
更新时间:2024-05-28 13:34:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





1.Pass ______ the knife, please. My pencil broken. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 2.—What time did you get there this morning? —______ eight. A.In B.On C.At D.From 3.—What are Mr and Mrs Black doing? —They _____ tea in the garden. A.are drinking B.drank C.have drunk D.drink 4.—Which is ____ season in Beijing? —I think it's autumn. A.good B.better C.best D.the best 5.I'm hungry, Mum. I want ____ to eat. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 6.Lily finished ___ the book yesterday. A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads 7.—____ students are there in your class? —Forty -one.

A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How heavy 8.My mother often asks me ____ early. A.get up B.got up C.getting up D.to get up 9.—Where is Jim?

—He _____ to the shop.He'll be back in an hour. A.goes B.go C.has gone D.will go 10.—Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? —I'd love to. But I'm afraid I ____. I have too much work to do. A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.may not 11.What's wrong with my son's _____? He can't see things clearly. A.eyes B.ears C.mouth D.nose 12.Mrs Brown isn't here. She has to ____ her baby at home. A.look at B.look af C.look like D.look after

13.Where do you often see the sign ?

A.In a hospital. B.At a school. C.In the factory. D.At the post office. 14.—Do you know _____ ? —Next year.

A.when he came here B.when did he come here C.when he will come here D.when will he come here 15.—Did you go to Jim's birthday party? —No, I ____. A.am not invited B.wasn't invited


C.haven't invited D.didn't invite



The Grade 3 students at the Clean City School collect empty bottles. In June, they are going to take them to a recycling (回收) center. They are going to sell the bottles and buy some books for the school library.

Kamir has started a graph (图表) to show the number of the bottles they have collected.This is the graph.

1.In October the students collected ____ empty bottles. A.80 B.60 C.40 D.20 2.The students collected ____ more bottles in December than in January. A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40

3.From the graph above, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottles in __ and ___ .

A.October; February B.September; April C.November; May D.January; March

4.Why do the students collect empty bottles? Because they ____. A.want to do something for their school B.like empty bottles very much C.want to play with the bottles D.want to sell them to buy balls


Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight (打架) began.

What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, the disputants(争执者) sit down with peer mediators. Peer mediators are students with special training (训练) in this kind of problems.

Peer mediators help the disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use:

1.Put what you think clearly but don't say anything to hurt the other. Begin with “I feel ??”

2.Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don't stop the other person's words. 3.Keep looking at the other person's eyes when he or she talks. 4.Try to see the other person's side of the problem.

5.Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You are foolish (愚蠢)” makes the talk difficult.

6.Try to find a result that makes both people happy.


Peer mediators never decide the result or the winner. They don't decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, they help the two students to find their own “win-win” result. A “win-win” result can make everyone feel good.

Peer mediators' work is often successful just because it gets people to talk to each other. And getting people to talk to each other is the first step in finding a “win-win” result.

1.What can be done when there is a fight at school? A.The peer mediators and the disputants talk together. B.The peer mediators decide the winner.

C.The students themselves decide who is the winner.

D.The two students sit down and listen to the peer mediators. 2.Peer mediators' work is _____. A.to give lessons to disputants B.to help find a way to make both sides happy C.to find out who starts a quarrel D.to give students some special training 3.What should you do when the other person is speaking? A.Try to tell him or her what you think. B.Think who is right and who is wrong.

C.Listen carefully and look at his or her eyes all the time. D.Ask the peer mediators as many questions as possible.

4.During the talk, if you say “You are lazy” or “I feel angry”,_______. A.the other person will know he or she is wrong B.the other person will understand you better C.it's easy for you to decide who is right

D.it's hard for you to get a “win-win” result


Claude and Louise are “giraffes”(长颈鹿). So are police officers Hankins and Pearson. These men and women don't look like giraffes; they look like you and me. Then, why do people call them \

A giraffe, they say, is an animal that sticks (伸出) its neck out, can see places far away and has a large heart. It lives a quiet life and moves about in an easy and beautiful way. In the same way, a “giraffe” can be a person who likes to “stick his or her neck out” for other people, always watches for future happenings, has a warm heart for people around, and at the same time lives a quiet and beautiful life himself or herself.

“The Giraffe Project (工程)” is a 10-year-old group which finds and honors (表彰) “giraffes” in the US and in the world. The group wants to teach people to do something to build a better world. The group members believe that a person shouldn't draw his or her head back; instead, they tell people to “stick their neck out” and help others. Claude and Louise, Hankins and Pearson are only a few of the nearly 1,000 “giraffes” that the group found and honored.

Claude and Louise were getting old and they left their work with some money that they saved for future use. One day, however, they saw a homeless man looking for a place to keep warm and they decided that they should “stick their neck out” and give him some help. Today, they live in Friends' House, where they invite twelve homeless people to stay every night.

Police officers Hankings and Pearson work in a large city. They see crimes (犯罪) every day and their work is sometimes dangerous. They work hard for their money. However, these two men


put their savings together and even borrowed money to start an educational (教育的) center to teach young people in a poor part of the city. Hankins and Pearson are certainly“giraffes”.

1.Which of the following is true?

A.Some of the people around us look like giraffes. B.Giraffes are the most beautiful animal in the world.

C.“Giraffe” is a beautiful name for those who are ready to help other people. D.A“giraffe” is someone who can stick his neck out and see the future. 2.“The Giraffe Project” is a group _____. A.of police officers B.which appeared ten year ago C.of ten-year-old children D.which takes care of children 3.People call Claude and Hankins “giraffes” because they _______. A.do what is needed for a good world B.are not afraid of dangerous work C.found a home for some homeless people D.made money only for other people 4. What does “The Giraffe Project” do ? A.It tells people how to live a quiet life.

B.It helps the homeless and teaches young people. C.It tries to find 1,000 warm-hearted people in the US. D.It shows people what their duty is for a better world. 三、完形填空(共16分,每小题1分)


Evening came .It was time for Mr Bell to close his shop. He was checking his money. His son

Tom , who was 15, had just gone outside to buy a newspaper. Just then , a big man walked 1 the shop. He had a gun(枪) in his hand.

When Tom came back ,he could hear the man asking his father for 2 .Tom could see the gun in the man's hand , but the man didn't 3 or hear Tom.

Tom hurried up the street. He looked for the police , 4 he didn't see any . Then Tom saw an old baseball bat (棒球球棒) I ying in the street . “Maybe this will help ,”he thought .He ran 5 with it .

His father was just giving some of the money to the man. The man was watching Tom's father. Tom knew he could not 6 long. “Now is the time .I must do it now .”Tom went up to the man and knocked him down 7 the bat.

Tom and his father then ran outside. This time they got the 8 and told them what had happened .The police quickly went to the shop and caught the man.

1. A.out of B.around C.into D.down 2. A.paper B.water C.money D.food 3. A.know B.catch C.meet D.see 4. A.but B.so C.for D.or 5. A.back B.over C.away D.past 6. A.hold B.wait C.rest D.watch 7. A.by B.from C.without D.with 8. A.neighbors B.police C.friends D.children


About ten years ago when I was a student at college , I spent my summer holidays working at


a museum. 9 was hard for me then. Dad had lost his job and Mum was sick in bed. I was 10 if I would be able to go on with my study the next term.

One day while I was working, I saw an old man come in with a little girl in a wheelchair(轮椅). As I looked 11 at this girl, I found that she had no arms or legs . She was wearing a little white dress and she also had a hat on.

As the old man pushed the wheelchair up to me, I was busy with my work. I 12 my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼).When I took the money from her grandfather , I looked back at the girl , who was giving me the prettiest , largest smile I have 13 seen. Suddenly her handicap(生理缺陷) was 14 and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile almost gave me a better understanding of what life is all about . She 15 me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her 16 of smiles , love and warmth.

I 'm now a successful businessman and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world , I think about that little girl and the unforgettable lesson about life that she taught me.

9. A.Work B.Life C.Business D.School 10. A.guessing B.hoping C.checking D.wondering 11. A.further B.nearer C.closer D.longer 12. A.turned B.guided C.held D.lifted 13. A.almost B.never C.ever D.even 14. A.driven B.covered C.lost D.gone 15. A.saved B.took C.helped D.taught 16. A.mind B.place C.earth D.world



1. “What colour is your new dress?”“It's gr___ ___n.” 2. I'll wr___te a letter to you when I arrive in London. 3. Mr Smith went back to England by pl___ne. 4. May I have a c___p of tea , please? 5. “What does your mother do?”“She is a n__ __se.”

6. Tom took out his p___n and paper and began to do exercises 二、补全对话(共10分,每小题2分)

从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,并将其字母标号填入相应题号前的括号内。 A:Hello!

( )B:Hello! 7

A:Just a minute. May I ask who's calling? ( )B: 8 .

A:Hold on,please. Your call,Yang Lin.It's from Li Ming. C:Hi, Li Ming. This is Yang Lin speaking.

( )B:Hi,Yang Lin. Thank you for asking me to your party. 9 You see, my sister is sick and I have to stay home with her.

( )C: 10 I hope it's not serious.

B:Not really. She is already a bit better now. C:Glad to hear it. Please tell your sister I hope she gets better soon. Thanks for calling. Good night.


( )B: 11 .


12.对不起,我上课迟到了。 I'm sorry I'm _________ _________ class. 13.今天天气真好啊!既不冷也不热。

What a nice day! It's _________ cold _________ hot. 14.你父母正忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢?

Your parents are busy working. Why _________ _________ it yourself? 15.当李先生听到 这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。

Mr Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news.


I' ll tell your uncle about it _________ __________ _________ I get your e-mail. 17.工人们建成这所医院花费了多长时间?

How long _________ it _________ the workers _________ build this hospital. 四、书面表达(共10分)



1. have to stay, at home , in those days 2. begin , to learn the lessons , by myself 3. Classroom on the Air 4. think


( )B: 11 .


12.对不起,我上课迟到了。 I'm sorry I'm _________ _________ class. 13.今天天气真好啊!既不冷也不热。

What a nice day! It's _________ cold _________ hot. 14.你父母正忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢?

Your parents are busy working. Why _________ _________ it yourself? 15.当李先生听到 这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。

Mr Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news.


I' ll tell your uncle about it _________ __________ _________ I get your e-mail. 17.工人们建成这所医院花费了多长时间?

How long _________ it _________ the workers _________ build this hospital. 四、书面表达(共10分)



1. have to stay, at home , in those days 2. begin , to learn the lessons , by myself 3. Classroom on the Air 4. think


