
更新时间:2023-04-13 01:45:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载










1.Where does the man live now?

A.In the city center.

B.In the suburbs.

C.On a farm.

2.What is the woman's problem?

A.She has a backache.

B.She is quite tired.

C.She feels cold.

3.What are the speakers deciding on?

A.Making a deal.

B.Giving each other a gift.

C.Paying for the meal separately.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A writer.

B.A phrase.

C.A country.

5.Why does the woman offer the man a refund?

A.They lost his coat.

B.They were not able to clean the coat.

C.They didn't prepare the coat for pick-up in time.




6.Why does the man's dog bark at his cleaner?

A.Because of the smell.

B.Because of the sound.

C.Because of the movement.

7.How old is Jet now?

A.One year old.

B.Two years old.

C.Three years old.


8.What kind of companies does the woman invest in?

A.New companies.

B.Oil and gas companies.

C.Environmental-friendly companies.

9.What rate of return is the woman offering within two years?




10.What does the woman believe makes people feel better?

A.Making investments that help the environment.

B.Making investments that make lots of money.

C.Making investments that are less risky.


11.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Firefighter and resident.

12.How will the woman help the man?

A.By moving the family's things.

B.By removing water from the basement.

C.By driving the man away from the house.

13.What is the biggest danger according to the man?

A.Ruining the floorboards.

B.Flooding the electrical box.

C.Damaging the valuable items in the basement.


14.Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A.At the museum.

B.On the bridge.

C.In the car.

15.What will the speakers listen to?

A.Musical records.

B.Books on tape.

C.Radio shows.

16.Why did the woman go a lot to the museum in her city as a kid?

A.The school took her there every year.

B.That one was free and convenient.

C.Her parents worked there.

17.How does the woman feel about museums now?

A.They are boring.

B.They are precious.

C.They are exciting.


18.When did the speaker apply at McDonald's?

A.One month after graduation.

B.Two months after graduation.

C.Three months after graduation.

19.Who did the speaker reach out to for help?

A.Her boyfriend.

B.Her parents.

C.Her boss.

20.How does the speaker feel about her situation now?








Position:Home>Book A Trip>

Tips for Arriving by Air:

1.According to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the French Republic,starting from December1,2020,all Chinese and foreign passengers flying from France to China arc required to conduct the sampling and testing of a nucleic acid(核酸)test and an IgM anti-body test at testing institutions in France within2days before boarding.They must obtain the certificates of negative results of both tests issued by the organizations to apply for the green health declaration code with the“HS"mark or“HDC"mark from the local Embassy of China in France.Please visit the official Embassy website at

http://www.amb-chine.fr/chn/zgzfg/zgsg/lsb/t1835249.htm for further details.To avoid any delay on your trip,please be sure to keep a close eye on the local requirements prior to your flight departure.Thank you for your understanding

and support!

2.Starting from November16,2020,China Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines will suspend transit(中转)services of passengers originating from Africa,Argentina,and India passing by a third country to China.

3.Passengers transiting by way of a third country please pay particular attention to the specific visa requirements of the transiting country.

Select A Flight

21.What must a passenger arriving at Shanghai from Paris after December1, 2020do?

A.Take two nucleic acid tests.

B.Visit the official Embassy website.

C.Pay attention to the local requirements upon arriving.

D.Have the green health declaration code with the"HS"or"HDC"mark.

22.Which of the following is true of passengers starting from India after November16,2020?

A.They are not allowed lo fly to Shanghai.

B.They must hold a specific visa to enter China.

C.They must first fly to France and then go on flying to Shanghai.

D.Shanghai Airline won't fly them if they are not taking a direct flight.

23.What flight should Jack choose to save money if he flies to Shanghai from Paris in April,2021?

A.The one on Sunday.

B.The one on Monday.

C.The one on Wednesday.

D.The one on Friday


On the way to his home the child turned many times and beat the dog,declaring with childish gestures that he held him in contempt(茂视)as an unimportant dog.the dog apologized for being this quality of animal and expressed regret in fine form,but he continued stealthily to follow the child.

When the child reached his door-step,the dog was a few yards behind,moving slowly toward him.He became so anxious with shame when ho again faced the child that he forgot the dragging rope.He tripped(绊倒)upon it and fell forward.

The child sat down on the step and the two had another interview.During it the dog greatly exerted himself to please the child.He performed a few playful jumps with such abandon(尽情地)that the child suddenly saw him to be a valuable thing.He made a swift,greedy charge(猛冲)and seized the rope.

He dragged his captive(俘虏)into a hall and up many long stairways in a dark building.The dog made willing efforts,but he could not walk very skillfully up the stairs because he was very small and soft,and at last the pace of the child grew so energetic that the dog became panic-stricken.In his mind he was being dragged toward somewhere unknown.His ayes grew wild with the terror of it.He began to wiggle his head wildly and to brace his legs.

The child redoubled his efforts.They had a battle on the stairs.The child was victorious because he was completely absorbed in his purpose,and because the dog was very small.He dragged his acquirement to the door of his home,and finally with victory across the doorway.

No family member was in.The child sat down on the floor and made overtures to(向....示好)the dog.These the dog instantly accepted.He smiled with affection upon his new friend.In a short time they were firm and abiding(矢志不渝的)comrades.

24.What might have happened before the first paragraph?

A.The child had wanted to own the dog for a long time.

B.The dog had been someone else's pet but lost his way.

C.The child had been looking for the lost dog for a long time.

D.The dog had been driven out of home by the child's family.

25.What directly made the boy change his mind?

A.The dog's apology.

B.His first interview with the dog.

C.His pity on the dog.

D.The dog's pleasing performance.

26.What can we know from paragraph4and5?

A.The boy was naughty.

B.The dog was foolish.

C.The boy was a devoted friend.

D.The dog was a faithful friend.

27.Which of the following best describe the change of the dog's feeling?






Facial expressions are the primary way people exhibit emotion and read the feelings of others.Happiness,sadness,disgust,fear and surprise can be communicated through facial expressions alone.But when part of the face is masked,it becomes more difficult to recognize these cues.

If you cannot read someone else's emotional state,your ability to empathize(共鸣)with them may be compromised.Likewise,if your own mask is hiding your emotional state,others may not be able to empathize with you.Wearing a mask can also make you feel more distracted and self-conscious, further weakening your connection to others.

Fortunately,you can regain some control over communication by working with what you have left-the eyes.If you want to increase understanding with a masked inpidual,you should look them in the eyes,which may be easier said than done.Eye contact generates self-consciousness,consumes extra brain power and becomes uncomfortable after only three seconds.But bear in mind,eye contact can also make you appear more intelligent and trustworthy.

You might be surprised how much information is conveyed(传达)by the body itself.For instance,when someone is happy,they stand up straighter,when

they are sad,they drop their head;and when they are angry,their whole body tenses up.Learning how people use their bodies to convey emotion may help reduce the uncertainty you feel when communicating with someone in a mask.

Become aware of your own body language,too.When engaged in a conversation,you can appear more attentive by turning your body toward the inpidual,Leaning in or nodding.To let another person know you want to start speaking,straighten your posture,or nod more frequently.Finally,he?ware that imitating the posture of another person can increase how much they like you and even agree with you.

By all means,continue the proper measures to keep yourself safe,but don't neglect your relationships as a consequence.Social distance doesn't have to mean socially distant.

28.What will happen if you wear a mask?

A.Your fear won't be known by others.

B.Others will have difficulty understanding you.

C.You will lose the ability to empathize with others.

D.Others won't focus on your face.

29.Why is eye contact difficult?

A.It may lead to misunderstanding.

B.It requires more brain power.

C.It may cause people to believe you less.

D.It will result in social distance.

30.What does paragraph4and5mainly talk about?

A.Body language is a double-edged sword.

B.Body language can convey shocking information.

C.We should make good use of body language.

D.Be careful with your body language when talking.

31.What is the best title of this passage?

A.How do people use their bodies to convey emotion?

B.Facial expressions,the primary way of human connection.

C.Facial expressions,eye contact,body language,which is the best?

D.How do we keep socially distant to keep ourselves safe?


I often find peacefulness in a soaring stone church,a cool open place to sit and contemplate.The giant trunk-like pillars(柱子)and the gentle play of the light cast through a church's stained glass windows create a shaded garden of stone and multicolored light.

Glass itself is one of the fruits of the art of fire.It is a fusion(熔接)of the Earth's rocks melted at high temperatures.Glass's liquid-like structure is one of the main reasons it is transparent(透明的).However,"transparent"does not necessarily mean that all light can pass through it.Some obsidian(黑曜石)glasses are so darkly colored that they are effectively black and opaque(不透光的).This is because electrons of some elements in the obsidian are arranged in such a way that their energy is the same as the energy of visible light.

This ability of certain elements to absorb light and give color is used to great effect in stained glass windows.For example,adding cobalt oxide(氧化钴)to the glass during melting will make it blue because cobalt absorbs wavelengths at the red end of the spectrum(光谱)but does not absorb blue.These colors were discovered by the ancients through trial and error,adding different minerals to the melting pot and melting for different periods of time,even though they had no idea what caused them.

The term"stained glass"telescopes(精简)three different processes: coloring,staining and painting,each one complex and requiring the application of many skills.In the mid-16th century,however,different colored enamels(珐琅)began to be used.It has been said that the appearance of enameling was the death of the great stained glass window artists.I am not sure if this is true,but I do know that standing in front of a great stained glass window is a magical experience.Next time you are in a soaring cathedral,take a moment to admire the windows.

32.Why does the author write this passage?

A.To show the actual way to make stained glass.

B.To express his appreciation of stained glass.

C.To talk about the function of stained glass.

D.To review the history of stained glass.

33.What does“their energy"underlined in paragraph2refer to?

A.the energy of high temperatures

B.the energy of obsidian glasses

C.the energy of some electrons

D.the energy of all elements

34.How is stained glass made?

A.By melting some of the Earth's rocks with sun energy.

B.By painting some colors on rocks before melting them.

C.By absorbing fire and sunlight to make varied colors.

D.By adding some minerals to glass when it is melted.

35.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.Stained glass was invented in the mid-16th century.

B.Making enamels was more complex than making stained glass.

C.The number of stained glass artists may have declined since the1550s.

D.The author admiringly welcomes the change caused by colored enamels.



You may have grown up living with lots of siblings,or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else.36.Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year(or even years!).

Address problems when they're little

Is your roommate always forgetting her stuff for the shower,and taking yours?Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them? Addressing things that bug you while they're still little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know.And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after they've become big.

Respect your roommate's stuff

This may seem simple,but it's probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict.Don't think he'll mind if you borrow his cleats for a quick soccer game?For all you know,you just stepped over a line that is not crossable.37

Be mindful of who you bring into your room-and how often

You may love having your study group into your room.38Be mindful of how often you bring people over.If your roommate studies best in the quiet,and you study best in a group,can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room?

Be friendly,without expecting to be best friends

Don't go into your roommate relationship thinking that you are going to be best friends for the time you're at school.39.You should be friendly with your roommate but also make sure you have your own social circles.


Treat your roommate like you'd like to be treated.Deal with problems properly.No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year,you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.

A.If nothing else,follow the golden rule

B.Don't borrow,use,or take anything without getting permission first

C.But your roommate may not

D.While having a roommate inevitably has its challenges,it can also be a great part of your life experience

E.However,your roommate may also think so

F.Address problems when they're big,too

G.It may happen,but expecting it sets both of you up for trouble




There was a time when I was certain I could never deeply love an animal.I know this is_41_to admit.In Britain,an indifference(冷漠)to pets is considered a fault on one's character.

My wife was also_42_sure that she could never deeply love me if I could not love animals.And at the beginning of this year,the_43_increased.We were to_44_a cat from a friend who had fallen for a woman who is allergic(过敏的)to them.

I_45_-but coldly enough,I felt,to make clear that I would not be_46_for the creature's upkeep.I would_47_the cost of cat food,of course,but like a strict Victorian father I would avoid_48_entanglement(瓜葛).

However,Hopper-well,I hardly need tell you that Hopper_49_from other cats.Eight years old but slim as a kitten.Green-eyed and white-socked.Entirely independent but in need of human_50__,too,when the mood takes her.Like I said-unique.

These last four months have_51_me to spend an unexpected amount of time with Hopper.In my makeshift office,she sleeps beside me,meows at my feet,or leaps onto my back.Through the window,I watch Hopper stalk(踱方步)through the long grass,_52_me of a wilder world outside.Every morning I_53_her;every evening we play with a feather stuck to a stick.It is our_54_-the only part of my timetable that has not been_55_by the coronavirus(冠状病毒)。Without the lockdown,would I have realized the everyday happiness a cat can bring?

41.A.worthwhile B.shameful C.considerate D.practical

42.A.fairly B.rarely C.luckily D.normally

43.A.pleasure B.risk C.doubt D.regret

44.A.look into B.search for 09d57594824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008298plain of D.take on

45.A.agreed B.denied C.explained D.hesitated

09d57594824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008298te B.thankful C.famous D.responsible

47.A.share B.save C.reduce D.pide

48.A.spiritual B.emotional C.mental D.physical

49.A.learns B.suffers C.differs 09d57594824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008298es

09d57594824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008298pany B.nature C.power D.trust

51.A.promised B.forbidden C.prepared D.allowed

52.A.reminding B.warning C.breaking 09d57594824d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008298rming

53.A.leave B.shake C.feed D.miss

54.A.burden B.routine C.mistake D.fortune

55.A.spoiled B.inspired C.shocked D.managed



When Costco opened its first store in China in2019,it wasn't just the hot barbecue chickens and discounted Birkin bags_56_attracted overexcited crowds.A fiery,throat-tingling liquor called Kweichow Moutai also flew off shelves.

571,498yuan,or S209for a half-liter bottle,it might not sound like the kind of bargain Costco shoppers usually go for-but in this case,it absolutely was.That price_58_(represent)a sharp discount over Moutai sold elsewhere-that is,if you could get your hands on it.The luxury spirit is so beloved in China,it sold out quickly.

Even amid a global pandemic,Kweichow Moutai,the company that makes the liquor,had59outstanding year:its stock surged around70%on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in2020.The company is China's most valuable firm outside of technology-worth more than the country's four biggest banks.60_(globe).its market cap has not only beaten all other alcohol distillers(酿酒公司),but also Coca-Cola,which had long held the crown as the world's largest beverage(饮品)maker by market cap.61(value)at2.7trillion yuan,or S421billion,Kweichow Moutai is worth more than Toyota,Nike and Disney,too.

Apart from popularity in China,62,Moutai is still virtually unknown overseas. Almost all-about97%-of its sales come from China alone,according to its63 (finance)reports.

So how is a company64sells its products primarily in just one country now worth more than some longstanding bchemoths(巨头)?And can Kweichow

Moutai,which65(describe)in the west as"drinking liquid razor blades,"succeed in appealing to non-Chinese consumers?










Dear Linda,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



At first glance she looked like any other old woman,plodding along in the snow,alone,neglected,head bowed.A young couple,smiling,taking,laughing, arms loaded with Christmas presents,took no notice of the old woman.A mother with two small children hurried by,on their way to grandmother’s house.Like many others,they took no notice,either.If these people had noticed,they would have seen that the old woman wore no shoes.She walked bare foot in the ice and snow.

With both hands the old woman gathered her worn button-less overcoat at the collar to keep out the wind.She stopped and stood bent and bowed at the

bus stop.A red and blue scarf covering her head,she waited for the downtown bus.

A gentleman carrying an Important looking briefcase waited near her,not too closely.After all,she could have something contagious(传染的).A teenage girl also waited for the bus,She glanced repeatedly at the old woman's feet,but said nothing.

The bus arrived and the old woman slowly,painfully boarded.She sat on the sideways sent Just behind the driver.The gentleman and the teenage girl hurried to the back of the bus.A little boy pointed at the old woman,"Look,Mother,that old lady is bare foot."The embarrassed mother slapped his hand down."Don't point at people,Andrew.I's not polite to point."She looked out of the window.

"She must have sons or daughters,"a lady in a fur coat suggested,“her children should be ashamed of themselves."She felt morally superior,because she took good care of her mother.

A man seated near the middle of the bus steadied the bag of gifts on her lap."Don't we pay enough taxes to handle situations like this?"he said to a friend seated beside him.

“People have to learn to save their money,"a well-dressed young college man added.“If that old woman had saved when she was young,she wouldn't be suffering now.It's her own fault."

And all these vain(虚荣的)people beamed with satisfaction that they had all given such deep analysis,totally ignoring the old woman who badly needed a pair of shoes immediately.


A vain businessman felt offended by those talking without acting and reached into his wallet.

At the next stop.a young man wearing expensive.new.brand-name shoes boarded the bus,

