外研版8BModule 8 Unit 1 学案

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外研版8B Module 8 Public holiday

Unit 1 It's the last day before the new school year begins.学案

一、Analysis of the material(学材分析):


二、Learning aims (学习目标):

1.Knowledge aims(知识目标):

Key vocabulary : celebrate, labour, season, vacation, Labour Day, as soon as. Key structures : Adverbial clauses with while, when, before, until or as soon as. 2.Ability aims(能力目标):

To talk about Chinese and American holidays.

3.Feeling aims(情感目标):


三、Important and difficult points(重点难点):

Adverbial clauses, introduce Chinese festival.

四、Learning courses(学习过程)

Step 1 测评导学 写出下列序数词、日期或短语(一定要仔细认真,差之毫厘谬以千里。)

1.1__________________ 2________________ 3_________________ 5________________ 8__________________ 9________________ 12________________ 20________________ 2. 5月1日 写法:________ ________ 读法:_________________ _________________. 8月14日 写法:________ ________ 读法:_________________ _________________. 3.放一天假___________________ 露营__________________ 去海滩_____________________ 野餐____________________ …的末尾________________ 一…就…___________________

Step 2 自学质疑 (观察呈现的句子,认真阅读讲解部分,探索句中关键词的用法。)

1.Do you do anything special? We go camping or we have a picnic somewhere nice... 句中anything special 和 somewhere nice中,分别用来修饰anything和 somewhere 的形容词__________和_________都被放在_________。形容词一般应放在它所修饰的名词_________,但当形容词修饰由some, any, every, no等构成的______________时须___________。 如:Tell me ____________ _____________(有趣的事情).

2.While we're staying with them, we're going to spend a few days in Qingdao.

When September comes, it starts to get cooler.

While与when 是_______词,意为__________, 但有所区别。当从句中谓语动词是

___________时,用while和when均可。当从句中谓语动词是______________时,只能用when,所以while可以翻译成________________。 3.We'll stay there until 5th May.?

Let's enjoy ourselves until we go back to school?

在句?中until是____词,表示一个动作_______________________,主句谓语动词为_____________,在句?中until是____词。not...until 是固定搭配,意为________________. 请翻译:I didn't know the news until he told me._______________________________

完成句子:她直到完成作业才去睡觉。She _____ ____ to bed _____ she finished her homework.

4.划出对话中含while,when,before,until,after,as soon as的句子,判断哪些是时间状语从句。结合自己所见过的其他时间状语从句,总结时间状语从句时态规律:


Step 3 合作探究 (温馨提示:仔细读每题的两个句子,分析它们之间的关系,选择合适的连

词合成一个句子。请先独立完成,然后小组内探讨,最后每个小组有展示的机会哦!) 1. We went skating in the afternoon. The party started. (before / when)


2. They were watching TV. We listened to music and sang songs.(when / while)

__________________________________________________________________________ 3. It was 12 o'clock. We all shouted\__________________________________________________________________________ 4. I went to bed. My father came back home.(when / until)

__________________________________________________________________________ 5. I made a telephone call to a friend. I went out.(while / before)

__________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 反馈训练 完成书上4、5题。(仔细读对话,找出文中细节完成表格并选择答案。)

Step 5 归纳总结

1、序数词变化规律:一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e,ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie, th最后加上去;要是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 2、其他:


必做:完成课程练习M7U1习题。 选作:根据书中活动7写出一段文章介绍中国某个节日。

六、Considering after class(课后反思)

