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英汉对比语言学 Unit one: Linguistic typology is a subfield of linguistics that studies and classifies languages according to their structural and functional features. Its aim is to describe and

explain the common properties and the structural diversity of the world's languages. Contrastive linguistics is

a branch of linguistics which studies two or more languages with the aims of discovering their differences and similarities(especially the former) and applying these findings to related areas of study.

A language is a system of human communication which consists of units like morphemes, words, sentences, and utterances. It is a system of symbols which combine sounds and meanings together. language and thinking The Features of Language 1) reflexivity (自反性) 4) displacement (异时异地性) 2) arbitrariness(任意性) 5) productivity (能产性) 3) duality(双重性) 6) cultural transmission(文化传递性) The relationship between speech sounds and the meanings they represent in the languages of the world is, for the most part, arbitrary . There is no inherent relation between the two.

Grammatical characteristics of the Chinese language.

1.The part of speech of a word does not correspond to its function in the sentence. 2. Compound words, phrases and sentences have similar structure.

3.4 Cite examples to demonstrate the generally believed opinion that word Order and functional word are important means in the Chinese language for expressing grammatical meanings.

Chinese is an isolating language, as its words do not undergo morphological change when serving different grammatical functions. Unit 2 morphology----the study of morphemes and their different forms, and the way they combine in word formation.

Morpheme is the smallest meaningful indivisible units of which a word is made up. Lexicalization :The process of adding words, set phrases, or word patterns to a language – that is, of adding items to a language's lexicon.

Words have four types of motivation:1) phonetic motivation, Grammatical motivation, Semantic motivation, philological motivation P 41

English is a phoneme language, whose letters do not represent any meaning, while Chinese is a morpheme language, or an ideographic language.

Discrete words are separated-united words: Verb-object expressions which have at least one component that cannon stand alone and which can occur either together

or with an object.

Grammatically, most languages have units of five levels: morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence. (P 38)

Many scholars now agree that character rather than word is the basic unit of the Chinese language. Comment on this opinion with supporting ideas or examples. (P39) Unit 3 A derivative word is a word which has one free form and one or more bound forms. A compound word is word which consists of more than one free morpheme. (填空) derivation (affixation) Compounding reduplicatio acronym blending What is affixiation in word-building? Is there affixiation in the Chinese language word-building? Why or why not? Explain your opinion with supporting ideas or examples if necessary. (P68)

State, with at least 3 examples for each, the five types of word compositions in the Chinese language? (P 76)

An acronym is a word formed of the initial letters of several words, for example, WHO stands for World Health Organization.

Amerindian, Chinglish, sitcom, psywar are all examples of blending in the English language word formation. Literal translation 直译

生态危机 (ecocrisis) 同性恋 (homo sexuality) 多媒体 (mu lt imedia) 软件 (sof tw are) 软着陆 (sof t land) 快餐 (fast food) 超市 (supermarket) 绿色食品 (green food) 绿卡 (green card) 连锁店 (chain sto re) 飞碟 (flying saucer) 贸易战 ( trade war) 黑色幽默(black humo r) 热线 (hot line) 冷战 (cold war) 白领 (white collar)

transliteration 音译 尼古丁( nicotine ) , 雷达( radar ) , 休克( shock) , 尼龙( nylon ) , 三明治(sandw ich) , 沙发( sofa) , 扑克(poker ) , 色拉( salad) , 探戈( tango ) , 布丁(pudding ) , 沙龙( salon) , 坦克( tank) , free(liberal) translation 意译

民主(democracy, 音译“德谟克拉西”) 电话( telephone, 音译“德律风”) 科学(science, 音译“赛恩斯”) 最后通牒(ultimatum , 音译“哀的美敦按摩(massage, 音译“马杀鸡”) 书”) 青霉素(penicillin, 音译“盘尼西林”) 小提琴(violin, 音译“梵婀玲”) 等。 Comment on the following language phenomena. no zuo no die people mountain people sea You can you up, no can no BB zhuangbility Tuhao niubility gilivable GDP CBD WTO CCTV NBA

Unit 4 English is a typical intonation language while Chinese is a typical tone language. The syllable refers to a sound unit that can be pronounced independently and can be recognized by instinct, usually formed by a vowel with or without one or more consonants. (填空)

Syllables in the Chinese language have clear-cut boundaries, and sometimes you can not read them together,while English syllables have no clear boundary and often form liason in speaking and reading. Unit 5 Lexical gap 名词解释

That fact that a concept represented by a word in one language may not form a concept in another language can give rise to lexical gap. (P116)

Compared with the Chinese language, the English language has a much higher degree of lexicalization? Do you agree to this idea? Justify your argument with supporting examples if necessary.

Corresponding words in two languages do not have exactly the same meaning. (P128)

Explain with examples at least one cause of lexical gap between the Chinese language and the English language.

Translate the following into Chinese, paying attention to the semantic gap between the Chinese character 天and its English equivalences which is caused by different reference meanings. P133 蓝天白云。 人定胜天。 天下乌鸦一般黑。 天长地久。 天放晴了。 听天由命! 天不早了。 无法无天。 天敌。 谋事在人,成事在天。 (P131) Translate the following into Chinese or English, paying attention to the italicized words.

The cook quickly dished the vegetable.

Western people prefer to milk the black coffee.

I tried to hair pin my bedroom door open this morning. The angry audience rotten-egged the speaker.

Martin planned to room with him the coming autumn. 到学校了电话我。 别忘了短信我。 今天你微博了吗?

白度一下,你就知道。 去肯德基早餐一回。 Uint 6 Prototype (名词解释) (P149)

Although the words of different languages came into being in different ways, the shaping of the meanings of words follows a process abstraction, including generalization, categorization, conceptulization. (P147)

As an analytic language, Chinese compound words are often in the form of

“modifiers+central elements”, with emphasis on the category of meaning, while as a comprehensive language, English lays much more stress on the morphological markers of parts of speech. (t f, or 填空) Nominalization (名词解释) (p161)

Chinese adjectives and verbs can be used as nouns without any morphological change. (t f,)

Translate the following English into idiomatic Chinese, paying special attention to English abstract nouns in the sentence.

No amount of familiarity with the business of homicide investigation could lessen the immediacy of the cold horror that swept her. 不管她对他杀案件多么熟悉,仍然有一股阴冷恐怖的感觉穿过她的全身,显得那么近,推也推不开。

The spokesman had to admit the feasibility of the proposals from the third-world countries.

发言人不得不承认第三世界国家的建议是可取的. Unit7 English tends to use more nouns and thus the narration assumes a stative state,

while Chinese tends to use verbs more often, thus appearing dynamic. (P174) In English the part of speech of a word corresponds to its function in the sentence. In the Chinese language, verbs (or subject-predicate phrases or verb-object phrases) can act as almost any part of the sentence, such as subject(主语), predicate(谓语),

object(宾语), attributive(定语), adverbial (状语)and complement(补语). 简答

English uses the form to restrict the meaning while Chinese uses the meaning to control the form. (P 206)

The practice of nouns being used directly as verbs (without any morphological

change) in English is called verbalization, and such verbs are called denominal verbs, as the word “bank” in the sentence “Everyone who banks with us can benefit”. ( P 185)

Concept of action or motion are often expressed in English by parts of speech other than the verb, such as the noun, the preposition, the adverb, etc., because English

grammar rules restrain the usage of verbs in the sentence. This decreases the dynamicity of English on the whole. (p192) Unit8

Marker (名词解释)(P213)

Chinese grammar is often implicit and English grammar comparatively explict. Generally speaking, words have two type of meanings: semantic meanings and grammatical meanings, and the latter refer to gender, number, case, tense, voice, mood, etc., as well as coherence. (P212)

Chinese words can be divided into nominals(体词), which function as the subject and the object but not the predicate in the sentence( including nouns, pronouns, numerals), and predicate(谓词), which can be used as the predicate of the sentence ( including verbs, adjectives and occasionally nouns) (P217)

The article, which does not appear in the Chinese language, is a structural word specifying the noun, and it is a marker of the noun and always comes before a noun or a noun phrase. (P222)

In a general sense, English is a morphological language, while Chinese is a semantic language.

First Determine the part of speech of the word 永远 in the following sentences, and then give one more similar example demonstrating that a Chinese word can function differently in the sentence without change it form. 简答 (p 218) 他追求的是永远的辉煌。

我们痛苦并快乐着,我们永远地这样,我们永远着。 永远成了一些歌的追求。

那儿的战士,为了亲爱的祖国,站成了一尊尊永远的雕像。 还有一对恋人,把最真诚的爱留在这里,只是为了永远。

In the Chinese language, whether the noun is singular or plural must be derived from the context. p235

More often,Chinese passive voice is expressed in a covert way, as many active forms can express or imply a passive voice. (P246)

英语的overtnes 和汉语的covertness倾向主要表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。 Unit 9 The Chinese sentence and English sentence are not exactly corresponding language units. ( P253)

With the sentence structure, Chinese subject covers a larger variety than its English counterparts.

In terms of the relation between the verb and its object and word order in a sentence, Chinese also shows quite a flexibility than English.

At syntactic level, we say a sentence has its subject, predicate, object, complement,

attribute, adverbial, etc. At the semantic level, we may use terms like agent, patient, involved party, etc. P276

The subject is the starting point of communication while the predicate gives new information.

English is a subject prominent language and Chinese is a topic prominent language. The most important difference between English and Chinese is that the latter is paratactic and the former tends to be hypotactic. P315

In Chinese, adverbials, especially time and place, are usually put in the front part of sentences.

Whereas in English, the position of adverbials is much freer.

A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. An analytic language is characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs and changes in words order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms.

简答(P 257)

Exemplify the basic sentence patterns of the English language and the Chinese language respectively.

Exemplify at least 4 special Chinese sentence patterns. Unit 10 Chinese are used to looking at things from their subjective viewpoint while native English speakers would unconsciously be more objective.

Sentences with inanimate subject (also called impersonal subject ) are more frequently used in English than in Chinese.


attribute, adverbial, etc. At the semantic level, we may use terms like agent, patient, involved party, etc. P276

The subject is the starting point of communication while the predicate gives new information.

English is a subject prominent language and Chinese is a topic prominent language. The most important difference between English and Chinese is that the latter is paratactic and the former tends to be hypotactic. P315

In Chinese, adverbials, especially time and place, are usually put in the front part of sentences.

Whereas in English, the position of adverbials is much freer.

A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. An analytic language is characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs and changes in words order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms.

简答(P 257)

Exemplify the basic sentence patterns of the English language and the Chinese language respectively.

Exemplify at least 4 special Chinese sentence patterns. Unit 10 Chinese are used to looking at things from their subjective viewpoint while native English speakers would unconsciously be more objective.

Sentences with inanimate subject (also called impersonal subject ) are more frequently used in English than in Chinese.


