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北京市西城区2018 年九年级统一测试


听力理解(共30 分)

一?听对话,从下面各题所给的A?B?C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5 分,每小题1 分)

二?听对话,根据对话内容,从下面各题所给的A?B?C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话

你将听两遍。(共15 分,每小题1.5 分)

请听一段对话,完成第6 至第7 小题。

6. What’s wrong with Max?

A. He has got a headache.

B. He has got a toothache.

C. He has got a stomachache.

7. What did Max do before dinner?

A. He ate all of the cakes.

B. He drank too much water.

C. He went to his friend’s house.

请听一段对话,完成第8 至第9 小题。

8. Why are the speakers going to paint the club walls?

A. Because the walls look terrible.

B. Because they need more practice.

C. Because the club invited them to do so.

9. What do they decide to paint on the walls?

A. Animals.

B. Sports.

C. Flags or maps.

请听一段对话,完成第10 至第11 小题。

10. What are the speakers going to do on Saturday night?

A. Fly to London.

B. See a play.

C. Go shopping.

11. When will they meet?

A. At 6 ∶00.

B. At 6 ∶15.

C. At 7 ∶45.

请听一段对话,完成第12 至第13 小题。

12. What is the wildlife park like today?

A. It’s a mess.

B. It’s crowded.

C. It’s beautiful.

13. What are they going to do next?

A. Watch wild animals.

B. Make a TV program.

C. Ask more people for help.

请听一段对话,完成第14 至第15 小题。

14. What is Emily’s new flat like?

A. It has no kitchen.

B. It’s a modern flat.

C. It has one bedroom and one bathroom.

15. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. She is planning to clean her new flat.

B. She will move into a new flat next week.

C. Her new flat is close to her workplace.

三?听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10 分,每小题2 分)




21. My father is great and ________ always helps others.

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. himself

22. Mother’s Day is ________ the second Sunday in May.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

23. —Do you know that the dog can call the police for help?

—Really? It’s ________ thing I have heard.

A. interesting

B. more interesting

C. the more interesting

D. the most interesting

24. Remember to exercise every day, ________ you will get fat.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

25. —________ I hand in my homeword today?

—No, you needn’t. Tomorrow today?

A. Can

B. May

C. Must

D. Would

26. I’m sorry that you’ve missed the bus. It ________ 10 minutes ago.

A. left

B. is leaving

C. leaves

D. will leave

27. —________ did you travel to Shanghai to business?

—By train.

A. How

B. What

C. Where

D. When

28. My brother ________ cartoons when I got home.

A. watches

B. has watched

C. is watching

D. was watching

29. Most of the Earth’s surface ________ by water.

A. cover

B. is covered

C. was covered

D. covered

30. —Jim, can you tell me ________?

—Next month.

A. when did you go on a school trip

B. when will you go on a school trip

C. when you went on a school trip

D. when you will go on a school trip



The Winner

It was the first swim meet of the year for our newly scorned middle-school swimming team. The

atmosphere(气氛)on the three-hour bus ride was exciting as the team only thought of 31 . However, the excitement turned into shock as they walked off the bus and stared(盯着)in disbelief at their strong Greek-god-like opponents(对手).Halfway through the meet, Coach Huey realized that be had no swimmers for one of the events.

“Okay team, who wants to swim the five-hundred-yard freestyle?” the coach asked.

Several hands went up, including Justin Rigsbee’s. “I’ll race, Coach!”

The coach looked down at the young boy and said, “Justin, this race is twenty lengths of the pool. I’ve only seen you swim eight.”

“Oh, I can do it, Coach. Let me try.”

Coach Huey finally agreed, not 32 though. After all, he thought, it’s not the winning but the trying that builds 33 .

The whistle(哨子)blew and the opponents flew through the water and finished the race in just four minutes and fifty seconds. The winners got together to socialize while our group 34 to finish. After four more long minutes, the last tired members of our team got out of the water. The last except for Justin.

Justin was 35 breaths as his hands hit the water and pushed it aside to move his thin body forward. It appeared that he would go under at any minute. Yet something seemed to keep pushing his onward.

“Why doesn’t the coach stop this child?” the parents spoke among themselves. “He looks like he’s not going to make it, and the race was won four minutes ago.”

But what the parents did not realize was that the real race, the race of a boy becoming a man, was just 36 .

The coach walked over to the young swimmer and quietly spoke. The parents thought, “Oh, he’s finally going to pull that boy out before he kills himself.” But to their 37 . the coach stepped back from the pool’s edge, and the young man continued to s wim.

One teammate, inspired by his brave friend, went to the side of the pool and walked the lane as Justin continued. “Come on, Justin, you can do it! Keep going! Don’t give up!” He was joined by another, then another, until the whole team was walking the length of the pool cheering for and 38 their teammate to finish the race set before him. Their opponents saw what was happening and 39 them. Soon the room was full of energy and excitement as teammates and opponents alike gave courage to one small swimmer.

Twelve long minutes after the starting whistle had blown, a tired but 40 Justin Rigsbee swam his final lap and pulled himself out of the pool, The standing ovation (起立鼓掌)they gave Justin that day proved that the greater victory was his, just for finishing the race.

31. A. friends B. holidays C. training D. victory

32. A. willingly B. nervously C. curiously D. seriously

33. A. friendship B. bridgea C. success D. character

34. A. learned B. started C. tried D. failed

35. A. stealing B. holding C. losing D. wasting

36. A. ending B. beginning C. canceled D. organized

37. A. shame B. joy C. surprise D. satisfaction

38. teaching B. encouraging C. forcing D. asking

39. A. left B. stopped C. guided D. joined

40. A. crying B. energetic C. smiling D. helpful




Welcome to our holiday Activity Courses

We offer holiday activity courses for young people aged between 7-15 years old and operate during every school holiday except Christmas. We have a track record of excellence and have been delivering holiday activity courses for over 20 years.

Master Chef

Master Chef is a practical cooking experience for young people who want to try their hand in

the kitchen. You will be taught tips and techniques(技能)as well as cooking something different every day. We will supply everything, and all you need is a willingness to try something new.

Cost: $140

Musical Theatre

The young people will have the chance to develop their acting and singing skills through many exciting workshops. They will learn basic singing techniques, improve acting skills and create plays to develop their creativity.

At the end of the week children will perform to parents in Prep Hall at 3:20 pm.

Cost: $135

Water Sports

We take Children to the Marine Lake for water sports. Activities include sailing, windsurfing

and power boasting.

We will supple wetsuits and children should bring their own footwear, swimwear and a

T-shirt. A packed lunch will be provided. Transport to the Marine Lake is by school minibus.

Cost: $160


Judo—meaning “gentle way” is a modern martial art(武术)and Olympic sport. The Judo course is led by a fully trained instructor and it is open to all levels; beginners are welcome.

Cost: $160

Children attending the course are on holiday; so it is important for them to have lots of fun

and make new friends while learning new skills. With so many fantastic courses on offer, we are Wirral’s leading Holiday Activity Course Provider.

We look forward to welcoming you!

41. What’s th e cost of Master Chef?

A. $140

B. $135

C. $260

D. $160

42. In Musical Theater, children will create their own plays _______.

A. to learn basic techniques

B. to improve speaking skills

C. to develop their creativity

D. to take part in games

43. Which course provides a packed lunch?

A. Master Chef

B. Musical Theater

C. Water sports

D. Judo

44. The passage in a(n) _______.

A. letter

B. story

C. poem

D. advertisement


Qiu Shaochun is the most famous leaf-blowing musician in China. The 53-year-old has performed in more than 30countries and areas. beginning almost twenty years ago,

when he toured Spain, France and Italy with a theater company from

Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Growing up in a Fujian village, Qiu would spend hours listening to

fishermen make music by blowing on leaves. He learned the skill from

his father, a high school music teacher. Later, he majored (主修) in Erhu

and became a successful Erhu player. But he never gave up on his

childhood dream of making leaf-blowing his career. He achieved this when he joined the traveling theater company from Xiamen in 1996.

Qiu is trying to bring leaf-blowing to a higher level. Over the years, he has learned how to play three octaves (八度音阶) on a leaf. In addition to Chinese songs, he also plays well-known foreign ones. He has also improved his playing methods by controlling and adjusting (调节) his breath.

“Leaves may be the oldest and simplest musical instrument in the world,” he said. People learned to

,years ago for fun and communication. Though any kind of leaf can be play the leaf more than 10000

used as an instrument, it is important to choose tough (坚韧的), smooth and thin leaves. Qiu prefers the leaves of the banyan, the city tree of Fuzhou, where he now lives.

He is now trying hard to spread leaf-blowing. Qiu was invited to give talks and performances on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, encouraging a group of 15people, including several professors, to take up leaf-blowing as a bobby.

45. Qiu learned the skill of leaf-blowing from _______.

A. his father

B. fishermen

C. an Erhu Player

D. a theater manager

46. Qiu made leaf-blowing his career when _______.

A. he lived in Spain

B. he finished his high school

C. he was 53years old

D. he joined the theater company

,years ago, people played the leaf for _______.

47. According to the passage, 10000

A. health and self-protection

B. fun and communication

C. playing three octaves

D. controlling and adjusting breath

48. Why did Qiu go to the Chinese University of Hong Kong?

A. To improve his skills

B. To collect banyan leaves

C. To spread the art of leaf-blowing

D. To encourage people to travel


Help! Is This My Body?

Has this ever happened to you? You’re dressing for a party and when you pull on your favorite years, you can no longer button them. If you’ve ever felt out of step with your body, you’re not alone. We become more aware of (意识) looks right around the time our bodies begin changing. This can make physical changes difficult to deal with emotionally. Getting used to a changing body is about more than just looks, though, Lots of teens base their self-image (自我形象) on how their bodies feel and perform. Changes in our bodies’ appearance, performance—even such small details as the way they smell—are all perfectly normal parts of growing up.

So what can you do to help become more comfortable with your body physically and emotionally? Here are some ideas.

Don’t compare! It’s natural to look at our friends for comparison. But it’s not a good idea. Comparing ourselves with others is problematic became everyone develops differently and at different times. If you go through a growth sport (increase) early, you may feel too tall. Yet your friend may be thinking that he or she is too small. It’s usually hardest for the people who develop first or l ast.

Treat your body well. Making educated choices about food exercise is part of developing a mind and life of your own. Healthy eating and exercise can also give you some control over how your body turns out. Many teens stop playing sports around the time their bodies develop. You can still do any activity if you really are interested in it. It’s also all right to switch (转换) to another activity. Don’t stop exploring how your body feels. Do different activities that help you become more familiar with your body.

Walk tall—even if you’re not! There’s not much you can do about your height or development, but you can focus on what you really like about yourself. Maybe it’s your curly hair or the dimple (酒窝) you get when you smile. Maybe it’s that you are a really thoughtful person or you are good at making people laugh. As your body changes, it can help to work on good posture and walk with a sense of confidence. After doing this for a while, you’ll probably become more confident too.

Accept and appreciate your body, no matter what it looks like right now. and—just like a good friend—it can do a lot for you in return!

49. What does the writer think of comparing oneself with others?

A. It’s good way to build teens’ self-confidence.

B. It’s wrong because not everyone wants to be perfect.

C. It’s necessary if teens want to know how well their bodies develop.

D. it’s unreasonable because teens’ bodies don’t develop at the same speed.

50. What does the writer suggest teens do in Paragraph 4?

A. Stop playing dangerous sports.

B. Eat more to get more energy.

C. Make wise food and exercise choices.

D. Do different activities that strengthen the body.

51. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To encourage teens to be different from other.

B. To advise teens to properly deal with their body changes.

C. To invite teens to join in more sports and have a healthier diet.

D. To help teens realize that their bodies are always changing.


Mindlessly checking Facebook makes you an awful lot like a lab rat (老鼠) continuously pushing a button in order to get a treat.

When you check your phone, your brain gets its own little zing; Someone might be talking about you on Facebook! No? Reload. Maybe your Instagram got a heart! Reload. Reload.

But you’re no rat. Human brains can fight the ways apps hijack our brains, if we learn some skills to deal with this problem.

Are Facebook or Twitter “addictions” (瘾)? Recent scientific research about social media (媒体) doesn’t agree on that term, but evidence (证据) that we aren’t doing well is present at dinner tables where everyone is staring at screens, and at crosswalks where absent-minded people walk into traffic.

I became mindful of my early-morning bad habits. Pre-coffee, half awake, I’d lie there for an hour with my phone. So I called up psychologists, brain scientists and app designers for advice on what actually would help me.

Surprisingly, they didn’t tell me to immediately stop, but instead told me I

needed the skills for managing social media as part of my life.

Limit Triggers (诱因)

Our brains are made to quickly eat up information. So why let social-media

companies decide when to attract you? Turn off app notifications (通告) on

your phone and computer. Especially for live video broadcasts. They are

designed to create the fear of missing out.

Avoid Quicksand

When you’re on Facebook, it is easy to red one article, then another.

Nir Eyal, author of the 2014book “Hooked” says he forces himself not to read anything right away. Instead, he saves articles to a servi ce called Pocket, which reads them aloud while he’s at the gym.

We hurt ourselves when we use social media as a break from serious work .Our brains need a chance to be empty .Research suggests the best way to help your brain focus is exercise, even for a short period. Staring into space would be better than refreshing Facebook.

Make New Norms

Not that long ago, you could be fired for not paying attention during a meeting or class; now, many openly use their phones or laptops. Bosses could set a better work culture by providing charging(充电)stations at meetings where everyone could leave their phones, then focus on the discussion at hand. Mr. Eyal suggests you try shaming friends who have bad habits –if you do it politely. If someone is not listening to you at dinner. ask, “Is everything OK?” The answer might start an important conversation.

Tech Should Help

The social-media industry has a responsibility here, too. Since companies usually know exactly how much time users spend on their apps. they should offer help to people who have problem behavior. And for the rest for the rest of us, let’s encourage app makers to make their products more helpful, not more demanding of our time.

52. What does the underlined word “hijack” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Wash.

B. Hurt.

C. Control.

D. Empty.

53. Why does Mr. Eyal save articles to Pocket?

A. To rest his tired brain.

B. To refresh his Facebook immediately

C. To get more time to exercise.

D. To avoid being attracted by social media.

54. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Take a break from busy life.

B. Free your brain from social media.

C. Separate social life your work.

D. Keep your life away from apps.

55. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The social-media industry should make more app products.

B. People with problem behavior should ask brain scientists for help.

C. We should decide when to connect to social media by ourselves.

D. A company with charging stations must have a better work culture.


When I was a child. There were street vendors (小贩)who were selling perfume (香水). They were carrying a box with perfume bottles and selling then. ___56___

One day, I went shopping with my father in my hometown . My father went to the nearest perfume-vendor. They talked a little.____57___. The perfume –vendor had a lot of big bottles of perfume and a big metal syringe. He put perfume from a big bottle into a smaller one by using that syringe. Anyway , it was done … Suddenly I noticed that the perfume-vendor was coming near me with his syringe!

___58___. Oh my God! At that time I rushed out to the street and started to run. I even left my father there and ran home madly.

__59___. He said: “What happened? Why did you run away and leave me there?” I said, “The perfume-vendor wanted to inject(注射)me in the head.” My father laughed every hard and said, “___60___-He just wanted to spray(喷洒)a little perfume on you, so your hair would smell nice, and you thought he wan ted to inject you, ha!”

I have to say that I really thought that. I was afraid of injections even if I got ill and needed to

be injected, I worried about my head…

A. He didn’t want to inject you.

B. He kept coming closer and closer.

C. Ten minutes later, my father came home.

D. My father wanted to buy a few mini-bottles.

E. Sometimes they were waiting on the street to sell their perfume.


A Smile, by Cholce!

“I want this report before Sunday! Your deadline!” Robin, my boss, shouted at me as usual. On a Friday evening, that meant my weekend plan would be destroyed. “Sir, I may need some more time. I will try my best for earlier but, Tuesday for sure, sir.” Though it was useless, I tried to express my unwillingness to work on the weekend.

I was disappointed and upset .I came to my desk, but I couldn’t go on with my work. I decided to leave for the day and come early to work on Saturday morning. What was worse, I couldn’t get my car going. So I decided to take a taxi. As I got close to the road. I became more disappointed. It was raining heavily. I ran to take cover under a tree. Getting wet was adding to my unhappiness big time. Why always me? I could not stop pitying myself. I had no reason to smile or be kappy.

While I was waiting, I saw a little girl in a dirty and dusty shirt under a iny roof(屋檐)nearby. Her hair looked untidy. She was playing with a puppy on her lap. Puppy was a street dog just like the girl. Both of them appeared happy with each other. The girl took out a piece of bread from her bag. She held the bread’s corner in her mouth inviting the dog to catch the bread. When the dog managed to get the bread, the girl laughed and hugged the puppy tight. Her laughter was carefree. I had not realized; my eyes were moist(湿润的)with tears.

I had not thought about my office, my disappointment, my unhappiness even for a moment since watching this little girl. She did not want what I wanted. She had nothing that I had. However, she had what I lacked(缺乏)—the spirit to be happy, the ability to find a reason to smile.

She had unknowingly taught me a priceless lesson. Happiness does not depend on what you have; it depends on what you think of what you have. If she could laugh in the situation she was in, who was stopping me? Me, myself!

With a new understanding of life. I started walking in the rain. Yes, I was smiling. I had learnt stealing a smile, by choice, from little moments of life.

61. Did the boss ask the writer to hand in the report before Sunday?

62. How did the writer feel when he came to his desk?

63. What was the girl doing when the writer saw her?

64. Compared with the girl, what did the writer lack?

65. What does the writer learn from the girl?



66. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作?文中已给




提示词语:performance, speech, camera, poster, exhibition, taste

提示问题:·When and where will you have the International Culture Festival?

·What will you do at the festival?

·What do you advise Sam to prepare for the festival?

Dear Sam,

How is it going?

I’m writing to invite you to take part in the International Culture Festival.___________________

I’m looking forward to your early repl y.


Li Hua



提示词语:famous, attractive, natural, beauty, history, enjoy

提示问题:·Where is the place?

·What is the place like?

·Why should people visit it?

A Place People Should Visit

I have been to many interesting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to._________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

北京市西城区2017 年九年级统一测试




1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A


6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B 10. B

11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C


16. smaller 17. cut 18. grow 19. friend 20. art



21. A 22. B23. D24. C 25. C

26. A27. A 28. D29. B30. D


31. D32. A 33. D34. C 35. A

36. B 37. C38. B 39. D40. C



41. A 42. C 43. C44. D 45. A

46. D 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. C

51. B 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. C


56. E 57. D 58. B59. C 60. A


61. Yes.

62. Disappointed and upset.

63. She was playing with a dog.

64. The spirit to be happy and the ability to find a reason to smile.

65. Happiness does not depend on what you have but depends on what you think of what you have and nobody can stop you smiling at life.



66. 参考范文:题目①

