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Section I Use of Prepositions




to, at, instead of, from, of, with, on, among, between, because of, about, for into, with regard to, over

1. The findings are far ________ satisfactory.

2. We shall divide the work ________ us research workers.

3. The rainy season in that country varies ________ 3 - 4 months. 4. They have never heard ________ such an invention.

5. We must pay attention ________ the latest development of the

situation. 6. The newly-installed control computer will soon be put ________ use. 7. The news which I am going to tell you ________ is rather serious. 8. The engineer seemed to know what the sign stood ________. 9. The machine tool went out of control ________ mishandling. 10. Don’t be satisfied ________ what you have achieved.

Section II Verb Tenses


余各题均1分)(注意:各题只能填写一个答案,多填答案不得分) 11. Those who’d like to visit the exhibition ________ (sign) your names

here. 12. A great number of small power stations ________ (set up) in their

county since liberation.

13. He asked me whether my brother ________ (fly) to Beijing. 14. He fell asleep immediately last night; he must ________ (be) very

tired. 15. “Have you moved into the new flat?” “Not yet. The rooms ________ (paint).”

16. The director recommended that she ________ (study) more English

before going abroad. 17.The teacher told them since light ________ (travel) faster than sound,

lightning ________ (appear) to go before thunder. 18. How long ________ they ________ (dig) the ditch?

19. He refused to tell us whether he ________ (undertake) the job.

Section III Verb Forms


220. Matter is the name ________ (give) to everything which has weight

and occupies space. 21. I shall never forget ________ (meet) the late Premier Zhou during

his inspection of our factory. 22. I wonder if he could get it ________ (do) before tomorrow. 23. Night ________ (fall), we hurried home.

24. A beam of light will not bend round corners unless ________ (make)

to do so with the help of a reflecting device. 25. We were busy ________ (get) things ready for the trial production

when he phoned us. 26. Some molecules are large enough ________ (see) under the electronic


27. The floor does not look so bad when ________ (sweep) clean. 28. ________ (fail) several times, they need some encouragement. 29. ________ (catch) in the rain, he was wet to the skin.

Section IV Structure and Vocabulary

四、选择填空:(本大题共15分,每题1分)在每题下面的[A], [B], [C], [D]



He ________ me that he decided to leave on Monday. [A] spoke [B] said [C] talked [D] told ANSWER: [D]

30. This test ________ a number of multiple choice questions.

[A] composes of [B] composes in [C] consists of [D] consists in

31. She writes as ________ as her sister.

[A] clear [B] more clear [C] clearly [D] most clearly

32. I prefer this diagram ________ that one.

[A] than [B] more than [C] rather than [D] to

33. I have been studying here for four years, by next summer I ________.

[A] shall graduate

[B] shall be graduated [C] shall be graduating [D] shall have graduated

34. Hardly had he finished his speech ________ the audience started


[A] and [B] when [C] than [D] as

35. I wish you ________ like that.

[A] don’t talk [B] won’t talk [C] wouldn’t talk [D] not to talk

36. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ________ come to a sound


[A] can you [B] would you [C] you will [D] you can

37. I found ________ to answer all the questions within the time given.

[A] no possibility

[B] there was impossibility [C] impossible [D] it impossible

38. You ________ go now. It’s getting late.

[A] had rather [B] would rather [C] had better [D] would better

39. Hot metal ________ as it grows cooler.

[A] contracts

[B] reduces [C] condenses [D] compresses

40. Wood does not conduct electricity; ________.

[A] so doesn’t rubber [B] also doesn’t rubber [C] nor does rubber [D] nor rubber does

41. Comrade Li ________ be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a

few minutes ago.

[A] mustn’t [B] can’t [C] may not [D] isn’t able to

42. I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ________ about it.

[A] but to think [B] thinking [C] think [D] to think

43. The more we looked at the picture, ________.

[A] the less we liked it [B] we like it less [C] better we liked it [D] it looked better

44. To succeed in a scientific research project ________.

[A] one needs to be persistent [B] persistence is needed

[C] one needs be a persistent person [D] persistence is what one needs

Section V Error-detection

五、认辩错误:(本大题共5分,每题1分)下面句子中有 [A], [B], [C], [D]四处划线部分,在你认为是错误的一处画上“○”。(注意:各题只能填写一个



It is very kind of you to supply me with so many informations.


45. Never before has so many people in our country been interested in ABCD

athletic sports. 46. Those of us who work in that chemical plant should have their lungs

ABCDX-rayed. 47. After the traffic accident he laid in bed for two weeks,

ABwaiting for his wound to heal.

CD48. We advice him to give up smoking and do a lot of exercises. ABCD49. The principal reason for the great number of smoke is that there AB

are too many factories in the city. CD

Section VI Chinese-English Translation

六、将下列句子译成英语:(本大题共20分,第1题2分,其余各题均3分) 50. 水一煮沸请立即把开关关掉。

51. 在八十年代,中国人民将以更大的步伐向前迈进。 52. 我们都同意李同志已作出的决定。 53. 这个结果比我们预期的要好得多。

54. 在过去的三年中,在恢复我国国民经济方面做了大量的工作。 55. 我们把英语作为学习西方先进科学技术的一种工具。 56. 没有党的领导,我国的社会主义现代化是不可能实现的。

Section VII English-Chinese Translation



The life of Albert Einstein is a model in many ways for both natural and political scientists.

First of all, he always employed the scientific method of seeking truth from facts. He firmly believed as he put it, that “there is nothing incomprehensible about the universe,” and through painstaking work, explained many of the phenomena thought to be “incomprehensible” in his day. Einstein was also never afraid to admit mistakes when facts proved his theories wrong.

Second, Einstein’s contributions showed the great importance of theoretical work to scientific effort. Although he himself rarely worked in laboratories, the concepts he developed led to many of the scientific advances which have shaped modern technology.

Third, Einstein believed very deeply that scientists must have a moral and social consciousness. In this way, he provided inspiration for a whole generation of scientists who became active in the Communist movement.

Einstein is often portrayed in bourgeois writings as a “genius” whose theories are so complicated that no one but a few best scientists can understand them. But he himself rejected the efforts to put him in a position far above other people. He was well known for his humble manner and often stressed to interviewers that his accomplishments would certainly have been achieved by others had he never lived.

Actually, Einstein’s theory of relativity and his other scientific works are not that hard to understand with a little study. But beyond learning Einstein’s theories, his overall attitude towards science as a tool to liberate humanity is something from which everyone can and should learn.


Between now and the end of the century, there will be many exciting developments and also many difficult problems to deal with. Perhaps the most urgent problem is to provide enough food. The world’s population is expected to reach 7,000 million by the year 2000, but already scientists have produced new and better varieties of wheat and rice and animal. They have also been experimenting with techniques of cultivating plants by using mixtures of chemical compounds and water only, and then there will be no need for ordinary soil. Another problem which the world will face is to get rid of refuse (废料). One solution is to burn refuse

at very high temperatures in incinerators (焚化炉). A development of this, which may prove very useful in the future, is to use these incinerators to generate steam power. In fact, any new source of energy will be very welcome, as there is already a shortage of petroleum. To solve the energy problem, scientists will probably also try to make more use of solar energy.

The possible effects of some scientific fields, such as lasers and cryogenics (低温学), are difficult to imagine and both already have a number of uses. The supercooling effects of the cryogenics which convert liquid helium (液态氦) and other gases into “superfluids” and metals into “superconductors”, making them non-resistant to electricity, could change the world in a number of ways. The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations. The question is whether it will be most used for peaceful purposes or as a deadly weapon.

But perhaps the most remarkable developments will occur in space flight. One of the difficulties in the past has been the high cost, but now the space shuttle is being developed, and can be used a large number of times instead of only once. Already man has been to the moon. Perhaps by the end of the century he will have had a close-up view of Venus (金星) or Mars (火星).


Section I: Use of Prepositions (5 points) 1. from 3. between 5. to 7. about 9. because of 2. among 4. of 6. to, into 8. for 10. with Section II: Verb Tenses (10 points) 11. sign 13. had flown 15. are being painted 17. travels, appears 19. would undertake 12. have been set up 14. have been 16. study 18. have ? been digging Section III: Verb Forms (15 points) 20. given 22. done 24. made 26. to be seen 28. Having failed 21. meeting 23. falling 25. getting 27. swept 29. Caught (Having been caught, Being caught) Section IV: Structure and Vocabulary (15 points) 30. [C] 35. [C] 40. [C] 31. [C] 36. [A] 41. [B] 32. [D] 37. [D] 42. [B] 33. [D] 38. [C] 43. [C] 34. [B] 39. [A] 44. [A] Section V: Error-detection (5 points) 45. [A] 46. [D] 47. [B] 48. [A] 49. [B] Section VI: Chinese-English Translation (20 points)

50. Please turn off the switch (switch off) as soon as the water boils. 51. The Chinese people will forge ahead (march on, march onward, march

forward) with greater strides in 1980’s. 52. We all agree to the decision comrade Li has made (made). 53. The result is much (far) better than we expected.

54. During the past three years a lot (of work) has been done in the

recovery (restoration) of our national economy (in recovering our national economy; in restoring our national economy). 55. We use English as a tool in learning Western advanced science and

technology. 56. It is impossible to accomplish (carry out, fulfill, materialize) the

socialist modernization of our country (our socialist modernization) without the leadership of the Party. Section VII: English-Chinese Translation (30 points)











已经有若干用途。低温学的过冷作用将液态氦及某些气体变成“超流体”,将某些金属变成“超导体”,使它们没有电阻,从而可以在好些方面改变世界面貌。激光,以它强烈的光束,可在金刚石上钻孔,也可以很好地加以控制来进行难做的眼科手术。问题是它将被大量用于和平的目的呢,还是用途致使的武器。 但最惊人的发展也许将出现在宇宙飞行方面。过去的困难之一在于代价太高。但现在航天飞机正在发展,这种航天飞机可以使用多次而不是仅仅一次而已。人类已经到过月球。也许到本世纪末人类对金星或火星等将有一个精细的观察。

已经有若干用途。低温学的过冷作用将液态氦及某些气体变成“超流体”,将某些金属变成“超导体”,使它们没有电阻,从而可以在好些方面改变世界面貌。激光,以它强烈的光束,可在金刚石上钻孔,也可以很好地加以控制来进行难做的眼科手术。问题是它将被大量用于和平的目的呢,还是用途致使的武器。 但最惊人的发展也许将出现在宇宙飞行方面。过去的困难之一在于代价太高。但现在航天飞机正在发展,这种航天飞机可以使用多次而不是仅仅一次而已。人类已经到过月球。也许到本世纪末人类对金星或火星等将有一个精细的观察。

