
更新时间:2023-08-12 15:33:02 阅读量: 初中教育 文档下载




Module 1 Unit1 What’s the weather like?

Come on, Amy. Let’s go to the park! What’s the weather like?

It’s hot. And it’s sunny. Let’s take our hats.

Where’s my hat? It’s over there. It’s on the sofa.

(In the street) It’s windy now. Oh, no! my hat! Here it is, Amy! Thank you, Sam. Oh no! It’s raining now. Oh, sorry! Look. It’s Daming.

Module 1 Unit2 I like swimming.

What’s the weather like here in summer? It’s hot

What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming.

What’s the weather like here in winter? It’s cold and it snows.

What do you like doing in window? I like skiing.


It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s cold. And it’s raining, too.

It’s sunny. And it’s windy. We don’t know what to do.

It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s cold. And it’s raining, too.

It’s sunny. And it’s windy. Is this weather true?

Module 2 Unit 1 She’s listening to the radio

Look at my photos, Sam. That’s your mother.

Yes, it is. She’s listening to the radio. And that’s your father.

Yes, it is. Look. He’s reading a newspaper. Oh yes! Tom’s playing with his train. And this is your little brother. And this is my new camera. Smile, please!

Module 2 Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

Hi. I’m Becky. I’m eight. I’m writing a letter. And I’m drawing a picture.

I’m colouring the picture. It’s for my friend Fangfang in China. Do you like it? Song(歌曲):

I’m listening to music. I’m reading a book. I’m writing a letter. Come here and look. I’m playing football. I’m talking to you. I’m doing my homework. Are you doing it, too?

Module 3 Unit1 Sam isn’t tidying his room.

Sam, please do your homework! And tidy your room!

Mum, Sam isn’t tidying his room. Is he doing his homework? No, he isn’t.

What’s he doing? It’s a secret. A secret? Sam, what are you doing?

This is for you, Mum. Happy birthday! A birthday card! Thank you, Sam!

Are you tidying your room now? Yes, I am. Good boy.

Module 3 Unit2 Are you doing your homework?

Are you doing your homework, Amy? Yes, Mum.

Amy, you’re drawing a picture! You’re not doing your homework!


Mum, I’m drawing a picture of flowers. It’s my Science homework today!


Are you doing your homework? Are you listening to music?

Are you tidying your room? Are you reading a book?

Are you drawing a picture? Are you watching TV?

I’m coming to your room. I’m coming to you.

Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing?

Hi, Amy. Hi, Lingling. What’s that noise? Are you drinking? No, I’m not.

Are you eating? No, I’m not eating. So what are you doing? I’m talking to you. And what’ that noise? Oh, that noise! It’s Tom.

What’s he doing? He’s playing with his train.

Module 4 Unit 2 What’s he doing?

Where’s Lingling, Daming? She’s there. What’s she doing? She’s playing a game with Amy and Sam. What game are they playing? They’re playing five-stones.


What are you doing? We’re very late. Hurry up! Hurry up! Please finish your cake! What are you doing? Please put on your shoes! Hurry up! Hurry up! There’s no time to lose.

Module 5 Unit 1 Lingling is skipping. (It’s playing time)

Fangfang, are you sad? Yes, no one is playing with me. Lingling is skipping. Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek, Daming is hiding and Dam is seeking.

Those girls are playing clapping games. Do you like clapping games? Yes, I do.

Well, let’s play clapping games together! One, two, three, four. I am opening the door. Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up! Don’t be late.

Module 5 Unit 2 What are you playing?

What are you playing? We’re playing catch. The girls are running.

The boys are catching them. Can I play with you? Yes, you can.


We’re playing in the playground. Some are running races.

We’re having lots of fun. Some are playing catch.

Running and skipping together, everyone. Some are playing football together in a match.

Module 6 Unit 1 I usually play basketball.

On Sundays, I usually play basketball. It’s Sunday today. But he’s not playing basketball. I usually help my father. But he’s not helping me today.

I usually ride my bike. But he’s not riding it today.

And I susally do my homework. He’s not doing his homework now.

Today he’s not doing these things. He’s in bed. He’s ill. But I am watching TV.


Module 6 Unit 2 We are helping her.

My grandma usually cooks. And she usually goes shopping. But today she isn’t doing these things. Today I am cooking. And my father is going shopping. Today is Grandma’s birthday. Today is Grandma’s birthday and we are helping her.

Module 7 Unit 1 It’s Children’s Day today.

Good morning. Boys and girls. I’m Xiaohu from School TV. It’s Children’s Day today. Look. The children are very happy. Daming is doing a play with some children.

Lingling is singing a song. Sam is saying a poem. Amy is dancing.

Now, look. Children from Class 2 are coming. They’re doing a dragon dance.

Module 7 Unit 2 We’re having a picnic.

My name’s Tingting. I’m at the park with my family. We’re having a picnic. My father is flying a kite. My mother is eating. And my grandma is sleeping. I am drawing a picture. The weather is good. It is sunny and warm.

Song(歌曲): It’s Children’s Day. Let’s play! Let’s play! It’s Children’s Day today.

It’s Children’s Day. I’m happy to say it’s Children’s Day today.

Module 8 Unit 1 The train is going up a hill.

Hello. I’m on the train now. Good, I’m at the station.

The train is going up a hill. Now it’s going down a hill.

Now, it’s going past a hospital. Now it’s stopping at the station.

I can see you! And I can see you, too!

Module 8 Unit 2 We’re turning around

We’re going up. We’re going down. We’re turning around.

We’re touching the sky. We’re touching the ground. And how we’re turning around again. Song(歌曲): Shake, shake, shake your shoulders. Shake them up and down.

Shake, shake, shake your shoe and stamp it on the ground.

Module 9 Unit 1 Turn left!

What are you going, Sam? I’m going to Daming’s flat.

Where is it? It’s in West Lake Road.

Excuse me. Where’s West Lake Road. Go straight on! Then turn right!

Then turn left! Thank you! You’re welcome. Daming, I’m lost!

Where are you? I’m in West Lake Road. I live in East Lake Road. Not West Lake Road. Module 9 Unit 2 Where do you live?

Where do you live? I live I Apple Street. And where is Apple Street?

Go out of the school. Turn left. Then go straight on. You go past the factory.

Then you turn right. That is Apple Street.

Poem(小诗): Left foot, right foot, Left foot, right. Marching all day, and marching all night. Go straight on, now turn right. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right.


Unit 10 Unit 1 It’s next to the park.

Sam, this is my cousin Lin. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Excuse me. Where’s the supermarket, please?

Go straight on. Then turn left. It’s next to the park.

Excuse me, where’s the zoo? Go straight on. It’s in front of the school.

You know the city well, Lin. Of course! I’m a taxi driver! Ha,ha,ha. Unit 10 Unit 2 Where’s the toilet, please?

Excuse me. Where’s the toilet, please? The girls toilet is over there, on the left. The boy’s toilet is on the right. Thank you. You’re welcome.

Poem(小诗); Look left, look right, look left, again. A car is coming. So start again. Look left, look right, then look left, now. Nothing is coming. Let’s cross now.

