迪斯尼神奇英语配套教材(27-32) - 图文

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在城里·the city

It’s morning in the city.


Tramp is a city dog.

长云是一只城市狗 What a day!


Tramp takes a walk in the city.

长云在城市里散步 He walks down the street. 他沿着街道走

Here’s a pet shop.


Tramp cute.

thinks the puppies are 长云认为这些小狗们很可爱

Breakfast 早餐Tramp’s looking for breakfast.


No, No, No. 没有He crosses the street.


a restaurant . 一间餐厅The cook is Tramp’s friend.

这个厨师是长云的朋友 He gives Tramp a bone. 他给长云一个骨头

What did the cook give tramp?


He gave him a bone for breakfast.

他给了他一个早餐骨头 Life in the city is good. 生活在城市真好

It’sShe’s crossing the street. Lady. 它是丽滴。

她正在穿过这条街道 She’s in danger. 她处于险境


Mean dogs 恶狗They’re chasing



Tramp hears a noise.


Tramp is so brave.

Tramp是如此的勇敢 He saves lady.


She was afraid and he saved her.


Tramp takes Lady to a restaurant.

Tramp带Lady去了一间餐厅 They love restaurants. 他们喜欢餐馆

They love the city.


Where does Tramp live?


Tramp lives in the city.


What did the cook give Tramp for breakfast?


The cook gave Tramp a bone for breakfast.


Who saved Lady?

谁救了Lady? Tramp saved Lady. Tramp 救了Lady.

He’s a country mouse.


He’s going to the city. 他打算去城市He knocks at the door.


他在门口敲门. This is his cousin


His cousin is a city mouse.


The cat 猫Don’t make any noise.

不要制造噪音.(别作声) Don’t eat that food. 不要吃那种食物.

Look at this beautiful food.


The much.

country mouse eats too 这只乡下老鼠吃得太多.

The much.

country mouse drinks too 这只乡下老鼠喝得太多. He thinks life in the city is great. 他认为在城市生活很好.

The the cat.

country mouse isn’t afraid of 这个乡下老鼠不害怕猫.

Yes he is (是的,它害怕)The


cat chases the country 猫追乡下老鼠.

Now street.

the country mouse is in the 现在这只乡下老鼠在街上. He’s afraid of the city. 他害怕城市. Too many feet 太多的脚 Too many people. 太多的人

Too much traffic


Too much noise.


Horns(喇叭)The horns are too loud.


The the city.

country mouse doesn’t like 这个乡下老鼠不喜欢这个城市.

Goodbye city.


The country mouse knocks at the door.


He thinks life in the city is great.

他认为在城市生活很好. Don’t make any noise.


There are too many people in the street.

有很多的人在街上. The horns are too loud. 喇叭太大声

? ? ? In the city. Streets are noisy. In the city. Life is busy.

在城市里,大街上很吵. 在城市里,生活是繁忙的.

But the city’s so pretty. It’s great to be there.

Bot the city’s so pretty. We love to be there.

但城市很美.在城市里真好. 但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.

Come to the city. There’s so much to do.

Eat shap.

in a restaurant. Look in a 到城市来,有很多事可以做. 到餐厅吃饭,在商店里看看.

Be horns and noise.

careful of the traffic. A lot of 小心看路,喇叭声伴着其它噪音.

Walk much to see.

through the city, There’s so 穿过城市,有很多东西值得看.

Look at the people. Look at all the buildings.

Red busy street.

light. Green light. Cross the 看所有的人,看所有的大楼. 红灯、绿灯,穿过繁忙的街道。

In the city. Streets are noisy. In the city. Life is busy.

在城市里,大街上很吵. 在城市里,生活是繁忙的.

This is Paris.


The Aristocats live in paris.

Aristocats 住在巴黎.

This is Edgar.


Edgar looks nice.


But he’s bad.


What is he doing?


He’s taking the Aristocats away.


It’s night.Edgar rides through the city.


There’s nobody in the streets.


Edgar rides away.


He takes the cats to the country.


Poor Aristocats. 可怜的AristocatsThey’re so far from the city.


它们离城市是如此的远. Ther’re so far from home. 它们离家那样远.


takes care of the O’Malley照顾Aristocats.

He takes them back home.


Hooray we’re home.

好哇!(欢呼声)我回家了. But Edgar is still there.


The again.

Aristocats are in danger Aristocats又有危险了.

O’Malley is very brave.


Goodbye Edgar!

再见! Edgar!

Edgar rides through the city. The cats are far from home. Edgar驾车穿过城市。猫离家很远O’Malley Aristocats.

takes care 。

of the He takes the cats back home.

O’Malley照看AristocatsWalking 。

(一家) 他把猫带回了家city streets.

through the city. Pretty 走过城市,多漂亮的街道。

Crossing busy streets.

Green light, red light. Be careful of the traffic.

穿过繁华的街道. 绿灯、红灯,小心车!

Lots of cars, horns, noise.


City life is busy. City life is fun.


In the city. Streets are noisy. In the city. Life is busy.

在城市里,大街上很吵. 在城市里,生活是繁忙的.

But the city’s so pretty. It’s great to be there.

Bube there.

t the city’s so pretty. We love to 但城市很美.在城市里真好. 但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.

In the city. Streets are noisy. In the city. Life is busy.

在城市里,大街上很吵. 在城市里,生活是繁忙的.

But the city’s so pretty. It’s great to

be there.

Bube there.

t the city’s so pretty. We love to 但城市很美.在城市里真好. 但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.

In the city. Streets are noisy.

In the city. Life is busy.

在城市里,大街上很吵. 在城市里,生活是繁忙的.

It’s night. Donald’s sleeping.

But look. He’s getting up.He’s walking in his sleep. He goes to daisy’s house.

现在是晚上, Donald在睡觉. 快看,他去来了.


Good evening, Donald. They go for a walk. They go to the zoo. Donald is in danger. Donald’s sHe’s still walking in his sleep.till sleeping.

晚上好, Donald.他们去散步了. 他们去了动物园. Donald有危险. Donald还在睡觉.他仍然在梦游.

A building.

building. He walks up He walks down the building. Daisy help him.

一座大楼,他走上了大楼. 他又走下了大楼.Daisy帮助他.

Look at all the traffic.

Donald crosses the street. Daisy saved him.

All the cars have to stop.

看那些车, Donald在过马路. Daisy 救了他.


Daisy help him.

Donald’s back in bed.Daisy saved him.

Daisy 帮助了他. Donald又回到了床上. Daisy救了他.

Donald walks up the building.


Pluto is crossing the street.


The puppies are in a pet shop.

小狗们在宠物店里. They’re eating in a restaurant.


Who saved Donald? Daisy saved Donald.

谁救了Donald? Daisy救了Donald.

What did the cook give Tramp? The cook gave Tramp a bone.

厨师给了Tramp什么? 厨师给了Tramp一块骨头.


o was brave? O’Malley was 谁是勇敢的?O’Malley很勇敢.

the The Aristocats are far from home.


Edgar streets.

rides through the city Edgar 驾车穿过城市街道.

These two mice are cousins.

这两个老鼠是堂兄弟. He thinks there’s too much traffic. 他认为交通太拥挤.

Tramp thinks the city is great.

Tramp 觉得城市太好了.


印第安人和牛仔 wild west

This is the Wild West. Here comes Pecos Bill. What a great cowboy!

这是荒野的西部. Pecos Bill来了. 多么了不起的牛仔!

Here’s Pecos Bill when he was a baby…He was all alone in the desert.

A coyote took care of him.

这是Pecos Bill小的时候… 他独自一个人在沙漠中. 一只山狗(土狼)抚养他.

Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes. They all lived together.

Pecos Bill和山狗一起吃饭. 他们生活在一起.

One day…A thirsty horse crossed the desert.

The horse.

vultures attacked the poor 一天, 一匹饥渴的马穿过沙漠. 秃鹫袭击了这匹可怜的马.

Pecos Bill saved the horse.

Bill friends.

and the horse became great Pecos Bill救了这匹马 Bill和它成了好朋友.

Pecos Bill grew up.

He became a great cowboy.

Pecos Bill长大了. 他成了一个了不起的牛仔.

One day…Bill

the desert.

and his horse were riding in It sure was hot. Water.

They sure were thirsty. Water.

一天,比尔骑马走在沙漠上. 天的确很热. 水. 他们的确很渴. 水.

So river.

what did Bill do? He made a He made the Rio Grande.

那么比尔做了什么?他制造了一条河. 他造了一条格兰德河.

Pecos Bill is a great cowboy. He’s not afraid of anything.He’s not afraid of anybody.

Pecos Bill是个了不起的牛仔. 他不怕任何事,也不怕任何人.

Pecos Bill loves the Wild West. And he loves Sue, too.

Pecos Bill热爱荒野的西部, 他也爱苏儿.



coyote took care of Pecos Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes.

山狗照顾Pecos Bill. Pecos Bill和山狗一起吃饭.

Pecos thirsty.

Bill and his horse were Pecos Bill made a river.

Pecos Bill is a great cowboy.

Pecos Bill和他的马很渴. Pecos Bill造了一条河. Pecos Bill是个了不起的牛仔.

Hiawatha is a little Indian. He’s in a canoe on a river.

Hiawatha是一个小印第安人. 他在河上坐着一条独木舟.

Hiawatha has a bow and arrow. He wants to be a hunter. But he’s little.



The animals laugh at him.

He chases the animals.

But this little rabbit can’t get away.He’s so afraid.

动物们嘲笑他.他追那些动物. 这只小兔子跑不了了Poor little rabbit. He’s so small..它非常害怕.

Hiawatha feels sorry for the rabbit. He feels very bad.

可怜的小兔子,它太小了. Hiawatha可怜那只兔子. 他感到非常难过.

Hiawatha arrow.

breaks his bow and The animals are happy.

Hiawatha弄断了他的弓和箭. 动物们高兴了.

Animal tracks. 动物足迹.Hiawatha


follows the animal A baby bear. 一只小熊.


Hiawatha chases the little bear. But look! This is a big, bad, mean bear.

The bear roars.

Hiawatha追赶那只小熊.但是,看! 这是一只有大,又坏,又自私的熊。 这熊在吼叫.

The bear chases Hiawatha. Hiawatha runs away.

这只熊追赶Hiawatha. Hiawatha逃跑了.

Now the animals help Hiawatha. The beavers help Hiawatha. The deer helps Hiawatha. And the rabbits help him, too.

现在动物们在帮Hiawatha. 海狸帮助Hiawatha. 兔子也帮助他.

Hiawatha rides into the sunset.


Who wants to be a hunter? Hiawatha wants to be a hunter. What does Hiawatha follow?

He follows the animal tracks.

谁想当猎人? Hiawatha 想当猎人.

Hiawatha在跟踪什么? Hiawatha跟踪动物的足迹.

Who for?

does Hiawatha feel sorry Hiawatha feels sorry for the rabbit. What does Hiawatha break? He breaks his bow and arrow.

Hiawatha可怜谁? Hiawatha可怜那只兔子. Hiawatha折断了什么? Hiawatha折断了他的弓和箭.

Indians. Cowboy. Outlaw. Sheriff. River. West.

Canyon. Sunset. Wild 印第安人,牛仔,歹徒, 郡长. 河


? ? ? Travelling west. Travelling West. Where are you going?

I’m west.

travelling west. I’m travelling 到西部去旅行. 到西部去旅行. 你要去哪里?

我要去西部. 我要去西部.

I want to be a cowboy. I want to ride a horse.

Give me a home in the Wild West.

我要当一名牛仔. 我要骑马. 给我一个在荒野西部的家.

<---------- repeat ---------->

I want to be the sheriff and chase the outlaws.

I’m anybody.

not afraid of anything or When danger comes, I don’t run.

我要当郡长, 我要追捕歹徒. 我不怕任何事情或任何人. 当危险来临,我不跑.

Ride cross that river.

through the canyon and The the sunset.

desert is beautiful and so is I guitar.

look at the stars and play my 越过峡谷, 穿过那条河.

沙漠是美丽的, 日落也是美丽的. 我看着星星弹我的吉他.

The dangerous.

wild west sure can be This is Pistol Pate. He’s an outlaw.

荒野的西部当然是危险的. 这是Pistol Pate. 他是一个歹徒.

Here comes a cowboy.

It’s Goofy. Look. A stagecoach.Anybody home? My hero.


是Goofy. 看! 一辆公共马车. 有人在家吗? 我的英雄.

Goofy is a hero. Who me?

Goofy是个英雄. 我是谁?

Here comes Pete.

He’s looking for Goofy.Where is he? Here he is.

He’s having a drink in the saloon.

Pete来了. 他在找Goofy. 他在哪? 他在这儿. 他在酒吧里喝酒.

Hello, ugly.

Pete is ugly and angry.

Look, what Pete’s doing now?

你好!丑鬼.Pete又丑陋又狂暴. 看,Pete在干什么?

Pete is so afraid.

Pete runs away from Goofy. He goes to jail.

Goofy becomes the sheriff. My hero.

Pete非常害怕。Pete逃离了Goofy。 他进了监狱,Goofy成了郡长。 我的英雄。

The dangerous.

wild west

sure can be 荒野的西部真的很危险。

Here comes the stagecoach.

Goofy saloon.

is having a drink in the 来了一辆公共马车。 Goofy在酒吧里喝酒。

Pistol Pete is an outlaw. Pistol Pete is going to jail.

Pistol Pete是个歹徒。 Pistol Pete该进监狱了。 Goofy becomes the sheriff. Goofy 成了郡长。

Here comes a stagecoach. Here comes an outlaw. Here comes a cowboy.

来了一辆公共马车。 来了一个歹徒。 来了一个牛仔。

He’s the sunset.

riding on his horse. Look at I love the Wild West.

他在骑马。看日落。 我喜欢荒野的西部。

Travelling West. Travelling West. Where are you going?

到西部去旅行。到西部去旅行。 你要去哪里?

I’m West.

travelling West. I’m travelling I want to be a cowboy.

我要去西部。我要到去西部。 我要当一个牛仔。

I want to ride a horse.

Give me a home in the Wild West.



Travelling west. Travelling West. Where are you going?

I’m west.

travelling west. I’m travelling 到西部去旅行. 到西部去旅行. 你要去哪里?

我要去西部. 我要去西部.

I want to be a cowboy. I want to ride a horse.

Give me a home in the Wild West.

我要当一名牛仔. 我要骑马. 给我一个在荒野西部的家


This Here’s a coyote.is a canyon in the He’s thinking of food. He’s hungry.


这是西部的峡谷。这是一只山狗。 他在想食物。他俄了。

What does he see? Little lambs.

他看到了什么? 小羊。

Pluto lambs.

is taking care of the little Here comes that hungry coyote. Pluto chases him. But the coyote is back.

Pluto在照看那些小羊。 饥饿的山狗来了。


Where’s Pluto? Run back, Pluto.Where are the lambs? Danger!

Pluto在哪里? 跑回来!Pluto。 小羊在哪里? 危险!

Pluto the canyon.

chases the coyote through What a good dog!

Pluto在峡谷里追赶山狗。 多么棒的狗!

Pecos West.

Bill grew

up in the Wild Pecos Bill在荒野的西部长大。

The sheriff isn’t afraid of anybody.


The deer runs through the forest.


The beavers help Hiawatha.


Who became a sheriff? Goofy became a sheriff.

谁当上郡长? Goofy成了郡长。

Who ate with the coyotes?

Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes.

谁跟山狗一起吃饭? Pecos Bill跟山狗一起吃饭。

Who made a river?

Pecos Bill made a river.

谁造了一条河? Pecos Bill



the canyon.

chases the coyote through Pluto在山谷里追赶山狗。

Hiawatha feels sorry for the rabbit.

Hiawatha 可怜那只兔子。

Hiawatha rides into the sunset.


Pecos Bill loves the Wild West.

Pecos Bill热爱荒野的西部。


日常生活 everyday life

It’s Sunday. Mickey wakes up.What a wonderful morning to stay in bed!

Come in. My breakfast.

今天是星期日.Mickey醒了. 这么好的早晨,躺在床上多好. 进来.我的早餐.

Mickey has breakfast in bed. He can stay in bed on Sunday.

Mickey在床上吃早餐. 星期天他可以呆在床上.

Mickey gives Pluto money. What is Pluto going to buy? The newspaper.

He’s newspaper.

going to buy the Sunday Mickey给Pluto钱. Pluto要买什么?


Isn’t that cute?Pluto’s home.


the newspaper What a smart dog!


Pluto拿着报纸往家走. 多聪明的小狗啊!

The people think Pluto is a smart dog.

Pluto is reading the newspaper. But the newspaper flies away. What a day!

人们认为Pluto是只聪明的狗. Pluto在读报纸. 但是报纸飞走了.真是的!

It’s Sunday.

Pluto likes Sunday. He likes every day.

今天是星期天. Pluto喜欢星期天. 他喜欢每一天.

Monday. Thursday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Sunday.

Friday. Saturday. This is Pluto’s everyday life.

周一、周二、周三、周四、周五、周六、周日。 这就是Pluto的日常生活。

What does Mickey give Pluto?

Mickey gives Pluto money.

Mickey给了Pluto什么? Mickey给了Pluto钱。

What is Pluto going to buy?

Pluto newspaper

is going to buy the Pluto要买什么? Pluto要买报纸。

Is Pluto a smart dog? Yes, he is.

Pluto是聪明的狗吗? 是的,他是。

What can Mickey do on Sunday? He can stay in bed on Sunday.

Mickey星期天可以干什么? 他星期天可以呆在家里。

? ? ? Everyday life. Everyday life.

This is what happens every day of my life.

I sleep, l eat, I work, I play. Life is fun every day.

日常生活,日常生活。 这是我日常生活中发生的事情。 我睡觉、我吃饭、我工作、我玩。 生活每一天都是快乐的。

Eat a good breakfast every day. Read the newspaper, too.

Say you.

hello, say please, say thank This is everyday life.


还要读报纸。说“你好”,说“请”,说“谢谢你”。 这就是每天的生活。

Do your lessons every day. Take a bus to school.

Take a bath and go to bed. This is everyday life.

每天做功课。 坐公交车去学校。 洗个澡然后去睡觉。 这就是日常生活。

It’s a school day.The children are going to school.

They go to school by bike. They go by bus.

And some children walk to school. This is their everyday life.

这是上学的一天。 孩子们正在上学的路上。 他们骑自行车去学校。 他们乘公交车去学校。 还有一些孩子走路去学校。 这就就是他们的日常生活Here’s the teacher.。

Good morning, dear teacher.

We’re happy to be here.Good morning, dear teacher.

We love our school all year.


早晨好,亲爱的老师。 我们很高兴来到这里。 早晨好,亲爱的老师。 我们热爱我们的学校Lesson time. 。

The geography.

teacher is teaching

But to him.

the children are not listening

This teacher.

boy is making fun for the 上课时间,老师在教地理。、 但孩子们没有听他讲。 这个男孩在捉弄老师。

The children have fun in school. Does school?

the teacher have fun in Not every day.

孩子们在学校过得很愉快。 老师在学校愉快吗? 不是每一天都愉快。

This is a school day.

It’s lesson time.The geography.

teacher is teaching

这是上学日。这是上课时间。 老师在教地理课。

The every day.

teacher doesn’t have fun 老师不是每天都开心。

ItCinderella opens the curtains. ’s early in the morning.

Every breakfast.

morning Cinderella makes Every trouble.

morning the cat makes 现在是清早,Cinderella打开了窗帘。 她每天早晨做饭。 猫每天早晨都在捣蛋。

A mouse.

mouse. The cat sees the Where is the mouse?

He’s under the cup. Cinderella.Cinderella. Where is the mouse? Mother. Mother. Mother. Mother.

Where is the mouse? Here he is. Cinderella saved the mouse.

一只老鼠。猫看见了老鼠。 老鼠在哪?他在杯子下面。 灰姑娘。灰姑娘。老鼠在哪儿? 妈妈、妈妈、妈妈、妈妈。 老鼠在哪?他在这里。 灰姑娘救了老鼠。

Breakfast time. Everybody up. Hurry, hurry.

Breakfast. Breakfast. Breakfast.

吃早餐啦。大家起床了。 快点儿,快点儿。 吃早餐!吃早餐!吃早餐!

Every the animals.

morning Cinderella feeds 每天早晨灰姑娘给动物们喂食。

Cinderella. Cinderella.

I’m coming.


Cinderella works every day. She works a lot.


But one day her life will change. One day her prince will come.

但是总有一天她的生活会发生改变。 总有一天她的王子会来。


Cinderella opens the curtains.

’s early in the morning.


The cat makes trouble.

The mouse is under the cup.

猫在制造麻烦。 老鼠在杯子下面。

Cinderella’s life will change.Her prince will come.

灰姑娘的生活将要发生改变。 她的王子要来了。

Everyday life. Wake up early. Open the curtains. Look out the window.



Go teacher.

to school. Listen to the Don’t make trouble.

上学去,听老师讲课。 不要捣乱。

Buy the newspaper. Read a book. Go to bed. This is everyday life.

买报纸,读书,睡觉。 这就是日常生活。

Everyday life. Everyday life.

This is what happens every day of my life.

日常生活,日常生活。 这就是我的日常生活。

I sleep. I eat. I work. I play. Life is fun every day.

我睡,我吃,我工作,我玩。 生活的每一天都是快乐的。

Everyday life. Everyday life.

This is what happens every day of my life.

日常生活,日常生活。 这是我日常生活中发生的事情。

I sleep, l eat, I work, I play. Life is fun every day.

我睡觉、我吃饭、我工作、我玩。 生活每一天都是快乐的。

Figaro. Come here. Today is bath day.

Figaro bath.

doesn’t want to take a But he has to.


Now he’s all nice and clean.Figaro, you look beautiful. Figaro looks in the mirror. He thinks he looks silly.

现在他又漂亮又干净。 Figaro,你看上去很漂亮。


What does Figaro see? A cat. A lot of cats. They laugh at Figaro.

This cat thinks Figaro looks silly. He makes fun of Figaro.

Figaro看到了什么? 一只猫,很多猫。 他们笑Figaro。


But Figaro isn’t afraid of him.And Figaro isn’t afraid to fight. Look at Figaro now. He won the fight. But he’s all dirty.

但Figaro不怕他。 Figaro不怕打仗。 看,Figaro打赢了。 但他弄得很脏。

You’re all dirty.Now bath.

you’ve got

to have another Another bath?

Figaro doesn’t like bath day.

你都脏了。 现在你得重新洗澡!


Who looks silly? Figaro looks silly.

谁看上去傻傻的? Figaro看上去傻傻的。

Who’s under the cup?The mouse is under the cup.

谁在杯子下面? 老鼠在杯子下面。

Who won the fight? Figaro won the fight.

谁打赢了? Figaro打赢了。

Today is Monday.

Today is Tuesday. Today is Wednesday.

今天是礼拜一。今天是礼拜二。 今天是星期三。

Today is Thursday. Today is Friday. Today is Saturday. Today is Sunday.

今天是星期四。今天是星期五 今天是星期六。今天是星期日。

The teacher is giving the lesson.


Mickey is staying in bed.


Figaro is in trouble.


Pluto is a smart dog.


Mickey loves everyday life.



大和小 big and small

Here’s Pluto. And here’s Mickey.

What is Mickey doing? Mickey is chasing bugs.

这是Pluto.这是Mickey Mickey在干什么? Mickey在追赶虫子。

The bugs are small. There are so many.

And they’re everywhere.The bugs are very hungry.

They’re garden.

eating everything in the 虫子很小,有很多。 他们到处都是。 虫子非常的饿。


Mickey has to fight the bugs.

Because everything.

the bugs are eating Mickey必须和虫子作战。 因为虫子正在吃所以的东西。

Poison. poison. Danger.

Mickey is mixing bug Poison is dangerous for the bugs.

Poison is dangerous for Mickey too.




What’s the happening?This is very strange.

Everything’s getting bigger.Everything’s growing.

怎么了?这很奇怪。 每一样东西都在变大。 每一样东西都在长。Mickey and Pluto look small now.

Because the bugs are very big. The bugs are bigger than Mickey.

Mickey和Pluto看起来小了。 因为虫子非常的大。 虫子比Mickey大。

This Mickey.

bug is huge. It chases The worm is huge too.

这个虫子巨大无比。它追赶Mickey。 这个爬虫也很巨大。

It gets longer and longer.

But it’s a not worm. Mickey wakes up.

That was a strange dream.


但是它不是爬虫。Mickey醒了。 那是一个奇怪的梦。

Mickey is mixing bug poison.

The bugs are bigger than Mickey.

Mickey正在拌杀虫药。 虫子比Mickey还大。

This bug is huge.

The worm gets longer and longer. That was a strange dream.

这个虫子是巨大的。 那个爬虫变得越来越长。 那是一个奇怪的梦。

A present. A baby dog. A puppy.

The puppy’s name is Lady.Lady lives in a big house. Everything looks big. Because she’s so small.

一件礼物,一只狗宝宝,一只小狗。 小狗的名字叫Lady. Lady住在一个大房子里。 每一样东西看起来都很大。 因为她太小了。

Here’s Lady’s bed.She sleeps in a basket.


Lady is so small and cute. And she’s smart too.


Lady gets out of bed.

She tries to open the big door. But she’s too small.Lady is crying.

Because alone.

she doesn’t want to be Lady下床了。她想打开大门。 但是她太小了。Lady在哭。 因为她不想一个人呆着。

But Lady is smart.

She opens the door. The stairs. Because she’s so small.Lady has trouble climbing the stairs.

但是Lady很聪明。 她打开了门。楼梯。


She opens another big door. Now she’s in the big bed.Now she’s not along.

她打开了另一个大门。 现在她在一个大床上。 现在她不是一个人.

Lady grows up.

She still sleeps in the big bed. She’s bigger. She’s older.And she’s still cute.

Lady长大了。她仍然睡在一个大床上。 她大了,她老了,她仍然可爱。

What does Lady try to do? Lady tries to open the door.

Lady尝试着去干什么? Lady尝试着去开门。

What does Lady climb? Lady climbs the stairs.

Lady爬什么? Lady爬楼梯。

Where does Lady sleep?

Lady sleeps in the big bed.

Lady睡在哪儿? Lady睡在大床上。

When you’re big, big, big,Everything looks small. When you’re small, small,Everything looks big. Big or small,

My size is the right size. Big or small,

My size is the right size.

当你很大很大很大的时候, 所有的东西看上去都很小。 当你很小很小的时候, 所有的东西看上去都很大。 大还是小?我的尺寸正好。 大还是小?我的尺寸正好。

Who’s small, small, small?Tinker Bell- What’s small, small, small?she’s tiny!

A flower. Ants. A butterfly. A baby.

谁是小小的?Tinker Bell她很小。 什么是小小的? 花、蚂蚁、蝴蝶、婴儿。

Who’s big, big, big?The big bad wolf! What’s big, big big?A train. Elephants. A whale.

A dragon.

谁是大大的?大坏狼。 什么是大大的? 火车、大象、鲸鱼、龙。

Donald’s riding on a train.

The train is small. It’s a toy train.

Everything is very small.

Donald坐火车,火车是小的。 那是一个玩具火车,一切都是非常小。

The house is tiny.

And the trees are tiny too. But there’s a huge tree.


They’re great.

Big or small, tiny or huge,

Everybody’s just the right size.


Here are Chip and Dale. It’s their tree.

Donald doesn’t want this big tree.

这是Chip和Dale。那是他们的树。 When you’re big, big, big, Everything looks small. When you’re small, small, Everything looks big.

Big or small, my size is the right Donald不想要这棵大树。

He takes the tree away.

Donald wants this small tree.

Donald away.

chases Chip and Dale 他把树拿走了。Donald想要这棵小树。 Donald把Chip和Dale撵走了。Chip and Dale find a house.

It’s just the right size.Look at the tiny forks.

Look at the tiny milk bottles.

Chip和Dale找到了一个房子,大小正好。 看那很小很小的叉子,看那很小很小的牛奶瓶。

Look at Donald

He’s much bigger than the hBut ouse. right size.

Chip and Dale are just the 看Donald,他比这个房子大多了。但是Chip和Dale正好住进去。他们喜欢这个房子。

This is a toy train.

Look at the tiny milk bottles.


Look at the tiny forks.

Donald is bigger than the house. Everything is just the right size.

看那很小很小的叉子。Donald比房子大。 每样东西都正好。

She’s tiny. She’s beautiful.We’re huge. We’re wonderful.


He’s big. He’s nice. They’re small.


Big or small.

当你很大很大时,一切看上去很小。 当你很小很小时,一切看上去很大。 大还是小?我的尺寸正好。大或小。

When you’re big, big, big,

Everything looks small. When you’re small, small,Everything looks big. Big or small,

My size is the right size. Big or small,

My size is the right size.

当你很大很大很大的时候, 所有的东西看上去都很小。 当你很小很小的时候, 所有的东西看上去都很大。 大还是小?我的尺寸正好。 大还是小?我的尺寸正好。

This is Alice.

Alice is in a magic place. It’s a strange place.A happen.

place where strange



A bottle.

When smaller and smaller. Alice drinks she becomes Cookies.

When Alice eats she gets bigger and bigger.

How strange!

一个瓶子。当Alice喝的时候,她变得越来越小。 饼干。


Alice is in a magic place. She eats another cookie. No. Not again.

Alice is getting big again. Bigger and bigger.

Her legs get longer and longer. Alice is bigger than the house.

Alice在一个神奇的地方, 她又吃了一块饼干。 不。不要又来。

Alice又变大了,越来越大。 她的腿变得越来越长。 Alice比房子大。

Alice is small again.

She’s smaller than the flowers.


What a strange place!

A place where flowers sing. A place where Alice is happy. Because she’s just the right size.

多么奇怪的地方! 一个花能唱歌的地方。 一个Alice喜欢的地方。 因为她的尺寸正好。

What a place! How strange!

多么神奇的地方!多么神奇! What a worm! How huge! 一条虫子!好大!

What a dream! How strange!


What a cute puppy! How tiny!

多么可爱的小狗! 好小!

What is on the table?

A bottle is on the table.

桌子上是什么? 一个瓶子。

What is Alice eating? Alice is eating a cookie.

Alice在吃什么? Alice在吃饼干。

What is Lady trying to do?

Lady is trying to open the door.

Lady要尝试着做什么? Lady 正在尝试着打开门。

Who is bigger than the house? Donald is bigger than the house.


Mickey fights the bugs.

Because they’re eating everything.

Mickey和虫子们打仗。 因为他们吃每一样东西。

Lady has trouble.

Because she’s so small.


Chip and Dale like their house. Because it’s just the right size.




世界角落 faraway places

Pluto and Mickey get off the plane.

They are far away from home.


Mickey throws the ball.

Pluto chases it. The ball moves. Pluto doesn’t understand.


Now he understands.

It’s not a ball. It’s an armadillo.The armadillo makes fun of Pluto. Poor Pluto.


But are friends.

now Pluto and the armadillo 但是现在Pluto和犰狳成了朋友.

It’s Pluto!

time to leave. Hey, Pluto! Mickey plane.

and Pluto get on the But look who’s with them.The armadillo.

该离开了,嘿, Pluto! Pluto! Mickey和Pluto上了飞机. 可是, 你看谁和他们在一起?犰狳.

An armadillo is a funny animal. He lives in the jungle. He loves to have fun.

When ball.

he’s afraid, he becomes a 犰狳是一种滑稽的动物,它生活在丛林中. 他喜欢快乐的玩耍.他害怕的时候就变成了一只球.

Which one is the armadillo? Which one is the ball?

Pluto great friends.

and the armadillo become They play together.



Which one is the dog?

Which one is the armadillo? Pluto’s happy.The him.


is travelling with 哪一个是狗?哪一个是犰狳? Pluto很高兴.犰狳总跟着他.

Mickey from home.

and Pluto are far away Mickey和Pluto离家很远.

Mickey throws the ball. Pluto doesn’t understand.The armadillo makes fun of Pluto.

It’s time to leave.


The sun. The desert. Here comes a car. The car breaks down.

Donald the car.

and Goofy have to leave They have to go by foot.

They’re far away from everything.

太阳,沙漠.车来了,车坏了. Donald和Goofy不得不离开车. 他们不得不步行,他们远离了一切.It’s hot.It’s always hot in the desert.

Donald is so thirsty.

Goofy is very thirsty, too. There’s no more water.



Goofy thinks he sees ice cream. It’s only his imagination. Mmm…

Nice and cold.

But it’s only his imagination.Poor Goofy.

Goofy以为他看见了冰淇淋.那只是他的幻觉. 哇…又好吃又凉快.但那只是幻觉.可怜的Goofy.

Donald thinks he sees an iceberg. An iceBut it’s only his imagination.berg! He’s so thirsty. Poor Donald.

Donald以为他看到了冰山.冰山!他非常的渴. 但那只是他的幻觉.可怜的Donald.

Look. A camel.

Is it their imagination? No, it’s not.We’re saved. They’re saved.

看,一只骆驼.这是他们的幻觉吗?不,不是. 我们得救了.他们得救了.

ItThere’s no more water.’s always hot in the desert.


Goofy thinks he sees ice cream. Donald thinks he sees an iceberg. That’s only his imagination.Donald and Goofy see a camel.

Goofy以为他看见了冰淇淋. Donald以为他看见了冰山.


I want to go to a faraway place. Which one will it be?

我要去很远的地方. 它会在哪里呢?

Will it be the jungle? Will it be the desert?

Will it be the big, blue sea? Will it be the jungle?

Will it be the desert?

Will sea?

it be the mountains or the 它会是丛林?沙漠?又大又蓝的海? 他会在丛林?沙漠?是山还是海?

Let’s go away Let’s leave home today.to faraway places. Find animals.

new faces. See

strange Hello, armadillo.

让我们去遥远的地方。今天让我们离开家。 找一个新的地方。看看陌生的动物。你好,犰狳。<---------- repeat ---------->

Let’s ride away to faraway places.Go where penguins play. Look at the iceberg. Cross the hot desert. It’s fun to go far away.

让我们乘车去遥远的地方。去企鹅玩儿的地方。 看那冰山。穿过炎热的沙漠。去远方真好。

Where are we?

We’re in Australia.Look at this house.

It’s far away from everything.Who lives here? A little boy.

我们在哪里?我们在澳大利亚。 看这个房子。它远离了一切。 谁住在这里?一个小男孩。

A noise wakes him up. He’s leaving the house.He has to hurry.

The hurry.

kangaroo is calling. Let’s All the animals run.

响声惊醒了他。他离开了房子。他得快点儿。 袋鼠在叫。我们快点儿。所以得动物都跑了。

The kangaroo is calling them.

There’s trouble. The boy can help.


A cliff.

The boy has to climb up the cliff. It’s so high. An eagle. Poor eagle.

一个悬崖。男孩得爬上悬崖。 太高了。一只老鹰。可怜的鹰。

The boy is going to free the eagle. He eagle.

cuts the ropes. He frees the You’re free.The boy is falling.

Here comes the eagle. The eagle catches the boy. They’re flying. They fly high.

男孩准备放开这只鹰。他割断了绳子,放开了鹰。 你自由了。男孩掉下来了,鹰来了。 鹰抓住了男孩。他们在飞,他们飞得很高。

They fly higher than the cliffs. Higher, they fly through the clouds.


They fly down to the river. What fun!


Who’s calling?

The kangaroo is calling.

Who’s going to free the eagle?The boy is going to free the eagle.

谁在叫?袋鼠在叫。谁准备放飞那只鹰? 那个男孩准备放飞那只鹰。

What does the boy cut? The boy cuts the ropes. Who catches the boy?

The eagle catches the boy.

男孩割断了什么?男孩割断了绳子。 谁抓住了男孩?鹰抓住了男孩。

Go to a faraway place. Which one will it be?

Ride a camel. Travel in the desert. Where it’s hot, hot, hot.

去遥远的地方。哪里呢? 骑一只骆驼,在沙漠中旅行。 去很热很热很热的地方。

Travel far away.

Where it’s cold, cold, cold.

Catch a fish. See new faces. Go to faraway places.

走得远远的。到很冷很冷很冷的地方。 去抓鱼。看新鲜的面孔。去遥远的地方。

I want to go to a faraway place. Which one will it be?


Will it be the jungle? Will it be the desert?

Will it be the big, blue sea? Will it be the jungle? Will it be the desert?

Will sea?

it be the mountains or the 它会是丛林?沙漠?又大又蓝的海? 他会在丛林?沙漠?是山还是海?

I want to go to a faraway place.

Which one will it be?


Will it be the jungle? Will it be the desert?

Will it be the big, blue sea? Will it be the jungle? Will it be the desert?

Will sea?

it be the mountains or the 它会是丛林?沙漠?又大又蓝的海? 他会在丛林?沙漠?是山还是海?<---------- repeat ---------->

This is a very cold place. It’s a faraway place.It’s always cold. Penguins live here.



Who’s she? She’s beautiful.The with snow. The penguins love the penguin makes ice

cream snow.


Look! A lot of jumping fish.

The penguin jumps in the water. What a funny fish!

The penguin catches it. He gives her the funny fish.

看!那么多跳跃的鱼。 企鹅跳入水中。多有意思的鱼。


What’s happening?She gets bigger and bigger.

Now she’s angry. So she leaves.She jumps back into the water.



Danger. She’s in danger.The penguin helps her.

He saved her. They’re in love.It is not too cold to fall in love.



What’s this? It’s ice cream.

What’s this? It’s an iceberg.


What’s this? It’s a penguin.What’s this? It is an armadillo.


What’s this? It’s an eagle.What’s this? It’s a camel. What’s this? It’s a kangaroo.

这是什么?是一只鹰。这是什么?是一只骆驼。 这是什么?是一个袋鼠。

Is this a cloud or an iceberg? It’s a cloud.


Is this a penguin or a cliff? It’s a cliff.


Is this ice cream or a camel? It’s a camel.


The boy cuts the ropes. The cat breaks down.

男孩割断了绳子。 车坏了。

Pluto doesn’t understand.There’s no more water.

Pluto不明白。 再没有水了。Australia is a faraway place.



恶人 villains

This is the big bad wolf.

And here are three little wolves.

这是大坏狼, 这是三只小狼。

The big bad wolf is teaching.

He’s about pigs.

teaching the little wolves The big bad wolf is a villain. And they’re little villains.

大坏狼在教书。他在教小狼有关猪的事。 大坏狼是个恶棍,而他们是小恶棍。

These two little pigs are dancing.

But their brother is working hard.


Here come the bad wolves.

They’re coming to attack the pigs.The wolves are villains.


Why is this girl crying?

Because her sheep are lost. We’ll find your sheep.

这个女孩为什么哭?因为她的羊丢了。 我们会找到你的羊的。

The little pigs look for the sheep. Will they find them?

There they are. Come on.


Watch out, little pigs.

The wolves attack the pigs.

当心!小猪。 狼袭击了小猪。

The the pigs.

big bad wolf wants to cook And them.

the little wolves want to eat What villains.

大坏狼想要烹饪小猪。 小狼们也想吃。 多么坏的恶棍。

Look what happens to villains.

Bye Bye, villains.


This little pig is working hard.

She’s are lost.

crying because her sheep Watch out. Little pigs.

The big bad wolf is a villain.

小猪仔努力的工作。她在哭,因为她的羊丢了。 当心,小猪。大坏狼是个恶棍。

Villains. Bad. Ugly. Wicked. Cruel. Mean. Dangerous. Villain.


This is Medusa. She’s a villain.This is P Medusa has two crocodiles. enny. She’s afraid. She loves them.

这是Medusa,它是一个坏人。 这是Penny,她害怕。 Medusa有两只鳄鱼。 她喜欢它们。


running away from

Penny wants to escape.


Bring her back, boys.

The wicked crocodiles are looking for Penny.


Here are Bernard and Bianca. They want to help Penny. The crocodiles caught her.

The crocodiles bring Penny back.



Poor Penny.

She has to live with Medusa. Medusa is ugly. She’s wicked.She’s sad.

such a villain. Penny’s so Because she has to live with such a villain.

可怜的Penny。她必须和Medusa住在一起。 Medusa是丑陋的,她是邪恶的,她是一个坏人,Penny很伤心,因为她要和Medusa这样的坏人住在一起。

Penny’s friends come to help her.The crocodiles.

Everybody attacks Medusa. Penny tries to escape.

Hurry, Penny. Watch out, Penny. Medusa’s still there.Not anymore.

Bye Bye. Medusa.


Penny tries to escape.

The crocodiles caught Penny.


The crocodiles bring Penny back. Medusa is ugly and wicked. Medusa is such a villain.

鳄鱼把Penny带回来了。 Medusa是丑陋和邪恶的。 Medusa是个坏人。

Villains, villains.

You have to watch out.

You have to be careful of villains.

They’re wicked. They’re cruel.They’re dangerous, too.You have to watch out for villains.


你要当心,你要小心恶人。 他们很凶恶。

他们很残忍,他们也很危险。 你要当心恶人。<---------- repeat ---------->

Some villains are ugly. Some villains are funny. Some villains attack you. Some take your money.

But look what happens to villains.

一些恶人是丑陋的, 一些恶人是可笑的, 一些恶人攻击你, 还有一些恶人拿走你的钱。 但是,看!恶人怎么样了?

Some villains are silly. Some love the night. Some try to escape. Some try to fight.

But look what happens to villains.

一些恶人是愚蠢的, 一些恶人喜欢黑夜, 一些想要溜走, 一些想要打仗。


Here comes the sheriff. He works for Prince John. This is Prince John.

See how silly Prince John is. He’s a villain.

郡长来了,他为Prince John工作。 这是Prince John,看那王子多傻。 他是个恶棍。

Prince John loves money.

Where does this money come


From the poor.

The sheriff robs the poor. He’s cruel.

Prince John喜欢钱。钱从哪里来?从穷人那里。 郡长抢夺穷人,他很残忍。

A birthday party.

It’s my birthday present.


The sheriff robs this poor little boy.

How wicked! The sheriff is a villain.

郡长抢劫了这个穷小孩。 多么可恶!郡长是个恶棍。It’s Robin Hood.

Robin present.

Hood gives

the little boy a He woman.

gives money to this poor Robin Hood is kind.

这是Robin Hood。

Robin Hood给了小男孩一个礼物。 他把钱给了这个穷妇人, Robin Hood很善良。

Prince much.

John loves money so He sleeps with money. He dreams about money.

Robin王子非常爱钱。他和钱一起睡觉, 他的梦都是关于钱的。

Who’s coming? It’s Robin Hood.Robin Hood takes the money.

Robin help the poor.

Hood robs Prince John to 谁来了?Robin Hood。Robin Hood拿走了钱。 Robin Hood抢劫John王子去帮助穷人。

DHooray. Robin Hood.

on’t wake up the prince. Look what happens to silly Prince John.

不要叫醒王子。好啊!Robin Hood。 看!这个愚蠢的John王子怎么了?

Does the sheriff rob the poor?

Yes, he does.

Is Prince John kind? No, he isn’t.

郡长抢劫穷人了吗?他抢了。 John王子善良吗?不,他不是。

Does money? Yes, he does.

Prince John dream about Does Robin Hood help the poor? Yes, he does.

John王子梦到了钱吗?是的。 Robin Hood帮助穷人吗?是的。

Watch out for villains. A villain is cruel. A villain is wicked. A villain attacks you.

A villain takes your money. A villain makes fun of you. Look what happens to villains.

小心恶人。恶人很残忍,恶人很邪恶, 恶人袭击你, 恶人拿走你的钱,恶人捉弄你。 看!恶人怎么样?

Villains, villains.

You have to watch out.

You have to be careful of villains. They’re wicked. They’re cruel.They’re dangerous, too. You have to watch out for villains.

You have to watch out for villains. Villains,villains。


你要当心,你要小心恶人。他们很凶恶。 他们很残忍,他们也很危险。 你要当心恶人。 你要当心恶人,恶人,恶人。

Villains, villains.

You have to watch out.

You have to be careful of villains. They’re wicked. They’re cruel.They’re dangerous, too. You have to watch out for villains.

恶人!恶人!你要当心,你要小心恶人。 他们很凶恶。他们很残忍,他们也很危险。 你要当心恶人。

<---------- repeat ---------->

Who lives in this house?

Pongo and Perdita live here. They live with Anita and Roger. Pongo puppies.

and Perdita have many 谁住在这个房子里? Pongo和Perdita住在一起。 他们和Anita、Roger一起住。 Pongo和Perdita有很多的小狗。

What’s that noise? Who’s that?Cruella devil. Perdita’s afraid. Cruella devil. Where are they? What does she want?

那是什么声音?那是谁? Cruella。Perdita害怕了。 Cruella。他们在哪儿?她想要什么?

Who Cruella? The puppies. She wants the puppies. Cruella is a villain.

She doesn’t care about anything.Cruella wants the puppies. Will she get them?


Cruella is cruel.

Roger and Pongo don’t like her.She wants to buy the puppies.

Cruella很残忍,Roger和Pongo不喜欢她。 她想买这些狗。

Watch out. Roger.

Cruella wants the puppies. No, no, no.

She can’t have them.She gets angry. Very angry.

What a villain.

当心!Roger.Cruella想要小狗。 不,不,不。她不能要。


Who’s cruel? Cruella is cruel.


WMedusa is wicked.

ho’s wicked? 谁很邪恶?Medusa很邪恶。

Who’s kind?Robin Hood is kind.

谁很善良?Robin Hood很善良。

Cruella anything.

doesn’t care

about The little pigs try to escape.


Robin help the poor.

Hood robs Prince John to The Penny.

wicked crocodiles caught Robin Hood抢劫John王子去帮助穷人。 凶恶的鳄鱼抓住了Penny.

Prince John has a lot of money. Not anymore.


Cruella can’t have the puppies.Bye Bye, Cruella.


The big bad wolf is such a villain. Look what happens to villains.


