绝望主妇第一季06中英对照剧本 - 学习笔记

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Desperate Housewives 第一季 06集:Running to Stand Still

-MARY ALICE: Suburbia is a battleground, an arena for all forms of domestic combat. suburbia: [总称]郊区;battleground: 战地、战场arena: 竞技场 form: 形式、形状 domestic: 家庭的 combat: 争斗


Husbands clash with wives, parents cross swords with children, but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law.

husband: 丈夫 clash with:与?发生冲突 clash: 冲突 cross swords: 争斗 sword: 剑、刀 bloody: 血腥的 battle: 战争 involve: 牵涉 mothers-in-law: 婆婆、岳母

丈夫和妻子冷战,父母和子女不和,而最激烈的战斗总是发生在,媳妇和婆婆之间。 The war for control of Carlos began the night he proposed, and Gabrielle had been losing ground to Juanita ever since.

war: 战争 control: 控制,管理的权力 propose: (常指男子)求婚lose: 失去 ground: 战场、场地 ever since: 从那时起(自那时以来)


From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed,

prenuptial: 结婚前的、婚礼前的 agreement: 协议 reluctantly: 不情愿地 sign: 签字 从她不情愿签署的第一个提前正式协,

to the selection of wedding music she despised, the color of the house paint she hadn’t wanted ...

selection: 选择 wedding: 婚礼 despised: 厌恶的paint: 油漆、粉刷 到选择那个她讨厌的婚礼音乐,到她不喜欢的墙面颜色。 Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another.

suffer: 遭受 defeat: 失败 one after another: 一个又一个的 Gabrielle一次又一次的被挫败。

And now that Juanita suspected her daughter-in-law of having an affair, it had became increasingly apparent that in this war...

suspect: 怀疑 daughter-in-law: 儿媳妇 have an affair: (和?)通奸,(与某人)有不正当的男女关系 affair: (尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事;(不正当的)恋爱事件;私通

现在新的主人之一开始,怀疑她的媳妇有外遇,随着斗争的升级,这一点变得越来越明显。 become: 变得 increasingly: 逐渐地、渐增地 apparent: 明显的 -YOA LIN: Mrs. Solis, I’ll be at the market. market: 市场


-MARY ALICE: ...no prisoners would be taken.

prisoner: 囚犯 be taken: 被捉住 没有罪犯会愿意自投罗网。

-GABRIELLE: \ao Lin. 谢谢你,Yaolin。

-MAMA SOLIS: I don’t see why you have her. have: 雇用 你为什么要雇佣她?

-GABRIELLE: It’s a big house. I need help. 这是个大房子,我需要帮手。

-MAMA SOLIS: It’s only called help when you do some of the work yourself. 只有你亲自干某些活时,才能称得上是需要帮忙。 -GABRIELLE: I supervise. supervise: 监督、管理 我要监督她。

-MAMA SOLIS: You pay her $300 a week. That’s $15,000 a year. pay: 支付


Carlos, you always say how you’re not putting away enough for retirement! always: 总是 put away: 储蓄 enough for: 对?足够的 retirement: 退休 Carlos,你总说你没有足够的钱以供退休?

-CARLOS: You know, baby, it would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses. idea: 主意、想法 cut back on: 减少 expenses: 费用、开支 宝贝,你知道减少开支确实是个好主意。

-GABRIELLE: You expect me to take care of this place all by myself? expect: [口语](料)想 take care of: 照顾、打理 all by oneself: 一个人 你想让我一个人来打理这所有的一切? -CARLOS: Other women manage... manage: 处理事务 所有的女人都要做家务

-CARLOS: Mmmm... that’s nice.. 非常舒服

-GABRIELLE: You like that? 你喜欢吗? -CARLOS: Oh yeah. 是的。

-GABRIELLE: God, I’m going to miss this, Carlos. miss: 想念


-CARLOS: What do you mean? mean: 意思是 什么意思?

-GABRIELLE: Well, since, I’m going to have to be doing the cooking, and the cleaning, and all the shopping,like the other wives...

have to: 不得不,必须 cooking: 做饭 cleaning: 清洁、打扫 shopping: 购物 从因以后我像其它的妻子那样做饭,买东西,做家务。 -CARLOS: Mmm hmm... 嗯?

-GABRIELLE: ...I’m going to be exhausted at night--just like all the other wives ... exhausted: 精疲力竭的

晚上就精疲力尽了, 就像其它的妻子那样。

till I build up my stamina, of course, but that might take a couple of years...

till: 直到 build up: 增强体力,锻炼 stamina: (床上的)持久力,【Length of time one lasts in a sexual encounter before climaxing.- Urban Dictionary】 a couple of: [口语]少数的,几个 当然我吃了春药就好了,我已经好多年没吃了。

-MARY ALICE: Sadly for Juanita, she had ignored the first rule of war... sadly: 悲惨的、不幸的 ignore: 忽略、忽视 rule: 规则 很不幸,她忽略了斗争的首要原则? -MAMA SOLIS: Good morning, Carlos. 早上好,Carlos

-MARY ALICE: Never underestimate your enemy! underestimate: 低估 enemy: 敌人 永远不要低估你的对手!

-MARY ALICE: Of the many suburban rituals, suburban: 市郊的 ritual: 仪式、典礼 在所有社区活动中,

none is quite so cherished as the neighborhood yard sale.

cherished: 热爱 neighborhood: 附近、临近 yard sale: [美国英语]宅前贱卖 yard: 庭院 再没有什么能像跳蚤市场这样能让人如此兴奋了。

The shoppers come to sift through the discarded belongings of someone they don’t really know, in hopes of finding bargains they don’t really need, each so determined to save a few pennies,

shopper: 购物者 sift through: 被筛选、通过 sift: 筛选、审查 discard: 丢弃 belonging: 所有物in hopes of: 希望 bargain: 特价品

determined: 坚决的、相信的 save: 节省 penny: 便士


they often miss hidden treasures...

miss: 错过 hidden: 隐藏的、秘密的 treasure: 宝物、财富 却忽略了那些不被注意的珍宝。 -SUSAN: Hey, Paul. 你好,Paul。 -PAUL: Hi, Susan. 你好,Susan。

-SUSAN: I got to say, I was a little surprised to see Mary Alice’s award for sale. surprised: 惊奇的 award: 奖品 for sale: 出售 我很好奇你将Mary Alice的东西也卖了。

She got it for doing charity work, from the Chamber of Commerce.

charity work: 慈善事业 charity: 仁慈、宽厚 Chamber of Commerce: 商会 chamber: 办的)社团,会所 commerce: 商业 她以前常常用这个做些慈善捐助。 -PAUL: Zach and I are moving. move: 搬家 我们要搬走了。

We don’t need to carry any more with us than is absolutely necessary. carry: 搬,拿 absolutely: 完全地、确实地 necessary: 必须的、必要的 留下这些没有什么用处。 -SUSAN: \

make sense: 言之有理 sense: 感觉、了解 听起来有点道理。

Still, I just want to make sure you didn’t want to keep it, for Zach, make sure: 确定 keep: 保留

我只是想过来确认一下,你确实不想为Zack保留这个吗? something to remember his mother by. remember: 记忆、纪念 这是他妈妈买的,留做纪念吧。

-PAUL: Zach doesn’t need a piece of glass to remember his mother. a piece of: 一(块、片?)

Zack不需要用一块玻璃去纪念他妈妈。 I’m out of newspaper. newspaper: 报纸 这块布我也不要了。

-PAUL: Here, let’s call it ten bucks for everything. buck: 钱


(非官-SUSAN: Great. 好的。

Speaking of Zach, I haven’t seen him around lately. speaking of: 说起、谈到 around: 周围、到处 lately: 最近 说到Zack,最近我好像没有看见他 -PAUL: He’s been a bit depressed. a bit: 一点 depressed: 沮丧的 他一直萎靡不振

I thought he could use a change of scenery, so I sent him to stay with relatives.

change: 变化、改变 scenery: 风景、环境 stay with: 和?住在一起;在?家里做客 relative: 亲戚

我把他送到亲戚家了,换个环境。 -SUSAN: Oh, which ones? 哦,那个亲戚?

-PAUL: You don’t know them. 你不认识。

-SUSAN: So, how’d you get the fat lip? fat lip: [俚语]被打肿的嘴唇 那你是怎么找到的?

-PAUL: The usual way. Asking too many questions. usual: 通常的 question: 问题 通常是,问很多的问题。

-GABRIELLE: \ find out: 发现、找到 找到Zack了吗?

-SUSAN: No, but I can tell you this much. He’s not staying with relatives. 没有,但我肯定他不在亲戚那儿 -CARLOS: It’s driving me crazy, mama. drive: 驱使 crazy: 疯狂的 我快要疯了,妈妈。

It could be any one of these guys she’s having the affair with. guy: 男人、家伙


-MAMA SOLIS: Don’t worry about it. I’m not letting her out of my sight. don’t worry: 别着急、别担心 sight: 视野、视线 别着急,总会漏出马脚的。 -CARLOS: Now, who the hell is that? the hell: 究竟,到底 hell: 地狱【混蛋】


And look at the way she’s touching him. You think that’s the guy she’s having the affair with? touch: 接触

看看她和他见面的方式。你不认为这家伙和她有一腿吗? -MAMA SOLIS: Carlos, don’t be stupid. stupid: 愚蠢的、笨的 Carlos,别这么愚蠢了。

A guy she talks to in public isn’t someone you’re going to worry about. in public: 大庭广众 public: 公众的、民众的 worry about: 担心 她在大庭广众之下与之亲热的人,你就不要瞎费心了。 -CARLOS: So it’s someone that she doesn’t talk to. 那就是在她不搭理的人之中?

What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town? beat up: 暴打

我要怎么办?在这里当个一个冤大头? -MAMA SOLIS: Marriage takes work! marriage: 婚姻 婚姻需要管理。

-LYNETTE: I’m not surprised that he’s playing it close to the vest. Paul knows we’re on to him. surprised: 感到惊讶的 close to the vest: 谨慎小心 vest: 背心 be on to someone: 知道(某人的)意图


-BREE: Zach said Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done, something bad.

kill oneself: 自杀 because of: 因为

Zack说他妈妈自杀是因为他做的事情一些不好的事。 Is there anyone else who'd know what he was talking about? 有人知道他说的话是什么意思吗?

-SUSAN: No. That’s why we have to find him. have to: 必须、不得不

不知道,这就是为什么我要找到他。 It’s the only way we’ll know the truth. the only way: 唯一出路 truth: 真实、真相 只有这样才能发现真相。

-BREE: It just doesn’t make any sense. Zach is such a sweet kid. sweet: 甜的、可爱的 kid: 小孩 像Zack这样可爱的孩子。

I can’t imagine him doing anything that terrible.

imagine: 想象、幻想 terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的 我很难相信会干出什么可怕的事情来。 -GABRIELLE: Well, he did break into your house. break into: 闯入


I mean, the kid is obviously troubled in some way.

obviously: 显然地 troubled: 麻烦的、困惑的 in some way: 在某种意义上,有一点,有些 我是说他总是让人很头疼吧。 -DR. SICHER: Severe depression.

severe: 严重的 depression: [精神病学]抑郁症,忧郁症 问题很严峻。

Borderline personality disorder. Zach is a deeply troubled young man.

borderline personality disorder: 边缘型人格异常 borderline: 边界、界限 personality: 个性 disorder:混乱 deeply: 深深地

就他的性格而言,Zack是个很严重的问题少年。 -PAUL: I’m aware of that. What are you giving him? be aware of: 意识到 aware: 知道的、意识到的 我意识到了,你有什么建议?

-DR. SICHER: Some antidepressants and a mood stabilizer. antidepressant: 抗抑郁药 mood: 心情、情绪 stabilizer: 稳定器 我们应该让他情绪稳定下来。 -PAUL: Good. 很好。

-DR. SICHER: \ recommend: 建议、推荐 extensive: 广泛的、广阔的 unearth: 发掘 我建议使用心理治疗, to help unearth any repressed.

repressed: 被压抑的 psychotherapy: 心理疗法、精神疗法 帮助他恢复。

-PAUL: I don’t think so. 我可不这么认为。

-DR. SICHER: Mr. Young, I can’t just medicate him indefinitely. medicate: 用药治疗 indefinitely: 无限地 Young先生,我不能这样无限期的监禁他。 -PAUL: Forget the Freud and stick with the drugs.

forget: 忘记 Freud: 弗洛伊德 stick with: 坚持做 drug: 药品 继续给他吃药。

No new treatments without my permission.

treatment: 治疗 permission: 同意、许可 没有我的允许谁也不许进来。

-MS. TUESDALE: I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood, version: 版本 Little Red Riding Hood: 小红帽 riding: 骑马 hood: 头巾 我认为这是“小红帽”的一个最好的版本,

and it is your involvement that make the plays here at Barcliffe Academy so special. Thank you. involvement: 参与,加入 play: 剧本、戏剧 special: 特别的 是你们的加入才使这个演出变得如此特别,谢谢你们。

And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting to our parent coordinator, the amazing MaisyGibbons.

turn over: 移交 coordinator: 同等重要的人,伙伴 amazing: 令人惊异的 现在我要把我们的话题交给我的另外一个很棒的伙伴,Maisy Givens。 -MAISY: Thank you, Ms. Truesdale. 谢谢你,Tristan女士。

Now, before everyone leaves, we have new copies of the script up here. copy: 复印、副本 script: 原稿

在你们离开之前,我们准备了这个的复印件。 Tilda and Francis and I went to the rehearsal yesterday, rehearsal: 排练、彩排

昨天我和Tristan去看彩排的时候, and we were a little troubled by the ending. troubled: 困惑的 ending: 结尾,结局 我们觉得结局有点问题。

Killing the wolf. It says the wrong message to our kids. kill: 杀死 wolf: 狼 message: 消息、信息 杀死大灰狼,这样会不会误导孩子们?

And we believe that animals should only be euthanized as a last resort. believe: 认为,想 animal: 动物 euthanize: 使安乐死 resort: 手段 我们认为动物只能是被保护的。 -MAISY: Do you find something amusing? amusing: 有趣的、引人发笑的 你觉得很有趣吗?

-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding. kid: 开玩笑

对不起,我以为你在开玩笑。 -MAISY: No. 没有。

-LYNETTE: Oh, okay.


-MAISY: So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw. aggressive: 有攻击性的 thorn: 刺 paw: 爪子


And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way. woodsman: 樵夫 send...away: 放走? 我们要把它的爪子砍掉,然后放它走。

-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, aren’t we doing Little Red Riding Hood? 很抱歉,我们还要重新写一次吗? -MAISY: Yes. 是的。

-LYNETTE: \ aware: 意识到、知道 grandma: (口语)外婆,奶奶 你意识到狼是一个坏蛋吗?它吃掉小红帽的奶奶。

If you let him go, he’s just going to chow down on another defenseless old lady. let go: 放开 chow: 吃 defenseless: 毫无防备的 lady: 女士 如果你放了它,它会吃掉下一个毫无防御的老太太。 -MAISY: I’m sorry, and you are? 对不起,请问您是?

-LYNETTE: I’m Lynette Scavo. My twins just joined. They’re playing oak trees. twins: 双胞胎 joined: 加入、参加 oak: 橡树

我是Lynette Scavo,我的双胞胎刚刚参加了,他们出演大橡树。

-MAISY: Oh, of course. Lynette. Let’s see, you are ... signed up to take tickets the night of the show, is that right?

sign up: 签字参加 ticket: 票、卷 那你刚刚签了名想申请演出的票是吗? -LYNETTE: \ 是的。

-MAISY: Well, with all due respect,

with all due respect: [表示异议时所用的委婉语]尽管(对您)尊敬之至 due: 应得的 respect: 尊敬


let’s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we? creative: 创造性的 suggestion: 建议 assume: 假定、设想 lifting: 举起 让我们给那些自不量力的母亲一些建议吧,好吗? -LYNETTE: Sure. Whatever. whatever: 不管怎样 好吧,随便你怎么说。

-BREE: I must say, I’m jealous of how much time you two spend together. jealous of: 嫉妒 jealous: 妒忌的 spend: 花费、度过 我真羡慕你们可以有很多时间呆在一起。

My mother-in-law would never want to hang out with me all day. hang out: 居住于(某地);常去(某处) all day: 整天 我婆婆从来不愿意和我呆一整天。 -GABRIELLE: She sounds nice. sound: 听起来,好像 我感觉她也很不错。 -DANIELLE: Hey! 嗨!

-BREE: Oh, hey there, you two! 噢,你们两个回来了! -GABRIELLE: Hi, John. 你好,John。 -JOHN: Mrs. Solis. 你好,Solis夫人。

-GABRIELLE: I wasn’t aware you two were friends. be aware of: 意识到 aware: 知道的、意识到的 我还不知道你们俩是朋友呢。 -JOHN: Yeah, we go to the same school. the same: 同样的 我们在同一个学校。

-GABRIELLE: Of course you do. 当然了。

-DANIELLE: Mom, if you need anything, we’ll be upstairs in my room studying. upstairs: 楼上

妈妈,如果你没有什么需要的话我就进去做作业了。 -BREE: Have fun. 玩得开心点。

-GABRIELLE: Doesn’t it make you nervous, a boy alone upstairs with Danielle? nervous: 紧张的 alone: 单独的


-BREE: Oh no, I don’t worry about John. Both he and Danielle are in the abstinence club. worry about: 担心 abstinence: 节制 club: 俱乐部 哦,我一点也不担心John,他和Danielle很般配。 -GABRIELLE: The coffee is a little hot. hot: 烫的,灼热的


-MARY ALICE: Susan was infuriated by Paul’s evasive answers. infuriate: 使发怒,激怒 evasive: 回避的、托词的 answer: 回答,答案 Susan对Paul含糊其辞的回答非常恼火。 -PAUL: Hey! 嗨!

-MARY ALICE: She was convinced he was deliberately hiding Zach, and hiding the truth. convinced: 信服的 deliberately: 故意地 hide: 藏、隐瞒 Susan肯定他把Zack藏起来了,也把真相藏起来了。 She hoped that finding one would lead to the other. hope: 希望 lead to: 引导 Susan决定顺藤摸瓜,

To succeed, Susan would have to be evasive herself. succeed: 成功


-MRS. GREENBURG: Susan. Long time no see. Susan,好久不见了。

-SUSAN: Mrs. Greenberg. Do you remember those two eggs I let you borrow last Christmas? remember: 记得 Christmas: 圣诞节 borrow: 借入 last: 上一次 Greenberg夫人,你还记得上个圣诞节我借给你的两个鸡蛋吗? -SUSAN: I need those back. 我要你还给我。

-MRS. GREENBURG: Well gosh, honey, I’m fresh out, but if you want, I could run to the store. gosh: 糟了 honey: 亲爱的,宝贝 fresh out: 忘记了 fresh: 新鲜的、无经验的 store: 商店 哦,天啊,我忘了。如果你想要的话我现在就去超市买。 -SUSAN: \ forget about it: [口语]不要提了 important: 重要的 算了吧,这也没什么,

but since I’m here, do you still have that old hatchback sitting in your garage? since: 既然 hatchback: 有舱门式后背的汽车 sit: 位于 garage: 车库 但是既然我来了,你的车库里的那辆旧车还在吗? Can I borrow it tomorrow? 明天我能借来用用吗?

-MRS. GREENBURG: You want to borrow my car? 你想借我的车吗?

-SUSAN: Just for a couple of hours. a couple of: 两个,几个 就借几个小时。

-MRS. GREENBURG: Well, I’m not sure. Do you know how to drive a stick? drive a stick: 开手动档的车 stick: 杆、手杖 我不敢肯定是否能借给你,你会开车吗?

-SUSAN: Yes, I think so. I learned in college. It’s like riding a bike, right? learn: 学习 college: 学院 ride: 骑

我想会,我上大学的时候学过,就像骑自行车一样对吗? -MRS. GREENBURG: I’m not sure, dear. 亲爱的,我不敢借给你。

-SUSAN: It’s not big deal. It’s just for a couple of hours. big deal: 重要的事 deal: [口语]事情 没什么大问题,我就借几个小时。 I let you borrow my eggs for a whole year. whole: 整个的、全部 我把鸡蛋借给你整整一年。

-DR. GOLDFINE: First off, I’m very pleased with the work we’ve done in our sessions thus far. first off: 首先 be pleased with: 对?高兴的,满意的 session: 会议【工作】 thus far: 目前为止

首先我对我们的工作非常满意。 We’re making excellent progress.

make progress: 取得进步 progress: 进步、发展 excellent: 优秀的、极好的 我们取得了很大的进步。

-BREE: \ feel good about: 对?感到满意 谢谢,我也非常满意。

-DR. GOLDFINE: But there are a few areas of your marriage we haven’t covered yet. area: 区域、领域 cover: 覆盖、涉及

但是关于你们的婚姻,还有几个问题没有讨论到。 -BREE: \真的吗?还有什么?

-REX: Um, I’ve told Dr. Goldfine in our private sessions that I’m not happy with our sex life. private: 私人的 sex life: 性生活 sex: 性


-DR. GOLDFINE: And Rex feels when you two have intercourse, intercourse: 性交,交媾

Rex还认为当你们两个人做爱的时候, you’re not as connected as you could be. as?as: 和?一样


-BREE: Connected?

connected: 连续的,连贯的 配合?

-REX: Well yeah, it’s like you’re thinking about other things. think about: 思考、考虑 是的,好像你老在想什么事情。

Is your hair getting messed up? Did you remember to buy the toothpaste? mess up: 凌乱、混乱 toothpaste: 牙膏

会不会把你的头发弄乱了?有没有忘记买牙膏? You’re just not there. 你只是躺在那儿。

-DR. GOLDFINE: This kind of disconnect is often a symptom of a deeper problem. disconnect: 断开,脱节 symptom: 症状、征兆 deeper: 更深 这看起来是更深层次的重要问题。

-REX: So, we were talking, and the idea of a sexual surrogate came up. sexual: 性的 surrogate: 代理人 come up: 提及;被提出 所以现在我们在讨论关于找一个性爱专家的问题。 -DR. GOLDFINE: This is a licensed professional licensed: 得到许可的 professional: 专业人员 这是个有执照的专家,

who'd work with you as a couple on solving whatever sexual problems you may be having. work with: 处理 couple: 夫妇 whatever: 无论何事 solve: 解答、解决 夫妻间任何性方面的问题她都能解决。 I have an excellent referral. referral: 提名 我强力推荐她。

-BREE: And what would this sexual surrogate person do? 这个专家要干什么?

-REX: Well, she would coach us. coach: 训练、指导 她会指导我们。 -BREE: She! 她?

-DR. GOLDFINE: She’s very discrete. You’ll hardly notice she's there. discrete: 不联系的 hardly: 几乎不 notice: 注意、留心 她非常的巧妙,你几乎感觉不到她的存在。

-BREE: \ make love: 做爱

哦,当我们做爱的时候,她要和我们呆在一个房间里? -REX: Yes, helping us to achieve maximum sexual potential.

achieve: 到达、实现 maximum: 极点、最大 sexual: 性的 potential: 潜能、潜力 是的,她要将我们的性爱潜力挖掘到极致。 -DR. GOLDFINE: Do you have any questions? 你有什么问题吗?

-BREE: Just one. How much longer is your midlife crisis going to last, midlife: 中年 crisis: 危机 last: 持续 就一个问题,你的性问题还要问多久? because it is really starting to tick me off! tick off: [美国口语]使?生气,使?恼火 我真的觉得开始恶心了。

-LYNETTE: All right. I think everyone is down for a nap. We’ve got no more than an hour. nap: 小睡、打盹 no more than: 不超过 准备好了吗?我们只有不到半个小时了。 Let’s get cracking.

get cracking: [英国口语](迅速)开始工作,行动起来;赶快 crack: 打开 咱们快点赶紧发牌。

-BREE: So how is it going with Mike, Susan? go with: 跟?谈恋爱,与?交往 Susan,你和Mike怎么样了?

-SUSAN: It’s going, finally. We have our first official date next week. finally: 最后,最终 official: 官方的、正式的 date: 约会 挺好的,下一周我们将会有第一次的正式约会。 I think he’s taking me to see a play or something. play: 戏剧;表演 or something: 诸如此类的什么 可能去看演出什么的。

-LYNETTE: Might I suggest the Barcliffe Academy production of Little Red Riding Hood? might: 可能 suggest: 建议 production: 作品、产品 我建议你们去看《小红帽》。

-SUSAN: Oh, that’s right, the twins’ stage debut! stage: 舞台、表演 debut: 初次登场 对啊,你们的双胞胎表演! -GABRIELLE: Are they having fun? fun: 乐趣


-LYNETTE: Sure, they get to play oak trees. play: 扮演 oak: 橡树


I’m the one who has to deal with all the drama behind the scenes. to deal with: 处理,对付 drama: 剧本、戏剧 scene: 场、景 我要参加剧本的编写。

-BREE: Oh, I take it you’ve met Maisy Gibbons. 我猜你会和Maisy一起共事。

-LYNETTE: She’s a total nightmare. I guess I shouldn’t have challenged her. total: 完全的 nightmare: 噩梦 challenge: 挑战 她简直是我的恶梦,因为我本不该挑战她的观点。 -BREE: Oh, dear. 哦,亲爱的。

-LYNETTE: Because now no one on the play committee even wants to talk to me. committee: 委员会 even: 甚至 现在整个演出团体甚至不想跟我说话。

-BREE: Oh, Maisy does love to rule her little kingdom. rule: 统治、裁决 kingdom: 王国 Maisy确实喜欢统治她的小王国。

-SUSAN: It hasn’t really changed since Girl Scouts.

change: 改变 Girl Scouts: 女童子军队员 scout: 童子军、侦查员 女孩子都爱这样。

Girls smile at you to your face, and then behind your back, they make fun of you smile at: 对?微笑 to one’s face: 当面 make fun of: 嘲笑 她们当面对你微笑,背后会嘲笑你,

because you’re the only one not shaving your legs yet. shave: 刮、掠过


-LYNETTE: That would have never happened in Boy Scouts. happen: 发生


When I worked, mostly with men, I preferred the way they fought. mostly: 大概、主要 prefer: 更喜欢 fight: 竞争

我工作时大部分是和男同事在一起,我喜欢他们的竞争方式。 A guy takes his opponent on, face to face, and once he’s won, he’s top dog.

opponent: 对手、敌手 face to face: 面对面地 win: 赢得,胜利 top dog: [俚语]优胜者;(竞争中的)胜利者,获胜者 他们当面向对方叫板,愿赌服输。 It’s primitive, but it’s fair. primitive: 简单的 fair: 公平的

这很简单,但很公平。 -SUSAN: And a lot less sneaky. sneaky: 鬼祟的、卑鄙的 我也觉得是这样。

-GABRIELLE: Isn’t it sexist of us to generalize like this. sexist: 性别歧视者 generalize: 一般化、概括 有必要这样总结吗?

-LYNETTE: It’s science, Gabrielle. Sociologists have documented this stuff. science: 科学 sociologist: 社会学家 document: 记载 stuff: 原料、东西 这是科学,Gabrielle。社会学就是这样。

-GABRIELLE: Well, who am I to argue with sociologists? argue with: 不同意(某种看法) 我来告诉你什么是社会学。

Wow this, uh, this guacamole has got a kick. I’m going to run to the little girls room.

guacamole: 鳄梨色拉酱(是一种味道怪怪的墨西哥佐料,估计只有墨裔人喜欢。大家注意 到Gabrielle和Carlos是墨裔) kick: 踢[口语](酒精等的)刺激;劲头 我的肚子有点不对劲,我要去趟洗手间。 You guys go ahead, I might be a while. go ahead: 继续


-LYNETTE: I hate playing three handed poker. Let’s take a break.

hate: 讨厌,憎恨 poker: 扑克 take a break: 休息一会儿 break: 暂时休息 我讨厌三个人玩,我们休息一下。 -MAMA SOLIS: I’ll play! 我来玩!

-BREE: You play poker? 你玩扑克?

-MAMA SOLIS: I used to play a little with my grandfather. used to: 过去常常 我过去常和我爷爷玩过。

-MAMA SOLIS: Oh, I notice you were just playing for chips, notice: 注意到 chip: 微小的东西;无价值的东西 我看你们只是为了娱乐,

huh. My grandfather used to say, it’s always more fun to play for money. used to: 常常 play for money: 赌钱 我爷爷总说要是玩钱的会更有意思。 -LYNETTE: Why not? Fifty cents a bet? cent: 美分 bet: 赌注

可以呀,一局50美分。 -MAMA SOLIS: Make it a buck.. buck: 钱 我们玩大点吧。

-MAMA SOLIS: Three raise limit. Twenty dollar buy in. raise: 上升、提高 limit: 限制、限定 buy in: 买进 最多加码3次,加一次20美金。 -JOHN: \ Solis夫人,你在干什么?

-GABRIELLE: \ return: 回复 phone call: 电话 你为什么不接我的电话? -JOHN: \ 我一直很忙。

-GABRIELLE: \ busy with: 忙于 我看见你忙什么了。

-JOHN: \ come on: 拜托


-GABRIELLE: \ friendly: 友好的 remind: 提醒

在你们关系更近一步之前,我要提醒你, I can do things to you she can’t even pronounce. pronounce: 说、宣称


-JOHN: Well, a lot of good it does me with your mother-in-law following you around all the time. mother-in-law: 婆婆 follow: 跟随 all the time: 一直 你婆婆一直盯着你,我怕被发现了。 Look, maybe we should just cool it for a while.\ maybe: 也许 cool it: 冷静下来 for a while: 一段时间 或许我们可以先冷却一段时间。

-GABRIELLE: \ under control: 处于控制之下 control: 控制

不要,John,请不要这么说,我想尽一切办法搞定她。 -GABRIELLE: Now give me a boost. boost: 推进、提高 帮我翻过去。

-GABRIELLE: \ miss: 漏掉、错过 嘿,我错过什么了吗?

-MAMA SOLIS: Not much, just a few friendly hands of poker with the girls. 不多,只是和姑娘们玩了几把。

-MAISY: I'm sorry I'm late. As I’m sure you have all heard, Celia Bond broke her playing tennis, hear: 听见、听说 break: 折断(骨头等) wrist: 腕、腕关节 tennis: 网球 我相信你们都听说了,Cily Bon打网球的时候摔断了根骨头, which means we are now in desperate need of someone to do the costumes.

mean: 意味着 in desperate need of: 极度需要 desperate: 绝望的、非常的 costume: 服装、剧装


I’m keeping my fingers crossed here. Are there any volunteers? finger: 手指 cross: 交叉 volunteer: 志愿者 上帝保佑,有谁自愿吗? -LYNETTE: I’ll do it. 我来。

-MAISY: Really, that’s a ... do you know how to sew? sew: 缝纫、缝合

是吗?你知道怎么纺织吗? -LYNETTE: Absolutely. absolutely: 绝对的 绝对没问题。

-MAISY: Well, great, uh, thank you, Lynette! 非常好,谢谢你,Lynette

-LYNETTE: Okay. So, now that I’m going to do some, heavy lifting, 现在我想做点自不量力的事情。

I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script? right: 权利 changes: 改变 script: 剧本,脚本 我有权利参加这个剧本的讨论吗?

-LYNETTE: Um, ladies. We all grew up with Little Red Riding Hood, grow up: 成长

女士们,我们是看着小红帽的故事长大的, and we survived it, scary stuff and all,

survive: 生存、生还 scary: 胆小的 stuff: 东西 我们从中受益非浅,

so I say, to hell with political correctness,

to hell with: 让?见鬼去吧 political: 政治的 correctness: 正确性


let our kids experience this classic like it was meant to be enjoyed.

experience: 经历、体验 classic: 经典的、古典的 be meant to: 应该是,希望是 enjoy: 享受、喜欢

让我们的孩子们也感受一下这个经典的故事,他们会喜欢的。 Let’s kill the damn wolf, and just put on the best show we can.

damn: 该死的、可恶的 wolf: 狼 put on: 表演;演出 show: 演出,节目 让我们把大灰狼干掉,把这个剧本演好。

-MAISY: Thank you, Lynette, for that impassioned speech, impassioned: 狂热的 speech: 演讲 谢谢你,Lynette,谢谢你激情的演讲。 but I believe that ship has sailed. sail: 航行


-JORDANA: No, it hasn’t. We still have time to change the ending back. still: 仍然


-MS. TUESDALE: And you know, Maisy, it is just a fairy tale fairy tale: 童话故事 fairy: 仙女、精灵 tale: 传说、故事 Maisy,你知道,这只是个童话故事。 I don’t think it will upset the children. upset: 使不安;烦扰 我不想让孩子们失望。

-MAISY: Well, I think you are wrong. 我认为你的想法是错的。

-LYNETTE: Well, that’s what’s so great about being in a democracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

democracy: 民主、民主制 entitled to: 有?的权利;有?的资格 entitled: 有资格的 opinion: 意见、想法

我觉得给别人的想法扣上帽子非常的不民主。 Also, everyone has a right to vote. right: 权力 vote: 投票、表决 而且,每个人都有投票的权利。

So all in favor of the woodsman going medieval on the big bad wolf’s ass... in favor of: 喜欢 woodsman: 林居者(如伐木工人、猎人等) medieval: 中世纪的、仿中世纪的 ass:臀部

同意将大灰狼干掉的人举手。 -BREE: \

Goldfine 医生。 -DR. GOLDFINE: \ Bree!

-BREE: \ dining: 就餐 你一个人吃晚餐?

-DR. GOLDFINE: \ actually: 实际上 事实上是这样的。

-BREE: \ coincidence: 巧合 真巧,我也是一个人。

It seems a shame for us to eat by ourselves. Shall I, pull up a chair?\

it seems: 看来是,似乎,据说 shame: 遗憾的事 pull up: 把?拉到近处;拉过来 我能搬个椅子过来吗?

-DR. GOLDFINE: \ personal: 私人的、个人的 socialize: 交往 client: 顾客、客户 Bree,我并不是针对某个人,但我从来不和客户私下来往。

-BREE: \riate. pause: 暂停 get it: 理解 inappropriate: 不适当的、不相称的 哦,我明白了,真不好意思,当然这样是不太好。

It’s just that after what happened yesterday, there’s so much I need to say because...\ happen: 发生

对于昨天发生的事,我特别想跟你聊聊? she pauses. I suppose it can wait. suppose: 认为,以为 wait: 等待 我可以等等再说。

-GABRIELLE: No, Lynette, I’m sorry, Juanita’s taking a bath. take a bath: 洗澡 bath: 洗澡 很抱歉,我要洗个澡。

Well, how much did she win from you? Geez,\ laugh: 笑 她赢了你的钱?

Yeah, I guess she’ll take a check. Okay. All right. Bye. check: 检查,查看 all right: 好吧

天啊,我猜她应该好好数一下。好吧,再见。 -CARLOS: What was that about? 你们聊什么呢?

-GABRIELLE: It turns out your mother is quite the card shark.

turns out: 证明 card shark: [美国口语]玩牌老手;玩牌好手 shark: 鲨鱼 [俚语]内行 你妈妈真是个牌精。

-CARLOS: You let her play cards? How long did she play? how long: 多久

你们玩牌了吗?你们玩多大的? -GABRIELLE: Not that long, why? 不是很大。

-GABRIELLE: Carlos, what is it? Carlos,怎么了?

-CARLOS: I never told you this, but my mother had a serious gambling problem. serious: 严肃的 gambling: 赌博、投机 我从来没有告诉过你,我妈妈有严重的赌瘾。 -GABRIELLE: Was this before we were married? married: 已婚的 这是我们结婚前的事吗?

-CARLOS: Yeah. It was bad. She went into debt. go into: 进入?状态 debt: 债务 是的,她陷入债务危机。

She dipped into her savings, started hocking jewelry...

dip into: 花钱、动用 saving: 存款 hock: 典当、抵押 jewelry: 珠宝 她用光了她的储蓄,卖掉了她的首饰?

-GABRIELLE: Honey, it was only a small neighborhood game. neighborhood: 邻居,街坊 这只是邻里之间随便玩两把而已。

-CARLOS: But it doesn’t take much for her to fall off the wagon. fall off: 跌落、陷入 wagon: 四轮马车、货车 让一个人重新找回她的坏习惯是很容易的。 I know she seems like a very strong woman, but... strong: 坚强的

我知道她看起来像一个很坚强的女人。 -GABRIELLE: She has a major weakness. major: 主要的 weakness: 弱点 但她有个很大的弱点。

Honey, oh, It's okay. You were right to tell me this. honey: 蜂蜜、宝贝


-DR. GOLDFINE: And you understand I have to treat this as a session.

understand: 理解、了解 treat: 对待、处理 session: 会议、工作 你要知道这样也算我的工作时间。

-BREE: Of course, that's fine. Shall I include the meal? include: 包括 meal: 一餐,一顿饭 当然,没问题。我需要算上饭费吗? -DR. GOLDFINE: Oh no. We’ll split that. split: 分离、分开 不用,餐费我们AA。

-DR. GOLDFINE: So, let’s talk about yesterday. talk about: 谈论 让我们说说昨天的事儿。

You think there might have been some truth in what Rex said? 你认为Rex说的是事实吗? -BREE: No, I don’t. 不,我不这么认为。

-DR. GOLDFINE: Bree, you know, it’s not uncommon for people experiencing sexual repression to distance themselves from the act.

uncommon: 不寻常的、非常的 experience: 经历;体验 repression: 抑制、压抑 distance: 使远离;使疏远;对?冷淡 the act: [委婉语]性交,做爱 Bree,我知道关于这方面的问题是让人很受伤的。 -BREE: Is that how you see me? 你是那样看我的吗?

As some sort of prude who just lays there like a cold fish? I love sex.

sort of: 有点 prude: 过分正经的女人 lay: 躺 cold fish: [俚语]沉默寡言、冷若冰霜的人 sex:性爱

我在床上像冷冰冰的死鱼?我喜欢做爱。 -DR. GOLDFINE: All right. 嗯,好吧。

-BREE: I love everything about it. The sensations, the smells. sensation: 感觉 smell: 闻、味道 我喜欢过程中的一切。那种感觉、味道。 I especially love the feel of a man. especially: 尤其,特别 feel: 抚摸 我特别喜欢男人的抚摸,

All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body. And then, when you add friction. Mmm ... muscle: 肌肉 sinew: 肌肉、力量 press: 按、压 add: 增加 friction: 摩擦 当他慢慢的抚摸我的身体时,

The tactile sensation of running my tongue over a man’s nipple ever so gently.

tactile: 触觉的 tongue: 舌头 nipple: 乳头 gently: 轻轻的、温柔的 当他的舌尖吻过我的每一寸肌肤时, And then there’s the act itself – act: [the act][委婉语]性交,做爱 还有做爱本身,

two bodies becoming one in that final eruption of pleasure. final: 最后 eruption: 爆发 pleasure: 高兴、愉快 两个身体结合在一起,然后是快感的突然来临。

To be honest, the only thing I don’t like about sex is the scrotum.

to be honest: [用作插入语]说实在的,老实说 honest: 诚实的 scrotum: 阴囊 老实说,做爱唯一让我不喜欢的就是,

I mean, obviously it has its practical applications, but I’m just not a fan. obviously: 显然的 practical: 实际的 application: 用途 fan: 迷、狂热 它是每个人必须履行的义务,我不是很上瘾。 -WAITER: Can I get you something? 您需要什么吗?

-DR. GOLDFINE: Uh, just the check, please. check: [美国英语]餐馆(或酒吧间)的账单 结账吧。

-WAITER: Sir, you haven’t ordered yet. order: 点菜 您还没有点单呢。 -DR. GOLDFINE: Oh. 哦。

-MAMA SOLIS: We’re not shopping? 我们先不去购物?

-GABRIELLE: Oh, I thought we would stop here for lunch first. 我们先停下来吃午饭。

This place has the best buffet in town. All you can eat crab legs. Oh no! buffet: 自助餐 crab: 蟹

这是我最喜欢的自助餐厅,哦,不。 -MAMA SOLIS: What’s wrong? Let’s go! 怎么了?我们走吧!

-GABRIELLE: I didn’t realize how late it was. realize: 察觉、领悟 我没想到已经这么晚了。

They’re only holding the suede mini for me until two. suede: 小山羊皮 mini: 微型


If we stay, I’ll never make it. We’ll just have lunch at the mall. mall: 商场


-MAMA SOLIS: Wait, uh, I’m really in the mood for crab legs. in the mood for: 想(有意) mood: 心情 等等,我确实很有心情。

Why don’t you just drop me off, and you can come back. drop off: 让?下车


-GABRIELLE: Well, if the mall is crowded, it might take over an hour.

crowded: 拥挤的 take: 花费(时间) over: (在数目、程度等上)高出,超过 MALL里人很多,可能要一个多小时。 -MAMA SOLIS: It’s a buffet. There’s no rush! rush: 匆促 没关系,不要着急!

-GABRIELLE: Hi John. Motel. Ten minutes. Be there. motel: 汽车旅馆

嗨,John。汽车旅馆见,我十分钟后到。 -LYNETTE: All right. Off you go. Thanks. off you go: 去吧 嗨,你可以走了,谢谢。

-MAISY: Ooh, Lynette. I couldn’t help but notice, couldn’t help but: 情不自禁? notice: 注意 怎么会这样?

you forgot the coonskin on that hunter’s coonskin cap. coonskin: 浣熊的皮 hunter: 猎人 cap: 帽子 没想到你居然忘了缝帽子。

-LYNETTE: Oh, yeah, huh, it was a creative call. creative: 创造性的 哦,是的。这确实有创意。

Look, I’m in the middle of a costume crisis, and if I don’t take a few shortcuts, I’ll never finish. in the middle of: 在?当中 costume: 戏服 crisis: 危机 shortcut: 捷径 finish: 完成 我家里危机四伏,有做不完的事情。

-MAISY: Well, Jordana Guist manages to get her work done. manage: 处理、管理 她总是能完成所有的事情。

She runs the consessions, paints the sets,

run: 经营 paint: 涂色于 set:[戏剧]布景,场景 她开了家店,帮我们刷墙。

and still has time to take care of her three kids and a husband. take care of: 照顾


Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don’t understand the concept of time management.

suffer: 遭受、忍受 concept of time: 时间概念 concept: 观念、概念 management: 管理 现在你让你的孩子受苦只是因为你不懂时间管理的技巧。

-LYNETTE: I hardly think the kids are going to suffer without a clump of fur on their heads. hardly: 几乎不 clump: 丛、块 fur: 毛皮、皮 我不认为没有提前给孩子缝帽子就是让他们受苦。 -MAISY: Okay, I’ll make a creative call. 好的,让我来点有创意的吧。

We’ll cut the oak trees. That forest is looking a little dense, anyway. cut: 删除 forest: 森林 dense: 密集的、浓厚的 anyway: 不管怎样 我们把橡树这个情节砍了吧,这个情节没什么必要。 -LYNETTE: My boys are the oak trees. 我的孩子们就是橡树。

-MAISY: Are they? Well, I wouldn’t worry. We’ll find something for them to do back stage. worry: 担心,烦恼 back stage: 后台 stage: 舞台 是吗?不用担心。我们给他们找一些幕后工作。 That’s where the real action is.

real: 真的、真实的 action: 行动、表现 真正的演出是在幕后。

-LYNETTE: I’ll finish the costumes. finish: 完成

我会把家务活完成的。 -MAISY: Well, crisis averted. avert: 避免、防止 这样问题就解决了。

-JULIE: You have lost your mind. lose mind: 失去理智 mind: 主意、思想 你简直是疯了。

-SUSAN: I checked up on this Silvercrest place. It’s a treatment center for troubled kids. check up: 核对、检查 treatment: 治疗 center: 中心

我查看了Silvercrest Juvenile这个地方,这是个问题少年治疗中心。 Who’s going to notice one more?

