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【新1题】As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

In an era featured with high technology, no one can deny the fact that people are increasingly rely on technology to solve problems, which provides us with easy access to convenience; for example: abundant applications such as interpretation software, calculating software, and even financial management software have successfully saved so much time and effort for us that we are becoming more and more dependent on them. Seemingly, there is a trend that we tend to think less often than before.

Admittedly, this phenomenon is obvious, but does this show that our ability to think for ourselves are surely deteriorating? It might be reckless to jump to this conclusion. Firstly, despite the fact that technology has enabled us an easy way of life, but only with the ability to think and explore can the programmers develop such effective softwares to help us lead a better life. In ancient times, people did not have technological products as we have nowadays, accordingly, they might reply more on their hands to get food for survival and less resort to high technology, but can we say that they are smarter than us and they can think for themselves more often than modern people? This might seem ridiculous. So it is exactly the ability to think and explore that enables us a modern life to rely much more on technology to solve problems.

Secondly, a life equipped with high technology will in fact enable us to think more by providing us with a wider world of knowledge and up-to-date information. Some people might say, as we are now exposed to superfluous information with the spread of internet, they inevitably blur our eyes and block our thoughts, but as a matter of fact it is this diversity of information we have acquired via new technology that can expand our horizon and give us a different way of thinking as well as a chance to tell the good from bad.

In addition to what have been stated above, technology can also stimulating our thoughts by greatly improving our life quality and providing us with a relatively peaceful environment,which means human do not have to worry about struggling for survival and will tend to focus their attention on the world around them. In the human history, great thoughts are usually derived in peaceful times marked with rapid development of technology. For example, with the development of Industrial Revolution, reconnaissance also thrived, during which abundant new thoughts in literarature, art and science appeared and great minds such as Dante, Martin Luther and Vinci enlightened the world together with their transcendent thoughts. This greatly shows that instead of halting the steps of thinking, technology has been the stimulant of the most prominent ideas and has even accelerated the process of the culture progression in human history.

Although technology itself can at times lead to some problems that may impede the ability of humans to think, we can never ignore the facts that for most part, the technology has inspired our thoughts and lit the candle of wisdom in human history.

507 words. March 25, 2014.

? 开发这些软件的程序员却是动足了脑筋,他们需要有足够的解决问题的能力才能应对这

些研发工作。(古代VS现代) ? 正是因为信息技术,人们才能从各种渠道获取来自世界各地的信息,这些信息有利于人

们思考,从不同角度看问题。(远程手术、跨国会议) ? 科技使人们的生命和生活质量得到显著的改善和提高。所有这些使人类可能摆脱生存而


【新62题】Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them. 领导者主要是由身负的责任所造就的。

正:时势造英雄(It is the times that create heroes.)。特定历史时期的特殊要求所创造的特殊机遇可以使领袖们脱颖而出。

反:但是,领袖之所以能在特定的历史时期成为领袖是与其内在的禀赋与能力分不开的。正所谓机遇偏爱有准备的人(Opportunities favor the minds that are prepared)。不是谁都能随随便便成为领袖。(拿破仑Napoleon) ? 在政治领域(In political field),领袖不仅要有责任,还要能代替人民说话,为人

民谋福利。By the people, of the people, for the people。(举例:罗斯福Franklin Roosevelt、拿破仑Napoleon、凯撒大帝Caesar/roman emperor)另外,政治领袖还需口才和灵活应变的头脑。(excellent eloquence and diplomatic brain)(举例:奥巴马Obama、周恩来)

? 在经济领域,领袖需要有创新能力、管理能力、长远的视野(long-term insight)、持

之以恒的精神(perseverance)和敏锐的洞察力(perspicacity)。(举例:股神巴菲特Buffett、比尔盖茨Bill Gates、福特Foot)

? 在思想领域,领导者则需深刻的思想(profound thoughts),才华(scintillating

talents),和敢于突破世俗和传统的能力(iconoclast/break the convention and unfetter the thoughts)。(卢梭Rousseau、马丁路德Martin Luther__宗教改革religious reformation)

【新91题】The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time.



反:但是,实际情况却是人们的生活节奏日益加快,难得闲暇的时间。表面上看科技进步可以提高人们的效率,但实际上人们的工作却越来越忙。回想人类“日出而作,日落而息”的农耕时代,人类并没有掌握复杂的科学技术,但是人类却田园牧歌一般悠闲的生活。(纵向类比)因此,让人类有更多的闲暇时间并非技术进步的首要目的。 技术进步的目的很多:

? 对全人类来说,可以节约地球资源能源(conserve energy resources in the earth)、降低污

染物排放保护环境(reduce pollutant emission)、加强自然灾害预测能力(promote the ability to predict the natural disaster), ? 对国家来说,可以提高劳动生产效率(production efficiency)、加强国防安全装备(enhance

national security and military power)

? 对社会来说,可以增强交流,信息更加透明等等。


【新94题】The effectiveness of a country's leaders is best measured by examining the well-being of that country's citizens. 国家领导工作效能最好通过国民的安乐来评判。 正:“民本思想”(people-based thought)“孟子”“Rousseau”国家和政府存在的意义在于为国民谋福利。如果国家的利益总是高于国民之上,甚至与民争利、损民利国,那这个国家就异化为国家的对立面。一个国家也只有得到国民的拥戴才能维持其统治。 反:但是,将一国领袖的价值和工作效能仅仅用国民的福利来衡量,有失偏颇。 ? 对于其工作效能的评判,并没有一个统一的标准(universal principal)。现阶段评价

一个政府工作效能的指标有很多:政府管理透明,国家安全防务,国际影响力(international influence),司法公正(Justice of judiciary),政府信誉(reputation),改革发展(reform and development),经济发展,民众生活水平(livehood),社会治安(public security),政治稳定,政府工作效能,控制腐败(control of corruption)等等。所以,真正有效的判断标准应该是上述各要素的综合。

? 对于不同的国家,应该以不同的标准衡量。比如落后国家和发达国家的衡量标准应该不


? 在不同的时代,也应该有不同的评判标准。比如战争时代与和平时代。(罗斯福



【新108题】Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field.


正:专家比其他人在某一领域的知识积累更多,实战经验也更丰富,所以对于事物的判断可能会更加全面。但这不等于说,其他人对于领域的判断就没有任何价值。 反:

? 首先,没有人是完美的,专家对理论知识可能很了解,但对各方面的情况就未必有独到

的见解。比如:很多领导虽然对政策很了解,但可能对民情还没有普通民众了解,因此听证会(the hearing)对于保证民主很重要。在农作方面,可能理论方面的专家还没有耕种几十年的农民“专”。

? 其次,专家可能会因为对领域形成的惯性思维stereotype而忽略了其他的一些可能性,

而很多初学者思维没有束缚,他们的想法可能更具创新性。比如,中世纪,人们受神学的束缚。莱特兄弟发明飞机。机械装配(mechanical assembly)

? 再者,批判性判断是获得知识的过程,批判性思维让人们对事物形成自己的认识,增进


【39】College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.

应该鼓励大学生选择自己感兴趣的课程,而不是那些容易找到工作的课程。 正:兴趣是最好的老师。兴趣不仅能告诉我们什么是最适合自己的职业方向还能提高我们人生的质量。但是如果只考虑个人的学习兴趣而不考虑毕业后的就业前景,有可能会面临毕业后的就业困难。

反:因此,论者的观点过于绝对。 ? 的确,如果学生将自己的学习和研究领域仅仅限制在就业的框架下,人生就失去了很多

发展自己爱好和天分的乐趣。这也使他们的人生道路变窄,失去了很多再选择的机会。(例子:乔布斯)对于社会,对口地传授知识则很有可能因为特立独行、才华横溢人才的淹没而损失了创新精神与活力。对于国家,国家的新兴产业所需的人才得不到补充,将会影响该国产业结构的转移和提升。如核能,页岩气(shale gas)等新资源的开发。 ? 但是,毕竟人的所有压力中,生存的压力当然是最需要优先考虑的。所以如果只考虑个

人的学习兴趣而不考虑毕业后的就业前景,有可能会面临毕业后的就业困难。而在生存受到威胁时,很难为兴趣而坚持下去。比如:有的人选择很偏的学科,最后无法就业,则对于自己和家庭是一种负担。 合:大学生可以通过人生规划在个人兴趣和理想与现实压力之间求得平衡。在大学研究生以下的阶段,大学生应该根据自己的兴趣和天分选择专业的方向,尽量多学感兴趣的学科。而在毕业之后,可以在工作的过程中找到自己适合的领域,然后学习相应的课程,提高工作能力。社会和政府可以由财政出资在大学设立特别项目或者鼓励企业和个人设专项基金,用来资助有天分的学生,更好地在以后的职业生涯中发展他们的兴趣和潜能。

【93】Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image.

正:论者的观点是基于这样判断:好的形象容易让人接受形象背后的真实。的确,极富魅力的形象能给人好的印象,让人相信事物是好的。但其实好的形象只是辅助作用,背后的真实总会在适当的时候显示出来。 反:因此,论者的判断过于绝对。

? 对于不同的人,好的形象作用的效果是不同的。对于诚实的人来说,好形象容易让人接


? 而对于骗子和撒谎者来说,好的形象只是在掩盖虚假和骗局,而日久见人心,当人们发



【4】 Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. 正:社会正常的监督机制难免有盲点。丑闻之所以成为丑闻是因为其超出道德和法律尺度而让人们对某些平时可能忽略的社会和政治问题给予关注。

? 社会中存在的一些制度的弊端能被暴露出来,从而能推动法制的完善(improve on the

legal system through better legislation)。比如:官员贪污、腐败,公务员滥用公家车(government cars)。

? 一些重大的社会变革常是由丑闻来引爆,让公众觉得忍无可忍,于是形成社会变革的共


反:另一方面,丑闻反而可能会引导public对重大社会问题的忽略。当对丑闻的揭发变成了纯粹为了满足公众好奇心的需要,对名人生活的探查,对政府政策失误的舆论炒作,丑闻则可能动摇人们对社会公平和正义的信心,削弱安全感和信任感,甚至对政府的公信力(public trust in government)造成威胁,引发社会动荡(social unrest)。比如:互联网络推手 (internet marketer)。


【36】Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. 政府不应该资助任何后果不明的科学研究。

正:一些基础性研究具有高风险性,研究的结果有较高的不确定性,但同时消耗大量的人力、物力和财力。对可能带来不确定的医学及伦理风险的科研活动采取审慎态度是必要的。 反:

? 但是,由于企业在基础性研究(basic research)方面的资助较为薄弱,政府对基础科学研究的资助显得尤为重要。如果政府不予支持,那这些科研活动可能带来的巨大福利也因此被放弃。

? 否则,对于人类社会和科技的进步都是阻碍。比如:从汽车到电脑,从转基因食品

(genetically modified food)到核武器试验(nuclear weapons tests),从纳米技术(nanotechnology)到克隆技术(clone),科学研究结果的不确定性和科学研究本身如影相随。 合:人类在探索未知时,总要冒一定的风险。针对结果不确定性的科学研究,一方面,政府应该采用适当的监管(supervision and control),保证科学研究不对公众产生有害的影响。另一方面,政府对科学研究的资助来自纳税人,科学研究也应向民众公布研究信息,听取民众的意见。同时,科研工作者也应负有社会责任,保证科学研究不会侵害民众利益。

【41】\their contemporaries.\

正:时间可以沉淀、过滤关于一个人的诸多争议,因而后人可能对这个人的伟大与否作出比较客观的判断。 反:

? 但后人可能会不考虑前人所处的特定历史背景,用自己的价值判断标准作出轻率的判断。

思想家,有些思想在特定的时期是对的(meritorious),但在后来的时期可能不符合。比如:董仲舒焚书坑儒(literati),有利于当时秦始皇统一国家,避免动乱,但是从历史的角度来(from historical perspective)看是却是抑制了人们的思想自由。极权主义思想(totalitarianism)在封建社会(feudal society)是有利于统治阶级(ruling class)。 ? 而且,后人对前任评价的依据是源于各种历史记录和文献,这些资料的完整度则有影响。

历史是胜利者书写的,因此对于失败者的客观评价是有偏差的。比如:曹操,军事家(military strategist)。

【45】Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.

正:Admittedly, if education aims solely at cramming students for exams, the quality of learning will undoubtedly deteriorate

反:However, examinations do help students review their lessons and master what they have learned.

Furthermore, the psychological pressure that competition exerts on students is not always harmful.给予动力。

Depends on different level of study.>>primary school 合:不同阶段,要求不同。


【58】Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school er college alone.


正:的确,一个人是否愿意学习以及学习效果如何,完全取决于他的自律和内在动力。如果自己不能自律或缺乏动力,别人是爱莫能助的。 反:


再者,一个人的自律习惯和学习动力不是凭空而来的,是环境熏陶和习惯养成的结果。俗话说:近朱者赤近墨者黑。学校里面浓厚的学习气氛会感染学习意愿不强、缺乏学习自主性的学生,使其慢慢养成主动学习的习惯。 人都有惰性,竞争会让人自律性更强。


