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1. 组织学:是研究机体细微结构及其相关功能的科学.在组织、细胞、亚细胞和分子水平上进行研究。

2. 组织:由细胞群和细胞外基质构成。人体组织可归纳为四大类:上皮组织、结缔组织、肌组织和神经组织。它们在胚胎发育时期的来源、形态结构、细胞构成和功能等方面,各具明显特点。 3. H-E染色:苏木精-伊红染色法。这是一种组织学中最常用的染色方法。苏木精为碱性染液,能将细胞核内的染色质和细胞基质内的核糖体染成蓝紫色,伊红为酸性染液,能将细胞基质和细胞外基质染成红色。

4. 嗜酸性:易于被酸性染料染色的性质称为嗜酸性。 5. 嗜碱性:易于被碱性染料染色的性质称为嗜碱性。 6. 超微结构:电子显微镜下显示的结构称为超微结构。

7. 内皮:指衬与心、血管、淋巴管腔面等循环系统内表面的一层单层扁平上皮,它的存在有利于血液、淋巴流动及物质的通透。 It is simple squamous epithelium lining of the circulatory system, such as in the cavity of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic nodules. It is so thin that it is good for blood and lymph flow and substance exchange. 8. 间皮:分布于胸膜、腹膜和心包膜表面的单层扁平上皮,其主要功能是保持器官表面光滑。

It is the simple squamous epithelium lining of the body cavity. It is smooth and moist. So it is good for organs move in the cavities.

9. 杯状细胞:位于单层柱状上皮之间的一种细胞。其形状似高脚酒杯,底部狭窄,含深染的核,顶部膨大,充满分泌颗粒。因其颗粒中含黏蛋白,故称黏原蛋白。黏蛋白分泌后,与水结合形成黏液,有润滑和保护上皮的作用。

Goblet cell : full of mucinogen granule黏原颗粒 in the apical of the cell. The granules will combine with water to form mucus to decrease the friction and protect the epithelium

10. 微绒毛:上皮细胞游离面的伸出的细微指状突起,其胞质中有大量纵行的微丝。微绒毛显著扩大了细胞的表面积,有利于细胞的吸收。

They are thin projections on the free surface of epithelium. There are a lot of microfilaments in the cell. They can enlarge the surface of cell to improve the ability of absorb.

11. 纤毛:上皮细胞游离面伸出的粗而长的突起,其具有节律性的定向摆动。纤毛的中央为2个单独的微管,周围为9组二联微管。二联微管的一侧伸出两条短小的动力蛋白臂,具有ATP酶活性,分解ATP使微管产生位移或移动,从而使纤毛整体移动。纤毛的摆动可将上皮表面的黏液和颗粒型物质定向推出。

They are long and thick projections in the free surface of epithelium. It can be seen in the LM. In the EM, we can seen the cilia contain a central pair of microtubules and 9 pairs of microtubules arranged in circle. They

are motile so that they can make the fluid flow in one direction by their rapid back and forth movement

12. 紧密连接:又称闭锁小带。一般位于细胞侧面的最顶端。相邻细胞连接紧密,只有极小的间隙甚至无间隙。紧密连接具有屏障的作用,可阻挡物质穿过细胞间隙。

13. 桥粒:呈斑状连接,又称黏着斑。细胞膜的胞质面有附着板,角蛋白丝附着于板上,起固定和支持的作用。桥粒是一种很牢固的连接。

14. 间隙连接:又称通讯连接,是一种广泛存在的细胞连接方式。连接处有连接小体相邻细胞膜中的连接小体对接,使分子量小于1500D的物质均得以在相邻细胞间流通,使细胞在营养代谢、增殖分化和功能等方面成为统一体。

15. 连接复合体:在细胞侧面四种细胞连接中,只要有两种或两种以上的紧邻存在,则称连接复合体。

16. 基膜:是位于上皮细胞基底面和深层结缔组织之间共同形成的薄膜。基膜分为2个部分,靠近基底面的为基板,靠近深层结缔组织的为网板。基板又分为透明层和致密层。基膜的功能除了有支持、连接和固着外,还具有通透性,有利于上皮细胞与深部结缔组织之间的物质交换。

It is between basal surface of epithelium and deep connect tissue and is formed by them. We call the layer immediately adjacent to the base of epi.and formed by it basal lamina. The deep layer formed by the

fibroblast,we call it reticular lamina. The functions of basal membrane are selective barrier,orient epithelial cells and contain information for cell-cell interaction.

17. 质膜内褶:是上皮细胞基底面的细胞膜折向细胞质所形成的内褶,内褶与基底面垂直,其间含有与内褶平行的长杆状线粒体。主要见于肾小管。质膜内褶增大了细胞的表面积,有利于水和电解质的迅速转运。

18. 间充质:是胚胎时期的结缔组织,由间充质细胞和无定形基质组成,不含纤维。

It is connective tissue in the embryo period consisting of mesenchymal cell and dilutes ground substance. The mesenchymal cell has high differential ability and low differentiation degree.

19. 成纤维细胞:是疏松结缔组织中最主要的细胞。功能活跃时,细胞较大,多突起。细胞核大,呈圆或卵圆形,染色较浅,核仁明显。电镜下,胞质内含丰富的粗面内质网和发达的高尔基体。细胞弱嗜碱性。成纤维细胞分泌的物质构成疏松结缔组织的各种纤维和基质。

They are numerous in the number and the most important cells in the C.T.with stellate shape. They are responsible for the synthesis of fibers and ground substance, therefore the RER and golgi complex are prominent in EM. Its cytoplasm id basophilia in LM.

20. 巨噬细胞:又称组织细胞。功能活跃时,细胞形状不规则,多突起。核小,圆或肾形,染色深。胞质丰富,嗜酸性。细胞内可有异物颗粒和空泡。电镜下,细胞表面有许多皱褶、微绒毛,胞质内含大量溶酶体、吞噬体、吞饮泡。细胞内侧有较多的微丝和微管。具有吞噬作用,抗原提呈作用和分泌作用。

This type of cell is characterized by the irregular shape and has short, blunt processes and mang lysosome. It is acidophilia in LM. It is an important cell involving in phagocytosis. They can engulf micro-organisms, cell debris,aged cells and other particles.

21. 浆细胞:呈圆或卵园形,核圆,常偏向一侧,核内染色质呈粗块状,从核心向核被膜辐射状分布。胞质丰富,嗜碱性。核旁有一浅染区。电镜下,胞质内含大量平行排列的粗面内质网,核旁有发达的高尔基复合体。浆细胞有分泌抗体的功能。

Eccentric nucleus . Is few in LCT, but rich in visceral mucosa. Light area near by nucleus, where the well Golgi complex is located . Basophilic cytoplasm . Plasma cell can product antibody(Ab,an immunoglobulin,Ig) .antigen 抗原Ag

22. 肥大细胞:细胞较大,呈圆或卵园形,核小而圆,染色深,居中;嗜碱性,胞质内含大量粗大的嗜碱性颗粒,可被醛复红等染为紫色。颗粒内有肝素、组胺和嗜酸性颗粒趋化因子。肥大细胞常沿血小管分布。可引起细胞过敏反应。

