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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
一、引 言
国际化作为一种成长战略和多元化战略,对企业绩效的影响具有多维性。国际化为企业更有效地利用其特定资源创造了条件,企业能够在国际化过程中进一步发挥自己的已有优势,利用各国资源和要素禀赋差异并通过价值链的全球布局来实现总收益的最大化,通过不同国家市场间的资源共享和协调来创造更大的范围经济,因此,国际化有利于企业的组织学习和创新,并能促进新产品的研发和导入。目前, 我国众多行业己经形成了“国内市场国际化,国际市场国内化”的竞争格局,国内企业的竞争力、经营管理水平和可持续发展空间日益面临着经济全球化和信息化的挑战。为了应对日趋激烈的国际国内市场竞争, 企业不得不调整自身的发展战略,由国内经营向国际化经营拓展,充分利用国内外两个市场、两种资源,拓展具有比较优势产品和技术的市场空间,学习国际先进技术和管理经验,提高自身的竞争力。在企业自身利益的驱动以及政府宏观政策的引导下,我国企业的境外投资进入了加快发展的阶段。
企业国际化是企业由国内市场向国际市场发展的渐进演变过程。20世纪70年代,一批欧洲学者等人以企业行为理论研究方法为基础,提出了企业国际化阶 第 1 页 共 62 页
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
段理论。有的学者称之为“优泼萨拉国际化模型”(Uppsalax internationalization Model,简称U-M)该模型认为,企业国际化应该被视为一个发展过程,这一发展过程表现为企业对外国市场逐渐提高承诺的连续形式。
Cavusgil(2004)将企业进行国际化时所遇到的困难分成三大类,包括丧失现有优势(表示企业进入他国市场将会面临到一些与母国经营环境不同的国家,企业在母国现有的优势可能不会适用在国外市场)、产生竞争劣势(包括当地政府与企业母国政府关系不佳,导致当地政府对该国企业普遍抱有不友善的态度;企业因为不习惯当地市场的经营模式,导致表现不佳)、缺少互补性资源(企业在海外市场缺乏关键性的原料导致无法达到规模经济或是当地缺少与企业具有互补性的产品)。Ruigrok 和Wagner( 2003) 采用1993-1997 年的数据对51 家德国大型制造业企业的研究也得出了国际化程度与企业绩效呈U 形关系的理论。
我国学者梁能提出了企业走向世界的两条道路的观点, 他认为企业走向世界在很大程度上意味着如何在本地市场迎接世界竞争问题,因此, 走向世界可以分为内向型和外向型两类, 或者说, 走向世界的外向道路和内向道路。梁能在《国际商务》中认为“企业走向世界的过程可以从两方面来讨论:其一是企业经营的国际化,也就是企业产销活动范围怎样从一国走向世界的问题;其二是企业自身的国际化,也就是一个原先土生土长的地方性企业, 如何向跨国企业演变的问题”。
鞍山钢铁集团公司总经理张晓刚(2010)分析了后金融危机时代中国钢铁企业国际化经营所要面临的全球形势:全球贸易摩擦加剧、钢铁产业自身变革进程加速、经济结构演变带来挑战。王涛(2011)分析了我国钢铁行业的发展的关键限制因素,在中国钢铁企业国际化经营中,铁矿石已经成为制约中国钢铁企业发展的关键因素。刘德学、贾晓霞、张锋(2001)分析了我国大型钢铁企业国际化经营的状况,通过研究发现,我国出口的冶金产品大多为半成品、初级产品和低附加值产品。武鹏(2008)对我国钢铁行业对外贸易进行了分析,认为中国钢铁 第 2 页 共 62 页
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
国际化为企业更有效地利用其特定资源创造了条件,企业能够在国际化过程中进一步发挥自己的已有优势。 “企业国际化能否带来高的经营绩效”一直是企业管理者和经济研究学者关注的焦点。在近四十年里,国内外学者在不断探索企业国际化程度衡量方法的基础上,对企业国际化程度与经营绩效的关系进行了大量的实证研究,但却未能就国际化对企业绩效的作用达成共识。有的学者认为国际化程度的提高有利于企业的成长,也有学者认为国际化会影响企业的投资收益,一些学者的研究则发现企业经营绩效随国际化程度的提高呈曲线形态的规律变动,如U形、倒U形以及水平S形等。国际化作为一种成长战略和多元化战略,对企业绩效的影响具有多维性。
根据传统的对外直接投资理论,如果市场的不完全性使得内部组织比外部市场交易更加有利, 跨国公司就会对外扩张并从中获得交易成本优势(Williamson,1975)或生产成本优势,在国际市场上实现规模经济或范围经济(Porter,1985; Grant,1987; Burgers,1993)。因此,国际化对企业绩效产生正面影响,即国际化程度与企业绩效正相关。一些国际商务学者的实证研究也为这一理论假设提供了证据支持。例如,Vernon(1971)对1964 年187 家美国大型制造业跨国企业和国内经营企业的比较分析,以及Hughes(1975)对1970-1973年46家美国跨国企业和50家国内经营企业的比较分析,均证明跨国企业的绩效明显优于国内经营企业;Kim等(1993)在对1982年列入“福布斯”排行榜的125家美国企业的研究中,对国际化程度不同的企业的绩效进行了比较分析,并在控制产业特征的前提下,对国际化程度与企业绩效进行了回归统计分析。他们都得出了国际化程度与企业绩效正相关的结论。
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
考虑到国际化作用于企业绩效的时滞效应。Grant 等(1987)在采用1972-1984 年的数据对304家英国大型制造业企业进行的实证分析中,采用国际化程度的滞后项作为主要解释变量,以销售利润率衡量的企业绩效为被解释变量,在控制产业特征、企业规模、资本结构等其他绩效影响因素的情况下,对国际化程度与企业绩效进行了回归分析。结果显示, 较高的绩效水平会刺激企业向海外扩张,而向海外扩张又能进一步增加企业的盈利,即提高企业绩效。
尽管传统的对外直接投资理论承认海外经营会产生额外的成本,但极少关注国际化产生的成本,原因在于其隐含的一个假设前提就是在进入国际市场之前,企业已经积累了一定的特定优势,足以克服国际化的劣势(即与国内经营相比,海外投资和经营必然会发生额外成本)。然而,自20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的实证研究表明,国际化所产生的成本可以抵消至少是部分抵消国际化所带来的收益,对企业的绩效产生负面影响。这些成本的来源包括外来企业劣势(liabilities of foreignness)、新创事业缺陷(liabilities of newness)、国际化经营所面临的金融和政治风险、经营地域分散性和文化多样性所造成的协调和激励等方面的困难。 一直以来,金融学者比较关注国际化的成本或负面效应,他们以风险调整后的回报率和股票市场价值作为企业绩效的衡量指标,重点研究了投资者对国际化的认同、跨境金融交易成本以及国际化与风险分散的关系。他们的研究提供了大量支持“国际化劣势确实存在”的证据。
Collins(1990)通过对133家美国《财富》500强企业1976-1985年的业绩与国际化程度的比较分析,得出了以下结论: 以发达国家为主要市场的国际化企业与国内经营企业在绩效上没有显著差异,但以欠发达国家为主要市场的国际化企业回报率明显低于国内经营企业。Kartrishen和Scordis(1998)采用1984-1992年的数据对15个国家的93家保险公司进行了实证分析,结果发现营运成本占总收入的比重随着企业经营地域范围的扩大呈加速上升的趋势。综上得出:国际化程度越高,经营绩效越低。
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国际化程度 图1 国际化程度与经营绩效正相关
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
经营绩效 第 5 页 共 62 页
国际化程度 图2 国际化程度与经营绩效负相关
国际化程度 图3 国际化程度与经营绩效倒U形关系
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文 (四)国际化与经营绩效的U形关系
Lu和Beamish(2001)采用1986-1997年的数据对164家日本中小企业进行的实证研究表明, 对于缺乏国际化经验和知识的中小企业,国际化程度与企业绩效呈U形关系。在首次通过对外直接投资方式进入国际市场时,中小企业要比当地竞争对手承担更高的成本,无法立刻实现对外投资的各种潜在利益。然而,随着组织学习和对外投资经验的积累,新增对外投资能够为企业带来收益。Ruigrok 和Wagner(2003)采用1993-1997 年的数据对51家德国大型制造业企业的研究也得出了国际化程度与企业绩效呈U形关系的结论。对此,他们的解释是:由于邻近国家的市场规模均较小,无法吸纳大量的投资,大多数德国企业在国际化初期就必须涉足欧洲、北美和亚洲等心理距离较远的国家,从而很快面临由内部机制与外部环境不匹配造成的绩效下滑,并不得不开始学习新的市场知识,重构企业的内部体系、机制和流程以适应新的经营环境。在经历成功的调整与适应以后,企业绩效在随后的对外扩张过程中逐步上升。
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
针对不同研究得出的不同结论,一些学者试图整合各方面的观点,提出一个更加一般和通用的理论模型。其中,最具代表性的模型便是Contractor等(2003)提出的国际化扩张三阶段模型。Contractor等人认为,国际化程度的提高通常能够增加企业的利润,但有两个限制条件。首先,在国际化的初级阶段,由于学习成本高昂、不熟悉外国市场和当地文化、海外业务没有达到有效规模等原因,企业绩效会有所下降。其次,在国际化程度达到一定水平以后,企业也可能由于过度国际化而导致绩效下滑。如果企业进入太多的国家,包括一些外围或市场较小的国家,那么,协调和管理成本就会快速上涨,最终超过进一步对外扩张能带来的收益。因此,国际化程度与企业绩效的关系呈水平S形曲线状,即企业的绩效随国际化程度的提高首先下降, 然后上升,最终再下降。Contractor等人对全球最大的103家服务企业的研究证实了他们提出的水平S形曲线关系的假设。
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国际化程度 图4 国际化程度与经营绩效的U形关系
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
跨国经营指数(Transnationlity Index,简称TNI),它是根据一家企业的国外资产比重、对外销售比重和国外雇员比重这几个参数所计算的算术平均值。跨国经营指数可以衡量一个跨国公司对国外资产、国外销售和国外雇员的依赖程度。跨国程度指数高表明海外企业相对于母国企业在跨国公司中的地位更重要,跨国程度指数低,表明这个公司虽然也有海外投资企业但对母国的资产、市场和雇员依赖性更大。用公式表示如下:
TNI=(国外资产/总资产+国外销售/总销售+国外雇员/雇员总数)/3×100%(1) 网络分布指数(Network Index,简称NI)。它是公司国外分支机构所在的国家数与公司有可能建立国外分支机构的国家数,即世界上有FDI输入的国家数之间的比率。这个指数用于反映公司经营所涉及的东道国的数量。用公式表示如下:
NI=N/N*×100% (2)
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国际化程度 图5 国际化程度与经营绩效的S形关系
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
外向程度比率(Outward Significance Ratio,简称OSR)。它是厂商的海外产量(资产、销售或雇员数)与厂商在母国产量(相应的资产、销售或雇员数)之间的比率。它反映某一方面的国际化程度。
研究与开发支出的国内外比率(R&D Ratio 简称R&DR)。它是企业的海外研发费用开支与企业的国内研发费用开支的比率。R&DR主要是说明跨国公司R&D的国际化程度,随着R&D在跨国公司经营中重要性的日益凸显,这一指标也日益受到重视,亦成为解释国际化经营程度中不可或缺的重要组成部分。
外销比例(Foreign Sales Ratio简称FSR)。它是厂商的产品出口额与厂商的海内外销售总额的比率。FSR对于鉴别出口导向型的FDI是一个非常重要的指标,在解释与国际贸易之间的关系中也有很好的适用性,对于全面考察国际化经营有重要意义。
OSR=境外营业收入/总营业收入×100% (3)
表1 宝钢2008-2012年境内外营业收入统计
单位:百万元 境内营业收入 境外营业收入
2008 176,309 24,542 2009 134,627 13,955 2010 182,397 20,021 2011 199,018 23,872 2012 172,149 19,444 资料来源:宝钢股份各年年报。
2008年营业收入总额=176,309+24,542=200,851 (百万元) 外向程度比率(OSR)2008=境外营业收入/总营业收入×100% =24,542÷200,851×100%=12.22%
2009年营业收入总额=134,627+13,955=148,582 (百万元)
2010年营业收入总额=182,397+20,021=202,418 (百万元)
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
2011年营业收入总额=199,018+23,872=222,890 (百万元)
2012年营业收入总额=172,149+19,444=191,593 (百万元)
表2 马钢2008-2012年境内外营业收入统计
单位:百万元 境外营业收入 境内营业收入
2008 65,610 5,650 2009 51,110 750 2010 1,549 2011 1,715 2012 71,660 2,744 63,432 85,126 资料来源:马钢股份各年年报。
2008年营业收入总额=65,610+5,650=71,260 (百万元) OSR2008=5,650÷71,260×100%=7.93%
2009年营业收入总额=51,110+750=51,860 (百万元) OSR2009=750÷51,860×100%=1.45%
2010年营业收入总额=63,432+1,549=64,981 (百万元) OSR2010=1,549÷64,981×100%=2.38%
2011年营业收入总额=85,126+1,715=86,841 (百万元) OSR2011=1,715÷86,841×100%=1.97%
2012年营业收入总额=71,660+2,744=74,404 (百万元) OSR2012=2,744÷74,404×100%=3.69% 3.武钢的境外收入比重
武汉钢铁(集团)公司(Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation)简称武钢、 第 10 页 共 62 页
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安徽工业大学 毕业论文
表3 2008-2012年武钢境内外营业收入统计
单位:百万元 境内营业收入 境外营业收入
2008 2,369 2009 1,683 2010 2,769 2011 4,275 2012 4,230 70,969 52,031 72,828 96,783 87,349 资料来源:武汉钢铁股份各年年报。
2008年营业收入总额=70,969+2,369=73,338 (百万元) OSR2008=2,369÷73,338×100%=3.23%
2009年营业收入总额=52,031+1,683=53,714 (百万元) OSR2009=1,683÷53,714×100%=3.13%
2010年营业收入总额=72,828+2,769=75,597 (百万元) OSR2010=2,769÷75,597×100%=3.66%
2011年营业收入总额=96,783+4,275=101,058 (百万元) OSR2011=4,275÷101,058×100%=4.23%
2012年营业收入总额=87,349+4,230=91,579 (百万元) OSR2012=4,230÷91,579×100%=4.62% 4.安阳钢铁的境外收入比重
表4 2008-2012年安阳钢铁境内外营业收入统计
单位:百万元 境内营业收入 2008 33,530 2009 22,309 2010 2011 2012 26,984 28,395 20,324 第 11 页 共 62 页
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境外营业收入 3,292 352 884 702 189
2008年营业收入总额=33,530+3,292=36,822(百万元) OSR2008=3,292÷36,822×100%=8.94%
2009年营业收入总额=22,309+352=22,661 (百万元) OSR2009=352÷22,661×100%=1.55%
2010年营业收入总额=26,984+884=27,868 (百万元) OSR2010=884÷27,868×100%=3.17%
2011年营业收入总额=28,395+702=29,097 (百万元) OSR2011=702÷29,097×100%=2.41%
2012年营业收入总额=20,324+189=20,513 (百万元) OSR2012=189÷20,513×100%=0.92% 5.大冶特钢的境外收入比重
大冶特钢的主导产品为齿轮钢、轴承钢、弹簧钢、工模具钢、高温合金钢、高速工具钢等特殊用途的钢材,有800多个品种、1800多种规格,可向汽车、石油、化工、煤炭、电力、机械制造、铁路运输等行业以及航海、航空、航天等领域提供服务,产品畅销国内外,远销世界五大洲近30个国家和地区。公司主要产品国内市场占有率分别为:弹簧钢25.98%,居全国第一位;合金结构钢(含齿轮钢)10.69%,居全国第一位:轴承钢20.5%,居全国第二位。其中,铁道用渗碳轴承钢占全国总产量的70%。此外,公司产品还外销美国、德国、日本、韩国、东南亚等27个国家和地区,年创汇1500 万美元左右。大冶特钢的营业收入如下表:
表5 2008-2012年大冶特钢境内外营业收入统计
单位:百万元 境内营业收入 境外营业收入
2008 6,145 970 2009 4,553 351 2010 6,415 863 2011 7,026 2012 6,191 1,551 1,362 资料来源:大冶特钢股份各年年报。
2008年营业收入总额=6,145+970=7,115 (百万元) OSR2008=970÷7,115×100%=13.63%
2009年营业收入总额=4,553+351=4,904 (百万元) OSR2009=351÷4,904×100%=7.16%
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2010年营业收入总额=6,415+863=7,278 (百万元)
2011年营业收入总额=7,026+1,551=8,577 (百万元) OSR2011=1,551÷8,577×100%=18.08%
2012年营业收入总额=6,191+1,362=7,553 (百万元) OSR2012=1,362÷7,553×100%=18.03%
图6 五大钢铁公司的国际化程度
从五大钢铁公司相比较来看:2012年,大冶特钢从2009年开始境外收入比重提高,超过了宝钢、武钢、马钢和安钢,2011年到2012年大冶特钢的境外收入比重高达18%左右。宝钢的境外收入比重比较平稳、略有下降,在10%左右波动。武钢的境外收入比重近五年略有上升但仍然较低,维持在4%左右。马钢和安钢的 第 13 页 共 62 页
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总资产报酬率(ROA)=利润总额/资产平均总额×100% (4) 资产平均总额=(期初资产总额+期末资产总额)/2 (5) 销售利润率(ROS)=利润总额/营业收入×100% (6)
表6 宝钢2007-2012年财务数据
单位:百万元 资产 负债 销售收入 利润总额 净利润 2007 188,335.79 93,734.80 191,558.99 19,307.68 13,422.62 2008 200,021.14 102,183.45 200,638.01 8,154.37 6,601.09 2009 201,142.78 99,923.48 148,525.27 7,294.56 6,095.20 2010 216,065.10 104,722.61 202,149.15 17,076.23 13,360.89 2011 2012 231,099.75 214,357.30 117,629.75 97,015.54 222,504.68 191,135.54 9,260.13 7,735.80 13,139.65 10,432.96 数据来源:宝钢股份各年年报。
表7 宝钢的经营绩效相关指标
ROA ROS 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 平均资产总额(百万元) 194,178.47 200581.96 208,603.94 223,582.43 222,728.53 4.20% 4.06% 3.64% 4.91% 8.19% 8.45% 4.14% 4.16% 5.90% 6.87%
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根据上表相关指标,2008年和2009年宝钢的经营绩效整体比较低,2010年ROA突增为8.19%,ROS突增为8.45%,然而2011年又急剧下降,ROA为4.14%,ROS为4.16%,2012年有缓慢提高。宝钢的经营绩效不稳定,波动较大。 2.马钢的经营绩效
表8 马钢2007-2012年的财务数据
单位:百万元 资产 负债 销售收入 利润总额 净利润 2007 71,083.14 47,627.66 50,645.39 2,796.70 2,576.11 2008 66,144.55 39,617.45 71,259.74 805.87 731.23 2009 67,984.11 40,799.24 51,859.97 562.88 533.87 2010 70,104.93 42,106.16 64,981.11 1,711.11 1,191.61 2011 81,113.03 52,180.28 86,842.20 301.10 189.50 2012 76,011.16 50,499.11 74,404.36 -3,746.32 -3,800.52 数据来源:马钢股份各年年报
表9 马钢的经营绩效相关指标
ROA ROS 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 平均资产总额(百万元) 68,613.85 67,064.33 69,044.52 75,608.98 78,562.10 1.17% 1.13% 0.84% 1.09% 2.48% 2.63% 0.40% 0.35% -4.77% -5.04%
表10 武钢2007-2012年的财务数据
单位:百万元 资产 2007 64,946.82 2008 73,313.64 2009 73,324.01 2010 76,304.91 2011 96,100.67 2012 98,727.63 第 15 页 共 62 页
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负债 销售收入 利润总额 净利润 39,122.36 54,159.64 9,406.53 6,519.51 45,599.26 73,338.71 6,350.29 5,190.42 45,969.85 53,714.17 1,956.68 1,519.43 48,024.56 75,596.60 2,206.82 1,707.34 58,910.46 101,058.31 1,422.94 948.91 61,971.19 91,579.39 111.97 41.11 数据来源:武汉钢铁股份各年年报。
表11 武钢的经营绩效相关指标
ROA ROS 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 平均资产总额(百万元) 69,130.23 73,318.83 74,814.46 86,202.79 97,414.15 9.19% 8.66% 2.67% 3.64% 2.95% 2.92% 1.65% 1.41% 0.11% 0.12%
根据上表中的相关指标,武钢的经营绩效整体一直处于下降状态,从2008年的最高值ROA为9.19%、ROS为8.66%分别持续下降到2012年的0.11%、0.12%,2009年到2011年的经营绩效都很低,基本处于1.5%-3.5%之间。 4.安阳钢铁的经营绩效
表12 安阳钢铁2007-2012年财务数据
单位:百万元 资产 负债 销售收入 利润总额 净利润 2007 21,561.48 14,075.11 25,671.59 1,145.45 1,085.32 2008 27,166.23 16,723.89 37,113.93 155.55 125.33 2009 26,848.75 16,252.83 22,912.97 145.73 131.00 2010 31,431.33 20,631.83 28,296.73 104.86 76.27 2011 32,950.15 22,171.79 29,768.14 373.11 34.36 2012 32,208.58 24,882.85 20,950.99 -3,496.31 -3,501.29 数据来源:安阳钢铁股份各年年报。
表13 安阳钢铁的经营绩效相关指标 ROA 2008 0.64% 2009 0.54% 2010 0.36% 2011 1.16% 2012 -10.73% 平均资产总额(百万元) 24,363.86 27,007.49 29,140.04 32,190.74 32,579.37 第 16 页 共 62 页
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ROS 0.42% 0.64% 0.37% 1.25% -16.69%
安阳钢铁的经营绩效指标在2011年之前都不足1%,并持续下降,2011年有一定幅度的上升,ROA、ROS分别达到1.16%、1.25%,2012年急剧下降,两个指标分别达到最低值-10.73%和-16.69%,安阳钢铁有很大的亏损。 5.大冶特钢的经营绩效
表14 大冶特钢2007-2012年的财务数据
单位;百万元 资产 负债 销售收入 利润总额 净利润 2007 3,440.32 1,794.66 5,908.04 323.63 323.63 2008 3,398.35 1,641.69 7,501.77 178.92 200.88 2009 3,783.51 1,739.00 5,561.18 380.44 332.79 2010 4,537.05 1,998.07 7,893.02 642.15 561.88 2011 4,701.39 1,802.18 9,261.83 654.24 584.93 2012 4,254.18 1,316.51 8,122.73 261.83 218.22 数据来源:大冶特钢股份各年年报
表15 大冶特钢的经营绩效相关指标 平均资产总额(百万元) ROA ROS 2008 3,419.34 5.23% 2.39% 2009 3,590.93 10.59% 6.84% 2010 4,160.28 15.44% 8.14% 2011 4,619.22 14.16% 7.06% 2012 4,477.79 5.85% 3.22%
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图7 五家钢铁公司销售利润率的变化趋势
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图8 五家钢铁公司资产利润率的变化趋势
国际化与绩效之间关系的实证研究始于20世纪70年代,30多年来众多学者并未对国际化程度与企业绩效的关系模型达成一致的观点和结论。早期的多数研究认为,国际化程度与企业绩效之间是正向或负向的线性关系,或没有关系。本 第 19 页 共 62 页
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图9 国际化程度与销售利润率的关系
图10 国际化程度与资产利润率的关系
综上,我国钢铁企业的国际化水平与经营绩效之间存在着一定的关系,在国 第 20 页 共 62 页
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表16是以我国5家钢铁企业为研究对象,对本研究中变量进行描述性统计,主要的描述性统计量包括各变量的样本数、平均值、标准差、最小值和最大值。 表16 各变量的描述性统计 变量 销售利润率 资产利润率 境外收入比重 境外收入比重的平方 总资产的对数 资产负债率
(3)在作为控制变量的指标中,总资产的对数的平均值为24.47,最大值为26.13,最小值为21.95,说明样本企业的资产总额相对来说比较平均,相互之间有所差别,但并不悬殊;资产负债率的平均值为56.56%,最大值为72.22%,最小值为34.82%,说明各企业间在资本结构方面存在较大的差异,有的企业负债经营能力较高,有的企业则较低。 2.回归结果
模型一:销售利润率=常数项+系数×境外收入比重+随机项 回归结果如下:
表17 销售利润率对境外收入比重的回归结果
样本数 25 25 25 25 25 25 均值 2.360968 3.439729 6.976869 73.72135 24.47309 56.56447 标准差 5.126357 5.47001 5.107658 93.32446 1.366628 9.168536 最小值 -16.68806 -10.73168 0.848917 21.95271 34.82411 最大值 8.658859 15.43532 327.0038 26.13305 72.21539 0.9213669 18.08325 第 21 页 共 62 页
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解释变量 境外收入比重 常数项 系数 0.4710177 -0.925262 标准差 0.1848004 1.586717 t值 2.55 -0.58 P值 0.018 0.565 95%置信区间 0.0887289 -4.207636 0.8533065 2.357114 R2=0.2202;F=6.50
销售利润率=-0.9252612+0.4710177×境外收入比重 (7)
根据样本资料,取F值的临界值为F0.025(1,23)=5.75,F=6.5>5.75 ,即在95%的置信度下,可以认为线性回归模型是显著的;但是由于存在衡量误差,结果可能不太准确。
表18 销售利润率对境外收入比重、境外收入比重的平方的回归结果
被解释变量:销售利润率 解释变量 境外收入比重 境外收入比重平方 常数项 R2 = 0.3104;F = 4.95
系数 1.533824 -0.060461 -3.883126 标准差 0.6514813 0.0356556 2.317476 t值 2.35 -1.70 -1.68 P值 0.028 0.104 0.108 95%置信区间 0.1827348 -0.134405 -8.689279 2.884914 0.0134852 0.9230234
-0.0604601×境外收入比重平方 (8)
上式对境外收入比重求导:销售利润率的导数=1.533824-2×0.0604601×境外收入比重,当境外收入比重等于12.6846时,销售利润率的导数为0,此时,销售 第 22 页 共 62 页
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表19 销售利润率对多变量的回归结果
被解释变量:销售利润率 解释变量 境外收入比重 境外收入比重平方 总资产的对数 常数项 R2 = 0.3105;F = 3.15
系数 1.516929 -0.0591565 0.0593486 -5.313793 标准差 0.7063056 0.0406817 0.8188498 19.88127 t值 2.15 -1.45 0.07 -0.27 P值 0.044 0.161 0.943 0.792 95%置信区间 0.0480861 -0.1437587 -1.643543 -46.65915 2.985772 0.0254456 1.76224 36.03157
-0.0591565×境外收入比重平方+0.0593486×总资产的对数(9) 模型三在模型二的解释变量的基础上,加上了总资产的对数,这是为了控制企业规模对销售利润率的影响。境外收入占比与企业规模可能存在相关关系,如果销售利润率主要是由企业规模所影响的(比如规模经济或规模不经济),那么,如果模型中没放入企业规模的变量,则模型中反映出的销售利润率与境外收入占比之间的关系很可能不是由国际化程度引起的,而是由企业规模所引起的,所以,要准确的考察经营绩效与国际化程度的关系,必须控制企业规模。模型三在控制了企业规模后,发现境外收入比的系数与模型二中基本相似,且同样显著,说明模型二种所体现的经营绩效与国际化程度之间的关系并不是由企业规模引起的。
F值=3.15<5.75, 即在95%的置信度下可以认为线性回归模型是不显著的。由于存在衡量误差,结果可能不太可靠。
表20 资产利润率与各变量的回归结果
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解释变量 境外收入比重 境外收入比重平方 总资产的对数 常数项 R2 = 0.4556;F = 5.86
系数 1.414543 -0.0487416 -1.099751 24.07825 标准差 0.6696702 0.0385715 0.7763768 18.85005 t值 2.11 -1.26 -1.42 1.28 P值 0.047 0.220 0.171 0.215 95%置信区间 0.0218879 -0.128955 -2.714315 -15.12257 2.807199 0.0314724 0.5148124 63.27907
-0.0487416×境外收入比重平方-1.099751×总资产的对数 (10)
F值=5.86>5.75, 即在95%的置信度下可以认为线性回归模型是显著的。 综上,企业经营绩效一开始随着国际化程度的提高逐渐增加,当国际化到达某个程度后,企业经营绩效开始下降,但由于衡量国际化程度或分析的方法存在一定的缺陷,所以得出的结论可能不太可靠。
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Appendix :Related foreign literature and translation
Internationalization strategies of chinese IT
Ning Su
service suppliers
With China emerging as a new frontier of global IT outsourcing, many Chinese IT service suppliers are actively expanding in three major markets:Asia, especially Japan, the West, especially the United States, and the Chinese domestic market. Compared to multinational suppliers and established Indian suppliers, Chinese IT service firms are at a relatively early,but rapidly growing stage, which offers a unique opportunity to explore an understudied topic in the information systems literature: internationalization strategies of IT service suppliers from emerging economies. Through a three-part qualitative case study of 13 China-based IT service firms, including almost all of the Chinese suppliers recognized globally, this study elaborates the internationalization behavior and decision rationale of these suppliers. The findings show that these major Chinese suppliers include both firms that incrementally internationalize and firms that are ―born global.‖ For both types of firms, the entry and growth in different markets is a highly dynamic activity combining a strategically planned, resource-seeking process and a flexible,opportunistic bricolage process based on existing operation capabilities and client relationships.The suppliers dynamically oscillate betw-een these processes to exploit and create opportunities while expanding inmultiple markets.
Keywords: IT outsourcing, supplier‘s perspective, internationalization, strategy
process, China
1. Introduction1 China is rapidly emerging as a leading destination for global IT service out sourcing (KPMG 2010). The country‘s software industry has reached a significant scale of over 200 billion USD (China Ministry of Commerce 2011),about three times the size of India‘s (NASSCOM 2010). However, the industry has been domestically-oriented, with only about 5 percent of revenue coming from export (China Ministry of Commerce 2011), compared to 80 percent in India. In recent years, the software and IT service industry has been increasingly recognized by China as a key to thecountry‘s strategic transformation 第 28 页 共 62 页
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from a manufacturing-oriented economy to a service-driven economy, an initiative called ―From ?Made in China‘ to ?China Service‘‖ by the Chinese media (Rottman and Hao 2008), and the government had launched policies that spawned rapid growth of the software and IT service industry.
Although as an offshore IT service destination, China has been consistently ranked behind India (e.g., AT Kearney 2011), the country is far from a newcomer to the global IT service industry, and has even achieved worldwide leadership in certain niches such as offshore research and development outsourcing (IAOP 2010b). Some Chinese suppliers have been providing IT services to large Japanese firms for over two decades (Carmel et al. 2008), and China is Japan‘s largest offshore software and IT service outsourcing destination (Xinhua 2007). In recent years, many suppliers have shifted their growth from the Japanese market to the West, especially the United States (China Business News 2007). Today, Japan and the United States each accounts for about 30 percent of China‘s software and IT service export (China Ministry of Commerce 2011). For many Chinese IT service suppliers, a key challenge in this transformation is making managerial decisions on whether and how to expand their business in multiple markets (e.g., De Filippo et al. 2005).
Compared to established multinational suppliers and Indian suppliers in particular, Chinese IT service firms are at a relatively early but rapidly growing stage in their development. This provides a unique opportunity to extend the information systems (IS) literature. Specifically, while existing research has explored global outsourcing from the perspective of IT service suppliers and has examined their managerial practices in international markets, the literature has not elaborated how these suppliers expand into different markets in the first place. Related research in international business (IB) can be drawn upon to help understand firms‘ foreign market entry behavior. However, the IB literature has not adequately conceptualized the actual strategy formation process of internationalization (e.g., Rialp-Criado et al. 2010). Furthermore, existing research on IT outsourcing primarily focuses on the more mature U.S., European, and Indian suppliers; China is understudied in the literature. This study seeks to contribute to the IS literature by examining Chinese suppliers‘ internationalization strategies, including both the behavior and decision rationale behind suppliers‘ entry and expansion in multiple markets.
To obtain insights into this topic, qualitative case studies based on 95 interviews with 13 Chinese IT service suppliers were conducted over a period of 6 years. The firms encompassed almost all of the most globally recognized Chinese suppliers and several other most domes- tically reputable suppliers,according to major global and Chinese industry rankings (e.g., Chinasourcing 2008; IAOP 2008, 2009, 2010a,2010b, 2011). Sixty of the interviews were conducted at one of the largest Chinese IT service 第 29 页 共 62 页
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suppliers. Based on in-depth interviews with the suppliers‘ top and middle-level managers and supplementary archival data, and drawing on related research in IS and IB, the study elaborates IT service suppliers‘ internationalization behavior and the strategy process by which IT service suppliers form decisions regarding their entry and expansion in different markets.
2. Literature Review
In this section, we first synthesize related IB research on firms‘ internationalization behavior and decision rationale. We then review recent developments in the emerging field of international entrepreneurship. Finally, we compare these results with the IS literature on IT outsourcing, especially research from the IT service supplier‘s perspective, and identifies the gap that this study seeks to address.
2.1 Internationalization Strategy
IT service suppliers‘ provisioning of products and services to foreign clients is a form of international business (Capar and Kotabe 2003). According to the IB literature, suppliers‘ entry and expansion in multiple markets is a process of ―internationalization‖ (Andersen 1993; Calof and Beamish 1995). Over the last four decades, a body of research has been developed to characterize firms‘ internationalization behavior.This research was originally based on Penrose‘s (1959) theory of growth and the behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March 1963). In particular, two sets of descriptive models emerged as the most widely used theoretical frameworks, one termed the Uppsala model (U-M), and the other termed innovation-related model (I-M) (Andersen 1993). Specifically, U-M views internationalization as a process driven by firms‘ gradual accumulation of market knowledge (Johanson and Vahlne 1977, 1990; Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1975). I-M views internationalization as a process analogous to innovation diffusion within the firm (Bilkey and Tesar 1977; Cavusgil 1980; Reid 1981). Both models suggest that internationalization is an incremental process, as firms successively enter markets with increasing ―psychic distance.‖ Psychic distance is a unique term in IB, referring to differences of markets in factors such as language, culture, education, political system, industrial development, and business practice (Johanson and Vahlne 1977, 2009).
While these theoretical frameworks focus on characterizing firms‘ behavior in international expansion, several economicsbased theories have been proposed or adopted to explain the rationale behind firms‘ internationalization. The most prominent theories that are specific to the field of IB include the monopolistic advantage theory, the internalization theory, and the eclectic paradigm. The monopolistic advantage theory suggests that firms‘ success in international markets is based on exploiting their unique superior advantages, in the form of technology, capital, or brand, which 第 30 页 共 62 页
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outweigh the cost of being foreign (Caves 1971; Hymer 1976).The internalization theory suggests that a firm‘s international expansion is a process of rational action, in which the firm continues developing its internal markets across national borders by integrating operations formerly carried out by intermediate product markets, until the expected benefits and costs of the expansion are equalized (e.g., Buckley and Casson 1976; Casson 1979;Rugman 1981). Integrating different streams of prior research, Dunning (1977, 1988, 1993, 2001) develops the eclectic paradigm, or ―OLI‖ framework, which suggests that firms make decisions on their international business activities by configuring three types of advantages: first, ownership (O)advantages, which are attributable to the firm‘s possession of particular intangible assets, such as firm specific technology; second, location (L) advantages, which stem from the institutional and productive factors present in a particular geographical area; third, internalization (I) advantages, which arise from the firm‘s ability to leverage its ownership advantages by effectively organizing production activities within the firm rather than exploiting such assets through the open market. In the past three decades, in the IB literature, the eclectic paradigm has been the most widely adopted framework for explaining the significant growth of multinational firms (Cantwell and Narula 2001).
These IB-specific theories are, in part, based on two more broadly applicable theoretical frameworks: transaction cost economics (TCE) and resource-based view (RBV). TCE suggests that firms select governance structures based on expected market transaction cost, that is, cost incurred in searching for,establishing, monitoring, and enforcing market contracts (Williamson 1975, 1985). As an early adopter of TCE, the IB literature has extensively applied TCE to explain and predict firms‘ foreign market entry decisions (e.g.Anderson and Gatignon 1986; Chen 2010; Delios and Beamish 1999; Erramilli and Rao 1993). An underlying logic of these studies is market failure. Specifically, the difficulty in acquiring necessary assets from external markets drives firms to pursue alternative nonmarket-based governance mechanisms, such as foreign direct investments and jointventures. TCE forms the theoretical foundation for the aforementioned internalization theory and eclectic paradigm. Overall, internalization theory can be viewed as the TCE of multinational corporations (Madhok 1997; Rugman 1986).
TCE is mainly concerned with how to efficiently exploit existing firm-specific advantage; RBV, on the other hand, also focuses on the development of such advantage. Based on Penrose‘s theory of growth, RBV states that sustainable competitive advantage stems from a set of valuable, rare,inimitable, and non-substitutable assets that the firm owns,controls, or has access to (Barney 1991; Wernerfelt 1984).RBV has also evolved into the capability-based view (Helfat and Peteraf 2003; Teece et al. 1997) 第 31 页 共 62 页
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and knowledge-based view (Grant 1996; Kogut and Zander 1992). RBV has been extensively adopted in IB. According to RBV, market entry decisions are driven by firms‘ idiosyncratic resources and capabilities (e.g., Kogut and Zander 1993; Peng 2001; Sapienza et al. 2006). The notion of resource has been an underlying logic in the development of the IB field. The aforementioned internationalization process models (e.g. Johanson and Vahlne 1977, 2009), for example, are also centered on learning and knowledge.
2.2 International Entrepreneurship
The above theories have provided the IB literature with a set of conceptual frameworks for describing and explaining firms‘ internationalization strategies. The types of firms that the IB literature has traditionally examined are mostly established, large multinationals (Oviatt and McDougall 2005). Recent developments in the global economy, however, have presented both challenges and opportunities to traditional theories. Specifically, certain highly entrepreneurial firms are able to internationalize more rapidly than predicted by traditional models (e.g., Lu and Beamish 2001). In particular, certain new ventures, such as some technology-based, knowledge-intensive firms, may enter foreign markets right from the firms‘ inception or shortly thereafter. These firms are termed ―born-globals‖ (Knight and Cavusgil 1996, 2004;Moen and Servais 2002; Oviatt and McDougall 1994, 1997;Rennie 1993). Examination of born-globals involves an integration of ideas from both IB and entrepreneurship (e.g.Shane and Venkataraman 2000), eventually leading to the emergence of a dynamic field, international entrepreneurship (Acs et al. 2003; Dana et al. 1999; McDougall and Oviatt 2000).
Among international new ventures, software and IT service firms are most prominent (Prashantham 2005). The ability of IT to facilitate cross-border coordination (Rangan and Sengul 2009) and to enable product and service delivery in electronic forms (Ojala and Tyrv?inen 2006) provides firms with opportunities to increasingly engage in international business (Etemad et al. 2010; Sinkovics and Bell 2006). Software and IT service firms are also unique in the knowledge-intensive nature of their business (Autio etal. 2000; Saarenketo etal. 2004). Their focus on acquiring various types of knowledge resources, including market information, entrepreneurial capacities, and business networks (Mejri and Umemoto 2010) enables these firms to rapidly and successfully internationalize into foreign markets (Dib et al. 2010; Kuivalainen et al. 2010).
Another type of firms that pose challenges to traditional internationalization theories are those based in emerging markets (Hoskisson et al. 2000; Wright et al. 2005). Some of these firms are actively expanding into developed economies (e.g., Makino et al. 2002; Yamakawa et al. 2008). In contrast with traditional multinational 第 32 页 共 62 页
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corporations, which often enter foreign markets to exploit their existing firm-specific knowledge and capabilities, firms from emerging markets oftentimes internationalize into developed economies in order to address their competitive disadvantages (Child and Rodrigues 2005). By proactively acquiring strategic assets overseas(e.g. Deng 2009) and rapidly upgrading capabilities (e.g.Guillén and García-Canal 2009), some firms based in emerging markets are themselves becoming new multinationals. The internationalization of these firms is a highly entrepreneurial process that involves continuous creation of new business opportunities (Schweizer et al. 2010; Yiu et al. 2007).
As the world‘s largest emerging market, China has undergone three decades of reform to create a market economy; in this transformation, Chinese firms have increasingly matured and developed their capabilities (Guthrie 2001, 2005). In the past decade in particular, a growing number of Chinese firms have been internationalizing into developed economies and some are growing into highly innovative and competitive players in the global market (Luo and Tung 2007). Similar to other emerging market based firms, Chinese firms pursue internationalization in order to seek strategic assets to compensate for their competitive weaknesses (Luo and Tung 2007; Naude and Rossouw 2010). What is unique about China is that Chinese firms have been especially active in adopting the role of subcontractors for foreign firms (Child and Rodrigues 2005; Murray et al. 2005). Such partnerships can provide Chinese firms with a more direct channel for acquiring managerial and technical competency and eventually moving up the global value chain (Liu et al. 2009).
To understand the behavior and decision rationale of these new ventures, the international entrepreneurship literature has adopted a set of theories similar to those in traditional IB research, including TCE (e.g., Schwens and Kabst 2009) and RBV (e.g., Gray and McNaughton 2010). Here RBV is broadly defined to include the knowledge-based view and organizational learning theory. Network theory (e.g., Oviatt and McDougall 2005) and institutional theory (e.g., Peng etal. 2008) are also extensively used. Network as a form of social capital (Yli-Renko et al. 2002) can be viewed as a resource (Zahra et al. 2003) and integrated into RBV (e.g.Coviello and Cox 2006; Torkkeli et al. 2012). Overall, RBV is the most extensively adopted framework for studying international entrepreneurship (Acs et al. 2003; Kiss et al.2012).
RBV has also provided a theoretical foundation for entrepreneurship research in general (e.g., Autio et al. 2011; Helfat and Lieberman 2002). The ownership and control of valuable resources is critical to the foundation and growth of entrepreneurial firms (Davidsson and Honig 2003; Lee et al. 2001). Many nascent firms, however, face severe resource constraints. In response, firms may seek and acquire resources from their external business environments (e.g., George and Prabhu 2000). Alternatively, 第 33 页 共 62 页
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firms may engage in a process of ―bricolage,‖ that is, ―making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities‖ (Baker and Nelson 2005, p.333). The notion of bricolage, adapted from Lév I - Strauss‘ (1967) anthropology research, refers to a process in which actors recombine various available physical, social, or institutional elements, such as technical artifacts (Lanzara 1999), organizational routines (Ciborra 1996), and social networks (Baker et al. 2003), to achieve their goals. Bricolage emphasizes actors‘ resourcefulness and adaptability within an existing context (Di Domenico et al. 2010), and highlights the emergent and oftentimes improvised aspect of strategic decision making (Crossan et al. 2005; Moorman and Miner 1998; Weick 1998).
The concept of bricolage has been applied in a wide range of domains in entrepreneurship. For example, in the area of technology entrepreneurship, bricolage characterizes the process in which innovation emerges through combination of distributed knowledge from a network of actors (Garud and Karn?e 2003). In the area of institutional entrepreneurship, bricolage occurs as actors borrow elements from different market categories to transform industry boundaries (Rao et al.2005). In the area of social entrepreneurship, bricolage involves the integration of existing routines to enact collective action (Johannisson and Olaison 2007). All of these studies show that bricolage represents an effective alternative approach for organizing in a highly uncertain, resourceconstrained environment (Baker and Nelson 2005). In the area of international entrepreneurship, a firm‘s ability to compete on resourcefulness has been consistently emphasized (e.g., Peng 2001; Zahra 2005). However, the concept of bricolage has not yet been sufficiently incorporated and elaborate in international entrepreneurship (Chandra et al. 2012).
Another related behavior exhibited during firms‘ new market entries is the oscillation between different strategy processes(e.g., Bingham 2009). Specifically, firms shift between less and more improvisation in their internationalization process to achieve both efficiency and flexibility. The concept of oscillation was initially explored in the broader management literature. Van de Ven (1992) and McKelvey (1997) suggest that organizations might choose to dynamically oscillate between different modes of operation. Such oscillation has been identified in firms‘ engagement in various strategic activities such as centralization and decentralization (e.g.Cummings 1995; Ferner et al. 2004), and exploration and exploitation (e.g., Brown and Eisenhardt 1997; Lavie and Rosenkopf 2006). Compared to seeking a static or contingent fit between organization and environment, oscillation can be a more efficient mechanism for governance (Nickerson and Zenger 2002; Siggelkow and Levinthal 2003; Thomas et al.2005).
2.3 IT Service Suppliers
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A prominent example of international entrepreneurship is the recent emergence of Chinese IT service suppliers in the global outsourcing industry. IT services as an industry has been extensively studied in the IS literature, especially the research on global IT outsourcing. In the last two decades, a rich set of studies has been conducted to explore a number of key questions that the outsourcing clients, especially those based in the United States and other developed economies, need to consider when transferring IT services to another organization or another country. According to two major surveys on IT outsourcing research (Dibbern et al. 2004; Lacity et al. 2010), these questions can be categorized into two main topics: the decision process of IT outsourcing and the outcome of IT outsourcing. Specifically, four general questions regarding the IT outsourcing decisions of organizations have been explored.These questions include why organizations outsource(e.g., Kishore et al. 2004; Loh and Venkatraman 1992), what organizations outsource (e.g., Cross 1995; Cullen et al. 2005), how organizations make outsourcing decisions (e.g., Hirschheim and Lacity 2000; Koh et al. 2004), and how organizations implement and manage outsourcing arrangements (e.g., Goo et al. 2009; Tiwana and Keil 2007). In recent years, several major trends have been dramatically changing the global IT outsourcing landscape. These trends include, first, the emergence of innovative sourcing models such as multisourcing (e.g., Bapna et al. 2011; Su and Levina 2011), shared services (e.g., Janssen and Joha 2008; Su et al. 2009), and cloud computing (e.g., Armbrust et al. 2010; Su2011); second, the development of alterative global outsourcing destinations outside of India (Oshri et al. 2009).
While most existing research on IT outsourcing adopts the perspective of the client, a growing number of studies explore outsourcing from the supplier‘s standpoint. The focus of these studies is on how suppliers can successfully deliver the outsourced services to clients. The findings include a broad set of best practices, with varied levels of granularity. Some studies provide an overview of suppliers‘ overall business models (e.g., Currie and Seltsikas 2001) and general key success factors (e.g., Jennex and Adelakun 2003). Some studies explore specific aspects of outsourcing management, including client–supplier relationship management (e.g.Pinnington and Woolcock 1997; Rajkumar and Mani 2001), software process maturity (e.g., Gopal et al. 2002), contract structure (e.g., Gopal et al. 2003), trust development (e.g.Oza et al. 2006), knowledge management (e.g., Oshri et al. 2007), and risk mitigation (e.g., Taylor 2007). Some studies even take a step further and develop specific methodologies for suppliers to manage outsourcing engagements (e.g.Mojsilovic et al. 2007). An important subset of the literature on the supplier‘s perspective focuses on the more fundamental questions of why and how suppliers are able to create value for their clients in an outsourcing relationship. The findings suggest that the economies of scale 第 35 页 共 62 页
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and scope resulting from the suppliers‘experience with a multitude and variety of clients enable the suppliers to develop a set of complementary organizational capabilities (Jarvenpaa and Mao 2008; Levina and Ross 2003). These capabilities encompass knowledge and skills that are specific to individual clients, and generic management ability that can be applied across different clients (Ethiraj etal. 2005). The more mature suppliers, in particular, are able to dynamically evolve their capabilities and continuously move up the IT value chain in a changing industry environment (Garud et al. 2006).
Offshore outsourcing, as a unique form of international venturing, brings opportunities and challenges to both clients and suppliers (e.g., Ang and Inkpen 2008; Carmel and Agarwal 2002). The national and cultural boundaries between the client and the supplier, unless proactively managed, can be detrimental to effective collaboration between the two parties (Levina and Vaast 2008). In order to alleviate such boundaries, the supplier needs to develop a trusting interorganizational relationship with clients (Kaiser and Hawk 2004). The supplier also needs to adopt a suitable contract structure. For example, if the offshore supplier does not yet possess mature capabilities and sufficient scale for undertaking large, complex outsourcing engagements, the supplier can leverage the mediated sourcing model (e.g., Jarvenpaa and Mao 2008). Most existing research on the suppliers‘ perspective focuses on their practices for addressing national and cultural boundaries after they have already entered international markets.The question of how suppliers make strategic decisions regarding their entry and expansion in different markets in the first place, however, has not been investigated.
Another characteristic of the existing research on the perspective of offshore suppliers is the focus on Indian firms (Lacity et al. 2010). Chinese suppliers are very different from Indian firms (e.g., Levina et al. 2011; Qu and Brocklehurst 2003;Rottman and Hao 2008), and are becoming increasingly important in today‘s global IT outsourcing industry (KPMG 2010). Major Chinese suppliers have accumulated significant capabilities (e.g., Du and Pan 2010). For example, the 2010ranking of global suppliers by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals shows that 6 out of the top 10 suppliers in the area of research and development (R&D) service outsourcing are Chinese IT service suppliers (IAOP 2010b).Despite their rapid emergence, Chinese suppliers have been understudied in the IS literature (Lacity et al. 2010).
2.4 Synthesis
Chinese IT service suppliers represent an intersection of two types of understudied firms: knowledge-intensive new ventures and those based in emerging markets. In addition, China itself is an understudied location in the global IT outsourcing industry. 第 36 页 共 62 页
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Chinese IT service suppliers are in a relatively early stage in their internationalization, but are rapidly expanding into developed markets in a highly entrepreneurial fashion.The internationalization behavior and strategies of these suppliers may differ significantly from traditional models. For these suppliers, internationalization can be an inseparable or even integrated component of their overall growth and development strategy (e.g., Jones 1999).On the other hand,their inter- nationalization strategy formation process can be relatively unstructured (Collinson and Houlden 2005; Madsen and Servais 1997).
The existing IS literature, although having offered a rich depiction of IT service suppliers, has not examined how such ―new multinational‖ suppliers internationalize and make strategic decisions regarding their internationalization. The related international business and international entrepreneurship research has provided valuable theoretical frameworks for describing and explaining firms‘ internationalization behavior, but has not adequately elaborated the processes surrounding the formation and evolution of these firms (Mathews and Zander 2007). More in-depth research, especially qualitative, case-based research (Nummela and Welch 2007; Piekkari and Welch 2006), is needed to explore ―the nature of managerial decision-making and the relationship between organizational behavior and entry strategies in early internationalizing firms‖ (Rialp et al. 2005a, p.162). The goal of this study is to explore how Chinese IT service suppliers internationalize, and develop a realistic and holistic conceptualization of the suppliers‘ strategy formation process during their internationalization (Rialp-Criado et al. 2010).
3.Research Methods
This research focuses on answering how and exploratory what questions regarding a phenomenon that is embedded in organizational practices and grounded in real-life situations. Therefore, the case study methodology was selected (Benbasat et al. 1987; Dubé and Paré 2003; Eisenhardt 1989;Pettigrew 1990; Siggelkow 2007; Yin 2003). In order to both provide a fine-grained view of the evolution of strategy processes (Melin 1992; Van de Ven and Poole 1995) within the supplier, and replicate this study at multiple sites (Leonard-Barton 1990), the interview-based study adopts a three-part approach. First, an in-depth, multiple-year study of one of the largest Chinese IT service suppliers, Supplier A, was conducted. Second, a moderate study of three of the next-largest suppliers, Suppliers B, D, and E, was conducted. Third, a broader study of nine other major suppliers, Suppliers C, F, G,H, I, J, K, L, and M, was performed. The three parts of the study overlapped in terms of timing. Most interviews were conducted at Supplier A.
3.1 Site Selection
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The selection of suppliers included almost all of the most globally recognized Chinese suppliers and several other most domestically reputable suppliers (e.g., Chinasourcing 2008; IAOP 2008, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2011). These firms had varied sizes and backgrounds. Collectively, they provide a relatively complete view of the top tier of China‘s offshore IT service industry. The 13 suppliers were headquartered in 7 service outsourcing ―hub cities‖ designated by the Ministry of Commerce of China. The seven cities covered all three major geographical drivers of China‘s IT service industry: North, Northeast, and East. Since the study focuses on the suppliers‘ internationalization behavior and decision rationale, only suppliers with major clients from foreign markets were selected.
In particular, Supplier A, where the in-depth study was conducted, was one of the largest Chinese IT service firms. Its significant visibility and success in the industry made it an ―extreme‖ case for the study (Pettigrew 1990). The supplier, founded in the early 1990s, was based on a collaborative initiative between a computer science laboratory of a Chinese university and a Japanese electronics manufacturer. The Japanese firm soon became the supplier‘s first client. In the several years following, the firm slowly grew its business in the domestic market. In the middle 1990s, the firm established an alliance with a Fortune Global 500 Japanese technology firm, and started to more aggressively expand its international business. In the early 2000s, the firm founded overseas subsidiaries in the United States and Japan. In the mid-2000s, the firm formed close business relationships with several Fortune Global 500 firms based in the United States and Europe, and rapidly grew its presence in the West. In recent years, the firm had been consistently ranked as a global top 100 IT service supplier and a major player in China. In 2011, the firm employed over 10,000 people, generated over 500 million USD revenue, and had strong brand names inChina and Japan with growing recognition in Western markets.
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
From 2006 to 2011, a total of 95 interviews were conducted with the 13 suppliers. Each interview lasted between 45 minutes and 3 hours, with the average length of approximately 1.5 hours. The interviews were semi-structured, allowing for collection of both factual information, such as major events in the firm‘s history, and narrative data. Most of the questions asked were open-ended, allowing the informants to describe and explain stories related to the firm‘s internationalization. An interview guide was used to ensure the completeness of data. The interview guide had two versions. One version was for senior-level managers who had been involved in the firm‘s overall strategic decision-making. This version had four main sections, including the supplier‘s major markets, the supplier‘s internationalization process, the rationale behind the supplier‘s entry and expansion in different markets, and the supplier‘s future 第 38 页 共 62 页
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plans. The other version was for middle-level managers, and had an additional section on how the supplier‘s overall internationalization decisions were implemented within, and influenced by, the informant‘s business unit. Appendix A lists the key questions from the interview guide.
Specifically, in the first part of the study, 60in-depth, semistructured interviews were conducted at Supplier A. These interviews were spread across the entire time span of the study, from 2006 to 2011, with most interviews conducted in 2009 and 2010. Altogether, the author paid five visits to the firm‘s headquarters and largest subsidiary, both located in Northeast China. After several initial interviews, Supplier A allowed the author to systematically select informants. The selected informants spanned multiple managerial levels, from top executives such as CEOs of the North American and Japanese subsidiaries to middle-level managers such as project leaders. The informants covered all major business lines, including divisions servicing Japanese, U.S., and domestic markets, as well as corporate-wide functions such as human resources and international business development. Some informants oversaw multiple divisions such as both Japanese and U.S. business lines. Snowball and opportunistic sampling was also used in some cases.
The other 12 suppliers, B through M, mostly served as literal replication for Supplier A (e.g., Leonard-Barton 1990). Specifically, in the second part of the study, at each of the three IT suppliers, B, D, and E, six interviews were conducted with the firm‘s top and middle-level managers. In the third part of the study, one or a few top-level executives, and some middle-level managers in some cases, were interviewed at each of the remaining nine suppliers. The author also visited the headquarters of each supplier with the exception of Suppliers F and I.
To reduce informant bias, at all suppliers, the interview data were triangulated whenever possible. At Supplier A, including informants from different organizational levels, business lines, and functional areas helped reduce retrospective bias (Siedler 1974). In the summer of 2009, the author spent over a month staying in the ―software park‖ where Supplier A‘s headquarters were located. The software park was owned by Supplier A and encompassed the firm‘s global headquarters, several software development labs, and training centers, as well as dorms for junior-level employees and the residences of some top-level executives. During this month, the author conducted observations of the firm‘s daily operations, including business meetings, manager training sessions, a speech by the firm‘s founder and CEO, and product launch events. In 2011, the author attended the largest anniversary celebration event in Supplier A‘s history, during which the firm‘s earliest and most important clients were invited to review their experience with the firm. This event provided valuable information on the firm‘s evolution.
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For all 13 suppliers, the interview data were also triangulated with secondary data (Yin 2003). Collected secondary data included suppliers‘ internal documents, such as marketing and sales presentations and project reports, and public information, such as press releases and annual reports, published news articles, books, and reports from industry associations and government entities. Another important source of information was the annual Chinese International Software and Information Service Fair (see CISIS 2011), the major IT outsourcing industry conference in China. The author attended this conference in 2009, 2010, and 2011 to observe presentations and roundtable discussions by top decision makers of some of the suppliers studied, as well as government officials and industry analysts. The immersion in the suppliers‘industry enabled the author to not only acquire additional information, but also obtain an intuitive understanding of the suppliers‘ internal and external environments.
Inductive techniques were applied to analyze the qualitative data from multiple cases (Bansal and Corley 2011; Eisenhardt1989; Miles and Huberman 1994; Strauss and Corbin 1997).Of the 95 interviews, 85 were conducted in Chinese,9 in English, and 1 in Japanese (through an interpreter). The inter-views were transcribed and then translated into English by the author, who is fluent in English and Chinese. Data analysis followed the four-level approach suggested by Pettigrew (1990). First, for each supplier, the interview transcripts and secondary data were triangulated and synthesized into an―analytical chronology,‖ which described the supplier‘s history, background, and growth strategies for different markets. Second, each analytical chronology was abstracted and restructured into a ―diagnostic case‖ that focused on addressing the paper‘s key theme: how does the supplier enter and expand in different markets? Third, the diagnostic case was further inductively analyzed. The themes that emerged during the analysis were linked to the broader literature on international business and IT outsourcing to generate a ―theoretical case‖ that included preliminary findings. Finally, cross-case analysis was conducted to compare themes and concepts from multiple cases, and to refine the theoretical findings. The four levels of analysis were overlapping in terms of timing. Data analysis also iterated with data collection.The 60 interviews with Supplier A were conducted throughout the entire time span of this research project. Most theoretical insights initially emerged from Supplier A. Suppliers B to M were mostly used as literal replication to confirm findings from Supplier A. Discrepancies between Suppler A and the other suppliers were explored through additional, increasingly fine-grained interviews that assisted in revising and refining findings. Multiple iterations of the four levels of analysis were conducted to incrementally develop the findings, until theoretical models that fit most cases were derived (Yin 2003). The following sections elaborate findings on the suppliers‘ internationalization behavior and rationale.
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