上海牛津七年级下英语 语法复习题

更新时间:2023-10-17 15:42:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


( )1. So far, we have _____ $50,000 _____ this house.

A. spent , in B. paid , for C. cost , on

( )2. Do you know _____ get to City Cinema from my home?

A. how can I B. where to C. how I can

D. paid , on D. what to

( )3. It’s said that SARS had killed over _____people in the world. A. three hundreds B. hundreds of C. three hundred D. hundred

( )4. Thank you for showing me the way! Which of the following is NOT the correct response

to the sentence?

A. Anytime B. Glad I could help C. I appreciate it D. It was nothing ( )5. We can finish the work with _____ people and _____ money. A. fewer, lesser B. fewer, less C. little, few

( )6. I spent half an hour _____ the flowers yesterday.

A. water B. waters C. watering ( )7. _____ of the twin sisters work as a waitress in the restaurant. A. Both B. All C. Neither

( )8. My mother usually wears red coats. She doesn’t like blue _____.

A. one B. those C. that

D. less, fewer D. watered D. None D. ones

( )9. I’m sorry that I can’t give you any soya sauce because there is _____ in my bottle. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

( )10. Nowadays pollution is _____ than before.

A. more seriously B. more serious C. serious D. seriously

( )11. My uncle _____ to work by bus, but now he goes to work on foot.

A. use to go B. use to going C. used to going D. used to go

( )12. What kind of magazines do you like to read? The underlined part means _____.

A. part B. copy C. type D. piece ( )13. My class teacher is satisfied with the work we’ve done for the class. The underlined part means _____.

A. proud of B. popular with C. pleased with D. worried about

( )14. _____ it is to feed fish in the pond!

A. How fun B. What fun C. How funny D. What a fun ( )15. If you are on the top floor of Jinmao Tower, you _____ have a bird-view over Shanghai. A. can B. must C. should D. need ( )16. Don’t forget _____ your dictionary here next time. A. bring B. to bring C. take D. to take

( )17. The soldiers always try their best to keep our nation _____ danger.

A. from B. away C. of D. out

( )18. --Let’s collect some old towels to help the dogs in the SPCA. -- __________

A. That’s all right B. Right C. All right D. That’s all right

( )19. It’s necessary to tell other people to prevent cruelty _____ animals together.

A. of B. with C. about D. to

( )20. Jack wants to write a letter in English. _____.

A. So does Jack B. So Jack does C. Neither does Jack D. neither Jack does

( )21. –There are so many teddy bears in the shop. Which one do you prefer?

-- I prefer the brown _____ made of cotton. They look the loveliest.

A. ones B. one C. it D. them

( )22. The students in our school sold books to _____ money for the SPCA.

A. raise B. take C. bring D. use

( )23. It _____ about ten hours to travel to Beijing from Shanghai by train.

A. spends B. pays C. takes D. costs ( )24. You will see an Italian restaurant _____ the end of the street. A. at B. in C. to

( )25. Remember not to feed _____ dog food to your puppy.

A. too many B. too much C. so many

D. on D. very much

( )26. –Shall we make a holiday plan before our cousins come to Shanghai? -- _____. Let’s do it this afternoon. A. That’s all right B. Right C. All right D. That’s all right ( )27. Reading books and playing basketball are my _____. A. interesting B. interested C. interests

D. interest

( )28. Which do you prefer, oranges or apples? ______. I’d like bananas. A. Yes, both B. Neither, thank you C. No, thanks D. I’m glad you like it ( )29. I’ll visit my friend and stay with him for _____ next week. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes

( )30. Shanghai is one of _____ in China.

A. the big city B. the biggest city C. biggest cities

D. some times D. the biggest cities

( )31. People plant trees on _____. A. The Tree Planting Day C. the tree planting day B. Tree Planting Day D. the Tree Planting Day

( )32. When the red light is on, we mustn’t _____ the road.

A. go cross B. across C. go across D. cross to ( )33. You’d better wait ______ more minutes. I think Angela will come soon. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( )34. Would you please help me _____ the bag? A. with carrying B. carrying C. carry

( )35. Many people came up and talked _____ the famous scientist.

A. to B. on C. in

( )36. There are more than _____ people in Beijing zoo every day.

A. thousands of B. two thousand C. two thousand

( )37. I’d like _____ you before I go to the meeting in Beijing .

A. meet B. met C. to meet

D. carries D.by

D. thousand of D. meeting

( )38. There is a lot of traffic in Shanghai these days. The underlined part means _____. A. much B. many C. some D. any

( )39. –I hate smoking. --_________.

A. So do I B. So am I C. Neither do I D. Neither am I

( )40. The 2010 Shanghai Expo came to an end _____ October, 2010.

A. at B. on C. in D. by

( )41. Alice does her homework much _____ than before.

A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully

( )42. They can see the words on the blackboard, so they _____ glasses.

A. need B. need to C. needn’t D. don’t need D. wearing D. more heavily D. got D. suggestion

( )43. Benny likes to _____ the light green jacket.

A. putting on B. put on C. wear

( )44. The rain became _____ at night yesterday.

A. more heavier B. much heavier C. heavily ( )45. The first student _____ to school is Simon’s elder brother. A . gets B. to get C. getting

( )46. He has given me a helpful _____ on how to study English.

A . information B. advice C. idea

( )47. You’re too late. The film has _____ for half an hour already. A. begun B. started C. been on D. played

( )48. John plays the guitar _____ his classmate Jeff.

A. so wonderful as C. so wonderfully as B. as wonderful as D. as wonderfully as ( )49. We have ______ put our name tags on our clothes. So the guards won’t let us go into the exhibition.

A. already B. yet C. not D. never ( )50. David’s company is always busy. They move _____ furniture to people’s new flats every day.

A. a few B. many C. much D. a little ( )51. Our class hiked out on Shenshan Mountain. The underlined part means _______. A. travelled on foot B. stayed at home C. went shopping D. climbed ( )52. There _____ some chalk and two boxes on the teacher’s desk.

A. is B. are C. has

D. have

( )53. I have got toothache. Maybe I had _____ cold food. A. too many B. too much C. too little D. too few

( )54. –Class One has a music class in the music room. --_____ Class Two.

A. So does B. Neither does C. So has D. Neither has

( )55. The plane arrived _______ Sydney Airport ______ Thursday.

A. at; on B. on ; at C. in; on D. on; in ( )56. Please keep the door ______. It’s rather hot in the noon. A. open B. opend C. opens

D. opening

( )57. This hotel can hold more than ______ tourists. A. two hundred B. hundred of C. two hundred D. two hundreds of

( )58. Don’t forget to add some eggs ____ the flour.

A. and B. to C. for D. with

( )59. ______ useful the advice you gave me is !

A. How B. What C. How a D. What an

( )60. –Would you mind my opening the window? --______. Go ahead, please.

A. Not at all C. Thank you. I can manage B. Of course D. It’s very nice

( )61. –Peter often has dinner with his parents. --_________.

A. So has Kitty C. So does Kitty B. Neither has Kitty D. Neither does Kitty

( )62. If it _____ tomorrow, the Whites ______ an outing.

A. won’t rain; will have C. doesn’t rain; will have B. won’t rain; have D. doesn’t rain; have

( )63. These days I don’t feel well. I have ______ toothache and _____ sore throat.

A. a, a B. the, the C. /, a D. a, / ( )63. Now more and more students like to spend their holidays _____ Health Camp. A. at B. on C. in D. by

( )64. We should watch _____ TV programmes to protect our eyes.

A. less B. more C. enough D. fewer ( )65. Do you know the girl _____ Alice in this class? A. called B. call C. calls D. calling

( )66. Kitty _____ go to bed early and get up early to help her keep fit.

A. needs B. needs to C. should D. should to ( )67. If it _____ tomorrow , we’ll stay at home to watch DVDs. A. rain B. will rain C. rains D. is raining

( )68. We all want to be healthy children, _____ we should change our bad habits.

A. if B. because C. but D. so ( )69. Alice watched too ______ TV programmes last week. She should watch ______ this week.

A. many, less B. much, less C. many, fewer D. much, fewer ( )70. She has two children, ______ is a boy, _____ is a girl. A. some, some B. one, other C. other, another ( )71. At last the tennis match made them ______ again. A. happily B. quickly C. friendly

D. one, the other D. slowly

( )72. – My sister is not interested in Pop music. -- ________. A. I’m not, too B. Neither do I C. I’m not, also D. Neither am i

( )73. You’d better _____ work too hard like this.

A. not B. don’t C. not to D. won’t

1. Abraham Lincoln is famous _____ the first American President who stopped slavery(奴隶制)

and winning the American Civil War.

2. If you walk along Green Street and then turn left _____ Sea Avenue, you will see the cinema. 3. As we all know, _____ speaks louder than words. (act)

4. Smith takes an _______ part in all kinds of public charity affairs.(act) 5. The students in group one are discussing the plan _________.(act)

6. It is a rude _______ to talk with someone with your mouth full of food.(act) 7. It is __________ how useful this simple technique can be. (surprise) 8. We were all __________ at his doing such a thing. (surprise)

9. To his _________, their team won the first prize in the spelling competition. (surprise) 10. The sudden death of the famous scientist _________ people around the world. (surprise)

As, into, action, active, actively, act, surprising, surprised, surprise, surprised 11. Two students were _____ injured in the car accident. (serious) 12. Sorry, Mrs. Brown, I _____ my work yet. (not do)

13. How ________(luck) he felt as he missed the last underground.

14. After he stopped smoking, he became much _________(health) than before. 15. October 1st is our __________( nation) Day.

16. He can play the piano __________. (wonder)

17. Have you sent ______ ( invite) to your friends yet, Kitty?

18. Luckily, the plane landed _____ (save) though there was something wrong with the engine. 19. The ______ (farm) work hard on their farm every day. 20. Look ,the rain ___________ (stop). We can go out now. 21. The plane landed on the ground _____. (safe)

22. Few people like him because he is always ________(cruelty) to others. 23. Although it rained hard, the plane landed on at the airport ______(save). 24. The little boy became even _____ (hunger) when he smelt the road duck. 25. Our _____ flag is a red flag with five yellow star. (nation)

26. She has joined a film _______. She always goes to see films with those members. (social) 27. Our _______(wood) sofa seems not very comfortable. 28. She didn’t even have the _________ (strong) to stand up.

29. Every year the old man takes many ________(photo) in Shanghai. 30. Please ________(keep) quiet! The students are having lessons. 31. We call people from Canada __________(Canada).

32. He is ________(interest) in Science. He wants to be a __________(science). 33. Sam ___________(not write) the letter to his penfriend yet. 34. Danny __________(not need ) any help. He can do it himself. 35. There _____ (be) over 200 police on duty today.

36. There are many different places of ________(interesting ) in China.

37. When the bus driver saw the puppy in the middle of the street, he stopped the bus


38. My flat is on the _______ (nine) floor.

39. Don’t make so much ________(noisy). The baby is sleeping.

40. We must keep ourselves _________(safely) when we cross the street. 41. Playing computer games is really __________ (excitement).

42. An Lee is a famous film __________(direction). He won the Oscar in 2006.

43. David is very busy at weekends, so it is ___________(convenience) for you to visit him on


44. Have you been to Shanghai ____________(exhibit) Center yet?

45. In 1995, Einstein passed away ________(peace) at the age of seventy-six. 46. We must be _________(silence) because they are having a meeting. 47. It is __________(please) to live in the suburbs.

48. You mustn’t have too much ______(heath) food every day.

49. Our teacher always gives us some __________(suggestion) on how to be healthy children. 50. If you want to be strong, you should exercise ___________(regular). 51. I don’t need this book. It is ________ (use).

52. Peter always ______ (feel) tired, so he decided to play fewer computer games.

1. The dog barks _____ / ?f??sl?/

2. The Dragon Boat ______ /?fest?v?l/

3. Five _________ /?p?sind??z/ were killed in this accidence. 4. Our teacher walked around the room ______/?sevr?l/ times. 5. Tom’s main _______/?intrists/ are reading and playing football.

6. Alice has been a member of the Artist _______/[s??sai?ti/ for 5 years. 7. He has been in France, but his parents are ______. /?br?t??/

8. I have always been regarded as a _______/?f?rin?/ by the local people.

9. The removal men are moving a heavy __________/?w?:dr?ub/down the stairs. 10. The government spent a lot of money building schools and __________/t??:t?iz/. 11. When Mike met a _________/?f?rin?/ in the street, he was too shy to say a word. 12. It’s _________/?plez?nt/ to live in the countryside.

13. After the __________/ ?plez?nz/ sit down ,they begin to play. 14. Ben likes the new _______/kɑ:?tu:n/ films very much.

1. Let’s take a look at the film guide first.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ _______ take a look at the film guide first? 2. Kitty and her friends planned to watch the two thirty show at that cinema.(划线提问)

_________ _________ did Kitty and her friends plan to watch at that cinema? 3. Alice couldn’t work out the problem. Peter couldn’t either.(同义转换)

Alice couldn’t work out the problem. _______ _______ Peter. Shall we , which show, neither could 4. Mary would like to be my penfriend. (保持句意)

Mary _____ _____ be my penfriend.

5. Japan had a horrible earthquake. (感叹句)

_____ _____ horrible earthquake Japan had.

6. She’d like to keep the white kitten as her pet . (划线)

_____ kitten _____ she like to keep as her pet?

7. Dogs help people in many different ways. (反义疑问)

Dogs help people in many different ways, _______ ________? 8. The students visited the Summer Palace last Sunday. (划线)

_______ did the students visit last Sunday?

9. When she was young, she like drawing better than singing. (同义句)

When she was young, she ______ drawing _____ singing. 10. Ben and I had a wonderful time in Beijing. (保持句意)

Ben and I ______ ______ in Beijing.

11. We can help the SPCA by asking other people to care for animals. (划线提问)

_______ _______ we help the SPCA?

12. She often takes care of her younger brother.(保持句意)

She often _______ ______ her younger brother.

13. We shall visit the Oriental Pearl Tower tomorrow.(一般疑问句)

________ you ________ the Oriental Pearl Tower tomorrow? 14. Look ,those puppies are so lovely.(感叹句)

Look, ________ lovely those puppies ______!

15. Mike saw Mrs. Chen yesterday. She was buying newspapers.(保持句意)

Mike _____ Mrs. Chen ________ newspapers yesterday.

16. Little Tom likes to eat hot dogs with tomato sauce. (划线提问)

______ _____ of hot dogs does Tom like to eat?

17. Your father has never been to Hongkong.(反义提问)

Your father has never been to Hongkong,_______ _______?

18. Kitty and Ben got up early to catch the school bus when they lived in the city centre.(划线提


_________ ________ Kitty and Ben do when they lived in the city centre? 19. Most of the students in our school had lunch at school last term.(否定句)

Most of the students in our school _______ _______ lunch at school last term. 20. I’d like to buy the green school bags. (划线提问)

_______ schoolbag ______ you like to buy? 21. My mother washed these clothes by hand.(划线提问)

_______ ______ your mother wash those clothes?

22. Can you tell me where I can find a post office? (保持句意)

Can you tell me _____ _____ to find a post office?

23. Don’t ride your bicycle here.(保持句意)

We ________ ________ our bicycle here.

24. My mother has worked in this school for about 20 years. (一般疑问句)

_______ your mother _______ in this school for about 20 years? 25. It took me half an hour to get home from school by bus.(划线)

_______ _______ _______ it take you to get home from school by bus? 26. Dogs saved the family from danger. (保持句意)

Dogs _______ the family _______ danger. 27. Mr. Brown is an American. (划线)

_______ is Mr. Brown’s _______?

28. Would you like to play computer games ? (保持)

_______ you ______ play computer games? 29. We can’t speak Japanese or French. (保持)

We can speak ________ Japanese and French.

30. Joe eats too few vegetable so he is becoming fat. (保持)

Joe ________ eat ________ vegetable so he is becoming fat. 31. Don’t pick the flowers! (保持)

_______ ______ pick the flowers.

32. We have traffic rules to keep us safe. (划线)

________ _______ we have traffic rules? 33. Let’s have a barbecue tomorrow. (保持)

________ _______ have a barbecue tomorrow?

34. Mr. Black often swam in winter when he was young. (保持)

Mr. Black _________ _______ ________in winter when he was young. 35. Could you tell me how I can get to the underground station? (保持)

Could you tell me _______ _______ get to the underground station? 36. Kitty will sell Indian food. (划线)

________ ________ _________ food will Kitty sell? 37. He did exercise regularly. (一般疑问)

________ he _______ exercise regularly?

38. He has classes on Tuesday afternoon. (反义疑问)

He has classes on Tuesday afternoon, ________ _________ ? 39. They don’t live here any longer. (保持)

They ______ ______ live here.

40. My brother ate four bars of chocolate yesterday. (划线)

________ ________ chocolate did your brother eat yesterday? 41. Shall we see a film now? (保持)

______ ______ see a film now?

42. You mustn’t smoke here. (保持)

_________ _________ here.

43. Tony’s school is going to have an international food festival to raise money for the poor. (划


_______ ________ Tony’s school going to have an international food festival? 44. The apple pie cost 4.50 yuan.(反义疑问)

The apple pie cost 4.50 yuan, ________ _________?

