Unit 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE-Reading for Writing 学案

更新时间:2023-05-07 04:58:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Reading for Writing


1. To acquire some features about a news report by reading the text.

2. To write a summary about a news report properly using some newly acquired writing skills in this period.

3. To absorb some language points concerning the topic.


1. To have a good understanding of how to a summary about a news report

2. To write a news report properly and concisely.



Step 1 Lead in

Do you think it is necessary for us to circulate our cultural heritage to the world? Why or why not?

Do we need to learn more about other countries’ cultural heritage? Why or why not?

Step 2: Read to discover details concerning the main body of the news report Read the news report and then solve the questions below.

1. What are the researchers and scientists trying to do?

2. What modern technology are they using?

3. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves?

4. What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph?

Step 3: Study the organization and language features

1. Read the news report again and find these parts.





大儒诚信教育资源 A. Lead sentence

B. Direct quote

C. Paraphrase

D. Background information

E. Reporting verbs

F. Words to show comparison and/or contrast

2. Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.

A .things

B. people

C. time

Step 4: Post reading for further summary and understanding

1. Why does the write use the quote in the report?

2. Explain your understanding of the sentences: “Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ourselves. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”


Step 5 Use what you have learnt to write a news report

1. Write a news report about Li Hua who works to protect our cultural heritage using the following notes and you can add details to make the news report more concise and detailed.


Name: Li Hua


Place: Xi’an

Profession: a senior high school teacher

?wants to preserve cultural heritage:

?protect old houses

?takes photos of old buildings

?helps repair buildings

?looks for cultural relics

? interviews old people

? shows cultural relics to the public

? writes about the building s …

2. Writing Strategies

①The Headline

(Lead sentence) Write a title to get readers’ attention.

Tell the readers who, what, where, and why.


(Tell the reader the facts, details, examples, etc.)

③Explain what the person or group does.

Use relative clauses.

Use quotes and paraphrases.


End with a short summary to help the readers remember the main idea.

3. Your version:

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