 196. It is ____________ to see the settlement of the dispute in a peaceful way. A. great satisfactory

B. great a satisfaction

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C. a great satisfaction D. great satisfactions

197. Completely satisfied with the achievements, ____________ to reward all of his employees. A. the president deciding B. it was decided C. it decided D. the president decided 198. We have neither time ____________ the construction of such a dam.

A. have nor money for B. nor have money for C. nor money for D. not have money for 199. If additional charges are necessary, please ____________ my company. A. pay for B. cost C pay D. bill

200. Having analyzed the complaints and the current trends in tourism, we offer three suggestion as ____________. A. follow B. following C. follows D. followed II.

Fill each of the blanks with a correct word or phrase choosing from the following list. Change the form when necessary and use each item once only. Pay attention that in each list, there are two extra words for choice. (1 point each) 1-20:

apologize for super computerize deal delay send dispatch balance deter enclose inconvenience item line make up for mislay order out of stock regret resume stock supply thank A:

We thank you for your (1) of may 11 for two Easy-fix Year Planners. This (2) has proved so popular that we (3) to

inform you that it is temporarily (4) . We hope to be able to (5) supplies within the next ten days. We apologize for any (6) this may cause. B.

(7) you for your order of June 12 for 10 “Finesse” dining tables and 40 “Finesse” dining chairs. As we are in a position

to (8) you with the above (9) from (10) , we have arranged for them to be (11) to you early next week. C.

Thank you for your letter of May 23. We regret the (12) in (13) your order for the five computer programs. Unfortunately,

we had problem with our new (14) system for (15) with orders and, as a result, your order was (16) . We have (17) the five programs together with an extra disk which we hope will help (18) the delay. Once again, we (19) the inconvenience. We hope that it will not (20) you from doing business with us in the future. 21-40:

balance disqualify further bill meet the bill prices ruling price

accept cancel expense honor reduction reason

amount cause financial

difficulties interest reject

appreciate claim

further extension limit Return

A Since it is agreed that we have the right to 21 the goods when they are 22 at the port of destination, we regret

to inform you that we have to 23 the goods to you at your 24 .

B You will agree that any irregularity of this nature can be a good reason for 25 the order unconditionally or 26

a replacement of the goods at your expense. Our customers say, however, that they would oblige us by accepting these goods at a 27 of 10% on the invoice amount.

第 10 页 (共 48 页)

C The 28 from which we are suffering at present are the 29 of our inability of meeting your draft at maturity.

In the meantime, if you would kindly allow us a 30 of the payment, say, another one month, we would then be able to give you a Promissory Note for 30 days. D I regret very much to say that 1 find myself unable to 31 due on November 2, and I feel sure you will 32 the

difficulty in which I am placed. If you will kindly 33 $ 210 cash and draw a 34 on me at two months for the 35 of $ 290 plus 36 at 6%, I shall be most grateful to you and would guarantee to 37 it on presentation.

E In view of the low level of 38 here we ask you to 39 your drafts on us to 60% of the 40 you expect us to obtain

for your consignments, or we shall be unable to meet these drafts. 41-60:

exception additional wish sympathize manufacturer agreed temporary Enclosed aiming valued happy thank market popular maintain households abroad delighted first settle recommend oblige A

Dear Ms. Finnegan,

I am ( 41 ) to say that we have ( 42 ) to your request for a 60-day extension to pay the $ 875.60 due on your account.

We understand that you are currently having problems with your own collections, and we can certainly ( 43 ) with that problem.

We are pleased to hear you say that these conditions are ( 44 ), and that you feel certain that you will be able to

meet the extended payment date of November 15, 2004. We are agreed that you will ( 45 ) your account in full on or before that date.

We want to emphasize that granting this extension constitutes an ( 46 ) to our usual credit terms. We are granting this

exception because MDC has been a good and ( 47 ) customer for many years, and we want to do whatever we reasonably can to (48 ) that good relationship; however, you should not expect that we will be able to grant any ( 49 ) extensions in the future.

( 50 ) you well. Faithfully yours, Albert Terranova B

Hefei Rongshida (Group ) Co., Ltd.

27 Suixi Road, Hefei, Anhui 230041 Tel: 086551-5527410

21 May, 2004

Ms. Helen Garner

Purchasing Manager Spark Co., Ltd. 124 La Trobe Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia

第 11 页 (共 48 页)

Dear Ms. Garner,

We are (51) to receive your letter of 12 May 2000.

You wrote to the right washing-machine (52). The Company has taken a five-year-long quality guarantee, longer than that of most manufacturers. (53) is the catalogue of the latest series of micro-computer automatic washing-machines.

Considering yours is a company (54) at small households, we strongly (55) the model XOB38-99. Based on our latest (56) survey, this model is the most (57)one among (58) of 3-5 people in most regions at home and (59).

We are looking forward to your (60) order.

Yours sincerely, Luo Shu Sales Manager 61-80

competitive prefect competition promptness evident defective check regret replace impressed trust evidence supply low meet amount convinced terms establish rejects trouble inconvenienced A Dear Mr. Booth,

Your letter of June 5 surprised us considerably as our warehouse men got explicit instructions to supply our customers with (61) goods only, and return those that are (62) to the manufacturer. It is (63), however, that they had sent you the goods without a careful (64), otherwise we would have received no communication from you on the subject.

We (65) that you have been put to the (66) of repacking and returning the (67), and without waiting for

the package, we have sent to you fifty pieces of perfect goods to (68) the others.

We (69) that you have not been seriously (70) through the manifest remissness of our employees.

Yours truly,

Tim Joseph

Consumer Affair Coordinator


Ladies and Gentlemen:

When I visited the Omaha Business Show last week, I saw your new printer terminal (RC 720) and was very much (71) by its features and relatively (72) price. I think this terminal would (73) the needs of a number of my small-business customers.

I would like to order three RC 720s on sixty-day credit (74) and, at the same time, (75) similar terms

for future purchases up to $2,500 monthly. As I understand it, the RC 720 is priced at $ 525, plus $ 50 for transportation, and one 15-inch, 400-foot roll of paper. This means that my first order would (76) to $ 1,725. 第 12 页 (共 48 页)

The Computer Place was established two years ago, and since that time we have grown very rapidly. My associates and I are (77) that the services and equipment we offer will be in increasing demand as businesses discover that only by applying sophisticated technology to their operations can they remain (78).

For information concerning our financial responsibility and (79) in paying our obligations, I refer you to the following:

Rontech, Inc., 6200 Newman Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Allied Data Associates, 4406 Cromo Drive, EL Paso, TX 79912 Winthrop Systems, 16536 Stone Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98133

If you would like additional financial information, I will be glad to (80) it. Our bank is The First National Bank, 106 West Douglas Street, Wichita 57202.

Very truly yours,

Kate Alexander

Purchasing Manager 81-100:

Since arrive that open quoted pay a quantity of between be order our case dispatch ship sail conduct qualify for hand competitive be obliged arrange payment number A

Dear Jack,

We have received your letter of 29 may, and welcome your new (81) prices. We note that these are (82) CFR London.

Are we right in assuming that in (83) they will be CFR Newcastle?

Now (84) you have adopted containers for exports, you will be able to (85) our orders in the new containership S.S

NJAL, which operates regularly (86) Newcastle and Dalian.

We enclose our order Z.533 for (87) 60 tons of DIOTAIN. This order would normally have been 50 tons but we have increased

it to (88)_ the 3% discount on three 20-ton units. (89) we are particularly anxious to receive the Rutitle R40, we should (90)_ if you would arrange for the immediate shipment of this order.

Faithfully yours, Sarah Lee



Dear Mr. Jameson,

Your Order No. 2231--- Our S/C No. 99MO46

We are pleased to inform you that the mopeds (91) under the above number have been (92) as (93) .

第 13 页 (共 48 页)

The mopeds are packed in 50 cases, 2 to a case. The cases are marked FBC in square, Malta, and (94) 1-50. The consignment

will (95) at Malta on December 20, on the m.v. African Queen, which (96) from Ningbo yesterday.

Clean, shipped on board B/L in complete set, together with a commercial invoice and insurance certificate, both in triplicate,

have been (97) to Bank of China, together with our sight draft in accordance with the terms of your L/C 98) with Barclays Bank, who, we believe, will (99) the sum upon presentation.

We are sure that you will (100) more than satisfied with this consignment, and we look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours faithfully, Fed Terre


pass caption under shipment forwarded consideration amount replace requirements advise catalogue suggest agree latter expect information ship possible number documents inform A

Dear Sirs,

Order NO.27

Thank you very much for the ( 101) order you placed with us for rotary printing presses Models PM600 and PM800 for shipment

in November.

PM800 can meet all your ( 102 ),but we regret to tell you that we are unable to supply PM600 from stock.

For your ( 103 ), the ( 104 ) can actually be ( 105 ) by PM630, our latest model, the ( 106 ) is attached to this letter

for your ( 107 ). Or we can ( 108 ) shipment in two lots, that is to say PM800 in November and PM600 in January next year, which is the earliest ( 109 ) time.

Please let us know your decision as early as possible.

We are ( 110 ) your early reply.

Yours truly, Tim Lee Sales Manager

B Dear Mr. Shen,

We are pleased to ( 111 ) you that the goods ( 112 ) your P/C #979 408 have been ( 113 ) today on the MV Pioneer which

is due in Shanghai( 114 )in four weeks.

第 14 页 (共 48 页)

The shipping ( 115 ), including bill of lading invoice, and insurance have been ( 116 ) to the Federal Commercial bank,

Los Angeles, and will be ( 117 ) to their affiliate in Shanghai, who will ( 118 ) you.

As ( 119 ), we have drawn on the Federal Commercial Bank at 60 days for the net ( 120 ) of US$1,010,000.

We are sure that you will be pleased with the consignment, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours, Lester Berstein

Overseas Sales Director 121-140 policy note informed establish orders say duplicate covering addition shipped ordered reply enclosed execute against returned with satisfaction advise stipulated reminder promptly A Dear Sir/Madam,

We regret to __121__that you have failed to __122__your L/C _123__S/C No. 6837 as required. You did not even give us a

_124__in spite of our repeated __125__. But, to our great surprise, today we are __126__by our bank of the arrival of an L/C from you while the __127__limit has been long over. Therefore, it is impossible for us to __128__the contract, which we have treated as cancelled, so your L/C No.4692 has been __129__through the bank.

In _130__, we would like to _131__that if you guarantee to open your L/C according to the stipulated deadline in future,

we will still be willing to take up your new__132__.

Yours faithfully, Luray

B. Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to notify you that the machines you __133__on 3 July this year ( Contract No. 567) have now been __134__by

S.S. Red Star sailing tomorrow from Sydney to Shanghai.

__135__, please find one set of the shipping documents _136___this consignment, as follows: 1. One copy of non-negotiable bill of lading. 2. Commercial invoice in __137__. 3. One copy of packing list. 4. One copy of survey report. 5. One copy of insurance__138__.

We hope this shipment will reach you__139__ and turn out to your entire __140__. Yours truly, Sarah Zhou 141-160 length outstanding circumstances relationship ship

disappointed approval hearing consider because meet

precedent lower position preferential counter

mention proposal financial business date

第 15 页 (共 48 页)



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your mail. We are 141 to hear that our price for your required product is too high for your acceptance. You 142 that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 8% 143 than our quote.

We accept your 144 , but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our 145 . Although we are keen to do 146 with you, we regret that we cannot accept your 147 offer.

We do want to try and work with you, and 148 your request, but the best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 3%. We hope that this will meet your 149 .

We look forward to 150 from you.

With best regards, Ben

B. Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter 151 24 March. We are very sorry to hear about your company’s current 152 problems.

We have 153 your request to delay payment of your 154 balance of US$11.426 until 1 May of this year. We are happy to tell you that we can agree to your 155 .

We must add, however, that this 156 treatment is being given only 157 of your current 158 . It cannot be taken as a 159 for our future commercial 160 .

We wish you better times ahead.

Yours sincerely, Denny Ho 161-180:

failure go latest notify progress buy collection addresses time sincerely due interest by more hands receive produce deal alternative proceedings enclose advantage A

第 16 页 (共 48 页)

Dear sir:

I am afraid your 161 to settle your account, which is over 162 for more than six months, will leave us with no 163 but resort to legal 164 .

This is to 165 you that unless we 166 your check for $7,550.50 167 June 30, we will place your account in the 168 of our attorneys for 169 .

Yours 170 , Chen Yan B.

Dear sir or madam,

If you need an air-conditioner, buy Chun Lan’s 171 model. Why? Because its durability is about two times that of

other air-conditioners. What’s 172 , the price is at least fifty percent lower.

In the past decades, a great 173 of air-conditioner plants have come and 174 . But Chun Lan has constantly grown

and made striking 175 in sales and prestige.

Back of every Chun Lan is one of China’s largest factories 176 air-conditioners. Back of every Chun Lan is the capable

engineering staff that you will find in no others.

Please write on the 177 card the names and 178 of those who might be 179 in learning more about Chun Lan.

Thank you very much for your 180 .

Sincerely yours, Dona Lee Sales Director 181-200 built would raise increased interested making come into effect contains reputation appreciation help raw materials making reply stocks appreciated about cooperation advertised demand delighted A

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are (181) to tell you that we are (182) in purchasing your hairdryers (183) in the magazine Modern Family last month.

We (184) be grateful if you send a catalogue that (185) prices, specifications and other detailed information (186) the

above-mentioned product. It can (187) us in a lot in (188) a decision.

Your prompt (189) would be much (190). Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

第 17 页 (共 48 页)

Thomas B

Dear Sir or Madam:

(191) is our new price list which will (192) at the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large (193) . The explanation for our (194) prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10% more for our (195) than we were paying last year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15%.

As you know, we take great pride in our product and are proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have (196) over 15years. We will not compromise that (197) because of raising costs. We have, therefore, decided to (198) the price of some of our products.

We hope you will understand our (199) and look forward to your (200) .

With best regards,


III. Rearrange each group of numbered sentences from the text of business letters so that they will read logically. (1

point each)

Group 1. 1. You have found the right range hood manufacturer. As a leading enterprise in our industry, we constantly translate

high-tech technology into satisfactory products for our customers. And our products is hugely popular in most parts of Asia and Australia.

2. Enclosed is the catalogue of our products.

3. It’s a great pleasure to receive your letter of January 3, 2008. 4. Looking forward to your order soon.

5. A special offer we supply for each user is two free nets every year.

Group 2. 1. Best regards.

2. Please inform us of the train they will take.

3. We are delighted to know that Mr. Thomas Searle and Mr. Evans hatch are planning to visit our factory on 27 May,


4. Miss Chen Fengyi is to meet Mr. Searle and Mr. Hatch at the factory’s conference room at 2:00 on the afternoon of

27 May, 2008.

5. We’ll arrange Mr. Feng Xiaoyu to meet them at the railway station.

Group 3. 1. Thank you.

2. He told me you charge $50 an hour.

3. Before scheduling an appointment with you to discuss the importance of my business, I asked your secretary about your

legal fees.

第 18 页 (共 48 页)

4. I will appreciate an explanation of my bill.

5. I was therefore very surprised to receive a bill for $200 when I spent no more than one hour with you.

Group 4. 1. We sincerely hope that this order will be just the first of many during the year. 2. The shipping department is working on this order.

3. We are indeed glad to say “Welcome” and thanks for your order of 6 June, which arrived this morning. 4. We will send it to you within the next two days.

5. It gives us great pleasure to be able to write this letter welcoming you to T&T.


Group 5. 1. For dozens of yuan each month you can buy peace of mind for your wife and children, and for yourself.

2. A client of mine is happier than he has been for a long time. For the first time since he got married 10 years ago,

he says that he feels really comfortable about the future.

3. Such protection would have been beyond his reach a year ago, but now a new insurance plan has enabled him to ensure

this security for his family.

4. Let me know if you like to know the details of the plan. I will call you any time you like.

5. Should he die within the following 30 years, his family would be provided for. His wife would receive 500 yuan per

month for a full 30 years, and then a lump sum of 10,000 yuan.

Group 6. 1. The goods are urgently required, so prompt delivery will be most appreciated. 2. We thank you very much for your letter of February 15 with patterns and price lists. 3. We have chosen three qualities (456, 890 and 134) for which we enclose Order No. 777. 4. You will soon hear from your bank.

5. We have instructed our bank to open a letter of credit (L/C) for the amount of this order.

Group 7. 1. If you have any questions, please let us know.

2. I am pleased to tell you that we are able to provide you with 300 GL980 heat exchangers and 1,000 XCO-450 air dryers. 3. Thank you!

4. Enclosed are the price list and the payment terms. 5. Your prompt reply would be appreciated.

Group 8. 1. Thanks and best regards.

2. Kindly note the price should be USD 90 + 15% and a good view.

3. We would be obliged if you would arrange the hotel accommodation for Mr. William Ghost on July 13, 2000 at Shangri-

La Hotel in Shanghai.

4. We appreciate your early confirmation.

5. Please advise us of your confirmation before tomorrow.

Group 9.

1. Unluckily, however, I am fully occupied and cannot meet you on November 13. 2. Looking forward to seeing you again.

3. Indeed, we have a lot of ideas to exchange, and I am convinced we will have an even better co-operation. 4. I am delighted to know that you will come to Toronto and visit our company.

第 19 页 (共 48 页)

5. My schedule is more flexible from November 15 to 18. I wonder if you can manage to meet me during these days.

Group 10. 1. We have enclosed a catalogue of all the specifications and varieties of our products.

2. Our products are always very popular in Europe and Japan. With your help, we are hoping to penetrate the huge market in China.

3. We are awaiting the opportunity of cooperating with you.

4. With a long history and high reliability, this Company has established a good reputation at home and abroad. 5. It's so nice to receive your letter dated 1 July 2000. Thank you for your interest in our products. Our products

include facade boards of fiber cement with natural surface, polyurethane-coated fiber cement board and late-coated fiber cement boards.

Group 11.

1. In consideration of the very pleasant business relationship we have had with your firm for more than 15 years,

2. We hope that our concession will result in a considerable increase of your orders and assure you that we shall always endeavor to execute them to your complete satisfaction. 3. We shall, therefore, in future draw on you at 60 d/s, documents against acceptance (D/A), and trust that these terms

will suit your requirements.

4. We have received your letter of 15th April in which you ask for an extension of our terms. 5. we have decided to agree to your suggestion.

Group 12. 1. They are not what we want, having a dull finish instead of a bright one. 2. We are sorry to say that you will have to take them back.

3. Thank you for your shipment of brass beds ordered by us on October 13, but much to our regret we have to inform you that they greatly disappoint us.

4. Please send us the kind we ordered and let us know what disposal to make of these as soon as possible. 5. We have received many complaints from our buyers. They state that the beds are not attractive enough. We are, however, making efforts to persuade our buyers to accept them, but it seems that the dull finish has made them quite unsalable in the market.

Group 13. 1. We hope the cookies wilt be distributed among potential customers as soon as possible. 2. We are delighted to know that you are willing to try our Copenhagen Butter Cookies.

3. Looking forward to your comment soonest.

4. At your request, we are arranging the delivery of 50 boxes of the above-mentioned product, which is supposed to arrive

at your city in two weeks.

5. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other request.

Group 14.

1.Staff development could be better thought out.

2. We discovered that there were many areas that could be improved.

3. In all, these kinds of improvements would lead to more harmony in the department. 4. The organization of the department could be improved significantly, 5. Staff morale could be raised.

第 20 页 (共 48 页)

Group 15. 1. It is an excellent opportunity, which came as a complete surprise, and which I feel that I cannot pass up. 2. Therefore, I must decline your generous offer.

3. I appreciate your letter offering me the position of Systems Analyst which I recently applied for. 4. Thank you for all the courtesies extended me and I enjoyed my brief visit with you.

5. Shortly after I arrived back at my office from my visit with you, I was told through our Administrative Vice president

that I was being promoted to the position of manager of computer services.

Group 16. 1.If our staff is at fault, you may rely on our correcting the error, or making a generous allowance if you choose to

take the goods.

2.We have closely examined the sample taken from our last consignment and find it in no way different in quality from

the TP-415 that we have here in stock .

3.We can only surmise that there must be mistakes somewhere. 4.Thank you for your attention.

5.In order to settle the matter, we should be pleased to send a representative to conduct an inspection.

Group 17. 1.My schedule is more flexible from November 15 to 18.

2.Unluckily, however, I am fully occupied and cannot meet you on November 13. 3.Looking forward to seeing you again.

4.I am delighted to know that you will come to Toronto and visit our company. 5.I wonder if you can manage to meet me during these days.

Group 18.

1.Several complaints have been received from customers that information took 2-3 days to reach them. 2.Please double-check the addresses of people you send property details to.

3.Please make sure in future that details of properties are sent out by first class post on the day we receive the request. 4.We have a good reputation for efficiency and we mustn't lose it.

5.Last week 3 letters were sent to the wrong address.

Group 19 1.However, when my credit card statement arrived this month, 1 noticed an extra $299 charge from Good Vibes, Inc. 2.Although the salesperson discussed a three-year extended warranty with me, I decided against purchasing that service

for $ 299.

3.On August 8, I purchased a Panatronic VCR from Good Vibes, Inc. 4. I would appreciate your correct this bill error.

5. I suspect that this charge represents the warranty 1 declined.

Group 20 1.If you have any questions, please let us know.

2.I am pleased to tell you that we are able to provide you with 300 GL980 heat exchangers and 1,000 XCO-450 air dryers. 3.Thank you!

4.Enclosed are the price list and the payment terms. 5.Your prompt reply would be appreciated.

Group 21 1.This leaves a debit balance of $ 880.

第 21 页 (共 48 页)

2.We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st June.

3.We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June. 4.Thank you for your letter of the 18th June and your payments of $ 603 on the 4th June. 5.We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.

Group 22 1.We hope that you have not been inconvenienced, and that you will enjoy your purchase for a long time to come. 2.Thank you for your very courteous letter.

3.We are sending you another one at once-- doubly well packed, this time, to make sure it reaches you safely. 4.It was apparently damaged during shipment.

5.We are sorry the TV set arrived in poor condition.

Group 23 1.With your permission, we will keep your resume on file for other openings for which you might be better suited. 2.Yours was one of 60 responses to our advertisement for the position of Vice President of Production. 3.While your credentials are impressive, there were a number of candidates. 4. Thank you for your interest in Crimson Steel Company.

5. Their backgrounds more nearly meet our needs for this position.

Group 24. 1. Accordingly, this upgraded product carries with it a price increase to $1258.5 per item EXW.

2. and these are not always reflected timely in our advertisements, which are prepared some months before they appear

in the press.

3. There has been an upgrade of the SX99, now renamed the SX99GT, which significantly enhances its performance and


4. Prices of equipment and specifications are constantly changing, 5. We thank you for your interest in our products.

Group 25. 1. In addition, we have confidence in the medical value of the herb Liangmianzhen. 2. We would be grateful if you could send us a catalogue of your products. 3. We used to purchase toothpaste from other sources.

4. We are interested in buying a large quantity of Liangmianzhen toothpaste advertised in the July Issue of China Today. 5. Now we may prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more

attractive prices.

Group 26. 1. Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth.

2. In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries around the


3. If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our website at www.polishshirts.com,

or contact us by telephone.

4. Enclosed is a price list and brochure.

5. We are a Polish company that specializes in making men's shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.

Group 27. 第 22 页 (共 48 页)

1. We would pay interest on the balance and would pay off the remainder of the bill next month, along with new charges. 2. It has come to my attention that we have an outstanding bill of $9,354 with your company. 3. I will call you next week to discuss this matter.

4. Would it be possible for us to pay $5,000.00 of our bill by October 31, 2006 (the date it is due)? 5. Due to problems with our suppliers, we have not been able to meet our monthly production requirements.

Group 28.

1. We can now supply over 100 varieties of N.C. electric processing machines and forging equipment. 2. We are a large-sized German company with experience for several decades in manufacturing machines. 3. Most of them have been sold to many countries in Europe and America. 4. We export 80% of our products all over the world.

5. We can assure you of advanced workmanship, stable performance and reasonable price of our products.

6. The X6286 series co-produced with the U.S.A. have mine different varieties in total, which can be found in more than

ten countries and region such as Britain, Italy and Canada.

7. We shall appreciate your efforts to promote the sales of our products, and may even consider appointing you as our

sole agent in your country when your attempts prove fruitful. 8. Enclosed, please find a set of literature.

Group 29.

1. We are surprised that you still demand payment by D/P.

2. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 3 under your reference JS6273, which arrived this morning, and wish

to thank you for your kind cooperation in timely shipment of our order.

3. Most of our suppliers are drawing on us at 60 d/s, documents against acceptance, and we should be grateful if you

could grant us the same terms.

4. After many years of satisfactory trading, we feel that we are entitled to easier terms of payment. 5. We are looking forward to your favorable reply.

Group 30.

1. As is customary when receiving new orders from our regular customers, we reviewed the status of your account, which

shows an outstanding overdue balance of $498.

2. Since for a number of years you have been one of our most valued customers, with a solid credit rating, we are disturbed

by this change in your payment practices.

3. Thank you for your order for 3 laser Xerographic printing devices, valued at $498. 4. In addition, our records indicate that requests for payment have gone unanswered.

5. We would ask again that you promptly pay your outstanding account or, if you are unable to do so for any reason,

you can come over and see us so that we may discuss the matter. 6. In the meantime, we are holding your latest order. 7. We look forward to hearing from you.

Group 31. 1. We would like you to provide a room with a telephone extension and overlooking the park, if possible. 2. We look forward to hearing from you.

3. Mr. Mancone will arrive on the morning of the 21st of June, and leave in the afternoon on the 2nd July.

4. I would like to book a single room with bath from 21st of June to the 2nd of July, inclusive. It’s for Allan Mancone,

our sales manager.

5. Could you please confirm this booking with a return letter?

第 23 页 (共 48 页)

Group 32. 1. We are looking forward to your order.

2. Due to the high demand at home, we have a tight capacity for foreign customers.

3. I am glad to inform you that Haier refrigerator BCD - 219B is available and we are able to supply 550 this month. 4. Considering the good cooperation between our two firms, however, we are making every effort to meet your needs.

Group 33. 1. Thank you for your order of 500b/w TV sets by your letter dated 17 July.

2. I am enclosing our sales contract No.834 covering the order. I would be grateful if you would follow the usual procedure.

3. I must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. 4. We have considered your proposal to pay by a 30-day letter of credit.

5. We do not usually accept time credit; however, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship, we are willing

to make an exception this time.

6. This one-time accommodation does not set a precedent for future transactions.

Group 34. 1. Also, inflation has rapidly increased since the beginning of this year but my wages remain the same. 2. You know that my supervisor is very satisfied with my work.

3. If my wages can be increased to those of the workers in other units who do similar work, I will be pleased and will

not have to look for other work.

4. Mr. Chen, my present wage is $800. I have worked for the firm for one year and a half, and I have carried out my duties


5. I feel that my good work justified higher wages. I believe that workers in some other units who do work of the same

type get higher wages.

Group 35. 1. We can only suppose that one of our packers confused two orders.

2. We were very sorry to hear that you received a desktop instead of laptop that you had ordered. 3. Thank you for your letter.

4. Please send the desktop back to us.

5. We sent you the laptop by express mail this morning. 6. We hope this arrangement is satisfactory.

Group 36. 1. However, we have to inform you that we cannot grant you the discount of 20%. 2. We thank you for your order of Dec. 7.

3. If you really take into consideration our serious situation, you would agree, we wish, to the 15% discount we have


4. As stated in our letter of November 20, we cannot possibly make a discount exceeding 15%. 5. We promise you that we will give your order our best attention.

6. We will ask you, therefore, to confirm this as soon as possible because we can guarantee prompt shipment if we can

start on your immediate order.

Group 37. 1. We would keep you informed when there is news. 2.

We regret to inform you that the POX20086 will be delayed two weeks.

第 24 页 (共 48 页)

3. We apologize for this delayed delivery.

4. The reason is that the raw material have been out of stock.

Group 38. 1. The Collars are noticeably uneven on some blouses; and there are open seams on many of sleeves. 2. The last shipment of 150 dozen blouses, ordered on June 13, is unsatisfactory and we cannot accept it.

3. We are sure this was just carelessness in checking, and that you will send another shipment of blouses promptly to

replace this faulty one.

4. We are sorry to have to complain about your usually very fine merchandise.

Group 39. 1. We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

2. We would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the order on time. 3. We would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter

of credit.

4. Please make sure that the L/C instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract. 5. This is in regards to your order for 5,000 widgets and our sales confirmation No. 341.

Group 40. 1. Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

2. It’s our great honor to invite you to visit our Company in August, 2007.

3. Our company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products.

We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.

4. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to discuss

our future business cooperation in detail.

5. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform us.

Group 41.

1. If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. 2.However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market. 3. We hope to hear from you soon.

4. We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully.

5. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business.

Group 42.

1. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.

2. Thank you for your inquiry of June 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike.

3. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand that we are working to meet your demand. 4. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price


5. We also believe our product will enjoy great popularity in your market.

Group 43.

1. It is our company’s policy not to give a discount on our standard prices.

2.Thus, we accept your counter-offer for a 5% discount based on a purchase of 5000 pieces by July 15.

3.We look forward to receiving your order, and to developing our continuing, profitable relationship in the future. 4. We are appreciative of your letter of June 14 which requested a 5% discount.

第 25 页 (共 48 页)

5. However, we are glad to make an exception in this case as an introduction to our brocade handbags.

Group 44.

1. Unluckily, this medicine has been out of production for three months since we have developed a new medicine named Barlow

Arthritis Killer, which actually works more effectively in relieving knee pain and curing arthritis.

2. The price is therefore accordingly increased by 10%, which we believe is quite competitive comparing with other similar


3. I am very glad to receive your letter and thank you very much for your persistent interest in the Barlow Knee Support

in the past 3 years.

4. We are looking forward to your reply.

5. If you are interested in this new medicine, we are going to offer you a 5% discount due to the good cooperation between

us in the past few years.

Group 45.

1. Looking forward to the opportunity of doing business with you soon.

2. We refer to your letter of 15 August regarding the supply of black silk. Thank you very much for your order. 3. We are consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested. 4. Demand for the above products, however, has been heavy since last season.

5. We assure you, however, that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available.

Group 46.

1. We would appreciate it if you could give us a prompt reply. 2. We'd like to know whether this product is available.

3. If possible, we are going to import 3,000 sets in the coming quarter. 4. Thank you very much for your time.

5. I am glad to tell you that we are much interested in your product Micro-820 VCD/CD, which was demonstrated in the Industrial

Fair in Chile last year.

Group 47.

1.We are delighted to inform you that we are very interested in your West-Lake-to-the-Potala-Palace touring program that

is recommended in CCTV-4 this month. 5. It sounds fantastic and exciting.

3. What we'd like to know is the price for each tourist and the number of tourists a group can include. 2. We have a good relationship of cooperation with your agency.

4. We are looking forward a better relationship in the coming touring season. Thank you!

Group 48.

1. As you know, our company has been purchasing from your company for many years.

2. Due to the recent economic crisis, we are in a throat-cutting competition in India. A discount of 5% of your supply

might reduce our pressure a great deal.

3. We are looking forward to your positive reply. Thank you very much!

4. Should you offer a discount of 5%, we would be able to place an order of 2,000 CDQC-333 electric thermoses. 5. I am writing to ask whether you could offer us a discount for CDQC-333 electric thermoses.

Group 49.

1. It is my pleasure to tell you that we are interested in your cannery recommended in China Daily.

2. Our average order ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 cans. A long-term cooperation will be of benefit to both of us. 第 26 页 (共 48 页)

3. We are one of the top import and export companies in Russia. 4. Look forward to your prompt reply. Thank you very much. 5. We'd like to know whether you could offer us a discount.

IV. Write a letter based on each of the situation below. Pay attention to the format of your letter. (15 points each)

Situation 1:

You are Mary Lee, the marketing manager of the Chinese agent of House & Office Enterprise Corp., at 4737 Hastings Street,

Barnuby, B.C. Canada (V5C 2KB). You have received a letter from the company’s sales representative Ms. Maria Detecht, who asks for your advice on how to improve the quality of their vacuum cleaners. You write to her and tell her that the noise level of the vacuum cleaners should be reduced while it is being used.

Situation 2 : You are Lucy Liu, Sales Manager of Michel Artois Limited. Because of an electricity failure, your company failed to dispatch

Mr. Hall's order for five photo copiers in time. You received the complaint from Mr. Hall yesterday. So today you decide to write a letter to him to apologize and explain the difficult situation you are in now.

Situation 3:

You are Marketing Manager of Leshan Divine Horse Travel Agency, located at 308 Tuqiao Street. Leshan. Sichuan (Postal

Code: 614000). You have just received a letter from Miss Helen Kachru. marketing director of Burgess International Tourism Limited, located at 1158-40th Avenue, N. E. , Calgary Alberta. Canada (Zip code: T2E 6M9) .To develop the tourist market in Sichuan Province. Miss Kachru expresses her wish to visit your firm from 28 February to 23 March 2001 and discuss with you the possibility of co-operation between the two firms. But you will not be back from a business trip until 25 March 2001, Write an answer letter to Miss Kachru.

Situation 4:

Mr. Qu Hailang, general manager of Pengbu Pearl Food Corporation- at 178 Zhongrong Street, Pengbu, Anhui (Postal code:

233000). has received a letter from Mr. Zamir Akimov. Import Manager of Polar Bear Corporation, at 18 Frontvikh Brigad Street, 620048. Ekataringberg, Russia, who requests 50 free packages of biscuits for promotion. Write an answer letter on behalf of Mr. Qu Hailang. The samples will be free of charge, but according to the company’s policy, the customer has to pay the shipping cost.

Situation 5: You are the purchase manager of BizLOOP Information Service Company. Place an order for 2000 packs of grade “A” 3.5

Microfloppy disks from 3M. You agree to 3M’s quotation prices--$35 per pack. You request to receive the goods on or before October. Ask 3M to charge your order to your charge account. The number of your charge account is 68486668.

Situation 6: Suppose you are Mr. Li, Sales Manager of Red Sun Import & Export Co. Ltd., located at Beihai Road, Suzhou City, Jiangsu

Province (215300). Regarding the order No. 7788 covering 400 sets of washing machines, write a letter to the supplier, Tiger Electric Corporation, located at Changzheng Rd, Xiangfan City, Hubei 441000 China, to get some information about the shipment of the goods, and remind them to deliver the goods as soon as possible.

Situation 7:

Ms. Seaver received a letter from a customer (Miss Marylin Rina) saying the blouses she had bought through mail-order

from Ms. Seaver’s online shopping company Femart were not of the color that she had expected. She said they looked different from they appeared on her computer screen. She has sent them back. As the online shopping company’s policy

第 27 页 (共 48 页)

generally grants request to return purchased goods, Ms. Seaver decides to write to Miss Rina a letter telling her that her company agrees to accept the return and will refund the purchase price.

Situation 8:

Suppose you are Peter Tan, the purchasing manager of an export corporation. You have shipped some sewing machine to

Mrs. Jones. She wrote a letter to you to complain that the products are in a damaged condition. You now write a reply letter to explain that the damage was due to extraordinary circumstances during transit. You also suggest that the loss be divided between both of you.

Situation 9: Assume you are the sales manager of a big department store. You received a large order for office equipment from Ms. Pence,

manager of International Travel Service. This was her first order. You write a letter to thank her for her order.

Situation 10: You are a sales manager in Guangzhou Canned Food Factory. On June 12, 2008, you received an order for $ 50, 000 worth

of your well-reputed canned fruit from SAE Co. in San Francisco. As agreed, the 50 tons of canned fruit is going to be shipped by S.S. MV Orion, which is leaving on June 24th and is expected to arrive in San Francisco on June 28th. Write a letter to advise Mr. Anderson, the purchasing manager of SAE Co., of the shipment. Include the necessary information as below: name of commodity, quantity, Gross Weight, Value, Name of Vessel, Date of Departure, Port of Loading, and Port of Destination. Also enclose the shipping documents in your letter.

V. Follow the instruction and write letters in response to each of the following letters.

1. Read the following promotion letter and write a request letter asking for more detailed information about the product

or service promoted in the letter. Pay attention to the format of your letter. (20 points)

Aresty Institute of Executive Education The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, 19104 U.S.A.

June 3, 2008

Dear Entrepreneurs,

To successfully drive your business, you must be competitively focused and customer focused. It’s a lesson too many people


George Day, marketing professor of the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, introduced “market-driven

strategy” to be the business vocabulary----only one of the many innovative ideas developed by our world-class faculty.

As the oldest business school in the world, Wharton has been at the frontier of finance, international business, management,

strategy and marketing. Driven by faculty with unparalleled depth and breadth, Wharton continues to help organizations negotiate the tricky turns of our increasingly global environment.

This rich tradition of innovation is the foundation of our executive programs, which incorporate a unique blend of scholarly

excellence and real-world pragmatism. These insightful, dynamic courses offer the opportunity to refocus and refuel.

第 28 页 (共 48 页)

Are you running low on your new ideas? Come to Wharton Executive Education. You’ll learn into action and quickly pull

away from the field.

Visit us on the website http://wh-execed.wharton.upenn.edu/2463.com or call us at 1-215-898-1776 to learn more about our

complete portfolios of courses and our state-of-the-art distributed learning program. Yours sincerely, John Carrol Marketing Director

2. Write a negative reply to the following letter and suggest alternatives. Pay attention to the format of your letter.


Bombay Singh Brothers Trade Corporation G, M, Sam Mansion, 32 Pyde Rd. Bombay, India

December 14, 2007

Mr. ShenYaqun, Marketing Director

Yade Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd, 67 Jiefang Road (South) Dezhou, Shandong 253006 People's Republic of China

Dear Mr. Shen,

I am writing to ask whether you could offer us a discount for CDQC-333 electric thermoses.

As you know, our company has been purchasing from your company for many years. Due to the recent economic crisis, we

are in a throat-cutting competition in India. A discount of 15% of your supply might reduce our pressure a great deal.

Should you offer a discount of 15%, we would be able to place an order of 2000 CDQC-333 electric thermoses.

We are looking forward to your positive reply. Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

Kirpa Singh

Purchasing Manager

3. Suppose you are a clerk working for a Dutch company. You are required to inquire about the rates of a double room from

January 1-2 in Grand Hyatt Shanghai before booking It. Read the following advertisement and write a request letter. (20 points)

第 29 页 (共 48 页)

Grand Hyatt Shanghai Address; 177 Lujiazui Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200120 China Tel: (86)-21-5049-1234 Grand Hyatt Shanghai has 52 executive floors, and deluxe guest rooms between the 53rd and 87th floors. The luxury hotel opened in August 1999, The GRAND HYATT SHANGHAI is the tallest hotel in the world and features a 31-story central courtyard —also the highest in the world. There is a platform over the 88th floor from which visitors can have a panoramic view of Shanghai. Wing buildings include an exhibition centre, convention centre, banquet area, recreational centre, food street, and four-story shopping mall. The Hyatt has managed to bring together business and pleasure, thereby attracting businessmen and vacationers alike from around the world.

4. Read the following letter asking for an appointment and write a reply to confirm the appointment. Pay attention to

the format of your letter. (20 points)

Ancove Enterprises Limited Unit 20 KCR Industrial Estate Kimmage, Dublin 12 Ireland

Tel: +353 490 6211 Fax: +353 1 490 6104

September 11, 2007

Wu Fangtai, General Manager

Phoenix International Trade Co., Ltd 221 dongfeng Road Chaohu, Anhui 238000

People’s Republic of China

Dear Mr. Wu,

I’m sorry that President Oliver Herman failed to visit your company due to a mechanical problem of his flight to Paris

on 28 August. Now he would like to visit you and your company on October 7. He hopes it would be convenient for you to meet him at 2:00 p.m. on October 7. He would like to have a discussion with you and your engineer on the technology development.

Thanks & best wishes,

Yola Shumann (signature) Assistant President

5. Read the following letter and write a reply to this inquiry. Pay attention to the format of your letter. (20 points)

Kenneth Beare

2520 Visita Avenue Olympia, WA 98501

March 29, 2008

第 30 页 (共 48 页)

Yours faithfully, David Chen

8. Sample

Luxis International, Dept. BSE-050 712N 34th Street, Seattle, WA 98103-8881 U.S.A.


30 November, 2004

Gan Ziyu

Purchasing Manager

He bei Handan Medicine Import and Export Co., Ltd. 300 He ping Road, Handan, He bei 056002 China

Dear Mr. Gan,

I am very glad to receive your letter and thank you very much for your persistent interest in the Barlow Knee Support

in the past three years.

Unluckily, this medicine has been out of production for three months since we have developed a new medicine named Barlow

Arthritis Killer, which actually works more effectively in relieving knee pain and curing arthritis. The price is therefore accordingly increased by 10%, which we believe is quite competitive comparing with other similar medicines. If you are interested in this new medicine, we are going you offer you a 5% discount due to the good cooperation between us in the past few years.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours truly, XXX

Sales Manager

9. Sample

Dear Mr. Toara:

We refer to your letter of 15 August regarding the supply of black silk. Thank you very much for your order. Demand for the above products, however, has been heavy since last season. We are consequently fully committed at the

moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested.

We assure you, however, that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should you require other

silks, please let us know.

Looking forward to the opportunity of doing business with you soon.

Yours Sincerely, Tammy Chen Sales Manager

第 46 页 (共 48 页)

10. Sample

Datex Trading Co. Ltd.

Lianfang Building. 666 Huayuan Avenue,

Dalian, Liaoning, China

Tel: (0411)400 0000 fax: (0411) 400 0001

Zip Code: 116000

March 4, 2005

Mr. Fred Johns Purchasing Manager Kiddie Korner, Inc. #202-418 Richards Street Vancouver, B.C V6B 3A7 Canada

Dear Mr. Johns,

We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 2 March, and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters.

There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of garments which we make for all age groups.

We can offer the quantity discount you asked for, which would be 5% off net price for orders over $20,000.00. Enclosed

you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices CIF Vancouver.

We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in Canada as have other retailers throughout Europe and America,

and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.

Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Sales Manager

Encl: as stated

商务英语写作 评分标准 (课程代号:5440)

I. Multiple-choice: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes

the sentences. (1 point each) 选择题,每题1分。 III.

Fill each of the blanks with a correct word or phrase choosing from the following list. Change the form when necessary and use each item once only. Pay attention that in each list, there are 2 extra words for choice. (1 point each) 选词填空题,每个单词一分。单词形式错误(如时态、单复数等),扣0.5分。

III. Rearrange each group of numbered sentences from the text of business letters so that they will read logically. (1

point each)


第 47 页 (共 48 页)

IV. Write a letter based on each of the situation below. Pay attention to the format of your letter. (15 points each)

按情景写作,每篇满分15分。 评分标准: 评分档次 11-15 5. 信息完整,符合情景 要求 6. 语言得体,用词准确、恰当 7. 没有或极少语法错误 8. 格式正确,书写工整

V. V. Follow the instruction and write letters in response to each of the following letters. 按要求回信,每篇满分20



评分档次 16-20 5. 信息完整 6. 语言得体,用词准要求 确、恰当 7. 没有或极少语法错误 8. 格式正确,书写工整

11-15 4. 信息完整 5. 语言得体,用词准确、恰当 6. 有少数语法错误 6-10 2. 信息完整 2. 语言得体,用词准确、恰当 0-5 4. 信息不够完整 5. 语言不得体,用词不准确 6. 格式不正确 6-10 4. 信息完整,符合情景 5. 语言得体,用词基本准确 6. 有少数语法错误 0-5 5. 信息不够完整,内容与情景不符 6. 语言不得体,用词不准确 格式不正确 第 48 页 (共 48 页)

